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Bücher von Chris Winder

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  • von Chris Winder
    30,00 €

    Dans un monde de plus en plus interconnecté, la connaissance de l'étiquette contemporaine est essentielle pour se déplacer avec conscience et respect. "L'étiquette contemporaine" vous offre un guide complet des normes de comportement qui transcendent les cultures et les situations sociales.De "L'étiquette en un coup d'¿il" à "L'étiquette pour les femmes", de "Règles de base pour les messieurs" à "L'étiquette pendant les repas", ce livre est une ressource inestimable. Il explique comment se comporter avec assurance dans différents contextes, comment gérer les conversations avec élégance, comment gérer la dynamique en ligne et comment se présenter efficacement en public.Que vous soyez un étudiant, un professionnel en pleine croissance ou quelqu'un qui aspire à améliorer ses interactions sociales, "L'étiquette contemporaine" est votre guide de confiance. Approfondissez votre compréhension des conventions sociales, apprenez à gérer les communications en ligne et hors ligne, et découvrez comment créer une présence respectueuse et positive.Explorez le monde de l'étiquette mondiale avec "L'étiquette contemporaine". Ce livre vous aidera à naviguer à travers les défis sociaux actuels avec confiance et conscience pour construire des relations plus significatives et plus influentes dans tous les aspects de votre vie.

  • von Chris Winder
    30,00 €

    In einer zunehmend vernetzten Welt ist die Kenntnis der zeitgenössischen Umgangsformen unerlässlich, um sich bewusst und respektvoll zu bewegen. Contemporary Etiquette" bietet Ihnen einen umfassenden Leitfaden zu Verhaltensnormen in verschiedenen Kulturen und sozialen Situationen.Von "Etikette auf einen Blick" bis "Etikette für Frauen", von "Grundregeln für Gentlemen" bis "Etikette bei Tisch" - dieses Buch ist eine unschätzbare Ressource. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie sich in verschiedenen Kontexten selbstbewusst verhalten, Gespräche mit Anmut führen, Online-Dynamiken bewältigen und sich in der Öffentlichkeit wirkungsvoll präsentieren können.Egal, ob Sie studieren, im Berufsleben stehen oder Ihr soziales Verhalten verbessern wollen, "Contemporary Etiquette" ist Ihr zuverlässiger Ratgeber. Vertiefen Sie Ihr Verständnis sozialer Konventionen, lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre Online- und Offline-Kommunikation handhaben, und entdecken Sie, wie Sie eine respektvolle und positive Präsenz schaffen können.Erforschen Sie die Welt der globalen Etikette mit "Contemporary Etiquette". Dieses Buch wird Ihnen dabei helfen, mit Selbstvertrauen und Bewusstsein durch die gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen von heute zu navigieren, um bedeutungsvollere und einflussreichere Beziehungen in jedem Aspekt Ihres Lebens aufzubauen.

  • von Chris Winder
    30,00 €

    In an increasingly interconnected world, knowledge of contemporary etiquette is essential to move with awareness and respect. "Contemporary Etiquette" offers you a comprehensive guide to norms of behavior that cross cultures and social situations.From "Etiquette at a Glance" to "Etiquette for Women," from "Basic Rules for Gentlemen" to "Etiquette During Mealtimes," this book is an invaluable resource. It explores how to behave confidently in different contexts, handle conversations with grace, manage online dynamics, and present yourself effectively in public.Whether you are a student, a growing professional, or someone who aspires to improve social interactions, "Contemporary Etiquette" is your trusted guide. Deepen your understanding of social conventions, learn how to manage online and offline communications, and discover how to create a respectful and positive presence.Explore the world of global etiquette with "Contemporary Etiquette." This book will help you navigate through current social challenges with confidence and awareness to build more meaningful and influential relationships in every aspect of your life.

