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Bücher von Christine Watkins

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  • - Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience
    von Christine Watkins
    21,00 €

  • - Jesus' Teachings through Marino Restrepo: A St. Paul for Our Century
    von Christine Watkins
    11,00 €

    Has your sense of security been shattered amidst the chaos of our current times? Winning the Battle for Your Soul will help you find solid ground and clarity of purpose.Internationally renowned author, María Vallejo-Nájera, writes in her foreword, "This book is an authentic jewel of God!" Archbishop-Emeritus Ramón C. Argüelles also notes the book's greatness: "I most willingly say, this book should be widely disseminated, all for God's glory!" Why does this little book promise so much? Because it contains some of the most extraordinary teachings that Jesus has given to the world--jewels from heaven that will profoundly alter and inform the way you see your ancestry, your past, your purpose, your future, and your very salvation.These teachings have come to us through Marino Restrepo, hailed as one of the greatest evangelizers of our time. Formerly a wealthy Hollywood film producer steeped in serious sin and the New Age movement, he was abducted for ransom by Colombian guerilla rebels and held captive in the Amazon jungle for nearly half a year. At the beginning of his torturous kidnapping, he underwent a mystical conversion. In the span of one night, Marino was given a complete illumination of his conscience, which revealed to him the sinful state of his soul. He then endured an experience likening to his own particular judgement, and his sentence was hell. After painfully accepting Jesus' hand of mercy, Marino received an extraordinary signal grace of infused knowledge of divine matters. With a contrite and renewed heart, he was then called to share with the world the profound knowledge and understanding that God had given him .Today, Marino is a Catholic lay missionary who has been preaching the Gospel message around the globe since 1999. With the full support of his bishop, he is the founder of the Church-approved foundation, Pilgrims of Love.Author María Vallejo-Nágera adds,"Our brother, Marino, can teach us a great deal. Through him, Jesus wishes to open our eyes to many essential spiritual realities and the unseen battle that surrounds us. . . My advice is that you now begin this prize of a book with the heart of a child, with a humble soul, and prepare yourself in prayer to receive some of the most amazing secrets of our God."Marino Restrepo's incomparable story can be found in the #1 best-selling book: The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience.

  • - Prayer Journal
    von Christine Watkins & Laura Dayton
    14,00 €

    MARY'S MANTLE CONSECRATION PRAYER JOURNAL is a companion book to be used in tandem with MARY'S MANTLE CONSECRATION: A SPIRITUAL RETREAT FOR HEAVEN'S HELP-a self-guided retreat that has resulted in miracles in the lives and hearts of those who have applied themselves to it.This prayer journal, an added bonus to the program of consecration, will take you even deeper into your soul and into God's transforming grace. You will be guided along the rungs of the ladder we all must ascend in this life, if we are to become the creatures that God intended when He first fashioned us in His heart."Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."-St. Catherine of SienaEach day of the retreat, sometime after you have read the day's meditation in the book, MARY'S MANTLE CONSECRATION, you are invited to pick up this journal. It will first ask you to begin with a couple minutes of prayer. This is critical. Please quiet your spirit and take that time to communicate with God. Then the journal will ask you questions and provide insights from Scripture and the wisdom of saints to help you explore and apply the day's virtue or gift in your life. The more deeply you dive into the recesses of your soul, the more freely your spirit will rise to the heights. God is waiting. . . The work is up to you.The importance of this inward journey of exploration and renewal on behalf of your life and the world cannot be overestimated."The goal of a virtuous life is to be like God."-St. Gregory of Nyssa

  • - A Spiritual Retreat for Heaven's Help
    von Christine Watkins
    15,00 €

    This is a Marian consecration that people don't want to see end. Healing miracles, reunited families, and Catholic conversions are resulting from this self-guided retreat. Mary's Mantle Consecration, endorsed by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and Bishop Myron J. Cotta, offers an outpouring of grace upon your life and loved ones. St. Pope John Paul II said that his consecration to Mary was "a decisive turning point in my life." It can be the same for you.Mary's Mantle Consecration comes to us in tumultuous times. Today it is important that we consecrate ourselves to the Mother of God-entrusting our lives to her protection, guidance, and care, and inviting her to conform us to the likeness of her Son. There is so much need and brokenness in the world, in the Church, in our families, and in our hearts. By preparing for consecration through the power of the Rosary, a little fasting, and a two-minute reading of a beautiful daily meditation on a virtue or gift of the Holy Spirit (people's favorite part), we can expect heaven's help.This retreat is perfect for individuals, couples, families, groups and parishes. To dive even deeper into God's graces, a companion workbook, Mary's Mantle Consecration Prayer Journal, also offers quotes from saints, passages of Scripture, and insightful questions for reflection. Are you willing to do your part and give God a chance?

