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Bücher von Claude-Helene Mayer

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  • von Claude-Helene Mayer
    259,00 €

    This book is a Nautilus Silver award winner in 2024 for academic rigor (special honors).This edited volume focuses on women¿s empowerment for a sustainable future. It takes cultural and transcultural and positive psychology perspectives into consideration and explores the topic of women¿s empowerment from diverse stances, across social strata, cultural divides as well as economic and political divisions. It addresses the critique of the overly Western focus of positive psychology on this topic by adopting a transnational and transcultural lens, and by taking non-WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) samples into in-depth consideration. The chapters therefore focus on women from diverse socio-cultural, political, socio-economic backgrounds and discuss their ways of empowering others and being empowered. They also discuss related positive psychology constructs, such as: coping, resilience, transformation, growth, leadership, creativity, identity development, sustainable action, as well as positive socio-economic, political and eco-sustainablethought and action. The volume as a whole looks at women's leadership as a factor of empowerment. A further fundamental assumption is that women¿s empowerment is needed to create a sustainable future at micro-, meso- and macro levels, which presumes safety, peace, ecological considerations, and compassionate leadership.

  • von Claude-Helene Mayer
    28,00 €

    Die »systemischen Sternstunden« vermitteln neuartige Denkansätze und inspirierende Tools für systemische Praktiker:innen, die neue Anregungen suchen, noch mehr in den Austausch mit anderen gehen und tiefere Verbindungen erfahren möchten. In sieben kurzen und prägnanten Kapiteln präsentiert Claude-Hélène Mayer diese innovativen Themen und Tools:. Ikigai: Ein japanisches Konzept zur Sinnfindung im Therapieraum. Sinnlosigkeit und Fußball: Albert Camus ganz praktisch. TTT: Technologie - Tiefe Beziehung - Therapie. Die Liebe: Kulturelle Perspektiven auf ein Gefühl. Unter der Oberfläche: Systemdynamiken durchschauen. Die Theorie des Terrors oder was wir alles tun, um unsterblich zu werden. Treebathing: Die Natur neu erlebenJedes Kapitel gibt einen knappen theoretischen und praktischen Einblick in das jeweilige Thema, stellt den Bezug zur systemischen Praxis her und verdeutlicht diesen in Anwendungsbeispielen und Best Practices. Reflexionsfragen ergänzt werden, die Berater:innen für sich selbst nutzen oder in systemischen Therapie- und Beratungsprozessen einsetzen können. Gerade wenn es im beraterischen und therapeutischen Alltag herausfordernd wird: Diese Zusammenstellung von überraschenden Interventionen und cleveren bringt frischen Wind hinein.

  • von Claude-Helene Mayer
    44,00 €

    This book is a Nautilus Silver award winner in 2024 for academic rigor.This research study explores the interlinkages of three major themes, namely transcultural romantic love relationships (TRLRs), sense of coherence (SOC), and identity development (ID) in individuals who are presently involved in romantic love relationships (RLR) with partners from different cultural or ethnic backgrounds. The study uses a qualitative research design within the hermeneutical interpretative research paradigm, aiming to understand the interlinkages of TRLR, SOC, and ID. Based on purposive and snowball sampling techniques, the study includes 22 participants (12 female and 10 male) between 23 and 68 years of age, from 14 different (self-defined) cultural backgrounds. At the time of the interview, participants had been in TRLRs for at least 6 months to a maximum of 26 years. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed through content analysis. Qualitative quality criteria and ethical considerations were applied. The findings show that TRLRsare firmly based on relationship qualities, strong feelings, common actions, spirituality, and future orientation. Further, the findings present clear interlinkages between TRLR and SOC, contributing positively to meaningfulness, manageability, and comprehensibility. Finally, TRLRs support SOC on intrapersonal, cultural, and interpersonal levels. In addition, they influence the development of identity awareness, actions, feelings, and sexual SOC. Conclusions, limitations, and recommendations for theory and practice are provided.

