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Bücher von Christopher Moore

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  • von Christopher Moore
    19,00 €

  • von Christopher Moore
    31,00 €

    It is the color of the Virgin Mary's cloak, a dazzling pigmentdesired by artists, an exquisite hue infused with danger,adventure, and perhaps even the super natural. It is . . .Sacré BleuIn July 1890, Vincent van Gogh went into a cornfield andshot himself. Or did he? Why would an artist at the heightof his creative powers try to take his life . . . and then walk amile to a doctor's house? Who was the crooked little "colorman" Vincent claimed was stalking him? And why had Vincentrecently become terrified of a certain shade of blue?These questions confront baker-turned-painter Lucien Lessardand bon vivant Henri Toulouse-Lautrec as they seek the truthof their friend's untimely death, a quest that will lead them on asurreal odyssey through late 19th-century Paris.A delectable confection of intrigue, passion, and arthistory?with can-can girls, baguettes, and fine Frenchcognac thrown in for good measure?Sacré Bleu is anothermasterpiece from the one, the only, Christopher Moore.

  • von Christopher Moore
    37,00 €

    New York Times Bestseller?Smart and funny and all sorts of raunchy in the best way.? ? San Francisco ChronicleRepeat New York Times bestselling author Christopher Moore returns to the mean streets of San Francisco in this outrageous follow-up to his madcap novel Noir.San Francisco, 1947. Bartender Sammy ?Two Toes? Tiffin and the rest of the Cookie's Coffee Irregulars?a ragtag bunch of working mugs last seen in Noir?are on the hustle: they're trying to open a driving school; shanghai an abusive Swedish stevedore; get Mable, the local madam, and her girls to a Christmas party at the State Hospital without alerting the overzealous head of the S.F.P.D. vice squad; all while Sammy's girlfriend, Stilton (a.k.a. the Cheese), and her ?Wendy the Welder? gal pals are using their wartime shipbuilding skills on a secret project that might be attracting the attention of some government Men in Black. And, oh yeah, someone is murdering the city's drag kings and club owner Jimmy Vasco is sure she's next on the list and wants Sammy to find the killer.Meanwhile, Eddie ?Moo Shoes? Shu has been summoned by his Uncle Ho to help save his opium den from Squid Kid Tang, a vicious gangster who is determined to retrieve a priceless relic: an ancient statue of the powerful Rain Dragon that Ho stole from one of the fighting tongs forty years earlier. And if Eddie blows it, he just might call down the wrath of that powerful magical creature on all of Fog City.Strap yourselves in for a bit of the old razzmatazz, ladies and gentlemen. It's Christopher Moore time.

  • von Christopher Moore
    27,00 €

    The city of San Francisco is being stalked by a huge shaved vampyre cat named Chet, and only I, Abby Normal, emergency back-up mistress of the great Bay Area night, and my mangahaired love monkey, Foo Dog, stand between the ravenous monster and a bloody massacre of the general public.Whoa. And this is a love story? Yup. See, while some lovers were born to run, Jody and Tommy were born to bite. Well, reborn, that is, now that they're vampires. Good thing theirs is an undying love, since they're imprisoned in a bronze statue. Their Goth Girl Friday, Abby Normal, wants to be a bloodsucking fiend, too, but right now she's really busy with other stuff like Chet, who's getting bigger and smarter?and thirstier?by the minute.Before you can say "OMG! WTF?" Tommy and Jody are sprung from captivity, and join forces with Abby and the entire crew to hunt big cat and save the city. And that's when the fun really begins.

  • von Christopher Moore
    23,00 €

    Being undead sucks. Literally.Just ask C. Thomas Flood. Waking up after a fantastic night unlike anything he's ever experienced, he discovers that his girlfriend, Jody, is a vampire. And surprise! Now he's one, too. For some couples, the whole biting-and-blood thing would have been a deal breaker. But Tommy and Jody are in love, and they vow to work through their issues.But word has it that the vampire who initially nibbled on Jody wasn't supposed to be recruiting. Even worse, Tommy's erstwhile turkey-bowling pals are out to get him, at the urging of a blue-dyed Las Vegas call girl named (duh) Blue. And that really sucks.

  • von Christopher Moore
    23,00 €

    The town psychiatrist has decided to switch everybody in Pine Cove, California, from their normal antidepressants to placebos, so naturally--well, to be accurate, artificially--business is booming at the local blues bar. Trouble is, those lonely slide-guitar notes have also attracted a colossal sea beast named Steve with, shall we say, a thing for explosive oil tanker trucks. Suddenly, morose Pine Cove turns libidinous and is hit by a mysterious crime wave, and a beleaguered constable has to fight off his own gonzo appetites to find out what's wrong and what, if anything, to do about it.

  • von Christopher Moore
    20,00 €

    Take a wonderfully crazed excursion into the demented heart of a tropical paradise?a world of cargo cults, cannibals, mad scientists, ninjas, and talking fruit bats. Our bumbling hero is Tucker Case, a hopeless geek trapped in a cool guy's body, who makes a living as a pilot for the Mary Jean Cosmetics Corporation. But when he demolishes his boss's pink plane during a drunken airborne liaison, Tuck must run for his life from Mary Jean's goons. Now there's only one employment opportunity left for him: piloting shady secret missions for an unscrupulous medical missionary and a sexy blond high priestess on the remotest of Micronesian hells. Here is a brazen, ingenious, irreverent, and wickedly funny novel from a modern master of the outrageous.