  • von Chris Winder
    30,00 €

    W coraz bardziej pö¿czonym ¿wiecie znajomö¿ wspó¿czesnej etykiety jest niezb¿dna do poruszania si¿ ze ¿wiadomöci¿ i szacunkiem. "Contemporary Etiquette" oferuje kompleksowy przewodnik po normach zachowania w ró¿nych kulturach i sytuacjach spöecznych.Od "Etiquette at a Glance" do "Etiquette for Women", od "Basic Rules for Gentlemen" do "Etiquette at Mealtimes", ta ksi¿¿ka jest nieocenionym ¿ród¿em informacji. Dowiedz si¿, jak zachowywä si¿ pewnie w ró¿nych kontekstach, prowadzi¿ rozmowy z wdzi¿kiem, zarz¿dzä dynamik¿ online i skutecznie prezentowä si¿ publicznie.Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ studentem, rozwijaj¿cym si¿ profesjonalist¿, czy te¿ osob¿ aspiruj¿c¿ do poprawy interakcji spöecznych, "Contemporary Etiquette" jest Twoim zaufanym przewodnikiem. Pog¿¿b swoje zrozumienie konwencji spöecznych, dowiedz si¿, jak zarz¿dzä komunikacj¿ online i offline oraz odkryj, jak stworzy¿ pe¿n¿ szacunku i pozytywn¿ obecnö¿.Poznaj ¿wiat globalnej etykiety dzi¿ki "Contemporary Etiquette". Ta ksi¿¿ka pomöe ci poruszä si¿ po dzisiejszych wyzwaniach spöecznych z pewnöci¿ siebie i ¿wiadomöci¿, aby budowä bardziej znacz¿ce i wp¿ywowe relacje w kädym aspekcie twojego ¿ycia.

  • von Chris Winder
    33,98 €

    Explore the exciting world of soccer through the pages of "Soccer: Stories, Strategies, and Epic Challenges." This book will take you on a fascinating journey through the history of soccer, from its fascinating origins to the legends of the present time.In the first chapter, immerse yourself in the magic of soccer as you discover the roots and evolution of the game, exploring revolutionary forms and coaches who changed the course of history. Delve into the game's rules and useful notions, and learn about different player positions and the famous cards that punctuate matches.In the next chapter, be inspired by soccer's great champions, both past and present, reliving exciting moments and mythical phrases that have shaped the game's history. Also, explore the tactics and techniques of great coaches, discovering how they play and shape their teams for success.But soccer is not only history and theory; it is also emotion and competition on the field. Follow Inter's triumphant journey in the Champions League and immerse yourself in the technical challenge between Simone Inzaghi and Stefano Pioli, two coaches who compete with strategy and passion.Explore the crux of the Inter City challenge and be surprised by statistics showing the teams' greatness and skill. Finally, conclude your journey into the world of soccer with a reflection on the infinite beauty of the game and discover useful resources to continue exploring this fascinating universe."Football: Stories, Strategies, and Epic Challenges" is a book that will thrill all soccer lovers, from young enthusiasts to die-hard fans. It is a journey that will take you into the heart of the world's most beloved game, giving you excitement, curiosity, and a greater understanding of the wonderful world of soccer.

  • von Chris Winder
    28,00 €

  • von Chris Winder
    27,00 €

  • von Chris Winder
    34,00 €

    Impara, esplora e diventa uno scienziato con il nostro libro "Piccoli Scienziati: Avventure ed Esperimenti per Ragazzi Curiosi". Ideale per i giovani esploratori dai 7 ai 12 anni, questo libro stimola la curiosità e l'amore per la scienza attraverso una serie di esperimenti coinvolgenti e sicuri da fare a casa.Ogni capitolo del libro si concentra su un diverso aspetto della scienza, tra cui l'acqua, la natura, la luce, la chimica e i materiali, offrendo una varietà di esperimenti pratici e interattivi. Da esperimenti sull'acqua che non cade e l'arcobaleno nell'acqua, alla crescita di un fagiolo in un barattolo e alla creazione di un habitat per insetti, ogni esperimento è progettato per essere divertente, istruttivo e stimolare il pensiero critico.Il libro include anche una serie di esperimenti sulla luce, dalla riflessione alla rifrazione, e una serie di esperimenti chimici che portano la scienza direttamente nella tua cucina! E non dimenticare i nostri esperimenti sulla natura dei materiali, dove scoprirai cose come il magnetismo e l'assorbimento dell'acqua."Piccoli Scienziati: Avventure ed Esperimenti per Ragazzi Curiosi" è più di un semplice libro di scienza - è una porta verso un mondo di scoperte. Perfetto per i piccoli scienziati in erba o come risorsa educativa per genitori e insegnanti. Sveglia il piccolo scienziato che è in te!

