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Bücher von Christine Thompson-Wells

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  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    67,00 - 74,00 €

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    37,00 €

    We are now into part three of our exciting Chelsea flower journey and what a journey it has been, full of excitement, colour, fun and adventure. There are not only flower growers and many artists showing their sculptor displays, but there is a myriad of different people from around the world, and these people all bring their uniqueness and ideas to this magical event. To sit in one of the many restaurants or cafés while eating our egg and cress sandwiches, and sipping a Pimms, one can hear different accents, each full of excitement and enjoyment as the conversations grow louder and the laughter continues. And so it is, we remember the sunny day, aching and tired feet and the hundreds of photographs, going into the thousand, sifting through the brochures as we recall the event... And yes, we hope to be there in 2024, the flight tickets booked so the plans are in place....!

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    38,00 €

    The complete book, the Magic of Chelsea is a popular book. The reason we publish this popular book is that so many people, across the world, would like to go to the Chelsea Flower Show, but are unable to do so. It is this reason that we have decided to cut the full book into three parts and to make it affordable for all of the people who want to enjoy the journey the pages offer. This is Part One and there are three books that make up the complete set.Christine

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    37,00 €

    Welcome to Part Two of 'The Magic of Chelsea. In this part we introduce you to the beautiful Show Gardens and give you ideas of how small spaces can be transformed. We also go inside the Great Pavilion to show you different flower displays, finishing up with the beautiful display of orchids. There are many flower photographs for you to slowly go through and enjoy. The clematis are especially beautiful in this show, but so too, for succulent lovers are the displays of astonishing flowering succulents. Please and love the moments of this beautiful book.Christine

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    29,00 €

    Grandma's Personal Training, the Journal, allows a person to follow the suggested exercises in Grandma's Personal Training. The personal notes in the Journal helps and supports the person in developing a regular exercise health routine.

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    44,00 €

    It wasn't until I experienced an accident on the ski slopes in Australia, and had a severe neck injury, did I realise how important it was to keep myself physically fit. At the time of the accident, I didn't know the extent of the injury I had done to myself! A couple of days after the accident, my neck muscles went into spasm, and it was extremely painful to move my head in any direction. I went to a chiropractor, and there, through neck manipulation, the neck muscles were released, and movement returned to my head!After living in the United Kingdom for several years, we came back to Australia in late 2010. On a visit to the doctor, he thought it would be a goodidea for me to have a full bone scan. The shock of the scan image left me speechless. I had indeed, fractured my neck at the time of the accident onthe ski slopes! Recently, I had to go to our local hospital where I had an interview with a doctor for another medical issue. We ended up speaking about the fracturedneck I had experienced and said of the way my neck muscles had worked to keep my head straight while the spine repaired itself. It was nothing morethan a miracle, that my body had the intelligence to take over my wellbeing, that I am as able in my physical health today as I am. This experience is part of my inspiration for working with my personal trainer as I have done, that I pass on this information and experience to you.Christine

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    49,00 €

    When using the book, Grandma's Personal Trainer, and recording your progress in the Diary or Journal, or using both, it gives you a sense of empowerment. You are no longer leaving your health to chance, you are in control of how you feel, the activities you do and the choices you make. Such a discipline adds to quality of life, wellbeing, personal growth and satisfaction.Christine

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    49,00 €

    The Flower Arrangers Diary is a perfect companion to 'How To Create Easy Flower Arrangements.' The Diary shows many wonderful and different approaches to flower arranging and flower arrangement construction. The Diary is an ideal asset for avid flower arrangers.

