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Bücher von Chika Miyata

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  • - An Illustrated Sourcebook
    von Chika Miyata
    13,98 €

    How to Draw Almost Everything by Chika Miyata is a delightful guide for anyone interested in honing their drawing skills. Published by Quarry Books in 2016, this book is a must-have for both budding and experienced artists. The genre of this book is art instruction, and it serves as a fantastic resource for individuals wanting to explore their artistic abilities. Chika Miyata, a renowned illustrator, provides a comprehensive collection of sketches covering almost every subject you can think of. From fruits and animals to vehicles and people, Miyata's book is a treasure trove of easy-to-follow instructions and inspirational ideas. Quarry Books is proud to present this gem to the world, and it's a book that deserves a spot on every artist's shelf.

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