  • von Claude-Helene Mayer
    140,00 €

    This volume presents psychobiographical research in non-WEIRD¿Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic¿contexts and samples, focusing on culture, transcultural and transdisciplinary work. It creates a platform for researchers, scholars and scientists from diverse backgrounds to put forth new theoretical and methodological stances in psychobiography, thereby making the field more inclusive, diverse and equitable. The chapters in this volume investigate the role of context across the life course of non-WEIRD psychological subjects, as well as the interplay between them and their environments across the life span. They further elucidate cognitive, affective and behavioural aspects of individuals with non-WEIRD backgrounds.The volume provides a broad and at the same time in-depth perspective into psychobiography beyond the usual contexts and therefore has new and original learnings to offer across disciplines and cultures. It is a breakthrough in terms ofits transcultural and transdisciplinary insights into lives lived in different contexts in the world."Every person is in certain respects (a) like all other persons, (b) like some other persons, (c) like no other persons. This book is a challenging and fascinating exploration of extending psychobiography beyond its origins in Europe and America to women and men of different races and social and economic classes from Africa, Asia, and around the world. At its best, psychobiography can increase people's awareness of their own subjective experience and that of others, contributing to movements for social, cultural and political change."William McKinley Runyan, Professor Emeritus & Professor of the Graduate School, School of Social Welfare, U. of California BerkeleyBeyond Weird is beyond needed. The book triumphantly fills the gap created by a dearth of studies of people other than Western, educated, European and American men. James William Anderson, PhD, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University, Chicago.

  • von Claude-Helene Mayer, Roelf van Niekerk & Paul Fouché
    127,00 €

  • von Claude-Helene Mayer
    193,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Claude-Helene Mayer, Elisabeth Vanderheiden & Paul T. P. Wong
    158,00 €

  • von Claude-Helene Mayer
    32,90 €

    Das Trainingshandbuch der Autorin Claude-Hélène Mayer, nun in dritter, aktualisierter Auflage, stellt den Themenkomplex der interkulturellen Mediation in Form trainingsorientierter und praxisnaher, kurzer theoretischer Inputs und praktischer, selbstreflexiver Übungen dar. Dabei gliedert sich das Buch in vier aufeinander aufbauende und doch einzeln anwendbare Bausteine: Konflikt, Mediation, interkulturelle Mediation und Lösungsoptionen. Die Bausteine sind als Trainingsmaterialien für Seminare, Workshops, Weiter- und Ausbildungen in den Bereichen interkultureller Konfliktlösung und Mediation und in interkulturellen Trainings und Coachings einSetzbar. Sie stellen außerdem Materialien für den Einsatz in der schulischen bzw. universitären Arbeit zur interkulturellen Kommunikation und Konfliktlösung bereit. Darüber hinaus können sie als autodidaktische Lernmaterialien für all Personen dienen, die im Bereich von Training, Beratung, Coaching, Lehre und Mediation ihre persönlichen Kompetenzen für die interkulturelle Praxis erweitern möchten.

  • von Claude-Helene Mayer & Dietmar Treichel
    29,90 €

    Kultur ist nicht greifbar, sagen die Einen. Es gibt einfach viel zu viele Theorien und Definitionen zur Kultur, sagen die Anderen. Dieses Lehrbuch nimmt beide Meinungen ernst und zeigt, dass der Kulturbegriff auch deshalb so spannend ist, weil er uns immer wieder zu einer Stellungnahme gegenüber unserer Wirklichkeit, unserer Entwicklung und unserem Denken und Handeln auffordert. Kultur, gerade weil sie so viele Facetten hat, lehrt uns, wie wir grundlegende Fragen zum menschlichen Leben aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven stellen - und uns dann nicht mit der erstbesten Antwort zufrieden geben.Dieses Lehrbuch Kultur bietet dementsprechend nicht eine, sondern viele kompakte Einführungen ins Thema. Es richtet sich an Leser, die sich für die unterschiedlichen fachlichen Entwicklungen, aber auch für fachübergreifende Zusammenhänge und die praktischen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten kultureller Kompetenz interessieren. Die Beiträge wollen neugierig machen auf mehr. Fast 40 Expertinnen und Experten bieten dafür Einstiegs- und Vertiefungspunkte. Die Reflexionsaufgaben lenken den Blick immer wieder auf zentrale Fragen: Kultur als Lupe. Dieses Lehrbuch ermöglicht mit seinem systematischen Aufbau den überfachlichen Austausch auf einem hohen und dennoch auch für Novizen oder Fachfremde verständlichen wissenschaftlichen Niveau. Damit kann es sowohl für das Selbststudium als auch als Lehrmaterial für eine umfassende Einführung in die Kulturwissenschaften und -praktiken genutzt werden.