  • von Chris Winder
    32,98 €

    Learn, explore, and become a scientist with our book "Little Scientists: Adventures and Experiments for Curious Kids." Ideal for young explorers ages 7 to 12, this book stimulates curiosity and a love of science through a series of engaging and safe experiments to do at home.Each chapter of the book focuses on a different aspect of science, including water, nature, light, chemistry, and materials, offering a variety of hands-on, interactive experiments. From water experiments that don't fall and rainbows in water to growing a bean in a jar and creating an insect habitat, each experiment is designed to be fun, informative, and stimulate critical thinking.The book also includes a series of experiments on light, from reflection to refraction, and a series of chemical experiments that bring science into your kitchen! And don't forget our experiments on the nature of materials, where you'll discover things like magnetism and water absorption."Little Scientists: Adventures and Experiments for Curious Kids" is more than just a science book-it is a gateway to a world of discovery. Perfect for budding little scientists or as an educational resource for parents and teachers. Wake up, the little scientist in you!

  • von Chris Winder
    31,00 €

    Immagina un mondo incantato dove le avventure non hanno limiti e le lezioni di vita si imparano attraverso esperienze emozionanti e divertenti. Le nostre nuove fiabe per bambini, senza magia e stregoneria, trasportano i lettori in un universo di personaggi antropomorfi unici e di immagini meravigliose che prendono vita sotto i loro occhi. ¿Con storie coinvolgenti e lezioni importanti, i bambini saranno intrattenuti e ispirati in egual misura. Il nostro libro per bambini è la scelta perfetta per i genitori che cercano di accendere la passione dei propri figli per la lettura e per quelli che cercano un'idea regalo unica e memorabile. Scopri subito questo libro per bambini con storie che emozionano e immagini che fanno sognare, e preparati a intrattenere e ispirare i tuoi bambini con un mondo di avventure e immaginazione senza fine. Ordina subito il tuo esemplare e inizia il viaggio nel mondo incantato delle nostre fiabe per bambini."Ecco alcuni bullet point che potrebbero essere utilizzati per promuovere il libro per bambini:Scopri il mondo incantato delle nostre fiabe per bambini senza magia e stregoneria!Vivaci personaggi antropomorfi e immagini mozzafiato prendono vita sotto i tuoi occhi!Storie coinvolgenti e lezioni importanti intrattengono e ispirano i bambini di tutte le età!Libro a colori con immagini meravigliose che fanno sognare!Perfetto per i genitori che cercano di accendere la passione dei propri figli per la lettura!Un'idea regalo unica e memorabile che i bambini adoreranno!Preparati a intrattenere e ispirare i tuoi bambini con un mondo di avventure e immaginazione senza fine!Ordina subito il tuo esemplare e regala ai tuoi figli un'esperienza di lettura che non dimenticheranno mai!

  • von Chris Winder
    30,00 €

    Immerse yourself in the magical world of "Bedtime Stories: Adventures in the Enchanted Forest," a collection of seven charming and sweet stories perfect for accompanying your children into the world of dreams. Each story tells the adventures of a group of animal friends: Goofy the fast rabbit, Bruno the strong bear, Fiona the cunning fox, Ulysses the wise owl and Melody the colorful butterfly.In these stories, young readers will discover the importance of friendship, sharing and love of nature. The protagonists experience extraordinary adventures in their enchanted forest, learning together the value of cooperation and solidarity. Each tale is full of emotions, teachings and surprises that will keep your children company until it's time to fall asleep."Bedtime Stories: Adventures in the Enchanted Forest" are a perfect gift for encouraging a love of reading and stimulating the imagination of young children. Be transported to a world of magic and wonder, where friendship and adventure are always just around the corner.Don't miss the opportunity to share these fascinating and engaging stories with your children that will make bedtime a special and unforgettable time. Purchase your copy and start experiencing magical adventures in the enchanted forest together.

