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Bücher von David Allen

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  • 14% sparen
    - 10 Moves to Stress-Free Productivity
    von David Allen
    16,00 €

    An accessible, practical, step-by-step how-to guide that supplements Getting Things Done by providing the details, the how-to''s, and the practices to apply GTD more fully and easily in daily lifeThe incredible popularity of Getting Things Done revealed people''s need to take control of their own productivity with a system that reduces the stress of staying on top of it all. Around the world hundreds of certified trainers and coaches are engaged full time in teaching the process, supported by a grassroots movement of Meetup groups, LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, podcasts, blogs and dozens of apps based on it. While Getting Things Done remains the definitive way to gain perspective over work and create the mental space for creativity and mindfulness, The Getting Things Done Workbook enhances the original by providing an accessible guide to the GTD methodology in workbook form. The workbook divides the process into small, manageable segments to allow for easier learning and doing. Each chapter identifies a challenge the reader may be facing--such as being overwhelmed by too many to-do lists, a messy desk, or email overload--and explains the GTD concept to address. The lessons can be learned and implemented in almost any order, and whichever is adopted will provide immediate benefits. This handy instructional manual will give both seasoned GTD users and newcomers alike clear action steps to take to reach a place of sustained efficiency.

  • 23% sparen
    von David Allen
    18,00 €

    A groundbreaking book about how to harness the power of collaboration and work most effectively in groups—coauthored by Getting Things Done’s David AllenWhen Getting Things Done was published in 2001, it was a game changer. By revealing the principles of healthy high performance at an individual level, it transformed the experience of work and leisure for millions. Twenty years later, it has become clear that the best way to build on that success is at the team level, and one of the most frequently asked questions by dedicated GTD users is how to get an entire team onboard.By building on the effectiveness of what GTD does for individuals, Team will offer a better way of working in an organization, while simultaneously nourishing a culture that allows individuals’ skills to flourish. Using case studies from some of the world’s largest and most successful companies, Team shows how leaders have employed the principles of team productivity to improve communication, enable effective execution, and reduce stress on team members. These principles are increasingly important in the post-pandemic workplace, where the very nature of how people work together has changed so dramatically.Team is the most significant addition to the GTD canon since the original, and in offering a roadmap for building a culture of healthy high performance, will be welcomed by readers working in any sized group or organization.

  • 11% sparen
    von David Allen, John Krogstie & Karlheinz Kautz
    95,00 €

  • von David Allen
    15,00 €

    Throughout this short but very informative book I intend on showing and revealing to you, the reader, that by switching words, using synonyms or understanding certain definitions just how easy it is to understand the totality of what Neville himself had learned and what he taught. After years of reading Neville Goddard books I made a discovery that I believe not many had made. I didn't make this discovery after one or two readings. After reading hundreds of metaphysical books, I decided that Neville was the teacher for me. But I also knew there was more to his books than the average reader was seeing. It came to me after years of study and application of certain principles that what he was talking about was BELIEVING WORDS. BELIEVING THOUGHTS. I have read his 10 books so many times I have lost count. With each reading it became clearer and clearer what the underlying foundation of what he was teaching was. I hope by the end of this book, the reader is convinced and can see for themselves, that Neville was indeed telling you that BELIEF IS THE SECRET. As long as you have an understanding of the definitions of certain words and or synonyms this should be easily grasped.

  • von David Allen
    12,00 €

    Einfach organisiert! Eigentlich sollte man längst bei einem Termin sein, doch dann klingelt das Handy und das E-Mail-Postfach quillt auch schon wieder über. Für Sport und Erholung bleibt immer weniger Zeit und am Ende resigniert man ausgebrannt, unproduktiv und völlig gestresst. Doch das muss nicht sein. Denn je entspannter wir sind, desto kreativer und produktiver werden wir. Mit David Allens einfacher und anwendungsorientierter Methode wird beides wieder möglich: effizient zu arbeiten und die Freude am Leben zurückzugewinnen.

  • von David Allen
    16,00 €

    Weniger¿Stress, mehr¿Freizeit! Dieses Buch hilft dir dabei, deinen Alltag zu strukturieren, deine Aufgaben zu managen und den Überblick zu behalten. In fünf einfachen Schritten erklären wir dir, wie du das ganze Zeug, das täglich anfällt, ordnen und bewältigen kannst: - Sammeln - Verarbeiten - Organisieren - Durchsehen - Erledigen Lerne, einfache Checklisten und übersichtliche Tabellen zu erstellen. Entdecke, wie du deinen Tag wirklich gut nutzen kannst. So wirst du den Stress los und hast wieder mehr Zeit für die Sachen, auf die du wirklich Bock hast!

  • von David Allen
    25,98 €

    Contains virtually everything David Allen has penned about the Los Angeles County Fair from 1998 to 2021 for the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin. It includes stories of people, attractions, concert lineups, pricing, sights, sounds and smells.

