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Bücher von Charles Spurgeon

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  • von Charles Spurgeon
    39,00 €

    Un estudio profundo, inspirador y a menudo desafiante de los milagros y parábolas del Señor Jesucristo."Hombres que eran llevados de la mano o caminaban a tientas por el muro para llegar a Jesús, eran tocados por su dedo y volvían a casa sin guía, regocijándose de que Jesucristo les había abierto los ojos. Jesús sigue siendo capaz de realizar tales milagros. Y, con el poder del Espíritu Santo, su palabra será expuesta, y estaremos atentos a los signos que vendrán, esperando verlos enseguida. ¿Por qué no habrían de ser bendecidos con la luz del cielo los que lean esto? Este es el deseo más íntimo de mi corazón. No puedo juntar buenas palabras. Nunca he estudiado oratoria. De hecho, mi corazón detesta la sola idea de hablar intencionalmente con palabras bonitas cuando las almas están en peligro de separación eterna de Dios. No, trabajo para hablar directamente a sus corazones y conciencias, y si hay alguien con fe para recibir, Dios lo bendecirá con una revelación fresca." (Charles H. Spurgeon)En este segundo volumen, Charles H. Spurgeon expone los siguientes temas basados en Juan 5 y 9:Jesus en BetesdaImpotencia y OmnipotenciaUna Pregunta Singular pero NecesariaLa Obra de La gracia-La Garantía de la ObedienciaEl Hospital de Camareros Visitado con el EvangelioLas Obras de Dios se ManifiestanEl Ciego abre los OjosTrabajoLa EspuelaEl Mendigo Ciego del templo.Habla por ti Mismo-Un DesafíoLa Curación de un Ciego de NacimientoLa Pregunta de las PreguntasLa Esencia de la SencillezVista para Los Que No VenSobre el autor: Charles Haddon (C.H.) Spurgeon (1834-1892) fue un predicador bautista británico. Comenzó a predicar a los 17 años y rápidamente se hizo famoso. Aún se le conoce como el "príncipe de los predicadores" y con frecuencia contaba con la presencia de más de 10.000 personas para oírle predicar en el Metropolitan Tabernacle de Londres. Sus sermones se imprimieron en periódicos, se tradujeron a muchos idiomas y se publicaron en numerosos libros.Título Original: Miracles and Parables of Our Lord Volume 2.

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    36,00 €

    Un estudio profundo, inspirador y a menudo desafiante de los milagros y parábolas del Señor Jesucristo."Hombres que eran llevados de la mano o caminaban a tientas por el muro para llegar a Jesús, eran tocados por su dedo y volvían a casa sin guía, regocijándose de que Jesucristo les había abierto los ojos. Jesús sigue siendo capaz de realizar tales milagros. Y, con el poder del Espíritu Santo, su palabra será expuesta, y estaremos atentos a los signos que vendrán, esperando verlos enseguida. ¿Por qué no habrían de ser bendecidos con la luz del cielo los que lean esto? Este es el deseo más íntimo de mi corazón. No puedo juntar buenas palabras. Nunca he estudiado oratoria. De hecho, mi corazón detesta la sola idea de hablar intencionalmente con palabras bonitas cuando las almas están en peligro de separación eterna de Dios. No, trabajo para hablar directamente a sus corazones y conciencias, y si hay alguien con fe para recibir, Dios lo bendecirá con una revelación fresca." (Charles H. Spurgeon)En este primer volumen, Charles H. Spurgeon expone los siguientes milagros:Jesús cura a dos ciegos tocándoles los ojos. (Mateo 9:27-30)Jesús usa saliva para curar a otro ciego. (Marcos 8:22-25)Jesús pasa por en medio de los que querían matarlo. (Lucas 4:28-30)Jesús devuelve la vida al hijo de una viuda. (Lucas 7:11-17)Jesús libera a una mujer de un espíritu de enfermedad. (Lucas 13:10-13)Jesús cura a diez leprosos, pero sólo uno le da las gracias. (Lucas 17:12-16)Jesús reprende suavemente a su madre y luego hace vino para la boda. (Juan 2:1-5)Jesús pone a prueba la fe de un noble y su hijo queda curado. (Juan 4:46-53)Sobre el autor: Charles Haddon (C.H.) Spurgeon (1834-1892) fue un predicador bautista británico. Comenzó a predicar a los 17 años y rápidamente se hizo famoso. Aún se le conoce como el "príncipe de los predicadores" y con frecuencia contaba con la presencia de más de 10.000 personas para oírle predicar en el Metropolitan Tabernacle de Londres. Sus sermones se imprimieron en periódicos, se tradujeron a muchos idiomas y se publicaron en numerosos libros.Título Original: Miracles and Parables of Our Lord.