  • von Chris Winder
    29,00 €

    Sumérgete en el mundo mágico de "Cuentos para dormir: Aventuras en el Bosque Encantado", una colección de siete encantadoras y dulces historias perfectas para acompañar a tus hijos al mundo de los sueños. Cada cuento narra las aventuras de un grupo de amigos animales: Goofy el rápido conejo, Bruno el fuerte oso, Fiona la astuta zorra, Ulises el sabio búho y Melody la colorida mariposa.En estas historias, los jóvenes lectores descubrirán la importancia de la amistad, de compartir y del amor a la naturaleza. Los protagonistas viven aventuras extraordinarias en su bosque encantado, aprendiendo juntos el valor de la cooperación y la solidaridad. Cada cuento está lleno de emociones, enseñanzas y sorpresas que harán compañía a tus hijos hasta la hora de dormir."Cuentos para dormir: Aventuras en el Bosque Encantado" son un regalo perfecto para fomentar el amor por la lectura y estimular la imaginación de los niños pequeños. Transpórtate a un mundo de magia y maravillas, donde la amistad y la aventura están siempre a la vuelta de la esquina.No pierdas la oportunidad de compartir con tus hijos estas fascinantes y atractivas historias que harán de la hora de dormir un momento especial e inolvidable. Compra ahora tu ejemplar y empezad a vivir juntos las mágicas aventuras del bosque encantado.

  • von Chris Winder
    30,00 €

    "Imagine an enchanted world where unlimited adventures and life lessons are learned through exciting and fun experiences. Our new children's fairy tales, free of magic and witchcraft, transport readers into a universe of unique anthropomorphic characters and wonderful images that come to life before their eyes. Children will be entertained and inspired equally by engaging stories and important lessons. Our children's book is the perfect choice for parents looking to ignite their children's passion for reading and those looking for a unique and memorable gift idea. Discover this children's book now with stories that excite you and pictures that make you dream, and get ready to entertain and inspire your children with a world of endless adventures and imagination. Order your copy now and begin your journey into the enchanted world of our children's fairy tales."Here are some bullet points that could be used to promote the children's book:Discover the enchanted world of our children's fairy tales without magic and witchcraft!Lively anthropomorphic characters and breathtaking images come to life before your eyes!Engaging stories and important lessons entertain and inspire children of all ages!Full-color book with wonderful pictures that make you dream!Perfect for parents looking to ignite their children's passion for reading!This a unique and memorable gift idea that children will love!Get ready to entertain and inspire your children with a world of endless adventures and imagination!Order your copy now and give your children a reading experience they will never forget!

  • von Chris Winder
    31,00 €

    Immergetevi nel magico mondo delle "Storie della Buonanotte: Avventure nel Bosco Incantato", una raccolta di sette storie affascinanti e dolci, perfette per accompagnare i vostri bambini nel mondo dei sogni. Ogni storia racconta le avventure di un gruppo di amici animali: Pippo il coniglio veloce, Bruno l'orso forte, Fiona la volpe furba, Ulisse il gufo saggio e Melody la farfalla colorata.In queste storie, i piccoli lettori scopriranno l'importanza dell'amicizia, della condivisione e dell'amore per la natura. I protagonisti vivono avventure straordinarie nel loro bosco incantato, imparando insieme il valore della collaborazione e della solidarietà. Ogni racconto è ricco di emozioni, insegnamenti e sorprese, che terranno compagnia ai vostri bambini fino al momento di addormentarsi.Le "Storie della Buonanotte: Avventure nel Bosco Incantato" sono un dono perfetto per incoraggiare l'amore per la lettura e per stimolare la fantasia dei più piccoli. Lasciatevi trasportare in un mondo di magia e meraviglia, dove l'amicizia e l'avventura sono sempre dietro l'angolo.Non perdete l'occasione di condividere con i vostri bambini queste storie affascinanti e coinvolgenti, che renderanno l'ora della buonanotte un momento speciale e indimenticabile. Acquistate ora la vostra copia e iniziate subito a vivere insieme le magiche avventure nel bosco incantato.

  • von Chris Winder
    30,00 €

    Storia 1: è una storia avvincente che vi porterà in un mondo magico e misterioso. Unitevi al giovane esploratore che si avventura in una foresta incantata e scopre creature mistiche e tesori nascosti. Impara l'importanza dell'amicizia, dell'empatia e della fiducia in se stesso attraverso il coraggio e la determinazione. Questa storia farà sognare bambini e adulti e offrirà un'esperienza di lettura coinvolgente e stimolante.

