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Bücher von CSN Correa

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  • - Make Your Bones Strong and Healthy In Less Time
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

  • - Start Eating the Best Foods for Your Bones to Make Them Strong and Healthy
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

  • - Remedios Caseros Para Pacientes Asmaticos Que Quieren Alivio Rapido e Instantaneo
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

  • - Impulse su Sistema Inmune Para Matar Rapidamente las Celulas Cancerigenas
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

  • - Fight Cancer and Feel Healthier by Eating Powerful Foods
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    28,00 €

    Preventing cancer is all about developing a style of life that involves a healthy diet and physical exercise. Being conscious about your food intake is the first step for a healthier life. To do that you should be aware of the qualities and properties of the foods you eat as well as the best way to cook them to get the maximum positive effects. The truth is that there isn't a magic ingredient that will cure prostate cancer, but there are plenty of foods you can easily incorporate into your daily diet which can help prevent this terrible disease.When we talk about prostate cancer, it is important to mention that in most cases this type of cancer doesn't show any symptoms in the early stage. This is why a complete medical examination is crucial to eliminate the risk of prostate cancer.If you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms or some other signs that worry you, make sure to make an appointment with your doctor for a complete prostate cancer screening.There are certain factors that highly increase the risk of prostate cancer. The first, and most important of all, is definitely age. The risk of getting this type of cancer highly increases with your age. Another important risk factor is also your family history. If members of your family have had prostate cancer, you're more likely to develop it as well. Finally, obesity is the last but not the least risk factor you have to keep in mind. Overweight men are more likely to develop aggressive types of prostate cancer which are more difficult to treat.This book is a collection of prostate cancer preventing salad and meal recipes based on the world's most powerful superfoods. Try them all and see which ones you like the most!

  • - Combata el Cancer Usando los Mejores y Mas Poderosos Ingredientes
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

  • - Ponga a su Cuerpo En Accion Usando Ingredientes de la Naturaleza
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    La lactancia materna regular es crucial para la salud de su hijo y para el desarrollo completo de su sistema inmunológico. Ser saludable y cuidar su cuerpo son dos de las cosas más importantes que puede hacer por usted y por su hijo recién nacido. Algunas personas han sido bendecidas con la capacidad natural de producir suficiente leche (en algunos casos incluso más que suficiente) para su hijo. Otros, por otro lado, necesitan mejorar este proceso hermoso y natural, principalmente a través de una nutrición adecuada.La lactancia materna es esencial, especialmente en los tiempos modernos cuando nuestro sistema inmunológico se ha debilitado debido a las dietas deficientes y las vidas sedentarias. La leche materna es la primera "inyección" de inmunidad que todos recibimos desde el momento en que nacemos, por lo que es necesario que este proceso permanezca ininterrumpido.Este libro es una colección de recetas de jugos que producen leche materna extremadamente saludable. Está diseñado específicamente para enseñarle lo que pueden hacer las frutas y verduras cuando se combinan en un delicioso jugo.Estas recetas le darán a su cuerpo todos los nutrientes esenciales que necesita para mejorar su salud general, estimular su sistema inmunológico y aumentar la producción de leche materna. Recuerde, comer bien y consumir los nutrientes adecuados es lo que más necesita su hijo en este momento. Prepare estos jugos todos los días y asegúrese de que su precioso bebé comience su vida con la mejor salud posible.

  • - Vuelvase Mas Fertil Rapidamente
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    La reproducción es una cosa común para todos los seres vivos. Sin embargo, a veces no sucede en el momento que lo planeamos. Cuando escarba un poco debajo de la superficie, encontrará que las dificultades al concebir ocurren más a menudo de lo que parece. Y pasa a lo largo de todo el mundo.Cuidar su salud reproductiva y prepararse para el embarazo significa que deberá cambiar algunos de sus hábitos, especialmente los alimenticios.Muchos estudios han demostrado que una dieta saludable puede mejorar e impulsar la fertilidad. También puede prevenir las pérdidas de embarazos recurrentes, mejorar el embarazo, y la salud general en una nueva madre. Una comida llena de nutrientes variados es la clave para un sistema reproductivo saludable: ambos los espermas y óvulos están literalmente protegidos con antioxidantes, vitaminas y minerales.Mis recetas están basadas en alimentos que ayudarán a su cuerpo a mantener su balance hormonal, incrementando la ingesta de nutrientes, para darle la posibilidad de tener un embarazo normal y saludable.Las grasas saturadas, el colesterol y ácidos grasos esenciales, son importantes para el desarrollo de un feto y su crecimiento. Las comidas como el pescado, aceite de coco, carnes alimentadas con pasto, frutos secos, semillas y otros, son ricos en colesterol saludable que mantendrá la producción hormonal en su cuerpo. Este libro le enseñará a preparar estas comidas deliciosas sin mucho esfuerzo.Cuidar de su salud antes y durante el embarazo significa que está creando una nueva y saludable vida para su futuro hijo.

  • - The Comprehensive Guide to Fighting Cancer
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    28,00 €

    Having in mind that cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the world, it is very important to recognize early symptoms which, when treated on time, can save your life. These symptoms often include fatigue, changes in bowel or bladder habits, weight changes, lumps that can be felt under the skin, trouble breathing, persistent cough, skin changes, unexplained bleeding or bruising, unexplained fevers, etc. If you have any persistent symptoms that concern you, it is crucial to make an appointment with your doctor.One of the major causes for this disease is our modern lifestyles which surround us with different toxins, cancerous substances, and stress. But the main reason is probably poor nutrition for most people. The lack of basic nutrients weakens our immune system which leads to serious and long-term damage to your health and eventually becomes cancer. Most food is full of artificial flavors, colors, additives, stabilizers, and preservatives. Although some of these substances are harmless, many of them are extremely toxic and can deprive our organism of some important nutrients. Although most people know these facts, in theory, they can't seem to find enough time to plan their meals on a daily basis, which is why fast food has become so popular.These cancer preventing recipes are designed to give you exactly that, all the important nutrients in just a couple of minutes. Start today and see the changes in your life!