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    32,00 €

    Greater Exploits 15 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 1 to 14 with more details, Featuring - Charles Spurgeon; Tim Lahaye; Guy Greenfield; Dr. James B. Richards and Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe on Perfect Relationship - 24 Tools for Building Bridges to Harmony and Taking Down Walls of Conflicts in our Relationships for Greater Exploits! This is an equipping series with Audio and video links Writings from the Best of the Best on Relationships in the body of Christ for your equipping!Greater Exploits 15 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on "diamond platter" if you say yes to any of the following questions:- Are you sick and tired of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight in your relationships?- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast concerning the matters of relationships?- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo in your relationships?- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle as a result of relationship storms?- Are you unable to connect with your spouse, children, family members and any other person for the matterThen come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows:- Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.- Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.- Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.- Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.- Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint.- Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you and others.- Be in GREAT HUNGER to pursue God until you RECOVER ALL and manifest Him to yourself and others.So, let's dive into Greater Exploits 15 - Greater Exploits - 15Perfect Relationship - 24 Tools for Building Bridges to Harmony and Taking Down Walls of Conflicts in our Relationships for Greater Exploits! True life stories and testimonies to re-enforce learning and application.

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    45,00 €

    Greater Exploits 15 est une continuation des Greater Exploits 1 à 14 avec plus de détails, mettant en vedette - Charles Spurgeon; Tim Lahaye; Guy Greenfield; Le Dr James B. Richards et l'ambassadeur Monday O. Ogbe sur la relation parfaite - 24 outils pour construire des ponts vers l'harmonie et abattre les murs des conflits dans nos relations pour de plus grands exploits ! Il s'agit d'une série d'équipements avec des liens audio et vidéo Écrits des meilleurs des meilleurs sur les relations dans le corps de Christ pour votre équipement !Greater Exploits 15 et d'autres séries du même livre sont pour vous livrés sur "plateau de diamants" si vous répondez oui à l'une des questions suivantes :- Êtes-vous malade et fatigué de l'impuissance, du désespoir et de l'inutilité sans aucun remède en vue dans vos relations ?- Êtes-vous physiquement, émotionnellement et spirituellement déprimé par les questions de relations ?- Êtes-vous up aujourd'hui et down demain émotionnellement, psychologiquement et physiologiquement comme un yoyo dans vos relations ?- Êtes-vous ou quelqu'un de votre entourage est-il physiquement ou émotionnellement malade, harcelé, exploité et dépossédé de ce qui vous appartient légitimement ou des personnes de votre entourage à la suite de tempêtes relationnelles ?- Êtes-vous incapable de communiquer avec votre conjoint, vos enfants, les membres de votre famille et toute autre personne à ce sujetAlors venez avec moi avec sept (7) conditions critiques comme suit :- Soyez DISPONIBLE (esprit, âme et corps) pour vous associer à Dieu.- Soyez audacieux pour revendiquer tout ce qu'il est mort pour vous donner.- Soyez suffisamment COMPATISSANT pour vous asseoir là où les gens souffrent.- Soyez DÉTERMINÉ à continuer et à ne jamais abandonner jusqu'à ce que la parole de Dieu devienne vérité et vie dans vos circonstances et votre situation.- Soyez sincèrement amoureux de Dieu et des gens sans retenue.- Soyez FIERY en COLÈRE avec Satan pour vous avoir volé, vous et les autres.- Ayez une GRANDE FAIM de poursuivre Dieu jusqu'à ce que vous RÉCUPÉREZ TOUT et que vous Le manifestiez à vous-même et aux autres.Alors, plongeons dans Greater Exploits 15 - Greater Exploits - 15Relation parfaite - 24 outils pour construire des ponts vers l'harmonie et abattre les murs de conflits dans nos relations pour de plus grands exploits ! Histoires vraies et témoignages pour renforcer l'apprentissage et l'application.

