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Bücher von Crane Brinton

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  • von Crane Brinton
    27,00 €

    2021 Reprint of the 1938 First Editon. Full facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. The Anatomy of Revolution outlines the "uniformities" of four major political revolutions: the English Revolution of the 1640s, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the 1917 Russian Revolution. Brinton notes how the revolutions followed a life cycle from the Old Order to a moderate regime to a radical regime, to Thermidorian reaction. The book has been described as a "classic," "famous" and a "watershed in the study of revolution." It has been influential enough to have inspired advice given to US President Jimmy Carter by his National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski during the Iranian Revolution. Revised editions of Brinton's book were published in 1952 and 1965, and it remains in print. Our edition reprints the classic account first published in 1938 Brinton summarizes the revolutionary process as moving from "financial breakdown, [to] organization of the discontented to remedy this breakdown ... revolutionary demands on the part of these organized discontented, demands which if granted would mean the virtual abdication of those governing, attempted use of force by the government, its failure, and the attainment of power by the revolutionists. These revolutionists have hitherto been acting as an organized and nearly unanimous group, but with the attainment of power it is clear that they are not united. The group which dominates these first stages we call the moderates .... power passes by violent ... methods from Right to Left".Contents: Old regimes -- First stages of revolution -- Types of revolutionists -- Rule of the moderates -- Accession of the extremists -- Reigns of terror and virtue -- Thermidor -- Summary of the work of revolutions.

  • von Crane Brinton
    24,00 €

    Crane Clarence Brinton (1898-1968) studierte Geschichte in Harvard, promovierte in Oxford und lehrte 1942 bis zu seinem Tode in Harvard.Die "Anatomy of Revolutions" wurde sein berühmtestes Werk und brachte ihm die Aufnahme in die "American Academy of Art and Sciences". Die Analyse der Gleichförmigkeiten der englischen (1640), amerikanischen, französischen und russischen Revolutionen, geschrieben in einem präzisen und eleganten Stil und gestützt auf profunde Quellenkenntnis, machen das Buch zu einem klassischen Grundlagenwerk, das hier in der ergänzten Fassung der Ausgabe letzter Hand vorgelegt wird.Der Herausgeber Manfred Lauermann, Sozialwissenschaftler und Ideenhistoriker, lehrte u.a. an den Universitäten Bochum, Dresden, Bielefeld und als DAAD-Professor in Brasilien; er ist Mitglied der Historischen Kommission der Partei "Die Linke".Er hat die vergriffene Übersetzung von Walter Theimer durchgesehen und in seinem Essay zu "Nutzen und Nachteil des Revolutionsbegriffes" auch den aktuellen Stand der Forschung beschrieben."Anzumerken ist auch, daß der Autor ein zu großer Historiker ist und eine zu lebendige Persönlichkeit, um nicht mehr als nur wissenschaftliches Interesse auszudrücken." - H. Holborn The Yale Review

  • von Crane Brinton
    48,00 €

    No detailed description available for "The United States and Britain".

  • von Crane Brinton
    48,00 €

    No detailed description available for "Nietzsche".

  • von Crane Brinton
    48,00 €

    No detailed description available for "The Temper of Western Europe".

  • von Crane Brinton
    48,00 €

    No detailed description available for "The Americans and the French".

  • von Crane Brinton
    48,00 €

    No detailed description available for "From Many One".

  • von Crane Brinton
    46,00 €

  • von Crane Brinton
    26,00 €

    The Lives of Talleyrand is a study of the character and actions of the man who so profoundly influenced the destiny of the French Revolution and helped to shape the contours of all Europe as well. The requisite historical background is of course given, but it is the many-faceted personality of Talleyrand which the author has made it his task to portray--and he has done so with discrimination and wit.

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