  • - The Necessary Cookbook to Naturally Reducing Aches and Pains
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    28,00 €

    A proper nutrition plays an important role in reducing the risk of arthritis. Our modern diet, based on animal-derived foods, refined sugar, and foods that provoke the immune system response increases the sensitivity for inflammation which leads to this painful disease. With a good nutrition, consistency, and good lifestyle choices, your health will improve significantly and your body will get a chance to resist the inflammation. Furthermore, healthy, fresh, and unprocessed foods will reduce the risk of obesity which not only contributes to the onset and progress of arthritis but also makes your joints carry more weight. Excess weight directly damages your joints and contributes to both - development and progress of this disease.The main reason I have created this great collection of arthritis preventing recipes was to give you a quick and simple way to get all the nutrients you need in order to boost your immune system, cleanse your body, and lose some weight all at the same time. Juicing is one of the best ways to nourish your body with amazingly valuable antioxidants and other important substances in just a few minutes. This collection of recipes is especially practical for people with busy schedules who have very little to prepare everything. It's also a perfect option for those of you who don't enjoy eating specific fruits or vegetables throughout the day, but still want to get huge amounts of vitamins and minerals into their body.I hope these powerful recipes will serve as a guide for your arthritis problems. These juices, salads, and meals will make your digestion easier and will help eliminate dangerous toxins that lead to inflammation and arthritis. This book is all about getting the right nutrients you need in a more convenient way and preventing arthritis once and for all.

  • - The Cancer-Fighting Cookbook to a Better Life
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    28,00 €

  • - The Cancer-Fighting Guide to a Better Life
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    Cancer, in general, is a well-known disease that attacks many organs and other parts of our body, somehow it increases the abnormal growth of cells causing the spread of carcinoma in a process called metastases; although there are many treatments for cancer they are extremely invasive, and can many times kill good cells in the process.This extremely serious disease is the third leading cause of cancer death in the US. These statistics suggest that taking care of your reproductive health and recognizing the symptoms of prostate problems is vital for preventing these complications.The most common symptoms of prostate problems and cancer include urination abnormalities, pain, painful ejaculation, pelvic or abdominal pain, erectile dysfunction, extremity swelling, and blood in urine or semen. Although not all of these symptoms indicate prostate cancer, they might be a sign of some serious medical conditions that require an immediate medical intervention. Prostate cancer can only be diagnosed by tissue biopsy.The question is what can you do to prevent prostate cancer? The answer lies in a proper diet. Our body is a truly fantastic organism that has the ability to defend and cure itself. This is why it's crucial to help your immune system to get stronger and boost your overall health.Eating the right amounts of fruits and vegetables will definitely reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The recommended daily amount of fresh fruits and vegetables is about 4-5 cups. Green, red and orange fruits and vegetables are loaded with carotenoids which are especially beneficial for prostate cancer. Some of the best juice ingredients include: spinach, kale, dandelion greens, oranges, grapefruits, berries, carrots, and tomatoes. Most of these ingredients have a relatively neutral taste and can easily be combined with different herbs and spices for a superb taste.You will find that these juice and salad recipes will provide you with the necessary nutrients to enjoy a healthier and more vital life. Enjoy these recipes and share them with the ones you love!

  • - Reduce Pain and Discomfort through Organic Superfood Sources
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    28,00 €

    Early symptoms of arthritis include joint pain, joint swelling, stiffness (especially in the morning), and redness of the skin around the affected joint. In most cases, symptoms don't develop overnight but over a long period of time (months or even years). Other common symptoms most people affected by arthritis often experience loss of appetite, energy loss, slight fever, and red blood cell count decrease. Recognizing the symptoms of arthritis and seeing the physician is an extremely important part of the treatment because both, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can cause severe joint deformity if left untreated.Osteoarthritis is caused by the reduction in the normal amount of cartilage tissue surrounding the joints. This reduction, furthermore, can be caused by normal wear, different infections, injuries, etc.Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is an autoimmune disease of the synovium inside the joints. Although the exact cause of autoimmune diseases is unknown, rheumatoid arthritis occurs when our own immune systems attack the soft tissue in joints.It is important to point out that both types of arthritis are directly related to the types of food we eat, body weight, and overall health. A healthy diet, anti-inflammatory foods loaded with healthy nutrients, fresh fruits and vegetables, plenty of good proteins and healthy carbs are the first step in preventing and treating both types of arthritis.For this reason, I have decided to create this fantastic collection of arthritis preventing and curing recipes. Try them all.

  • - The Simple Guide to Naturally Reducing Aches and Pains
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    28,00 €

    Early symptoms of arthritis include joint pain, joint swelling, stiffness (especially in the morning), and redness of the skin around the affected joint. In most cases, symptoms don't develop overnight but over a long period of time (months or even years). Other common symptoms most people affected by arthritis often experience loss of appetite, energy loss, slight fever, and red blood cell count decrease. Recognizing the symptoms of arthritis and seeing the physician is an extremely important part of the treatment because both, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can cause severe joint deformity if left untreated.A proper nutrition plays an important role in reducing the risk of arthritis. Our modern diet, based on animal-derived foods, refined sugar, and foods that provoke the immune system response increases the sensitivity for inflammation which leads to this painful disease. With a good nutrition, consistency, and good lifestyle choices, your health will improve significantly and your body will get a chance to resist the inflammation. Furthermore, healthy, fresh, and unprocessed foods will reduce the risk of obesity which not only contributes to the onset and progress of arthritis but also makes your joints carry more weight. Excess weight directly damages your joints and contributes to both - development and progress of this disease.The main reason I have created this great collection of arthritis preventing recipes was to give you a quick and simple way to get all the nutrients you need in order to boost your immune system, cleanse your body, and lose some weight all at the same time. Juicing is one of the best ways to nourish your body with amazingly valuable antioxidants and other important substances in just a few minutes. This collection of recipes is especially practical for people with busy schedules who have very little to prepare everything. It's also a perfect option for those of you who don't enjoy eating specific fruits or vegetables throughout the day, but still want to get huge amounts of vitamins and minerals into their body.I hope these powerful recipes will serve as a guide for your arthritis problems. These recipes will make your digestion easier and will help eliminate dangerous toxins that lead to inflammation and arthritis. This book is all about getting the right nutrients you need in a more convenient way and preventing arthritis once and for all. Get started today!