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    81,00 €

    We are delighted to bring to you our next and latest book on the 'Magic of Chelsea'. With just one day on our schedule to collect our information before the flight back to Australia, it was a busy day spent, but a beautiful day as you will see by the photographs and information we have put into this book. We, my husband, and I, are members of the Royal Horticultural Society, and we both look forward to the show each year. We find the stands informative, and this information keeps us up to date with horticultural, industry and new trends in the development of new varieties of plants, and indeed, the ornamental aspects in the creative arts that the show represents. Having this information allows us to take, those people, who would love to attend the show, but for some reason cannot; the book allows those people to enjoy the benefits the show commits to. As one reader of our last year's book has said, '...the text and photography gave me some insights into the Show that I didn't have before...!' It is these little insights into how the words and pictures within the books we produce can give our readers a knowledge and benefit, they may not have had before, that keeps mewriting and my team happy; we do our work with purpose and that is very gratifying and important. And to this year's edition of 'The Magic of Chelsea,' it has been so amazing to look and search through the information held within this book. There have been many 'light bulb' moments, when I think, and may speak to myself, 'Yes, I remember that...!' or 'Oh, I'd forgotten about that, that was funny...!' And so it is that the memories come tumbling back and into my thinking. It is always the flowers that seem to create the excitement in me as I search through the photographs on the computer. I think this year, it was the flag iris; they were magnificent as you will see within the pages. Also, the clean and satisfying forms of different art forms and the cleverness that some people have within the thinking and the skills they have developed and many over their lifetime.It is now with great pleasure and excitement that we at How2Books, bring to you this latest book of 'The Magic of Chelsea', which contains one hundred and sixty-seven pages and over two hundred and sixty beautiful photographs. The Magic of Chelsea, It is now with great pleasure and excitement that we at How2Books, bring to you this latest book of 'The Magic of Chelsea', which contains one hundred and sixty-seven pages, and over two hundred and sixty beautiful photographs.Christine

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    37,00 €

    The 'Magic of Chelsea' is the perfect companion to the 'Magic of Chelsea' - A Flower Show Like No Other, book and the 'Magic of Chelsea' Diary. The three make a perfect gift for yourself or someone you love.

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    48,00 €

    A 2024 daily diary showing beautiful flower photographs of the Chelsea Flower Show. This book makes a memorable keepsake for those people that love flowers and their beauty. An ideal gift for any celebration, birthday or anniversary.

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    38,00 €

    The 'Magic of Chelsea,' Calendar is a delightful contribution to our 'Magic of Chelsea' book, diary and notebook. It makes the perfect gift for yourself, or your loved ones. Or, if you have a business, the four books: 'The Magic of Chelsea' book, 'The Magic of Chelsea' diary, and notebook, and calendar make a great sales package to sell on to your customers.

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    42,00 €

    INTRODUCTIONFor generations females have suffered, not only with the Victorian attitude towards their sexuality, but towards the attitudes that women are a lesser human being than the males of the human species. Testosterone plays a part in this, but more so does the attitude adopted by many males within the world populations. Many males, and indeed, some females who develop the attitude, 'they are more dominant' than their sister counterparts, may also relate to the role male dominants plays in society. Biological females are born with great strengths in their mind and body. The distribution of strength is different to that of biological males, but none-the-less, it is a strength that has kept the human population moving forward for the last three hundred thousand years or since the time we evolved as homo-sapiens and came out of Africa. Like the humans who live today, these ancient people would have liked to know, they can eat, rest, and enjoy their daily lives. Over this time these people evolved behaviours that helped them respond to the changes that happen within unstable environments. We cannot dispute, the now collected scientific research, that proves the evolution of the species.The ancient people, though we are now 'better educated,' we may think, also had working brains! Through our development, and over time, males and females have developed larger brains, however, the hormones that worked in the bodies and brains of those earlier people, are inherited, and still working in our bodies and brains today. The earlier people had sex, made love, loved their families, and developed their attitudes. So much of the working body are ancient without modification. Some of the human brain has modified, but the hormones, enzymes and other bodily parts that allow us to survive and live our daily lives relate to the ancient and past generations! When we take a deep breath and look back to the past, to our previous grandparents and past generations in our family line, we can see the ancient connections working inside our body and brain, and this is why, the actions, words said, and the attitudes, that belong in the past, need to be modernised. Negative attitudes towards women, in the 21st Century are out of date. If these words are hitting home, that is a good sign you are sensitive to the meaning written in the above! Christine

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    46,00 €

    Puberty and enhancing our children's knowledge. At no time in human history have our younger generations been exposed to such overstimulating and screen bombardment of information. Some information is beneficial while some is dangerous and destructive to the human mind and to the young person's health and wellbeing. This bombardment comes from social media, destructive celebrity images, peer pressure, self-harm, underage drinking, drug taking and underage sexual activity. A way of keeping our teens safe is to give them informed information through thoroughly researched education from either their school or home environment.This workbook has a CD or Link that assists parents with learning how the human body changes and grows as the child goes into and through puberty. The benefits of working with our children over this important phase of their life cannot be overstated. Many parents worry about their children or child's safety, by making our children aware and building life skills, the child is better equiped to manage both their physical body and mental wellbeing when facing life challenges.