  • von Christine Watkins
    23,00 €

    The most highly praised, exciting, and comprehensive book on the Miraculous Medal ever written. Fr. Daniel Reehil, VF, exorcist and Director of Radio Maria, called it "riveting"..."a must read." Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, found it "fascinating," Bishop Joseph Coffey labeled it "excellent," and Fr. Jose D'Souza, OFM, declared it "a masterpiece."The Miraculous Medal: Pendant of Power is an unprecedented and captivating compilation of nearly two centuries of iron-clad proof of the Medal's real power: Mary's intercession before the throne of God. It begins with the story of St. Catherine Labouré, the apostle of the Miraculous Medal, captured in a new light with little-known, intriguing facts. Then it tells how the Medal grew in fame by helping convert to Catholicism a rich, rabidly anti-Catholic Jewish agnostic connected to the Rothschild family. The book also recounts how the Medal helped save a man destined for the electric chair, and how It defeated a high wizard of Satanism, the top title granted in that malevolent world-and the head-to-head battle was no contest. The book continues to journey through time and nations, telling tales of how the Medal has battled and conquered Freemasonry, atheism, religious indifference, sickness, death, danger, and despondency.The graces that have followed the Medal, rippling through time into the present day, have done nothing less than bring the Gospel to life. The blind see, the crippled walk, the dying come to life, and a divine hand of extraordinary, supernatural protection does the impossible-but most importantly, lost souls are brought through Mary into the Heart of Jesus Christ. Read this most inspiring book, and avail yourself now of the daily graces that that heaven has in store for you.

  • - Testimonios y profecias sobre la Illuminacion de Consciencia
    von Christine Watkins
    22,00 €

  • - Una Consagracion Mariana para Obtener Ayuda Celestial
    von Christine Watkins
    15,00 €

    Esta es una Consagraci├│n Mariana que la gente no quiere que termine. El resultado de este retiro autoguiado son milagros de sanaci├│n, reconciliaci├│n de familias y conversiones a la iglesia.El Manto de Mar├¡a: Una Consagraci├│n Mariana para Obtener Ayuda Celestial, que est├í recomendado por el Arzobispo Salvatore Cordileone y el Obispo Myron J. Cotta, ofrece una lluvia de gracias sobre tu vida y tus seres queridos. San Juan Pablo II dijo que su consagraci├│n a Mar├¡a fue "un momento decisivo en mi vida". Puede ser lo mismo para ti.El Manto de Maria: Una Consagraci├│n Mariana para Obtener Ayuda Celestial nos llega en momentos tempestuosos. Es muy importante que nos consagremos hoy a la Madre de Dios - confiando nuestra vida a su protecci├│n, gu├¡a y cuidado, e invit├índola a conformarnos a la semejanza de su Hijo. En estos d├¡as hay tanta necesidad y desolaci├│n en el mundo, en la Iglesia, en nuestras familias y en nuestros corazones. Al prepararnos para la consagraci├│n a trav├⌐s del poder del Rosario, un poco de ayuno y una lectura de dos minutos de una hermosa meditaci├│n diaria sobre una virtud o don del Esp├¡ritu Santo (la parte favorita de la gente), podemos realmente esperar la ayuda del cielo.Este retiro es perfecto para personas, parejas, familias, grupos y parroquias. Para profundizar a├║n m├ís en las gracias de Dios, un libro de trabajo complementario, El Diario de Oraci├│n para la Consagraci├│n con El Manto de Mar├¡a, tambi├⌐n ofrece citas de santos, pasajes de las Escrituras y preguntas perspicaces para la reflexi├│n. ┬┐Est├ís dispuesto a hacer tu parte y darle una oportunidad a Dios?

  • - : Heaven's Messages for Our Turbulent Times
    von Christine Watkins
    19,00 €