  • - Minimize Symptoms and Pain Using Natural Ingredients
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    28,00 €

    99 Effective Meal and Juice Recipes to Help Reduce Menstrual Cramps: Minimize Symptoms and Pain Using Natural IngredientsBy Joe Correa CSNIn order to reduce those menstrual cramps, eat foods rich in vitamin B, especially pyridoxine (vitamin B6). It elevates mood, improves sleep and relieves pain in the abdomen.Overall health will also improve by increasing calcium and magnesium. Some studies show that an increase in calcium and magnesium in the second half of the cycle, can reduce many premenstrual symptoms. Calcium not only improves mood but also prevents allergic reactions, pain, and reduces menstrual bleeding. Magnesium helps to establish mental balance, reduces irritability, stress, and increases the overall resistance of our organism.Menstrual symptoms appear 7-10 days before the beginning of menstruation and usually, pass a few days after the period starts.These symptoms vary from cycle to cycle and from woman to woman. But one thing is for sure - every woman on the planet has experienced some of these symptoms at least once in their lifetime. It depends on the hormonal balance, but also on other factors such as diet, stress, and lifestyle. This is why it is extremely important to get to know your body better and to follow your menstrual cycle by recording it on a calendar and observe how your body behaves.To avoid unpleasant symptoms of PMS in the second half of the cycle, be careful with what you eat. Avoid too much sugar, processed food, soft drinks, alcohol, coffee, black tea, and too many fats. Correcting your diet during these 14 days before period will avoid and reduce the unpleasant side effects of PMS and even pain.In the second half of the menstrual cycle eat more fish and healthy fats, since studies have shown that this can alleviate symptoms of PMS. Women suffering from menstrual pain have a low level of fatty acid in the body. Interestingly, women in Japan rarely suffer from PMS because of a diet rich in fish and healthy fats.This book was created to help women prevent menstrual cramps, empower their body, boost up their immune system, and enjoy their life every single day! After years of research, I have created these meal and juices to help you heal and prevent menstrual cramps from occurring.These recipes are easy to make, delicious, and have mind-blowing health benefits that will have an amazing impact on your body and your overall health.

  • - Give Your Body the Proper Nutrients to Recover From Common Fevers
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    89 Juice and Meal Recipe Solutions for Common Fevers: Give Your Body the Proper Nutrients to Recover From Common FeversBy Joe Correa CSNThere is a strong correlation between our Western diet and vulnerability to common fevers. Over the last century, food industry practices have changed such that we are increasingly exposed to unhealthy foods without our knowledge or understanding.Although it sounds scary, having a fever is actually a sign that your body is fighting some out of the ordinary condition. A fever can be recognized by an increase in body temperature which usually occurs after an illness or some other health issue. This uncomfortable condition usually goes away on its own after just a couple of days and shouldn't be a reason for concern unless the temperature reaches 103F.As I said earlier, these common fever symptoms are harmless most of the time and shouldn't be a reason for concern. There are, however, some cases when you should visit a doctor. These include severe headaches which can't be cured with your standard painkillers, skin rashes, mental confusion, constant vomiting, or difficulty breathing.There are plenty of over-the-counter medications which can help reduce the symptoms of a fever but in some cases, it's much better to leave your body to heal on its own. Getting plenty of rest and eating the rights foods can help your body boost its immune system and speed up the healing process. This way, you will give your body the opportunity to defend itself in the most natural way possible without eliminating natural mechanisms of defense.Let this book serve as your guide to preventing and fighting common fevers and improving your overall health through a smarter diet. The recipes you will find in this cookbook will not only help fight fevers, but they will also help you build up your immunity and get rid of those usual winter symptoms.Enjoy!

  • - Become More Fertile Faster
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    28,00 €

    92 Fertility Enhancing Meal and Juice Recipes: Become More Fertile FasterBy Joe Correa CSNThis book is a collection of recipes based on healthy foods that will provide all the necessary nutrients in order to increase fertility and to help your body get back to its hormonal balance, which is an extremely important aspect of fertility. Reproduction is a common thing for all living beings. However, sometimes it doesn't happen at the moment when we plan it. When you dig just a little bit under the surface, you'll find out that difficulties with conceiving are occurring more often then it seems. And it happens all over the world.Taking care of your reproductive health and preparing for pregnancy mean that you'll have to change some of your habits, especially eating habits.Various studies have shown that a healthy diet can improve and boost fertility. It can also prevent recurrent miscarriages, support pregnancy, and increase overall health in a new mother. A meal packed with different nutrients is the key to a healthy reproductive system - both sperm and eggs are literally protected with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.My recipes are based on foods that will help your body maintain its hormonal balance by increasing nutrient intake to give you the chance to have a normal and healthy pregnancy.Another important issue I would like to mention is that all of these recipes are based on organic foods. You should always keep that in mind when preparing these meals. Pesticides and herbicides in conventional food production are harmful and they have negative effects fertility in both men and women. Always chose organic fruits and vegetables that are not only free of different chemicals but also have a lot more nutrients than processed foods.Saturated fats, cholesterol, and essential fatty acids are important for the development of a fetus and its growth. Foods like fish, coconut oil, grass-fed meats, nuts, seeds, and so on, are enriched with healthy cholesterol that will maintain hormone production in your body. This book will teach you how to prepare these delicious meals without much effort.Taking care of your health before and during pregnancy means that you are creating a new and healthy life for your future child.