  • von Chris Winder
    32,00 €

    Cuento 1: es una historia cautivadora que te llevará a un mundo mágico y misterioso. Únete al joven explorador que se aventura en un bosque encantado y descubre criaturas místicas y tesoros ocultos. Gracias a su valor y determinación, aprende la importancia de la amistad, la empatía y la confianza en sí mismo. Se trata de una historia que hará soñar tanto a niños como a adultos y proporcionará una experiencia de lectura atractiva e inspiradora.Cuento 2: es una historia conmovedora que celebra el valor de la familia, la naturaleza y el descubrimiento. Únete a la familia que se embarca en una nueva aventura en busca de tesoros ocultos y nuevos descubrimientos. A través de su espíritu de cooperación y apoyo mutuo, aprenden el valor de la solidaridad y de compartir. Se trata de una historia que invita a la reflexión y ofrece una experiencia de lectura entretenida y significativa...

  • von Chris Winder
    30,00 €

    Story 1: is a captivating story that will take you to a magical and mysterious world. Join the young explorer who ventures into an enchanted forest and discovers mystical creatures and hidden treasures. He learns the importance of friendship, empathy, and self-confidence through courage and determination. This story will make children and adults dream and provide an engaging and inspiring reading experience.Story 2: is a touching story that celebrates the value of family, nature, and discovery. Join the family as they embark on a new adventure, searching for hidden treasures and discoveries. Through their spirit of cooperation and mutual support, they learn the value of solidarity and sharing. This is a thought-provoking story that offers an entertaining and meaningful reading experience.An exciting collection of two original stories that inspire curiosity, creativity, and a love of nature.Full-color illustrations make the stories more engaging and stimulating for children's imaginations.Two engaging stories are about adventures, discoveries, and how nature can provide moments of happiness and surprise.Recommended for children between the ages of 5 and 10, but suitable for anyone who loves stories that make them daydream.A perfect book to read with your children and to share moments of relaxation and fun with the family.Ideal for reading before bedtime to give children happy dreams and fantastic adventures.A book that encourages children to discover the beauty of nature and respect it, promoting values of caring for the environment and love for animals.

  • von Chris Winder
    29,00 €

    "Experience the thrilling tale of adventure and bravery in the kingdom of Parmesia with this beautifully illustrated children's book. Join Prince Gabriel and Princess Ariel as they battle against the red-eyed dragon and the Fear Giant to protect their kingdom and its people. With the help of their allies, the Reigning Lion and the wise old man, they face endless struggles and challenges, but never lose hope in the power of truth and justice. Watch as they use their courage, strength, and faith to defeat enemies and save their kingdom. Immerse yourself in a world of excitement, color, and wonder with this fantastic fairy tale for children. Get your copy today!"Color presentationTwo stories in oneEducational and stimulating contentEnriches understanding and knowledgeDevelops creativity and imaginationEncourages reading and curiositySuitable for children and adults of all ages.

  • von Chris Winder
    29,00 €

    "Experience the thrilling tale of adventure and bravery in the kingdom of Parmesia with this beautifully illustrated children's book. Join Prince Gabriel and Princess Ariel as they battle against the red-eyed dragon and the Fear Giant to protect their kingdom and its people. With the help of their allies, the Reigning Lion and the wise old man, they face endless struggles and challenges, but never lose hope in the power of truth and justice. Watch as they use their courage, strength, and faith to defeat enemies and save their kingdom. Immerse yourself in a world of excitement, color, and wonder with this fantastic fairy tale for children. Get your copy today!"Color presentationTwo stories in oneEducational and stimulating contentEnriches understanding and knowledgeDevelops creativity and imaginationEncourages reading and curiositySuitable for children and adults of all ages."Vive una emocionante historia de aventuras y valentía en el reino de Parmesia con este libro infantil bellamente ilustrado. Únete al Príncipe Gabriel y a la Princesa Ariel en su lucha contra el dragón de ojos rojos y el Gigante del Miedo para proteger su reino y a su gente. Con la ayuda de sus aliados, el León Reinante y el anciano sabio, se enfrentan a interminables luchas y desafíos, pero nunca pierden la esperanza en el poder de la verdad y la justicia. Observa cómo utilizan su valor, su fuerza y su fe para derrotar a sus enemigos y salvar su reino. Sumérgete en un mundo de emoción, color y asombro con este fantástico cuento de hadas para niños. Consigue tu ejemplar hoy mismo".Presentación en colorDos historias en unaContenido educativo y estimulanteEnriquece la comprensión y el conocimientoDesarrolla la creatividad y la imaginaciónFomenta la lectura y la curiosidadAdecuado para niños y adultos de todas las edades

  • von Chris Winder
    28,00 - 31,00 €

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