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    41,00 €

    Greater Exploits 15 è una continuazione di Greater Exploits da 1 a 14 con maggiori dettagli, con: Charles Spurgeon; Tim Lahaye; Guy Greenfield; Dr. James B. Richards e Ambasciatore Monday O. Ogbe su Perfect Relationship - 24 Strumenti per costruire ponti verso l'armonia e abbattere muri di conflitti nelle nostre relazioni per maggiori exploit! Questa è una serie dotata di collegamenti audio e video Scritti dal meglio del meglio sulle relazioni nel corpo di Cristo per il tuo equipaggiamento!Greater Exploits 15 e altre serie dello stesso libro ti vengono consegnate su un "piatto di diamanti" se rispondi di sì a una qualsiasi delle seguenti domande:- Sei malato e stanco di impotenza, disperazione e inutilità senza alcun rimedio a vista nelle tue relazioni?- Sei fisicamente, emotivamente e spiritualmente abbattuto per quanto riguarda le questioni relazionali?- Sei su oggi e giù domani emotivamente, psicologicamente e fisiologicamente come uno yoyo nelle tue relazioni?- Tu o qualcuno all'interno della tua cerchia sei fisicamente o emotivamente malato, molestato, sfruttato ed espropriato di ciò che appartiene legittimamente a te o alle persone all'interno della tua cerchia a causa di tempeste relazionali?- Non sei in grado di connetterti con il tuo coniuge, figli, familiari e qualsiasi altra persona per la questioneAllora vieni con me con sette (7) condizioni critiche come segue:- Sii DISPONIBILE (spirito, anima e corpo) a collaborare con Dio.- Sii CORAGGIOSO di rivendicare tutto ciò che è morto per darti.- Sii abbastanza compassionevole da sederti dove le persone soffrono.- Sii DETERMINATO ad andare avanti e non mollare mai, mai finché la parola di Dio non diventa verità e vita nelle tue circostanze e situazione.- Sii VERAMENTE innamorato di Dio e delle persone senza ritegno.- Sii FUOCO nella RABBIA con Satana per aver derubato te e gli altri.- Sii in GRANDE FAME di perseguire Dio fino a quando non RECUPERAI TUTTO e Lo manifesterai a te stesso e agli altri.Quindi, tuffiamoci in Greater Exploits 15 - Greater Exploits - 15Relazione perfetta - 24 strumenti per costruire ponti verso l'armonia e abbattere muri di conflitti nelle nostre relazioni per maggiori exploit! Storie e testimonianze di vita vera per rafforzare l'apprendimento e l'applicazione.

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    22,00 €

    A preacher and tutor of great renown, C. H. Spurgeon led an eventful life. Gaining prominence while still a young man, Spurgeon captivated audiences with his charismatic preaching - he had a unique ability to meld sometimes complex scholarship of the Bible with his speeches, in a way that let audiences understand clearly the spiritual wisdom. This quality is amply demonstrated in Spurgeon's lectures, which are plainly written but contain much practical knowledge for students.Where other editions of these lectures have omitted or truncate some of the author's words, this printing does not. All twenty-eight of Spurgeon's original talks, which concern topics such as joining the Christian ministry; how a minister should converse; how one should gesture and behave upon the podium; and the message the preacher should convey to his audience.Together, these lectures constitute a preaching masterclass from one of Christianity's most iconic ministers. Spurgeon's charismatic personality, keen wit and oratorical ability transcended Christian denominations, and his lessons on engaging an audience and imparting the wisdom of God to listeners are for all time.

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    20,00 €

    In The Saint and His Saviour, Spurgeon takes us through the whole process of the work of the Spirit in a believer's life, from his first experience of the Lord, through the often tumultuous process of conversion, to the deepening knowledge of the presence of the Saviour with his people.Captivating and challenging, Spurgeon examines how sin affects our relationship to Christ, and how we can cultivate a friendship with our Saviour.Renowned for his love for people and his passion for telling about salvation, Spurgeon lays down a challenge to the unbeliever at every point. Extremely practical, The Saint and his Saviour also offers a hugely encouraging reminder to Christians that during the twists and turns of our spiritual walk the Lord is with us every step of the way.