  • - Fight Back Without Using Drugs or Medicine
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    52 Powerful Colon Cancer Salad Recipes: Fight Back Without Using Drugs or MedicineBy Joe Correa CSNColon cancer is defined as the abnormal growth and behavior of cells inside the final part of the digestive tract, the large intestine. In most cases, cancer starts as small, benign clumps of cells known as adenomatous polyps. These polyps usually don't produce any symptoms which is why colon cancer can hardly be discovered and treated on time. This is the reason why doctors usually recommend regular screening tests which help identify and remove polyps before they turn into cancer.When left untreated, harmless adenomatous polyps transform into cancer which, just like all other types of cancers, can be a life-threatening condition. It is very important to identify colon cancer symptoms and prevent the disease from progressing.These symptoms include: Significant and unexplained changes in your usual bowel habits such as stool consistency, diarrhea, and constipation. These symptoms usually last for over four weeks. Rectal bleeding and blood in the stool are serious symptoms that shouldn't be ignored. Unexplained abdominal pain, gas and/or cramps. Unexplained weakness, weight loss and/or fatigue. These symptoms are not common in the early stages of the disease which is why a regular medical check up is crucial. There are also certain risk factors that may contribute to developing colon cancer. These factors include older age, inflammatory intestinal conditions, family history of colon cancer, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, obesity, smoking, and alcohol. Scientists agree that there is a strong connection between low-fiber, high-fat diet and colon cancer. Eating plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, and fiber-rich whole grain will give your body an array of vitamins and minerals and play an important role in cancer prevention. However, making these small changes in your every day life can be a bit difficult due to busy schedules. For this reason, I have collected these powerful yet easy to prepare colon cancer preventing salad recipes. You will easily find all the ingredients in your local store and easily prepare a wonderful and healthy salad for the entire family in just minutes. These recipes are here to make your life better so get started right away!

  • - Boost Your Immune System to Kill Cancer Cells Fast
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    51 Superfood Salad Recipes to Prevent and Reduce Cancer Problems: Boost Your Immune System to Kill Cancer Cells FastBy Joe Correa CSNThere are over a hundred different types of cancer and they all include abnormal and uncontrollable cell development with the ability to destroy the normal body tissue. These changes are caused by different DNA mutations within healthy cells which prevent normal cell function and allow it to become cancerous. There are several different causes of gene mutations that lead to cancer. The most common ones are: Inherited gene mutations. Although not very common, some people are born with different gene mutations inherited from their parents. In this case, an inborn defect in cells creates mistakes which may lead to cancer formation. Gene mutations after birth. This type of gene mutations are the most common ones. There is a number of factors which can cause abnormal cell behavior, such as smoking, viruses, carcinogens, obesity, hormones, radiation, chronic inflammation, etc. Not all mutations cause uncontrolled and abnormal cell growth and cancer. These mutations occur frequently but our healthy cells have the ability to repair the mistakes as soon as they occur. When such mistake is missed for some reason, the cell containing the mistake can become cancerous. Having in mind that cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the world, it is very important to recognize early symptoms which, when treated on time, can save your life. These symptoms often include fatigue, changes in bowel or bladder habits, weight changes, lumps that can be felt under the skin, trouble breathing, persistent cough, skin changes, unexplained bleeding or bruising, unexplained fevers, etc. If you have any persistent symptoms that concern you, it is crucial to make an appointment with your doctor. Furthermore, there are some obvious lifestyle choices that may reduce the risk of cancer. As with all other diseases, these lifestyle choices include a healthy diet, regular exercise, overall health, and well-being. For this reason, I have created these amazingly delicious salad recipes that are proven to help fight different types of cancer. These recipes are healthy, delicious, and wonderfully diverse for your everyday meal plan. Make sure to try them all.

  • - The Natural Solution to Your Arthritis Problems
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    49 Arthritis Salad Recipes to Minimize Aches and Pains: The Natural Solution to Your Arthritis ProblemsBy Joe Correa CSNArthritis is a highly inflammatory disease that usually affects multiple joints in the body. Although there are around a hundred different types of this disease, two of the most common ones are: Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis In most cases, both types of arthritis develop in adults over the age of 60. However, due to poor diet, lack of exercise, and excess weight, arthritis can also develop in children, teens, and young adults. Also, arthritis is more common in women than men. Early symptoms of arthritis include joint pain, joint swelling, stiffness (especially in the morning), and redness of the skin around the affected joint. In most cases, symptoms don't develop overnight but over a long period of time (months or even years). Other common symptoms most people affected by arthritis often experience loss of appetite, energy loss, slight fever, and red blood cell count decrease. Recognizing the symptoms of arthritis and seeing the physician is an extremely important part of the treatment because both, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can cause severe joint deformity if left untreated. Osteoarthritis is caused by the reduction in the normal amount of cartilage tissue surrounding the joints. This reduction, furthermore, can be caused by normal wear, different infections, injuries, etc. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is an autoimmune disease of the synovium inside the joints. Although the exact cause of autoimmune diseases is unknown, rheumatoid arthritis occurs when our own immune systems attack the soft tissue in joints. It is important to point out that both types of arthritis are directly related to the types of food we eat, body weight, and overall health. A healthy diet, anti-inflammatory foods loaded with healthy nutrients, fresh fruits and vegetables, plenty of good proteins and healthy carbs are the first step in preventing and treating both types of arthritis. For this reason, I have decided to create this fantastic collection of arthritis preventing and curing salad recipes. Based on carefully selected ingredients, these salad recipes can easily replace your regular meal and find its place on your daily menu. They have the ability to cure your body and help you fight off this serious disease. Enjoy every single one of them.

