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Bücher von Daniel Williamson

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  • - A Story For Ages 3-6
    von Daniel Williamson
    20,00 €

    This new, bi-lingual picture book is the perfect story for young children to learn the basics of the Brazilian Portuguese language. Colourful, fun and educational!Mo has a confident spirit and a new thirst for knowledge. He wants to learn Brazilian Portuguese to make more friends! Being small he starts at the beginning, learning about essentials like greeting people, counting to 10 and how to say his name!As we follow Mo's character and the other children through the story we discover more of the basics of the Brazilian Portuguese language including subjects such as: Talking about Age Likes and Dislikes Games and Playtime Colours of the Rainbow Different Pets Bedtime RoutineOn every page the text is printed in both English and Brazilian Portuguese so that parents or whoever reads the story can read to the child in both languages.Adults (or the readers) are provided with the perfect, fun and colourful platform to allow the child to repeat the Brazilian Portuguese language back and practice learning the words and pronunciation at ground level with the aid of playful images.Whether a bi-lingual parent or just keen to teach a child a new language, this book is the perfect stepping stone to begin their Brazilian Portuguese education!Disclaimer: As this item is designed as a children's picture book it contains large, colourful images and therefore is better suited to paperback and ebook formats. It is available in kindle format but please be aware that books in this series won't be viewable in colour on certain devices and the text size may appear small to some readers.

  • von Daniel Williamson
    23,00 €

  • von Daniel Williamson
    23,00 €

  • von Kleverton Monteiro & Daniel Williamson
    23,00 €

  • von Daniel Williamson
    21,00 €

  • von Daniel Williamson & Kleverton Monteiro
    21,00 €

  • von Daniel Williamson
    21,00 €

  • von Daniel Williamson
    22,00 €

  • von Daniel Williamson
    21,00 €

  • - The Brothers with Arms
    von Daniel Williamson
    23,00 €

  • von Kleverton Monteiro & Daniel Williamson
    22,00 €

  • - Une histoire pour les 3-6 ans
    von Daniel Williamson
    20,00 €

    Ce nouveau livre d'images bilingue est l'histoire parfaite pour les jeunes enfants pour apprendre les base de la langue anglaise. Un livre colore¿, dro¿le et instructif!Mo est un enfant vif et curieux, qui a une grande soif de nouvelles connaissances. Il veut apprendre l'anglais pour se faire plus d'amis!Au de¿but de l'histoire, le petit Mo de¿couvre les bases essentielles de la langue: apprendre ä saluer, ä se pre¿senter et ä compter jusqu'ä dix.Nous suivons ensuite Mo et les autres enfants pour continuer l'apprentissage de l'anglais et de¿couvrir de nouveaux sujets comme:-Quel äge as-tu?-Qu'est-ce que tu aimes/de¿testes?-Jeux et loisirs/hobbies-Les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel - Les animaux domestiques - L'heure de dormirSur toutes les pages, le texte est imprime¿ en franc¿ais et anglais pour que le parent, l'enseignant, ou la personne qui lit le livre ä l'enfant puisse le faire dans les deux langues.Les adultes (ou les lecteurs) seront bien e¿quipe¿s avec cet outil parfait, dro¿le et colore¿ qui permet ä l'enfant de de¿couvrir la langue anglaise et de s'entrainer ä apprendre les mots et la prononciation correcte ä l'aide des images jointes.Ce livre s'adresse ä tour parent bilingue ou simplement de¿sireux d'apprendre une nouvelle langue ä son enfant. Dans tous les cas, cet ouvrage est l'outil ide¿al pour commencer l'apprentissage de l'anglais.Clause de non-responsabilite¿: Ce produit ayant e¿te¿ conc¿u comme un livre d'images pour enfants, il inclue de grandes images colore¿es et est ide¿alement utilisable comme un livre de poche ou comme ebook. Il peut-e¿tre utilise¿ pour le format kindle veuillez tenir compte que selon le mode¿le de votre kindle, les livres de cette se¿rie ne pourront e¿tre vus en couleur et que la taille des caracte¿res pourraient e¿tre trop petits pour certains lecteurs.

