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Bücher von Corrado Priami

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  • von Corrado Priami
    55,00 €

    The LNCS journal Transactions on Computational Systems Biology is devoted to inter- and multidisciplinary research in the fields of computer science and life sciences. It supports a paradigmatic shift in the techniques from computer and information science to cope with the new challenges arising from the systems oriented point of view of biological phenomena. The six papers selected for this special issue cover a broad range of topics.

  • - IST/FET International Workshop, GC 2004, Rovereto, Italy, March 9-12, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
    von Corrado Priami
    59,00 €

  • - IST/FET International Workshop, GC 2003, Rovereto, Italy, February 9-14, 2003, Revised Papers
    von Corrado Priami
    52,00 €

    The goal of the IST/FET proactive initiative on Global Computing is to - tain models, frameworks, methods, algorithms to build systems that are ?exible, dependable, secure, robust and e?cient. The dominant concerns are those of handling the co-ordination and interaction, security, reliability, robustness, fa- uremodes,andcontrolofriskoftheentitiesinthesystemandtheoveralldesign, descriptionandperformanceofthesystemitself.Completelydi?erentparadigms of computer science may have to be developed to tackle these issues e?ectively. The research should concentrate on systems having the following characteristics: - The systems are composed of autonomous computational entities where - tivity is not centrally controlled, either because global control is impossible or impractical, or because the entities are controlled by di?erent owners. - The computational entities are mobile, due to the movement of the physical platforms or movement of the entity from one platform to another. - The con?guration varies over time. For instance, the system is open to the introduction of new computational entities and likewise their deletion. The behavior of the entities may vary over time. - The systems operate with incomplete information about the environment. For instance, information becomes rapidly out of date and mobility requires information about the environment to be discovered. Theultimategoaloftheresearchactionistoprovideasolidscienti?cfoundation for the design of such systems, and to lay the groundwork for achieving e?ective principles for building and analyzing such systems.

  • 12% sparen
    von Corrado Priami
    94,00 €

    Inresponsetothecallforpapers39weresubmittedtoCMSB2003. Allthe submittedpaperswerereviewedandtheprogrammecommittee(listedbelow) selected11high-qualitypapersforpublicationinthisvolume. Thecareofthe reviewersandoftheprogrammecommitteemembersinreviewingthepapers wassurelyvaluable. Afurther11paperswereselectedonlyforpresentationat theworkshopinordertostimulatediscussions(anabstractisincluded). AttheworkshopEhudShapiroandMichaelSterngavetwoinvited talks whosetopicsaredescribedinpapersincludedinthisvolume. Theprogramme committeedecidedtoacceptforpublicationinthisvolumealsosomeposition papers that highlight the research trends in this new ?eld of computational methodsinsystemsbiology. Thereasonisthatbecausethisisthe?rstedition ofaworkshopinthisfast-growing?eldalargeviewofpotentialtopicsofresearch wasconsideredextremelyimportant. Rovereto,December2002 CorradoPriami ProgrammeCommitteeofCMSB 2003 CorradoPriami(Chair),UniversityofTrento(Italy), CharlesAu?ray,CNRS,Villejuif(France), CosimaBaldari,Universit`adiSiena(Italy), AlexanderBockmayr,Universit¿eHenriPoincar¿e(France), LucaCardelli,MicrosoftResearchCambridge(UK), VincentDanos,Universit¿eParisVII(France), PierpaoloDegano,Universitad ` iPisa(Italy), Francois ¿ Fages,INRIA,Rocquencourt(France), DrabløsFinn,NorwegianUniversityofScienceandTechnology,Trondheim(N- way), MonikaHeiner,BrandenburgUniversityofTechnologyatCottbus(Germany), InaKoch,UniversityofAppliedSciencesBerlin,(Germany), JohnE. Ladbury,UniversityCollegeLondon(UK), PatrickLincoln,SRI(USA), SatoruMiyano,UniversityofTokyo(Japan), GordonPlotkin,UniversityofEdinburgh(UK), SimonPlyte,PharmaciaCorporation(Italy), AvivRegev,WeizmannInstituteofScience(Israel), MagaliRoux-Rouqui¿e,BSMIPasteurInstitute(France), VincentSchachter,HybrigenicsParis(France), MasaruTomita,KeioUniversity(Japan), AdelindeUhrmacher,UniversityofRostock(Germany), AlfonsoValencia,CNB-CSIC,CentroNacionaldeBiotecnologia(Spain), OlafWolkenhauer,UMIST,Manchester(UK) Local Organizing Committee Corrado

  • 11% sparen
    von Corrado Priami, Luca Marchetti & Vo Hong Thanh
    54,00 - 55,00 €

    Starting from basic simulation algorithms, the book also introduces more advanced techniques that support delays, diffusion in space, or that are based on hybrid simulation strategies.This is a valuable self-contained resource for graduate students and practitioners in computer science, biology and bioinformatics.

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