    Our Mother Knows when we most need Her, and we need Her Now. We are living in the end times, not the end of the world, but the end of an age. Those who wish to remain faithful to the Gospel are seeking heaven''s guidance in order to weather and safely navigate the unparalleled storms ahead."This book should be widely disseminated, all for God''s glory and in honor of the Mother of God, for all of us and the holiness of Christ''s disciples."-Ram├│n C. Arg├╝elles, STL, Archbishop-Emeritus of LipaIn this extraordinary and anointed book of messages from Mother Mary - and occasionally from Jesus - through authentic inner-locutions to one of her most unlikely children, she has responded.MESSAGE FROM MARY on August 4, 1993:"A great turning point in the fate of your nation and its faith in God will soon be upon you, and I ask you all to pray and offer your sufferings for this cause. . ."Sample Message from Mary on January 27, 1993:"My dear children, today I come to you as the Mother of Consolation. I open my arms for you, to gather you in, console you, to share my Motherly love for you, and to share with you a great truth. Find shelter in my Immaculate Heart this day, and let me comfort you. I tell you, your prayers and voices, in sweet harmony from the heart, resonate at this moment in heaven still, and bring the angels to rejoice.My children, man makes a great mistake. He conceives of God as a distant Creator, like a man who spins a top and walks away to watch it fall. I assure you, no act, no breath of wind, no tear, none of these exist without the assent of the Father. He is active in you. He is active around you. He never leaves you. How is it that men manifest their great error in their daily lives? They do this by the way they bear their burdens, their cross, without sharing it with my Son, Jesus, Who offered this. There is no consolation, my children, in your life''s burdens without my Son, for indeed all these burdens are His. He carries them always, and He implores you to join with Him. That is why He said, ''Pick up your cross and follow Me.'' That is why He also said, ''My burden is very light.''Many of my Son''s loved ones through the ages, beautiful children of God, have always amazed the world with their ability to bear any burden, suffer any pain, with immense joy. This is proof of the fulfillment of my Son''s words, as a test for you, children-a visible test for you to apply to any sorrow, to any pain, to any burden-for if you are truly united with my Son in the bearing of this burden, you will find it delightful and a joy, because you will have true knowledge of the benefits and the rewards awaiting you in your heavenly glory.So when you feel yourselves in despair, and the pain at times feels to be unbearable, remember my Son''s words, my children. Remember my words to you this day, because only there will you find solace, only there will you find the help you need. I know many of you find this hard to understand. You feel it has not worked for you. I promise you these graces will flow. In your next attendance at Mass, offer up your pains, your sufferings to the risen Eucharist, and await the blessings.I love you all, my children, and I leave you now with my Son''s peace. Glory to God! I love you all.

  • - El Escape de las Drogas, de la Calle y de la Industria del Aborto, de Patricia Sandoval
    von Christine Watkins
    20,00 €

    Para comprar el libro de México, haga clic aquí: Cuando Patricia trabajó en Planned Parenthood le dijeron: "Nunca le digas a nadie lo que vas a ver detrás de estas puertas". Ahora ella está contándolo al mundo. Sin embargo, "Transfigurada" es mucho más que un maravilloso instrumento en las manos de los defensores y promotores de la vida y la castidad. Es la historia impresionante de la vida de una joven que se sintió abandonada por sus padres y que, luego de haberse realizado tres abortos y trabajado en una clínica abortiva, se volvió adicta las anfetaminas y terminó viviendo en las calles... hasta que sucedió un milagro. Patricia Sandoval es, hoy por hoy, una famosa conferencista pro-vida y castidad, reconocida internacionalmente, que inspira a miles de personas con su historia -terrible y a la vez hermosa- de redención y misericordia. Patricia Sandoval ha compartido su historia a través de los medios de comunicación en todo el mundo, como en EWTN en sus programas "Cara a Cara" y "Ellas lo Dicen" (en español) y "Women of Grace", "At Home with Jim & Joy" y EWTN Bookmark (en inglés). Jóvenes y adultos viajan, algunas veces por horas -incluso cruzando de un país a otro- no sólo para escuchar el testimonio de Patricia, sino también para agradecerle por haber cambiado sus vidas. Y a través de la palabra escrita, ésta autobiografía excepcional viene brindando, directamente al corazón del lector, el mismo amor, misericordia y esperanza que Dios le ofreció a Patricia.

  • - Patricia Sandoval's Escape from Drugs, Homelessness, and the Back Doors of Planned Parenthood
    von Christine Watkins
    20,00 €

    Why would Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, say that the world, especially Catholics, need to read this story of redemption? Why would he claim that Transfigured is one of the most powerful conversion stories ever written?Because Patricia Sandoval's life story is an unusually gripping, hard-to-put-down ride along a journey that leads to an extraordinary triumph of God's mercy-the mercy that waits patiently for all of us. Patricia came from a broken home, good and bad boyfriends, three abortions, a job at Planned Parenthood (where she was told never to reveal what she saw), followed by methamphetamine addiction and homelessness. The way that Jesus came to her in the streets will leave you breathless, as will the heights to which God has since carried her. If you know of someone who believes they cannot be forgiven or return to Church, this is the book to give them. Read Transfigured. Be Transfigured.Patricia now travels the world as a pro life speaker, sharing her story with millions in packed stadiums and on radio and television shows, such as EWTN's Bookmark, Life on the Rock, Women of Grace, At Home with Jim and Joy; and in Spanish, on EWTN's Cara a Cara, Nuestro Fe en Vivo, Ellas lo Dicen-and now on her own show with Fr. Víctor Salomón: De Dos en Dos. Transfigured, endorsed by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, and Bishop Michael C. Barber, has been translated into Spanish (Transfigurada) and French (Transfigurée).

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