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Bücher von Daniela Vögele

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  • von Daniela Vögele
    15,90 €

    Your horse is testing you", "You can't let the horse win", "You have to be the lead animal for your horse," and many similar phrases are still on everyone's lips and minds, believed, taken to heart when dealing with horses, and passed on to others. But are they really true? What exactly is your horse testing? And what does it want to win? This book sheds light on these and other questions and encourages you to take a closer look.

  • von Daniela Vögele
    15,90 €

    Dieses Buch beleuchtet Irrglauben und Mythen über Pferde, ihr Verhalten und den Umgang mit ihnen neu und soll den Menschen zum genaueren Hinsehen, zum Reflektieren und zum Hinterfragen anregen.

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