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    22,00 €

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    21,00 €

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    11,00 €

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    29,00 €

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    26,00 €

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    37,00 €

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    15,00 €

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    33,00 €

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    19,00 €

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    14,00 €

  • - Reflections on the Incarnation
    von Charles Spurgeon
    15,00 €

  • - The 28 Lectures, Complete and Unabridged, A Spiritual Classic of Christian Wisdom, Prayer and Preaching in the Ministry
    von Charles Spurgeon
    27,00 €

    Charles Haddon Spurgeon's lectures offer profound insight into the teachings and Christian wisdom of the author - this superb collection includes all twenty-eight lessons in full.A preacher and tutor of great renown, C. H. Spurgeon led an eventful life. Gaining prominence while still a young man, Spurgeon captivated audiences with his charismatic preaching - he had a unique ability to meld sometimes complex scholarship of the Bible with his speeches, in a way that let audiences understand clearly the spiritual wisdom. This quality is amply demonstrated in Spurgeon's lectures, which are plainly written but contain much practical knowledge for students.Where other editions of these lectures have omitted or truncate some of the author's words, this printing does not. All twenty-eight of Spurgeon's original talks, which concern topics such as joining the Christian ministry; how a minister should converse; how one should gesture and behave upon the podium; and the message the preacher should convey.

  • - The 28 Lectures, Complete and Unabridged, A Spiritual Classic of Christian Wisdom, Prayer and Preaching in the Ministry (Hardcover)
    von Charles Spurgeon
    45,00 €

    Charles Haddon Spurgeon's lectures offer profound insight into the teachings and Christian wisdom of the author - this superb collection includes all twenty-eight lessons in full.A preacher and tutor of great renown, C. H. Spurgeon led an eventful life. Gaining prominence while still a young man, Spurgeon captivated audiences with his charismatic preaching - he had a unique ability to meld sometimes complex scholarship of the Bible with his speeches, in a way that let audiences understand clearly the spiritual wisdom. This quality is amply demonstrated in Spurgeon's lectures, which are plainly written but contain much practical knowledge for students.Where other editions of these lectures have omitted or truncate some of the author's words, this printing does not. All twenty-eight of Spurgeon's original talks, which concern topics such as joining the Christian ministry; how a minister should converse; how one should gesture and behave upon the podium; and the message the preacher should convey.

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    12,00 €

    An Unabridged Workbook Edition in Two Parts: Part One Contains All Eighty-Two Questions with ample space for Reply and any Notes, and Part Two Which Contains All Questions and Answers with space available for Review and Comment.

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    12,00 €

    An unabridged edition to include: To You - What Are We At? - God Justifieth the Ungodly - "It Is God That Justifieth" - Just and the Justifier - Concerning Deliverance from Sinning - By Grace Through Faith - Faith, What Is It? - How May Faith Be Illustrated? - Why Are We Saved by Faith? - Alas! I Can Do Nothing! - The Increase of Faith - Regeneration and the Holy Spirit - "My Redeemer Liveth" - Repentance Must Go with Forgiveness - How Repentance Is Given - The Fear of Final Falling - Confirmation - Why Saints Persevere - Close

  • - With Scriptural Proofs
    von Charles Spurgeon
    11,00 €

    An Unabridged Edition of Charles Spurgeon's Original 1855 Catechism of Eighty-Two Questions with their Scriptural Proofs in two parts, followed by his complete Sermon, 'The Glorious Habitation' at book's end.

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    14,00 €

    An abridged edition containing all ten sermons from Spurgeon's original lecture series, to include: What Is It to Win a Soul? - Qualifications for Soul-Winning, Godward - Qualifications for Soul-Winning, Manward - Sermons Likely to Win Souls - Obstacles to Soul-Winning - How to Induce Our People to Win Souls - How to Raise the Dead - How to Win Souls for Christ - The Cost of Being a Soul-Winner - The Soul-Winner's Reward

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    48,00 €

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    17,00 €

  • von Charles Spurgeon
    17,00 €

    In our Christian walk, we need someone to speak words of hope and life into our dead situation. PLEASE FORWARD main goal is to bring hope to those that are discouraged, to give joy to those that are sad. Its purpose is to edify the body of Christ through God's word. In PLEASE FORWARD, you will find testimonies, prayers, and word of life to help you remain focus on what God is doing in your life.This book will remind you that God is able to do all things but fail and that you can do all things through Christ Jesus. Remember, Faith is the substance of things hope for the evidence of things not seen. Above all and through all, remain faithful.

  • - A Daily Devotional
    von Charles Spurgeon
    28,00 €

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