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Bücher von David Brenner

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  • von David Brenner
    142,00 €

    Archictural Interiors play a critical role in shaping the esthetics and functionality of a space .From residential homes to commercial buildings, the design and details of architectural interiors have a major impact on the overall experience and atmoshphere of a place.These interiors encompass a wide range of elements, including layout , materials, finishes, lighting and furniture , all of which work together to create a harmonious and captivating environment.The book explores various aspects such as space planning, material selection, lighting design, furniture arrangment, and the intergration of technology, Ultimately the book aims to empower readers to create impressive and harmonious interiors that enhance quality of life for individuals and communities.

  • von David Brenner
    43,00 €

    This book ""Organisational Planning"" is acomprehensive guide that thoroughlyexamines the topic of planning within abusiness. It explains the basics of planningand provides examples of real-life situationsthat demonstrate why planning is so importantfor business growth. Additionally, the bookhighlights different tools and methods that canbe used to create successful strategies.The book also explores new trends in the business world, such asflexible systems management, and how these new practices impactthe way we work. It pays particular attention to the role of technology,physical resources, and human resources in modern-day workplaces.

  • von David Brenner
    43,00 €

    This book covers everything you need to knowabout running an office, from the general tasksand duties to managing staff, ensuring security,and providing a range of services. It also coversa wide range of topics related to officemanagement, such as the office environment,employees, systems, and functions.This book covers everything you need to knowabout running an office, from the general tasks andduties to managing staff, ensuring security, andproviding a range of services. It also covers a wide range of topics related to officemanagement, such as the office environment, employees, systems, and functions.

  • von David Brenner
    42,00 €

    This book looks at how the strategies and attitudesof entrepreneurs can impact how well anorganization performs. It then talks about howthese ideas can be applied in modernbusinesses, and the difficulties that researchersface when studying this on a global scale.Basically, the book is a big picture look at howorganizations can be successful by using smartstrategies and entrepreneurial thinking. It's animportant resource for people who studymanagement all over the world because it bringstogether a lot of different research and ideas into one place.

  • von David Brenner
    43,00 €

    This book is designed in a way that is easyto understand and covers a variety of modernempirical methods used in microeconomics.It teaches students the basic tools of analysisand demonstrates how these tools can beapplied to explain and predict economicphenomena. The book assumes that thereader has a good understanding ofeconometrics and is intended for graduatestudents, early-career academic researchers, and empirical economistswho want to enhance their skills.

  • 14% sparen
    von Martin Bilodeau & David Brenner
    78,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Martin Bilodeau & David Brenner
    93,00 €

    Presents the results of the modern theory of multivariate statistics to an audience of advanced students.

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