  • - Una storia per bambini dai 3 ai 6 anni
    von Daniel Williamson
    21,00 €

  • - Um conto para criancas de 3 a 6 anos
    von Daniel Williamson
    21,00 €

  • - Una historia para ninos entre 3-6 anos
    von Daniel Williamson
    20,00 €

    Este libro ilustrado bilingüe es la historia perfecta para nin¿os jovenes para aprender la base del idioma ingle¿s. ¡Colorido, gracioso e instructivo!Mo tiene una mente segura y un sed de conocimiento nuevo. ¡Quiere aprender ingle¿s para ganar amigos nuevos! Cuando es pequen¿o, e¿l empieza al inicio aprendiendo de los componentes esenciales como saludar a la gente, contar hasta el nümero diez y como se dice su nombre.Mientras que seguimos, los personajes de Mo y los otros nin¿os a trave¿s de la historia, descubri¿amos mäs de la base del idioma ingles que comprenden temas como:- Hablar de su edad Preferencias y aversiones- Juegos y ocio- Colores del arcoi¿ris - Mascotas diferentes- Hora de acostarseEn todas las partes del texto estä impreso en espan¿ol y ingle¿s para que el padre o quien sea que lea la historia del nin¿o lo puede hacer en los dos idiomas.Adultos (o los lectores) estän equipados con la plataforma perfecto, divertida y colorida para permitir a la persona repetir el idioma ingles y practicar para aprender las palabras y la pronunciaciön al nivel base con la ayuda de las ilustraciones y juegos.¡Padre bilingüe o veramente entusiasta a ensen¿ar un idioma nuevo a un nin¿o, este libro es la opciön perfecta para empezar su educaciön del ingle¿s!Comite¿ de responsabilidad: El producto fue disen¿ado como libro ilustrado para los nin¿os, e¿l incluye ilustraciones grandes coloridas y por eso es mejor usarlo como libro fi¿sico o Ebook. Estä disponible en formato kindle pero presta atenciön por favor que los libros de esta seria no seri¿an visibles en color con todas las terminales y que el texto puede ser demasiado pequen¿o para algunos lectores.

  • - A Story For Ages 3-6
    von Daniel Williamson
    21,00 €

    This new, bi-lingual picture book is the perfect story for young children to learn the basics of the Arabic language. Colourful, fun and educational!Mo has a confident spirit and a new thirst for knowledge. He wants to learn Arabic to make more friends! Being small he starts at the beginning, learning about essentials like greeting people, counting to 10 and how to say his name!As we follow Mo's character and the other children through the story we discover more of the basics of the Arabic language including subjects such as: Talking about Age Likes and Dislikes Games and Playtime Colours of the Rainbow Different Pets Bedtime RoutineOn every page the text is printed in both English and Arabic so that parents or whoever reads the story can read to the child in both languages.Adults (or the readers) are provided with the perfect, fun and colourful platform to allow the child to repeat the Arabic language back and practice learning the words and pronunciation at ground level with the aid of playful images as well as fun phonetics to show how the words should sound!Whether a bi-lingual parent or just keen to teach a child a new language, this book is the perfect stepping stone to begin their Arabic education!

  • - A Story For Ages 3-6
    von Daniel Williamson
    20,00 €

    This new, bi-lingual picture book is the perfect story for young children to learn the basics of the Hindi language. Colourful, fun and educational!Mo has a confident spirit and a new thirst for knowledge. He wants to learn Hindi to make more friends! Being small he starts at the beginning, learning about essentials like greeting people, counting to 10 and how to say his name!As we follow Mo’s character and the other children through the story we discover more of the basics of the Hindi language including subjects such as:Talking about AgeLikes and DislikesGames and PlaytimeColours of the RainbowDifferent PetsBedtime RoutineOn every page the text is printed in both English and Hindi so that parents or whoever reads the story can read to the child in both languages.Adults (or the readers) are provided with the perfect, fun and colourful platform to allow the child to repeat the Hindi language back and practice learning the words and pronunciation at ground level with the aid of playful images as well as fun phonetics to show how the words should sound!Whether a bi-lingual parent or just keen to teach a child a new language, this book is the perfect stepping stone to begin their Hindi education!

  • - A Story For Ages 3-6
    von Daniel Williamson
    21,00 €

    This new, bi-lingual picture book is the perfect story for young children to learn the basics of the Chinese Mandarin language. Colourful, fun and educational!Mo has a confident spirit and a new thirst for knowledge. He wants to learn Chinese Mandarin to make more friends! Being small he starts at the beginning, learning about essentials like greeting people, counting to 10 and how to say his name!As we follow Mo's character and the other children through the story we discover more of the basics of the Chinese Mandarin language including subjects such as: Talking about age Likes and Dislikes Games and Playtime Colours of the Rainbow Different Pets Bedtime RoutineOn every page the text is printed in both English and Chinese Mandarin so that parents or whoever reads the story can read to the child in both languages.Adults (or the readers) are provided with the perfect, fun and colourful platform to allow the child to repeat the Chinese Mandarin language back and practice learning the words and pronunciation at ground level with the aid of playful images as well as fun phonetics to show how the words should sound!Whether a bi-lingual parent or just keen to teach a child a new language, this book is the perfect stepping stone to begin their Chinese Mandarin education!Disclaimer: As this item is designed as a children's picture book it contains large, colourful images and therefore is better suited to paperback and ebook formats. It is available in kindle format but please be aware that books in this series won't be viewable in colour on certain devices and the text size may appear small to some readers.

  • - A Story For Ages 3-6
    von Daniel Williamson
    21,00 €

    This new, bi-lingual picture book is the perfect story for young children to learn the basics of the Russian language. Colourful, fun and educational!Mo has a confident spirit and a new thirst for knowledge. He wants to learn Russian to make more friends! Being small he starts at the beginning, learning about essentials like greeting people, counting to 10 and how to say his name!As we follow Mo's character and the other children through the story we discover more of the basics of the Russian language including subjects such as: Talking about Age Likes and Dislikes Games and Playtime Colours of the Rainbow Different Pets Bedtime RoutineOn every page the text is printed in both English and Russian so that parents or whoever reads the story can read to the child in both languages.Adults (or the readers) are provided with the perfect, fun and colourful platform to allow the child to repeat the Russian language back and practice learning the words and pronunciation at ground level with the aid of playful images as well as fun phonetics to show how the words should sound!Whether a bi-lingual parent or just keen to teach a child a new language, this book is the perfect stepping stone to begin their Russian education!

