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Bücher von Chris Martin

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  • von Chris Martin
    36,00 €

    Bun venit în lumea minunat¿ a poeziilor vesele ¿i pline de culoare, create de Chris Martin ¿i adunate într-o carte plin¿ de tâlc, "Pe balt¿ la ¿äa Floarea"! Aceast¿ carte fermec¿toare este ca un t¿râm al fanteziei, unde animalele devin adev¿räi actori într-un spectacol de comedie la ¿ar¿.Chris Martin, maestru al zâmbetelor ¿i al cuvintelor juc¿üe, deschide cartea cu un dans de versuri, mul¿umindu-v¿ cu rime c¿ äi ales s¿ p¿¿i¿i într-un col¿ de natur¿ ¿i imaginäie. Aici, peisajul rural prinde viä¿ în rime hazlii, iar animalele devin personaje vesele ¿i pline de surprize.Poeziile pline de sunet ¿i bucurie sunt precum mici lec¿ii de în¿elepciune împachetate în râs ¿i culoare. Prin fiecare vers, Martin v¿ provoac¿ s¿ v¿ pune¿i imaginäia la treab¿, s¿ v¿ dezvoltäi creativitatea ¿i s¿ v¿ bucuräi de magia simpl¿ a vie¿ii la ¿ar¿.Aceast¿ carte nu este doar o colec¿ie de poezii, ci o invitäie la aventur¿ ¿i descoperire. Cu personaje fermec¿toare ¿i scenarii amuzante, micii cititori vor explora lumea animat¿ a satului, într-un mod plin de voie bun¿.Deci, strânge¿i-v¿ cu töii în jurul c¿r¿ii, preg¿ti¿i-v¿ s¿ râde¿i cu poft¿ ¿i s¿ visäi cu ochii deschi¿i, pentru c¿ aceast¿ carte este o c¿l¿torie plin¿ de bucurie ¿i înv¿¿¿minte, preg¿tit¿ s¿ v¿ captiveze inimile ¿i imaginäia!

  • - Stories, Poems, and Music of the Future
    von Chris Martin
    30,00 - 39,00 €

  • von Chris Martin, Chris Garibaldi & Jason Magill
    33,00 €

    Project Portfolio Management (PPM) provides the ability to significantly reduce cost, increase delivery efficiency, save revenue for other investments, and more effectively employ the organization's workforce to strategically aligned initiatives. Deloitte Consulting LLP's PPM strategy team provides insights for technology and business leaders to better deliver for their respective businesses using PPM.PPM provides direct visibility into a leader's organization, thus providing the information required to lead and make decisions authoritatively. It can be applied to many industries at varying levels of organizational maturity. By focusing on people first, then on process-and viewing technology as an enabler-you can use PPM to guide your business to maturity. If applied effectively, PPM helps one masterfully command his or her organization.Clearly stated and supported by real world examples, this guidebook helps leaders wield the power of PPM!

  • von Chris Martin
    13,00 €

    The first collection from UK Writer and Poet Chris Martin, this eclectic mixture of performance poems, short fiction and comics acts a high-water mark for his work to date. The work spans topics including parenthood, drunken nights out, spontaneous group singing, depression, and glitter and has been created over a year of performance and public projects. Inspired by the poets of his childhood including the Mersey Beat Poets and Spike Milligans, Chris has blended their irreverent and often sideways perspective with the performance passion of modern artists like Scroobius Pip, Jess Green and Adam Kammerlin to create a style of his own. His work is not always safe for work, but is always designed to make you smile as well as think.

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