  • - Home Remedies for Asthmatic Patients Who Want Fast and Instant Relief
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    44 Asthma Reducing Juice Recipes: Home Remedies for Asthmatic Patients Who Want Fast and Instant ReliefBy Joe Correa CSN Asthma is a chronic lung disease in which your airways narrow and swell making breathing difficult and causing shortness of breath and coughing. In some cases, asthma is a minor discomfort while in others it can be a major problem and a life-threatening condition.Symptoms of asthma vary from person to person and depend on the condition itself. Some common signs include regular shortness of breath, unexplainable chest pain, sleep problems caused by coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath, whistling sound when exhaling.The cure for asthma still doesn't exist but the symptoms can be controlled with regular treatment. If you notice any of the described symptoms, it's extremely important to make an appointment with your physician. An early treatment of asthma may prevent long-term lung damage this disease may cause. Your doctor will help you keep it under control by monitoring the condition after its diagnosis.In some cases, people who have been diagnosed with asthma may experience a rapid worsening of symptoms with no improvement even after using medication. In such cases, an emergency treatment can save your life.There are several factors that can trigger symptoms of asthma and vary from person to person. These triggers include: Respiratory infections Cold air and air pollutants like smoke Different medications Preservatives added to food and beverages Stress and strong emotions Polled, dust mites, mold spores, and other air substances Excessive use of cigarettes or exposure to secondhand smoke Avoiding these common triggers will significantly reduce the risk of asthma. Furthermore, there are certain types of foods that are proven to help prevent and treat people diagnosed with asthma. Vitamin D rich foods like milk and eggs are often prescribed to patients suffering from asthma. Also, vegetables rich in beta-carotene such as carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin, and leafy greens are proven to be extremely beneficial for reducing the risk of asthma. Furthermore, some studies suggest that people with low magnesium levels have low lung volume. Adding foods rich in magnesium into your diet is an excellent way to prevent and treat asthma attacks. This book contains asthma preventing juice recipes based on these particular foods that will help you reduce the risk of getting asthma in the first place. The juices in this book are very easy to make, healthy, and above all, delicious.

  • - Alimenta Il Tuo Corpo Rapidamente E Naturalmente Con Sostanze Importanti Per Il Sistema Immunitario E Per Combattere Le Cellule Tumorali
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    26,00 €

    47 Succhi Contro Il Cancro Al Colon: Alimenta Il Tuo Corpo Rapidamente E Naturalmente Con Sostanze Importanti Per Il Sistema Immunitario E Per Combattere Le Cellule Tumoralidi Joe Correa CSNIl cancro del colon è una malattia comune che si verifica quando si sviluppano tumori nell'intestino crasso. Questa grave malattia è la terza causa più comune di decessi correlati al cancro negli Stati Uniti, motivo per cui riconoscere i sintomi e cambiare alcune abitudini di vita può essere un vero toccasana.I sintomi più comuni che devi assolutamente tenere sotto controllo sono: Un improvviso cambiamento nei tuoi movimenti intestinali Qualsiasi tipo di sanguinamento rettale è un potenziale sintomo del cancro del colon Intenso dolore addominale Debolezza o affaticamento frequente Perdita di peso improvvisa e inspiegabileTuttavia, è necessario tenere presente che la maggior parte delle persone non manifesta nessuno di questi sintomi nelle prime fasi della malattia. Questo è il motivo per cui un normale esame fisico è molto importante se per qualche motivo sospetti anomalie.Un altro passo importante che devi compiere per prevenire questa terribile ed estremamente pericolosa malattia è sicuramente un cambiamento nello stile di vita alimentare. Questa decisione salva-vita cambierà in modo permanente il modo in cui mangi e, soprattutto, una dieta sana cambierà il modo in cui il tratto digestivo tratta il cibo. Ciò significa che con un paio di semplici passaggi, il tuo corpo inizierà a cambiare e ti sentirai molto meglio. Dovrai cambiare il modo di mangiare e adottare alcune abitudini alimentari a lungo termine. Solo questo pulirà in modo permanente il tratto digestivo e ridurrà il rischio di cancro al colon.Ma, devo sottolineare che per essere sicuro al 100% di essere in salute, la dieta, da sola, non sarà sufficiente. Una dieta sana combinata con un regolare esercizio fisico è l'unico modo per combattere efficacemente questa malattia.Questa bellissima collezione di succhi per la prevenzione del tumore al colon diventerà la tua guida per condurre una vita sana. Questi succhi sono pieni di fibre che puliscono l'intero tratto digestivo e lavano via tutte le tossine che hai accumulato nel corso degli anni. Ma non è tutto, questi succhi sono stati scelti con cura per soddisfare appieno i tuoi gusti e fartene desiderare ancora! Sono incredibilmente semplici da preparare. In un un paio di minuti avrai un bicchiere pieno di sostanze nutritive di cui il tuo corpo ha bisogno ogni giorno.Assicurati di provarli tutti e ti auguro buona fortuna per il tuo viaggio di ritorno verso la salute!

  • - Combata Sin Usar Drogas o Medicinas
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    28,00 €

    52 Recetas de Ensaladas Poderosas Para el Cáncer de Colon: Combata Sin Usar Drogas o MedicinasPor Joe Correa CSNEl cáncer de colon se define como el crecimiento anormal y el comportamiento de las células dentro de la parte final del tracto digestivo, el intestino grueso. En la mayoría de los casos, el cáncer comienza como pequeños grupos benignos de células conocidas como pólipos adenomatosos. Estos pólipos generalmente no producen ningún síntoma, por lo que el cáncer de colon difícilmente se puede descubrir y tratar a tiempo. Esta es la razón por la que los médicos suelen recomendar pruebas de detección regulares que ayudan a identificar y eliminar pólipos antes de que se conviertan en cáncer.Cuando no se tratan, los pólipos adenomatosos inofensivos se transforman en cáncer que, al igual que todos los demás tipos de cáncer, puede ser una afección potencialmente mortal. Es muy importante identificar los síntomas del cáncer de colon y prevenir que la enfermedad progrese.Estos síntomas incluyen:- Cambios significativos e inexplicables en sus hábitos intestinales habituales, como consistencia de las heces, diarrea y estreñimiento. Estos síntomas suelen durar más de cuatro semanas.- El sangrado rectal y la sangre en las heces son síntomas graves que no deben ignorarse.- Dolor abdominal inexplicable, gases y / o calambres.- Debilidad inexplicable, pérdida de peso y / o fatiga.Estos síntomas no son comunes en las primeras etapas de la enfermedad, por lo que es fundamental realizar un chequeo médico regular.También hay ciertos factores de riesgo que pueden contribuir al desarrollo de cáncer de colon. Estos factores incluyen edad avanzada, afecciones inflamatorias intestinales, antecedentes familiares de cáncer de colon, estilo de vida sedentario, mala alimentación, obesidad, tabaquismo y alcohol.Los científicos están de acuerdo en que existe una fuerte conexión entre la dieta baja en fibra y rica en grasas y el cáncer de colon. Comer mucha fruta fresca, verduras y granos enteros ricos en fibra le dará a su cuerpo una variedad de vitaminas y minerales y jugará un papel importante en la prevención del cáncer. Sin embargo, hacer estos pequeños cambios en su vida diaria puede ser un poco difícil debido a los horarios ocupados. Por este motivo, he recopilado estas recetas poderosas pero fáciles de preparar para prevenir el cáncer de colon que previenen las ensaladas. Encontrará fácilmente todos los ingredientes en su tienda local y preparará fácilmente una ensalada maravillosa y saludable para toda la familia en solo minutos. Estas recetas están aquí para mejorar su vida, ¡así que comience de inmediato!

