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Bücher von Clea Shearer

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  • - The Complete Guide to Organizing Absolutely Everything at Work, at Home and On the Go, A Netflix Original Series
    von Clea Shearer
    24,00 €

    The Home Edit - home organizers to the stars with more than 6 million Instagram followers - show you how to organize every area of your life, from hobbies and activities to work and office spaces, luggage and travel and so much more. The Home Edit are the stars of two Netflix series, produced by Hello, Sunshine.

  • - Conquering the clutter with style: A Netflix Original Series
    von Clea Shearer
    21,00 €

    Home organizers to the stars give you advice on how to declutter and rearrange every area of your home - with calming, beautiful results.

  • von Clea Shearer
    24,00 €

    Just as The Home Edit Life reassuringly told us that it's OK to own things, Stay Organized promises that it's OK to create a mess. When your systems are working, you'll be able to clean them up within 15 minutes. And as we've all learned over the last few years, maintenance is self-care. Our homes are critical to our mental health. When your systems work, you have more bandwidth. You don't have to start from a maxed-out place. Above all else, move forward feeling calm, collected, and confidently organized -with humor, relatability, and beautiful imagery.Stay Organized covers all kinds of topics related to maintenance, showing readers actionable ways to create systems in their own homes that will be easy to maintain for long-term success. Topics include: - How to get your household on board- Sharing spaces effectively- Household schedules- Maintenance as self-care- Inventory checklists- Checking in with your systems- Staying on top of incoming and outgoing items- Low-bar lifestyle goals for each space

  • von Clea Shearer
    27,00 €

    "It's one thing to get organized, but how do you make those systems stick? [This book] takes the intimidation and hesitation out of the maintenance involved to prevent you from abandoning your once-tidied systems or maybe help you to get organized in the first place. When you have a system that works, maintenance is a breeze. Think of a silverware drawer: it's obvious where each utensil goes, and so everyone in your house should know how to move the forks from the dishwasher to their spot. Often, when you're struggling to keep your home tidy, it's because your system is too complex and needs some tweaking--and this book will dig deeper to show you how"--

  • von Clea Shearer
    19,00 €

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