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Bücher von Cordelia Kingsbridge

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  • von Cordelia Kingsbridge
    14,00 €

  • von Cordelia Kingsbridge
    14,00 €

    "A Chip and a Chair" ist der letzte Band der fünfteiligen Thriller-Serie von Cordelia Kingsbridge. Die Bücher sollten in der richtigen Reihenfolge gelesen werden.Die vorangegangenen Ereignisse haben Detective Levi Abrams und Privatdetektiv Dominic Russo mehr denn je zusammengeschweißt, aber die Pik-Sieben wirft immer noch einen Schatten über ihr Leben. Erst wenn der brutale Serienmörder hinter Gittern sitzt, können sie sich ihr Glück gestatten und aufatmen. Als in der Wüste eine Grabstätte mit früheren Opfern der Pik-Sieben entdeckt wird, scheint dieses Ziel endlich in greifbare Nähe zu rücken.Das Netz zieht sich zu. Ausgerechnet jetzt startet die Neonazi-Miliz Utopia ihren Masterplan mit einem verheerenden Terrorakt, der Las Vegas für immer verändert. Während Levi und Dominic versuchen, die Zerstörung der Stadt zu verhindern, müssen sie sich heimtückischen Kräften stellen, die sie in die Katastrophe treiben. Am Ende könnte Levis Schicksal ausgerechnet in den Händen des Mörders liegen, den er schon so lange jagt.Das Rennen um die Rettung der Stadt der Sünde hat begonnen, und alle Spieler gehen aufs Ganze. Es heißt: Alles oder nichts. Doch egal, wie aussichtslos die Lage auch scheint, solange Levi und Dominic noch einen Chip und einen Stuhl am Tisch haben, sind sie weiterhin im Spiel.

  • von Cordelia Kingsbridge
    14,00 €

  • von Cordelia Kingsbridge
    14,00 €

  • von Cordelia Kingsbridge
    14,00 €

  • von Cordelia Kingsbridge
    27,00 €

    Detective Levi Abrams and PI Dominic Russo are reunited and more committed to each other than ever, but they can't truly move forward with their lives until the serial killer who's been tormenting them is behind bars. When a secret burial site is discovered in the desert with the remains of the Seven of Spades's earliest victims, that goal finally seems within reach. But just as the net is tightening, the neo-Nazi militia Utopia launches their master plan with a devastating act of terror that changes the landscape of Las Vegas forever. As Levi and Dominic scramble to prevent the city's destruction, they're opposed by treacherous forces that propel them toward catastrophe. In the end, Levi's fate may rest in the hands of the very killer he's been hunting. The race to save Sin City is on, and these players are going for broke. No matter how hopeless things seem, as long as they're together and they've got a chip to play and a chair to sit in, they're still in the game.

  • von Cordelia Kingsbridge
    27,00 €

    Shattered by their devastating breakup, Detective Levi Abrams and PI Dominic Russo find them-selves at war right when they need each other most. While Dominic is trapped in a vicious cycle of addiction, Levi despairs of ever catching the Seven of Spades. The ruthless vigilante's body count continues to climb, and it's all Levi can do to keep up with the carnage. When Levi's and Dominic's paths keep crossing in the investigation of a kidnapping ring with a taste for mutilation, it feels like history repeating itself. Thrown together by fate once again, they reluctantly join forces in their hunt for the mastermind behind the abductions. But the Seven of Spades hates sharing the spotlight, and they have an ace in the hole: a new batch of victims with a special connection to Levi. Their murders send shockwaves through Las Vegas and change the rules of the game forever. The Seven of Spades has upped the ante. If Levi and Dominic don't play their cards right, they'll end up losing everything.

  • von Cordelia Kingsbridge
    27,00 €

    The Seven of Spades is back with a vengeance-the vigilante serial killer has resumed their murderous crusade, eluding the police at every turn. But a bloodthirsty killer isn't the only threat facing Sin City. A devious saboteur is wreaking havoc in Las Vegas's criminal underworld, and the entire city seems to be barreling toward an all-out gang war. As Detective Levi Abrams is pushed ever closer to his breaking point, his control over his dangerous rage slips further every day. His relationship with PI Dominic Russo should be a source of comfort, but Dominic is secretly locked in his own downward spiral, confronting a nightmare he can't bear to reveal. Las Vegas is floundering. Levi and Dominic's bond is cracking along the seams. And the Seven of Spades is still playing to win. How many bad hands can Levi and Dominic survive before it's game over?

  • von Cordelia Kingsbridge
    26,00 €

  • von Cordelia Kingsbridge
    25,00 €

  • von Cordelia Kingsbridge
    28,00 €

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