  • - Con i migliori ingredienti naturali per aiutare il corpo a produrre sano latte per il tuo bambino
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    46 Ricette per aumentare la produzione di latte materno: Con i migliori ingredienti naturali per aiutare il corpo a produrre sano latte per il tuo bambinodi Joe Correa CSNLa gioiosa vicinanza con il tuo bambino appena nato attraverso l'allattamento al seno è sicuramente una delle esperienze più incredibili della vita. Un neonato, la sua crescita e il suo sviluppo, dipende completamente dalla madre e dalla qualità del suo latte. Una madre sana significa latte materno nutriente che darà forza al bambino nella prima fase della vita. Quando scegli di allattare, stai investendo nella salute futura del tuo bambino.Il tuo corpo è un organismo fantastico. Passa attraverso milioni di processi chimici ogni giorno per creare il giusto equilibrio di nutrienti per aiutare il tuo neonato a crescere forte. Le neo mamme hanno spesso paura di cambiare le loro abitudini alimentari in quanto ciò potrebbe influenzare la loro produzione di latte. La mancanza di informazioni durante la gravidanza porta a conclusioni sbagliate.Al fine di ottenere i migliori risultati e fornire al bambino i nutrienti essenziali per il suo sviluppo, è necessario impegnarsi al massimo. Mangiare le giuste quantità e il cibo giusto può aiutare il bambino a ottenere il massimo dall'allattamento al seno.Le quantità di cibo variano da una persona all'altra in base al corpo di ogni individuo. Quello che devi imparare è ascoltare i bisogni del tuo corpo.La dieta non equilibrata a breve termine durante l'allattamento non influenzerà in modo significativo la produzione di latte materno. Tuttavia, se si mantengono alcune cattive abitudini per un lungo periodo di tempo, si avranno sicuramente effetti indesiderati sulla qualità e sulla quantità del latte materno e sullo sviluppo del bambino nella sua fase più importante.Tenendo presente questo, ho creato queste ricette incredibilmente deliziose che forniranno tutti i nutrienti necessari di cui tu e il tuo bambino avete bisogno. Spero davvero che questo libro apporti dei cambiamenti positivi nella tua vita e ti dia nuove ed eccitanti idee per i pasti in ogni giorno di questo meraviglioso viaggio che stai per intraprendere. Ho voluto mantenere queste ricette il più semplici possibile perché so quanto sia importante ogni secondo con il tuo prezioso.Prova tutte queste ricette e goditi questo periodo di vita. Te lo meriti!

  • - Reduce and Lower Fevers without Recurring to Pills or Medicine
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    42 Juicing Solutions for the Common Fever: Reduce and Lower Fevers without Recurring to Pills or MedicineBy Joe Correa CSNAlthough it sounds scary, having a fever is actually a sign that your body is fighting some out of the ordinary condition. A fever can be recognized by an increase in body temperature which usually occurs after an illness or some other health issue. This uncomfortable condition usually goes away on its own after just a couple of days and shouldn't be a reason for concern unless the temperature reaches 103F.Some typical symptoms of fever include: Abnormal sweating which is not caused by some physical activity or high external temperature Sudden chills and shivering without any good reason A severe and sudden headache that lasts for hours Constant muscle aches throughout the entire body Complete loss of appetite Mild dehydration An overall and general weakness of the body As I said earlier, these common fever symptoms are harmless most of the time and shouldn't be a reason for concern. There are, however, some cases when you should visit a doctor. These include severe headaches which can't be cured with your standard painkillers, skin rashes, mental confusion, constant vomiting, or difficulty breathing. There are plenty of over-the-counter medications which can help reduce the symptoms of a fever but in some cases, it's much better to leave your body to heal on its own. Getting plenty of rest and eating the rights foods can help your body boost its immune system and speed up the healing process. This way, you will give your body the opportunity to defend itself in the most natural way possible without eliminating natural mechanisms of defense. This book was created to help you reduce those unpleasant symptoms and heal your body faster than ever before. It is a beautiful collection of 42 juice recipes that are based on natural and healthy ingredients which are loaded with vitamins and minerals. These juices have the ability to boost up your immune system and make your body work on its own healing mechanisms. Furthermore, including these juices into your daily meal plan will improve your overall health and prevent similar problems from occurring in the future. Take a couple of minutes in the morning or in the afternoon and prepare yourself a juice that will do wonders for your body and health. Enjoy!