  • von Christopher Moore
    21,00 €

    ¿Readers new to the work of Christopher Moore will want to know two things immediately. First: Where has this guy been hiding? (Answer: In plain sight, since he has a cult following.)...[H]e writes laid back fables straight out of Margaritaville, on the cusp of humor and science fiction.¿--Janet Maslin, New York Times Whale researcher Nathan Quinn has a problem. It's not a new problem; in fact, it's been around for nearly 20 million years. And Nate's spent most of his adult life working to solve it. You see, although everybody (well, almost everybody) knows that humpback whales sing (outside of human composition, the most complex songs on the planet) no one knows why. Nate, a Ph.D. in behavior biology, intends to discover the answer to this burning question--and soon. Every winter he and Clay Demolocus, his partner in the Maui Whale Research Foundation, ply the warm waters between the islands of Maui and Lanai, recording the eerily beautiful songs of the humpbacks and returning to their lab for electronic analysis. The trouble is, Nate's beginning to wonder if he hasn't spent just a little too much time in the sun. Either that, or he's losing his mind. Because today, as he was shooting an I.D. photo of a humpback tail fluke, Nate could've sworn he saw the words “Bite Me¿ scrawled across the whale's tail. . .

  • von Christopher Moore
    13,00 €

    Im Buch der Bücher fehlen einige Kapitel: Unter den wachsamen Augen von Engel Raziel soll Biff diese Lücke füllen und alles über die Kindheit und die turbulente Jugend von Jesus Christus berichten. Biff ist der einzige glaubwürdige Zeuge dieser Zeit, schließlich ist er in all den Jahren Jesus' bester Freund gewesen und stand ihm schon zur Seite, als dieser noch versuchte, vertrocknete Eidechsen zum Leben zu erwecken ...

  • - A Novel
    von Christopher Moore
    30,00 €

  • - A Novel
    von Christopher Moore
    30,00 €

    Venice, a long time ago. Three prominent Venetians await their most loathsome and foul dinner guest, the erstwhile envoy from the Queen of Britain: the rascal-Fool Pocket.This trio of cunning plottersthe merchant, Antonio; the senator, Montressor Brabantio; and the naval officer, Iagohave lured Pocket to a dark dungeon, promising an evening of sprits and debauchery with a rare Amontillado sherry and Brabantios beautiful daughter, Portia.But their invitation is, of course, bogus. The wine is drugged. The girl isnt even in the city limits. Desperate to rid themselves once and for all of the man who has consistently foiled their grand quest for power and wealth, they have lured him to his death. (How can such a small man, be such a huge obstacle?). But this Fool is no fool . . . and hes got more than a few tricks (and hand gestures) up his sleeve.Greed, revenge, deception, lust, and a giant (but lovable) sea monster combine to create another hilarious and bawdy tale from modern comic genius, Christopher Moore.

  • - Or a Beginner's Guide to Being Hospitalised and What You Can Reasonably Expect!
    von Christopher Moore
    19,00 €

  • - A Novel
    von Christopher Moore
    19,98 €

    Hilarious, always inventive, this is a book for all, especially uptight English teachers, bardolaters, and ministerial students. Dallas Morning NewsFoolthe bawdy and outrageous New York Times bestseller from the unstoppable Christopher Mooreis a hilarious new take on William Shakespeares King Learas seen through the eyes of the foolish lieges clownish jester, Pocket. A rousing tale of gratuitous shagging, murder, spanking, maiming, treason, and heretofore unexplored heights of vulgarity and profanity, Fool joins Moores own Lamb, Fluke, The Stupidest Angel, and You Suck! as modern masterworks of satiric wit and sublimely twisted genius, prompting Carl Hiassen to declare Christopher Moore a very sick man, in the very best sense of the word.

  • - A Novel
    von Christopher Moore
    20,00 €

    Charlie Asher is a pretty normal guy with a normal life, married to a bright and pretty woman who actually loves him for his normalcy. They're even about to have their first child. Yes, Charlie's doing okay?until people start dropping dead around him, and everywhere he goes a dark presence whispers to him from under the streets. Charlie Asher, it seems, has been recruited for a new position: as Death.It's a dirty job. But, hey! Somebody's gotta do it.

  • von Christopher Moore
    35,00 €

    A man of infinite jest, Pocket has been Lear's cherished fool for years, from the time the king's grown daughters?selfish, scheming Goneril, sadistic (but erotic-fantasy-grade-hot) Regan, and sweet, loyal Cordelia?were mere girls. So naturally Pocket is at his brainless, elderly liege's side when Lear?at the insidious urging of Edmund, the bastard (in every way imaginable) son of the Earl of Gloucester?demands that his kids swear their undying love and devotion before a collection of assembled guests. Of course Goneril and Regan are only too happy to brownnose Dad. But Cordelia believes that her father's request is kind of . . . well . . . stupid, and her blunt honesty ends up costing her her rightful share of the kingdom and earns her a banishment to boot.Well, now the bangers and mash have really hit the fan. The whole damn country's about to go to hell in a handbasket because of a stubborn old fart's wounded pride. And the only person who can possibly make things right . . . is Pocket, a small and slight clown with a biting sense of humor. He's already managed to sidestep catastrophe (and the vengeful blades of many an offended nobleman) on numerous occasions, using his razor-sharp mind, rapier wit . . . and the equally well-honed daggers he keeps conveniently hidden behind his back. Now he's going to have to do some very fancy maneuvering?cast some spells, incite a few assassinations, start a war or two (the usual stuff)?to get Cordelia back into Daddy Lear's good graces, to derail the fiendish power plays of Cordelia's twisted sisters, to rescue his gigantic, gigantically dim, and always randy friend and apprentice fool, Drool, from repeated beatings . . . and to shag every lusciously shaggable wench who's amenable to shagging along the way.Pocket may be a fool . . . but he's definitely not an idiot.

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