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    73,00 €

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    57,00 €

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    56,00 €

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    44,00 €

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    44,00 €

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    44,00 €

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    43,00 €

  • - Teacher & Educator Resource Pack
    von Christine Thompson-Wells
    60,00 €

    This is an exciting novel that can be used by children in so many different ways. Primarily, the book can be read as a fun, exciting book that allows children to think the right way: How much money do they have? How do they spend and save money? When do they use a helmet when cycling and what are the consequences of not using one? Maintaining and looking after things - Will''s bike is fixed by a member of the Grigan race from the Planet of Grigan. Family values, rules and ethics. Will learnt such great lessons on the Planet of Zadril; I loved page 161. Lovely ending; makes you want to read the next book.Γ¥£ Liz Pennell, Teacher and Mother

  • - Resource Pack
    von Christine Thompson-Wells
    61,00 €

    "Teaching money management in a fun and interesting way is a tall order. On the whole, most teachers do not feel they have the skills, knowledge or resources to tackle personal finance education. Can Will Jones help? Context, narrative and purpose are three essential ingredients to feed dialogue and discussion, and the Will Jones resources for primary schools mix all three in a dynamic way. Children join Will and Ben on a rich adventure set on the wealthy planet of Ozimoth, where they can find out more about how to manage money, and realise the importance of a money system, using a fictitious currency called Rupins. The story and play aim to get children thinking more carefully about what to do with their money and the life choices they can make. The charming narrative is well written: the story would work well as a class reader and the play could be staged as an assembly. The Rupins concept is a great place to start and children will enjoy the adventure..." Source extracted: TES Times Education Supplement No 4714 8 December 2006 International Accreditation.

  • - A concept and a system for Managing Your Money
    von Christine Thompson-Wells
    70,00 €

    This is an internationally accredited, Continued Professional Development (CPD) book and supports the accredited, independent training course in financial education. It is comprehensive and has many illustrations that help people who are working on home budgets, running a small business, or working in a corporation. In Making Cash Flow, and within the many diagrams, the reader is introduced to the Financial Existence Panel. This Panel helps people to identify where they are now and how to move forward in their thinking and wealth creation. Making Cash Flow has been written with the author''s own experiences of managing a business in the grips of a recession. Making cash flow is a fundamental responsibility for nearly all adults. Christine says, ''If we don''t come to grips with how money works, all sorts of headaches, money breakdowns and money chaos follow, whether in the home or the workplace. Making Cash Flow is written in an easy-to-understand style and allows the reader to take control of their own money situation.''

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    49,00 €

  • - The Pay
    von Christine Thompson-Wells
    39,00 €

    Overview of the story so far: Will has been working all day long for the farmer on the Island of Ozimoth. One good thing about the day, thought Will as he rode his bike home: 'Today is payday'. The farmer had paid Will the same amount of money as he usually paid him, but this time, the farmer had given Will a 10% bonus because he had really worked hard for the last two weeks. Will was busily thinking about the bonus and wanted to know how much money the farmer had paid him. He was thinking too hard and suddenly, while riding his bike on the way home, he has an accident - Will comes off his bike and finds he is lying on the grass at the side of the gravel road next to a field. While he was trying to collect his thoughts, after the accident and still lying on the grass, Will thinks he hears the familiar sound of a space ship's motor. He is right, he does! Will, joins the Grigan Leader, and his guards and they journey to the Planet of Grigan. While on Grigan, Will takes an un-expected journey to the Planet of Zadril. Scene One takes place when Will is hurtling down the large, black hole under the large tree on the Planet of Grigan!

  • - STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTION in cupcake making & other interesting food information
    von Christine Thompson-Wells
    37,00 €

  • - A Book Taking You On A Unique Journey Within Your Personal and Emotional Intelligence In Selling
    von Christine Thompson-Wells
    64,00 €

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    61,00 €

  • von Christine Thompson-Wells
    102,00 €

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