  • - Recupera naturalmente e previeni il cancro, aumentando specifiche vitamine e minerali di cui il tuo corpo ha bisogno per difendersi
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    26,00 €

    42 Succhi Potenti per Prevenire il cancro: Recupera naturalmente e previeni il cancro, aumentando specifiche vitamine e minerali di cui il tuo corpo ha bisogno per difendersidi Joe Correa CSNCirca 10-12 milioni di persone si ammalano di cancro ogni anno, il che rende il cancro una delle principali cause di morte nel mondo moderno. Negli ultimi due decenni il cancro ha assunto proporzioni epidemiche e colpisce quasi un uomo su due e una donna su tre. 7-8 milioni di vite vengono prese ogni da questa malattia, e si può sicuramente affermare che prevenire il cancro dovrebbe essere la priorità numero uno.Alcune statistiche dicono che il cancro al seno nelle donne e il cancro al polmone negli uomini sono due dei tipi più comuni di cancro nel mondo.Una delle principali cause di questa malattia è il nostro moderno stile di vita che ci fa vivere immersi in diverse tossine, sostanze cancerogene e stress. Ma il motivo principale è probabilmente una cattiva alimentazione per la maggior parte delle persone. La mancanza di nutrienti di base indebolisce il nostro sistema immunitario e ciò porta a gravi danni a lungo termine per la salute fino a portare allo sviluppo del cancro. La maggior parte del cibo è pieno di aromi artificiali, colori, additivi, stabilizzanti e conservanti. Sebbene alcune di queste sostanze siano innocue, molte di esse sono estremamente tossiche e possono privare il nostro organismo di alcuni importanti nutrienti. Nonostante la maggior parte delle persone conosca questi fatti, in teoria, molta gente non riesce a trovare abbastanza tempo per pianificare i propri pasti su base giornaliera, motivo per cui il fast food è diventato così popolare.Questo è esattamente il motivo per cui l'assunzione di succhi e spremute dovrebbe essere la scelta numero uno per prevenire e combattere il cancro. Richiedono poco tempo ma ti forniscono una quantità incredibile di nutrienti di cui il tuo corpo ha bisogno per costruire il sistema immunitario e ridurre la possibilità di insorgenza del cancro. Queste ricette per prevenire il cancro sono pensate per darti esattamente questo, tutti i nutrienti importanti in un paio di minuti. Provale e vedrai che differenza possono fare nella tua vita!

  • - Reduzca y Baje la Fiebre Sin Recurrir a Pildoras o Medicinas
    von CSN Correa & Joe
    27,00 €

    42 Soluciones Con Jugos Para la Fiebre Común: Reduzca y Baje la Fiebre Sin Recurrir a Píldoras o MedicinasPor Joe Correa CSNAunque suena aterrador, tener fiebre es en realidad una señal de que su cuerpo está luchando contra alguna condición fuera de lo común. La fiebre puede ser reconocida por un aumento en la temperatura corporal que generalmente ocurre después de una enfermedad o algún otro problema de salud. Esta condición incómoda generalmente desaparece por sí sola después de un par de días y no debe ser motivo de preocupación a menos que la temperatura alcance los 103 ° F.Algunos síntomas típicos de la fiebre incluyen: Sudoración anormal que no es causada por alguna actividad física o alta temperatura externa Escalofríos y escalofríos repentinos sin ninguna buena razón. Un dolor de cabeza severo y repentino que dura horas. Dolores musculares constantes en todo el cuerpo. Pérdida completa del apetito. Deshidratación leve Una debilidad general y general del cuerpo. Como dije anteriormente, estos síntomas comunes de fiebre son inofensivos la mayor parte del tiempo y no deberían ser motivo de preocupación. Sin embargo, hay algunos casos en los que debe visitar a un médico. Estos incluyen dolores de cabeza severos que no se pueden curar con sus analgésicos estándar, erupciones en la piel, confusión mental, vómitos constantes o dificultad para respirar. Hay muchos medicamentos de venta libre que pueden ayudar a reducir los síntomas de la fiebre, pero en algunos casos, es mucho mejor dejar que el cuerpo sane por sí solo. Descansar lo suficiente y comer los alimentos correctos puede ayudar a su cuerpo a reforzar su sistema inmunológico y acelerar el proceso de curación. De esta manera, le dará a su cuerpo la oportunidad de defenderse de la manera más natural posible sin eliminar los mecanismos naturales de defensa. Este libro fue creado para ayudarlo a reducir esos síntomas desagradables y sanar su cuerpo más rápido que nunca. Es una hermosa colección de 42 recetas de jugos que se basan en ingredientes naturales y saludables que están cargados de vitaminas y minerales. Estos jugos tienen la capacidad de estimular su sistema inmunológico y hacer que su cuerpo trabaje en sus propios mecanismos de curación. Además, incluir estos jugos en su plan diario de comidas mejorará su salud general y evitará que ocurran problemas similares en el futuro. Tómese un par de minutos por la mañana o por la tarde y prepárese un jugo que hará maravillas para su cuerpo y su salud. ¡Disfrute!

  • - Recetas de Jugos Y Comidas Para Ayudarle A Recuperarse Rapido
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    28,00 €

    84 Soluciones Orgánicas A La Diarrea Y Problemas Estomacales: Recetas de Jugos Y Comidas Para Ayudarle A Recuperarse RápidoPor Joe Correa CSNLas heces sueltas y acuosas frecuentes causadas por una mayor secreción de líquido en el intestino y una menor absorción de líquido del intestino se conocen como diarrea. Esta condición generalmente dura solo un par de días y desaparece por sí sola. En algunos casos más graves, la diarrea puede durar hasta 3-4 semanas y, a veces incluso convertirse en una enfermedad crónica.La diarrea es una afección médica que puede afectar a la mayoría de la población, independientemente de su edad o sexo. La mayoría de los adultos en los Estados Unidos tienen diarrea al menos una vez al año. Los niños, por otro lado, tienden a sufrir diarrea más a menudo, en promedio dos veces al año.La diarrea puede ser causada por diferentes factores. Los más comunes incluyen:- Comida o agua contaminada- Diferentes virus- Algunos parásitos encontrados en comida o agua- Varios medicamentos- Problemas con la digestión de ciertos alimentos y las intolerancias alimentarias (como la intolerancia a la lactosa)- Enfermedades del tracto digestivo- Síndrome del intestino irritableLa diarrea a menudo es seguida por síntomas comunes y reconocibles, como dolor agudo y calambres en el abdomen, una necesidad urgente e incontrolable de usar el baño y heces líquidas. Naturalmente, esta condición puede causar deshidratación, que puede ser bastante peligrosa, especialmente para los recién nacidos y las personas mayores. En este caso, se necesita atención médica urgente.Cuando se trata de tratamiento, en la mayoría de los casos, la diarrea desaparece por sí sola. Sin embargo, la rehidratación es extremadamente importante para reemplazar los líquidos perdidos en el cuerpo. A las personas que padecen diarrea a menudo se les recomienda beber mucha fruta y jugos de vegetales, refrescos sin cafeína y caldos. En casos más graves, a menudo se recetan soluciones de rehidratación oral.Este libro contiene algunas fantásticas recetas de jugo que fueron cuidadosamente seleccionadas para ayudar a eliminar la diarrea y rehidratar todo el cuerpo. Estos jugos se basan en frutas y verduras frescas que tienen la capacidad de limpiar todo el tracto digestivo y ayudar a su cuerpo a sanar en un par de días. Además, estos jugos tardan solo un par de minutos en prepararse, lo que significa que puede disfrutarlos durante todo el día.Pruebe estos jugos y vea cuáles le gustan más.

