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Bücher von Charles Berg

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  • - A Sort of Autobiography
    von Charles Berg
    55,00 €

    Originally published in 1957, this book was a new departure in autobiographies. It is both enlightening and entertaining. There is a happy blending of narrative, reflection and occasional extracts from case histories which gives it a delightfully human character. But it is more than this. It is a story of the profound inward adventure of an exceptionally inquiring mind. From childhood to professional maturity it proceeds through economic difficulties, love and tribulation to science and general medical practice.It tells how Dr Berg became so convinced of the psychogenesis of human suffering that, with great courage, he gave up his practice and personal security to search for the causes in mental conflict. The story proceeds through specialisation in psychiatry to analytical training and analytic practice, building up in the later chapters to a description of the troubled mind in all its manifestations, and of the medical analyst's daily work.There is a new explanation of the psychology of love with the inclusion of personal as well as professional experiences. Here, as throughout, conclusions have an astonishing difference from orthodox or familiar speculation, and this is because they are based strictly on knowledge, professional and personal. The style is natural, lively and lucid. Here is an opportunity to combine learning with entertainment for Dr Berg has an extraordinary flair for presenting difficult things attractively, without sacrifice of scientific essentials.This book is a re-issue originally published in 1957. The language used is a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.

  • - A Case Book of the Neuroses and their Treatment
    von Charles Berg
    75,00 €

    First published in 1948 Dr Berg had an extraordinary flair for presenting a difficult subject in a most realistic and attractive manner, without sacrifice of scientific essentials. In spite of its novel and entertaining method of exposition, the book covers a surprisingly wide field - the whole field of clinical psychology - and more.

  • von Charles Berg
    55,00 €

    Originally published in 1951, the implications of this book are far wider and deeper than its title suggests. The book is really a psychiatric criticism of normality based upon a chosen item of typically normal behaviour. It is, however, written in a way that will be easily understood by every intelligent reader.

  • - The Origin and Development of the Mind
    von Charles Berg
    59,00 €

    First published in 1962, the original blurb reads: 'This provocative book explores the whole range of human thought conduct and beliefs. Commencing with primitive man and his superstitions it goes on to study our present-day cultural institutions, customs, ritual and other behaviour upon which we pride ourselves. All of these are shown to have identical primitive mechanisms and to be subjectively determined without reference to scientific knowledge. These delusions are shown to be mostly undesirable and harmful and the author goes on to state that only objective thinking, scientifically based, can lead to any ultimate good. The later chapters contain an aetiological study of the mind. The author states "If we can consider the human mind in the light of its origin and development we may better appreciate its basic nature and its inevitable limitations". The subject matter is amply illustrated with clinical examples in Dr Berg's usual lively style. This book is one which will affect all readers. None of us is immune from delusions, however much we may delude ourselves to the contrary, and the presentation of these truths will to some of us seem shocking in the extreme.' Today it can be read and enjoyed in its historical context.

  • - and the Unconscious Psychology of All Interviews
    von Charles Berg
    55,00 €

    Originally published in 1955, in this book the author expounds his main thesis - namely that our conscious pre-occupations, thoughts and behaviour are merely the products or "symptoms" of a process that is going on within us (basically a physiological process) of which we are totally unconscious.

  • von Charles Berg
    55,00 €

    Originally published in 1959, the blurb read: 'Dr Berg has made a comprehensive survey of the Wolfenden Report in regard to homosexuality and illustrated his comments with extracts from case material. He points out that whereas public opinion has so far lagged behind the Committee's main recommendation, scientifically far from being an advance the report may be considered lamentably reactionary. He says; "Perhaps this report is a good lesson in the futility of trying to unravel and assess psychological phenomena without first removing the obstacles to understanding their meaning". The author deals with the subject in his usual forthright, witty and persuasive style, which is easily enjoyed by psychiatrist and layman alike, and the book should be welcomed by all who seek to understand this controversial topic.Later chapters include a discussion of the wider implications of punishment and a new theory of the fundamental nature of Anxiety and Fear.' Today it can be read and enjoyed in its historical context. This book is a re-issue originally published in 1959. The language used is a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.

  • - The Clinical Study of an Individual Case
    von Charles Berg
    55,00 €

    First published in 1947, with a second edition in 1950, this is an illuminating description of a complete Freudian analysis of a single case. From the first interview to the last the reader's attention is engrossed with the almost-normal personality of the individual who is being analysed.

  • - A Subjective and Objective Investigation
    von Charles Berg
    63,00 €

    First published in Britain in 1958, the original blurb read: 'To those whose sex life is based on heterosexual relationships, the homosexual is a grotesque, shadowy creature - a person spoken of with scorn. If you are not one of us, it is impossible to realise our feelings when this occurs. It is incredible to us that a well-educated girl could make the following remark: "What do they look like? I wonder if I've ever seen one?"'These words - written by a lesbian and taken from one of the personal histories of homosexual men and women which open this book - might be taken as its theme. In our statistically minded age, we are apt to forget that behind the word homosexual there is always a person. Widespread misconceptions about homosexuality are particularly startling when one considers the disturbing prevalence.The purpose of this book is to bring into public light, the knowledge of the manifestations of the problem, so that they may be openly examined. The book is divided into two parts: Part One presents a collection of revealing autobiographies, diaries, letters and intimate observations in which the homosexuals speak for themselves. Part Two offers an examination of the cause and cure of homosexuality by important figures from all major schools of thought. It includes contributions by Sigmund Freud, C. G. Jung, George W. Henry, Magnus Hirschfield, Wilhelm Stekel and Sandor Ferenczi.In editing this volume, Dr Berg has bridged a significant gap in the scientific approach to sexual behaviour. By bringing to life the feelings, fears, attitudes and anxieties of the human being behind the statistics of homosexual incidence, as well as the causes, it should become indispensable to the movement for intelligent sex education.This book is a re-issue originally published in 1958. The language used is a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.

  • von Charles Berg, Cyndie Da Silva Santos & Christiane Weis
    16,00 €

    L¿originalité de la présente étude sur le climat scolaire réside dans le fait de combiner deux entrées différentes : d¿un côté, une étude empirique dans quelques écoles fondamentales luxembourgeoises et de l¿autre côté, une réflexion sur l¿évolution de l¿éducation scolaire dans le contexte contemporain. Elle parvient ainsi à saisir le climat scolaire comme réalité sociale et enjeu pédagogique tout en soulignant les limites d¿un interventionnisme trop poussé. S¿y profile alors aussi une approche plus sociologique de la recherche en science de l¿éducation qui met tous les acteurs du système scolaire, y compris les chercheurs, sur un pied d¿égalité.

  • - A Case Book of the Neuroses and their Treatment
    von Charles Berg
    237,00 €

    First published in 1948 Dr Berg had an extraordinary flair for presenting a difficult subject in a most realistic and attractive manner, without sacrifice of scientific essentials. In spite of its novel and entertaining method of exposition, the book covers a surprisingly wide field ¿ the whole field of clinical psychology ¿ and more.

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