  • von David Allen
    26,00 €

  • - Questions That Create Reality
    von David Allen
    23,00 €

    ASKffirmations is a term I coined in order to uniquely identify the technique that I have successfully applied in my own life and set it apart from other similar techniques. It isn't about asking better questions but rather to ask questions I already have the answers to, inserting them into the question, and asking "How did I do that?" which gives me the consciousness of already having my desire. What you possess in consciousness is given to you. Possess the fulfilled desire. There is inherent principle at work in the question that creates the experiences… the expression that the impression of the question makes. That is what ASKffirmations do. David Allen Foreword by Gail BoyntonWhat you are about to read has the potential of rocking your world if you are up to the task. I guarantee it will be well worth it.When David Allen asked me to write the Foreword of his new book about questions, of course, it came in the form of a question. "How did I find someone to write the foreword to my upcoming book so easily?" Even though I recognized that as one of his carefully worded, magical questions - from the desire fulfilled - I still couldn't resist guessing who it might be.After I offered a couple names, he finally said, "You! You were a part of it right from the beginning." He was kind enough not to mention that I had been hinting … frequently … in a not so subtle way … that I really wanted him to write a book about the questions technique. I had found it to be a powerful method to affirm my desire in the form of a question already answered … an answer already in existence. It felt very good, and I was seeing results all the time. Little did I know he had already started writing the book.Let me start by saying that ASKffirmations are delightfully easy! There is nothing complicated about them. However, there is something required of you if you want to reap the rewards of a fantastic life. You need to pay attention to David's succinct instructions and see them through. An important take-away for me is that you must be willing to change your Thoughts to be in harmony with Universal Principles. If you start there, you will find that your specific desires will fall into place. And ASKffirmations are the tools that will turbo-charge your creative imagination and give your Subconscious Mind, your Genie, the clarity of your desires.David provides the instruction and a wonderful list of examples to help you understand the structure of the most effective ASKffirmations. I read every single one of them, out loud, one right after the other. I highly recommend it because it felt awesome. I felt a stirring within … a progression upward in consciousness … as I read them. After you have read this amazing book, you will own a vital piece of understanding to your spiritual journey, and you will be inspired to create your own custom, life-changing ASKffirmations. THERE'S YOUR POWER!How did you know that ASKffirmations were your key to a magical life?

  • von David Allen
    27,00 €

    Compilation of newspaper columns published in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) from 2001-2005

  • - Hope Behind the Tears
    von M D David Allen Smith
    14,00 - 37,00 €

  • - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
    von David Allen
    18,00 €

    The book Lifehack calls"e;The Bible of business and personal productivity."e;"e;A completely revised and updated edition of the blockbuster bestseller from 'the personal productivity guru'"e;Fast CompanySince it was first published almost fifteen years ago, David Allen's Getting Things Done has become one of the most influential business books of its era, and the ultimate book on personal organization. ';GTD' is now shorthand for an entire way of approaching professional and personal tasks, and has spawned an entire culture of websites, organizational tools, seminars, and offshoots.Allen has rewritten the book from start to finish, tweaking his classic text with important perspectives on the new workplace, and adding material that will make the book fresh and relevant for years to come. This new edition of Getting Things Done will be welcomed not only by its hundreds of thousands of existing fans but also by a whole new generation eager to adopt its proven principles.

  • - The Death of Christ in the Old Testament and the New
    von David Allen
    51,00 €

    "If all you know is the New Testament, you do not know the New Testament" - so the late New Testament scholar Martin Hengel is reputed to have said. According to the Scriptures considers the way in the New Testament writers utilized the Jewish Scriptures in order to describe, articulate and evaluate the death of Jesus, takes Hengel at his word.What Old Testament texts are quoted in the New Testament, how are they used and what might such analysis mean for the (contemporary) reader? Focusing in particular on the passion narratives in the Synoptic Gospels, According to the Scriptures seeks to engage with these questions. It will provide a useful new framework for thinking about why the early Church understood Jesus' death in terms of the Scriptures, what difference that understanding made, and what relevance that might have for us as we seek to make sense of the death of Jesus.Contents:1. Introduction2. The Old Testament in Mark's Passion3. The Old Testament in Matthew's Passion4. The Old Testament in Luke-Acts' Passion5. The Old Testament in John's Passion6. The Old Testament in Paul's Depiction of Jesus' Death7. The Old Testament in Hebrew's Passion8. The Old Testament in the 'Passion' of the Other New Testament Epistles9. Conclusion

  • von David Allen
    24,00 €

  • von Gabrielle Hatfield & David E. Allen
    35,00 €

  • von David Allen
    29,00 €

  • - Emerging Issues in State and Local Economic Development Policy
    von David Allen
    117,00 €

    With the rise of advanced technology firms, government's role in nurturing business may be changing. Nurturing Advanced Technology Enterprises is the only book to offer in-depth and comprehensive analysis of all aspects of advanced technology development.

  • - A Book of Short Stories
    von David Allen
    23,00 €

  • von David Allen
    26,00 €

  • von David Allen & Jim Gleeson
    32,98 €

  • 14% sparen
    von David Allen
    37,00 €

    This unique book presents a nontechnical view of the history of mechanics, from the Big Bang to present day.

  • von David Allen
    26,00 €

    When the job market improves, many employees who have had few options will be looking for new alternatives. This book offers ideas that are suitable to audiences from CEOs who care about the impact of turnover on the organization's bottom line to the Managers who suffer the most when their best talent leaves.

  • - What the Theatre Arts Teach about Collaboration
    von David Allen
    54,00 - 101,00 €

    This book offers an innovative approach to understanding and supporting teacher inquiry groups, Critical Friends Groups, "PLCs," and other vehicles for the school-wide professional learning community. It takes the reader outside traditional sites of professional development for teachers and into the black box theatres and rehearsal studios of contemporary theatre companies.

  • von David Allen
    67,00 €

    Performing Chekhov is a unique guide to Chekhov's plays in performance. It will be indispensable to students, teachers and theatre practitioners interested not only in Chekhov but in the history of the modern stage.

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