  • von Claude-Helene Mayer
    74,00 - 101,00 €

  • - Training fur padagogische Fachkrafte
    von Claude-Helene Mayer & Christina Krause
    25,00 €

  • von Claude-Helene Mayer
    53,00 €

    This book offers far-reaching insights into perceptions of conflict in South Africa. Claude-Hélène Mayer's approach is remarkable, because she imparts the recollections of numerous people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The author captures the essence of about one-hundred interviews reflecting disparate attitudes towards social changes in the post-apartheid Republic of South Africa. Unexpected statements - for example, with respect to the continued existence of internalized apartheid - are carefully analyzed and hermeneutically understood. At the beginning of the research, presumptions might have raised expectations for the similarity between the narrative interviews. However, it becomes clear during the reading of this work that each interview was itself unique and each created a unique situation between the interviewer and the interviewee, inviting the reader to listen again and again to the spoken and analyzed words. The thorough, months-long field stays, from 1999 until 2004, emphasize the researcher's exhaustive effort better to understand the perspective of the interviewees. In addition to the book's research-related merits, its data can increase the cultural competence of those readers who are interested in information on specific predominant-cultural standards in present day South Africa. Readers can more fully appreciate how the people in South Africa live a special, dynamic form of their unmatched "unity in diversity."

  • von Claude-Helene Mayer
    39,00 €

    Would you like to acquire intercultural competencies that would open new perspectives to you, and new options for action, and new options, especially in negotiations, and situations of conflict? This book gives information on procedures and processes of mediation in Western and intercultural contexts, and explains them. Readers come in contact with what is special about mediation, and working with conflict, in interaction between Germans and Africans. Finally, the authors place at readers' disposal introductory training methods, necessary for all who wish to work responsibly in intercultural contexts.The book's "constructivist" approach affords the perception of new aspects and perspectives of German-African realities, and of the current discussion on intercultural conflict-management.

  • - Using Gelatine Lifters for Forensic Trace Recovery
    von Claude-Helene Mayer
    49,00 €

    This brief explores wildlife crime and its international and culture-specific combat in South Africa from a green psychology perspective, focusing on a specific method of forensic trace recovery by analysing and evaluating the use of gelatine lifters.It provides theoretical and applied insight into visualising and sequential processing of finger-, shoe- and footprints, and environmental traces. It allows the reader in-depth insight into effective methods of international wildlife crime combat, based on the South African perspective. This brief gives theoretical and applied recommendations for international, regional and local actors for successful cooperation on wildlife protection.As global and local programs, actions and law enforcement strategies to combat wildlife crime are gaining strength, forensic trace evidence is a useful method for investigative and preventive success. This brief will be useful for students and researchers in forensic science, wildlife crime, green criminology, as well as for law enforcement and international actors combating wildlife crime practically on both international and local levels.

  • 11% sparen
    - A Psychobiography from a Positive Psychology Perspective
    von Claude-Helene Mayer
    95,00 - 97,00 €

    This book assesses the life and success of the writer Paulo Coelho, one of the most fascinating and contemporary writers in the world, through new lenses. This study explores the development of holistic wellness (HWM) and faith development (FDT) throughout the writer's life.

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