  • - A Story For Ages 3-6
    von Daniel Williamson
    21,00 €

    This new, bi-lingual picture book is the perfect story for young children to learn the basics of the Polish language. Colourful, fun and educational!Mo has a confident spirit and a new thirst for knowledge. He wants to learn Polish to make more friends! Being small he starts at the beginning, learning about essentials like greeting people, counting to 10 and how to say his name!As we follow Mo's character and the other children through the story we discover more of the basics of the Polish language including subjects such as: Talking about Age Likes and Dislikes Games and Playtime Colours of the Rainbow Different Pets Bedtime RoutineOn every page the text is printed in both English and Polish so that parents or whoever reads the story can read to the child in both languages.Adults (or the readers) are provided with the perfect, fun and colourful platform to allow the child to repeat the Polish language back and practice learning the words and pronunciation at ground level with the aid of playful images.Whether a bi-lingual parent or just keen to teach a child a new language, this book is the perfect stepping stone to begin their Polish education!Disclaimer: As this item is designed as a children's picture book it contains large, colourful images and therefore is better suited to paperback and ebook formats. It is available in kindle format but please be aware that books in this series won't be viewable in colour on certain devices and the text size may appear small to some readers.

  • - A Story For Ages 3-6
    von Daniel Williamson
    21,00 €

    This new, bi-lingual picture book is the perfect story for young children to learn the basics of the Italian language. Colourful, fun and educational!Mo has a confident spirit and a new thirst for knowledge. He wants to learn Italian to make more friends! Being small he starts at the beginning, learning about essentials like greeting people, counting to 10 and how to say his name!As we follow Mo's character and the other children through the story we discover more of the basics of the Italian language including subjects such as: Talking about Age Likes and Dislikes Games and Playtime Colours of the Rainbow Different Pets Bedtime RoutineOn every page the text is printed in both English and Italian so that parents or whoever reads the story can read to the child in both languages.Adults (or the readers) are provided with the perfect, fun and colourful platform to allow the child to repeat the Italian language back and practice learning the words and pronunciation at ground level with the aid of playful images.Whether a bi-lingual parent or just keen to teach a child a new language, this book is the perfect stepping stone to begin their Italian education!Disclaimer: As this item is designed as a children's picture book it contains large, colourful images and therefore is better suited to paperback and ebook formats. It is available in kindle format but please be aware that books in this series won't be viewable in colour on certain devices and the text size may appear small to some readers.

  • - A Story For Ages 3-6
    von Daniel Williamson
    23,00 €

    This new, bi-lingual picture book is the perfect story for young children to learn the basics of the German language. Colourful, fun and educational!Mo has a confident spirit and a new thirst for knowledge. He wants to learn German to make more friends! Being small he starts at the beginning, learning about essentials like greeting people, counting to 10 and how to say his name!As we follow Mo's character and the other children through the story we discover more of the basics of the German language including subjects such as: Talking about age Likes and Dislikes Games and Playtime Colours of the Rainbow Different Pets Bedtime RoutineOn every page the text is printed in both English and German so that parents or whoever reads the story can read to the child in both languages.Adults (or the readers) are provided with the perfect, fun and colourful platform to allow the child to repeat the German language back and practice learning the words and pronunciation at ground level with the aid of playful images.Whether a bi-lingual parent or just keen to teach a child a new language, this book is the perfect stepping stone to begin their German education!

  • - A Story For Ages 3-6
    von Daniel Williamson
    21,00 €

    This new, bi-lingual picture book is the perfect story for young children to learn the basics of the Spanish language. Colourful, fun and educational!Mo has a confident spirit and a new thirst for knowledge. He wants to learn Spanish to make more friends! Being small he starts at the beginning, learning about essentials like greeting people, counting to 10 and how to say his name!As we follow Mo's character and the other children through the story we discover more of the basics of the Spanish language including subjects such as: Talking about age Likes and Dislikes Games and Playtime Colours of the Rainbow Different Pets Bedtime RoutineOn every page the text is printed in both English and Spanish so that parents or whoever reads the story can read to the child in both languages.Adults (or the readers) are provided with the perfect, fun and colourful platform to allow the child to repeat the Spanish language back and practice learning the words and pronunciation at ground level with the aid of playful images.Whether a bi-lingual parent or just keen to teach a child a new language, this book is the perfect stepping stone to begin their Spanish education!Disclaimer: As this item is designed as a children's picture book it contains large, colourful images and therefore is better suited to paperback and ebook formats. It is available in kindle format but please be aware that books in this series won't be viewable in colour on certain devices and the text size may appear small to some readers.

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