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Bücher von Dalai Lama

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  • von Dalai Lama
    15,00 €

    Ichbezogenheit, Eigennutz und Gier prägen unsere Welt – doch das Herz der Meditation ist die Empathie. Ohne sie kann es keine Erkenntnis geben. Mit diesem unvergleichlichen Hörbuch führt uns der Dalai Lama in die Welt der buddhistischen Meditation, deren Grundlage und Ziel das Mitgefühl mit anderen Wesen ist. Mithilfe der Lehre von den drei Schlüsseln steht uns nicht nur eine individuelle Entwicklung auf dem Weg zur innersten Erkenntnis offen, sondern auch eine kollektive Chance zu mehr Frieden. Ein über Jahrtausende gewachsener Weisheitsschatz öffnet sich dem Hörer.Tenzin Gyatso, 14. Dalai Lama, geb. 1935, im Nordosten Tibets. Der buddhistische Mönch erhielt im Alter von vier Jahren in der tibetanischen Hauptstadt Lhasa offiziell den Titel des 14. Dalai Lama. Er floh nach der Besetzung Tibets durch China 1959 nach Indien und residiert im Exil in Dharamsala. Auf seinen regelmäßigen Reisen in westliche Länder gilt der Dalai Lama als Botschafter des Friedens und als anerkannter Gesprächspartner für Fragen rund um das Leben und Spiritualität. Der Dalai Lama ist nicht nur der bedeutendste Repräsentant des Buddhismus, sondern weltweit unumstritten einer der großen Repräsentanten der Weisheit.

  • von Dalai Lama
    24,00 €

  • von Dalai Lama
    9,00 €

    Discover Buddhism with the world's most revered spiritual leaderThis jewel of a book offers the core teachings on Buddhism applicable in daily life from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This is a classic timeless collection of advice and teachings about the importance of love and compassion, individual responsibility and awareness of the problems in everyday life. Whoever you are, whatever your beliefs, the Dalai Lama s words have the power to calm and inspire.

  • von Dalai Lama & Sofia Stril-Rever
    23,00 €

    In this elegant self-portrait, the worlds most outspoken and influential spiritual leader recounts his epic and engaging life story. The Dalai Lamas most accessible and intimate book, My Spiritual Journey is an excellent introduction to the larger-than-life leader of Tibetan Buddhismperfect for anyone curious about Eastern religion, invested in the Free Tibet movement, or simply seeking a richer spiritual life. The Dalai Lamas riveting, deeply insightful meditations on life will resonate strongly with readers of Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, or the His Holinesss own The Art of Happiness and Ethics for the New Millennium.

  • - Reflections on how you can save the world
    von Sebastian Nybo & Dalai Lama
    27,00 €

    More and more people feel so overwhelmed by the trouble the world is facing today that they don’t know where to begin – so they do the worst thing of all – NOTHING. We have become our own worst nightmare. The good news is that you can save the world – and prosper – just by being you. It is so simple. Stop complaining about how bad it is and start utilizing your circle of influence instead. It is not important how much you do. What matters is that you do the best you can with what you have. One person, one nation, or even one continent cannot solve the serious trouble that the world is facing today. We all must pull together – all 6.8 billion of us. It seems as if the world is spinning out of control with financial crises, climate change, and wars. Everywhere you look, something crazy is going on. We have become obese, overloaded with information, and most of us have lost track of why we are even here. How can we regain a meaningful life? That is the core question that Sebastian Nybo examines in this book, and his answer is as simple as it is efficient: Just be true to what you know is right. He believes that we all have an ethical awareness encoded in our DNA and that this innate ability can serve as a behavioral compass in our everyday lives. The key is to understand that you have to believe it in order to see it. Sebastian Nybo has included a series of interviews that he conducted with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, who is an outstanding example of someone who has really tried to do the best he can with what he has – regardless of the odds. Sebastian Nybo has woven together the wisdom and spirituality of His Holiness with his own knowledge of human evolution and positive psychology, and thereby created a powerful antidote to the stress of modern life.

  • von Dalai Lama
    13,00 €

    Happiness can be achieved through training the mind...Generally speaking, one begins by identifying those factors which lead to happiness and those factors which lead to suffering. Having done this, one then sets about gradually eliminating those factors which lead to suffering and cultivating those which lead to happiness.The quality of your life is based on your level of happiness.This book teaches how to develop the inner conditions for true happiness.Enjoy this lecture, a source for inspiration and guidance.

  • - Bản in năm 2017 (Việt dịch)
    von Dalai Lama, Nguy&#7877 & n Minh Ti&#7871
    12,98 €

    Ba ¿i¿m tinh y¿u trên ¿¿¿ng tu t¿p là bài gi¿ng gi¿i chi ti¿t v¿ ý ngh¿a m¿t bài k¿ r¿t n¿i ti¿ng c¿a ¿¿i s¿ Tongskhapa (Tông-khách-ba). M¿c dù ¿ây là m¿t ph¿n giáo pháp r¿t uyên áo, không d¿ n¿m hi¿u, nh¿ng ¿¿c ¿¿t-lai L¿t-ma ¿ã h¿t s¿c khéo léo trong s¿ trình bày m¿ch l¿c và lu¿n gi¿i ch¿t ch¿, khi¿n cho ng¿¿i ¿¿c có th¿ n¿m hi¿u ¿¿¿c t¿ng v¿n ¿¿ theo m¿t trình t¿ ti¿n d¿n lên. Qua ¿ó, nh¿ng ph¿n tinh y¿u c¿a giáo pháp ¿¿¿c gi¿ng rõ và ng¿¿i ¿¿c có ¿¿¿c c¿ h¿i ¿¿ h¿c h¿i bài k¿ c¿a ngài Tongskhapa m¿t cách d¿ dàng h¿n r¿t nhi¿u so v¿i khi ch¿ ¿¿c nguyên b¿n. Ngoài ra, vi¿c trình bày song ng¿ Anh-Vi¿t c¿ng là m¿t l¿i th¿ r¿t l¿n cho các ¿¿c gi¿ s¿ d¿ng ¿¿¿c ti¿ng Anh, vì có th¿ ¿¿i chi¿u ngay t¿ng câu v¿n, ¿ön v¿n c¿a nguyên tác n¿u th¿y còn có ch¿ khó hi¿u. Chúng tôi thành kính tri ân ¿¿c ¿¿t-lai L¿t-ma XIV và ngài Rajiv Mehrotra ¿ã dành cho chúng tôi m¿t ¿¿c ân ngoài c¿ s¿ mong ¿¿i khi ban t¿ng nh¿ng giáo pháp này, và chúng tôi c¿ng ng¿m hi¿u r¿ng ¿ây là m¿t món quà vô giá mà các ngài mu¿n thông qua chúng tôi ¿¿ g¿i t¿ng t¿t c¿ Ph¿t t¿ Vi¿t Nam, nh¿ng ai mong mu¿n ¿¿¿c h¿c h¿i Chánh pháp c¿a ¿¿c Th¿ Tôn t¿ l¿i d¿y c¿a các b¿c cao t¿ng ¿¿¿ng ¿¿i. Chúng tôi c¿ng c¿m t¿ Lobsang Jordhen ¿ã chuy¿n d¿ch t¿ T¿ng ng¿ sang Anh ng¿ ¿¿ chúng tôi có c¿ h¿i Vi¿t d¿ch và gi¿i thi¿u cùng ¿¿c gi¿ Vi¿t Nam. Xin c¿m ¿n Jeremy Russell ¿ã làm công vi¿c hi¿u ¿ính b¿n Anh ng¿.

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