  • - Juice Your Way to Higher Fertility Levels through Natures Ingredients
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    56 Fertility Increasing Juice Recipes: Juice Your Way to Higher Fertility Levels through Natures IngredientsBy Joe Correa CSNAbout 15% of couples are affected by some form of fertility issue. Sadly most couples struggle for years with this problem and it affects their relationship, their mental health, and overall life. Unknowingly, they repeat some bad habits which affect their fertility every single day.Luckily, unless you're having some serious medical problems, there are some easy ways and steps to help you improve your overall fertility. All doctors agree that lifestyle and diet affect fertility up to 69%. This huge percentage can easily become reality by adopting some good habits and small changes that will do wonders for your body and your sexual health.There are some natural and healthy ways which are proven to help improve fertility:Start your day with a big breakfast! Not only will eating a proper breakfast help you boost your energy levels, it will also improve the hormonal balance you need in order to improve fertility. Choose foods rich in antioxidants! Antioxidants are known to deactivate free radicals in your body which directly preserves both sperm and egg cells. Reduce carbs, especially refined ones! A low carb diet is often recommended as a part of the treatment for women with polycystic ovaries. Furthermore, this type of diet will help you reduce weight and reduce insulin levels which will in return help menstrual regularity. Eat more fiber in the form of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Some types of fiber help remove excess estrogen from the body which leads to improved sexual health. Get active and take time to relax! These two important life habits are proven to help you resolve not only sexual problems but many other health issues you might be having. So take the time to get active and do the things you enjoy! Once you have adopted these easy and healthy lifestyle habits, you will notice some positive changes in your body which will come as a result of hormonal balance and good sexual health. As I said earlier, consuming the right foods is probably the most important thing you can do to improve your fertility. For this reason, I have created a delicious collection of 56 juice recipes that will help you improve your fertility levels quickly and naturally. These recipes are high in fiber, antioxidants, and other important nutrients your body needs to heal itself. They are perfectly healthy, mind-blowing delicious, and designed especially for you! Give them a try!

  • - Haga su Camino Con Jugos Hacia Niveles de Fertilidad Mas Altos a Traves de Ingredientes de la Naturaleza
    von Joe & CSN Correa
    27,00 €

    56 Recetas de Jugos Para Incrementar la Fertilidad: Haga su Camino Con Jugos Hacia Niveles de Fertilidad Más Altos a Través de Ingredientes de la NaturalezaPor Joe Correa CSNAlrededor del 15% de las parejas se ven afectadas por algún tipo de problema de fertilidad. Lamentablemente, la mayoría de las parejas luchan durante años con este problema y afecta su relación, su salud mental y su vida en general. Sin saberlo, repiten algunos malos hábitos que afectan su fertilidad todos los días.Por suerte, a menos que tenga algún problema médico grave, existen algunas formas y pasos fáciles para ayudarlo a mejorar su fertilidad general. Todos los médicos están de acuerdo en que el estilo de vida y la dieta afectan la fertilidad hasta en un 69%. Este gran porcentaje puede convertirse fácilmente en realidad mediante la adopción de algunos buenos hábitos y pequeños cambios que harán maravillas para su cuerpo y su salud sexual.Existen algunas formas naturales y saludables que han demostrado ayudar a mejorar la fertilidad:1. ¡Comience su día con un gran desayuno! Comer un buen desayuno no solo lo ayudará a aumentar sus niveles de energía, sino que también mejorará el equilibrio hormonal que necesita para mejorar la fertilidad.2. ¡Elija alimentos ricos en antioxidantes! Se sabe que los antioxidantes desactivan los radicales libres en su cuerpo que preservan directamente tanto las células del esperma como las de los óvulos.3. ¡Reduzca los carbohidratos, especialmente los refinados! Una dieta baja en carbohidratos a menudo se recomienda como parte del tratamiento para las mujeres con ovarios poliquísticos. Además, este tipo de dieta le ayudará a reducir el peso y los niveles de insulina, lo que a cambio ayudará a la regularidad menstrual.4. Coma más fibra en forma de frutas, verduras y granos enteros. Algunos tipos de fibra ayudan a eliminar el exceso de estrógeno del cuerpo, lo que conduce a una mejor salud sexual.5. ¡Manténgase activo y tome tiempo para relajarse! Se ha comprobado que estos dos importantes hábitos de vida le ayudan a resolver no solo los problemas sexuales, sino también muchos otros problemas de salud que pueda tener. Entonces, tómese el tiempo para estar activo y hacer las cosas que disfruta.Una vez que haya adoptado estos hábitos de vida fáciles y saludables, notará algunos cambios positivos en su cuerpo que se producirán como resultado del equilibrio hormonal y la buena salud sexual. Como dije anteriormente, consumir los alimentos correctos es probablemente lo más importante que puede hacer para mejorar su fertilidad.Por este motivo, he creado una deliciosa colección de 56 recetas de jugos que te ayudarán a mejorar tus niveles de fertilidad de manera rápida y natural. Estas recetas son altas en fibra, antioxidantes y otros nutrientes importantes que su cuerpo necesita para curarse a sí mismo. ¡Son perfectamente sanos, alucinantes deliciosos y diseñados especialmente para usted! ¡Deles una oportunidad!

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