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Bücher von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume

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  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    16,00 €

    Disappointed by the public reception to "A Treatise of Human Nature", published anonymously between 1739 and 1740, David Hume decided to produce a shorter more polemic version of that work nearly ten years later. That revision, which was published in 1748, would be entitled "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding". Dispensing with much of the extraneous material from the "Treatise", Hume focuses on his more vital propositions in the "Enquiry". Proceeding in incremental steps Hume discusses the following concepts: "The Different Species of Philosophy", "The Origin of Ideas", "The Association of Ideas", "Sceptical Doubts Concerning the Operations of the Understanding", "Sceptical Solution of These Doubts", "Probability", "The Idea of Necessary Connection", "Liberty and Necessity", "The Reason of Animals", "Miracles", "Of a Particular Providence and of a Future State", and "The Academical or Sceptical Philosophy". Widely considered a classic of modern philosophical literature, "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding" is Hume's theory of knowledge which would influence thinkers both in his time and for generations to come. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper and includes an introduction by L. A. Selby-Bigge.

  • - (Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion)
    von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    14,90 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    26,00 €

    This book has been deemed as a classic and has stood the test of time. The book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations.

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    45,00 €

    A Treatise of Human Nature (1738-40) is a book by Scottish philosopher David Hume, considered by many to be Hume's most important work and one of the most influential works in the history of philosophy. The Treatise is a classic statement of philosophical empiricism, skepticism, and naturalism. In the introduction Hume presents the idea of placing all science and philosophy on a novel foundation: namely, an empirical investigation into human nature. Impressed by Isaac Newton's achievements in the physical sciences, Hume sought to introduce the same experimental method of reasoning into the study of human psychology, with the aim of discovering the "extent and force of human understanding". Against the philosophical rationalists, Hume argues that passion rather than reason governs human behaviour. He introduces the famous problem of induction, arguing that inductive reasoning and our beliefs regarding cause and effect cannot be justified by reason; instead, our faith in induction and causation is the result of mental habit and custom. Hume defends a sentimentalist account of morality, arguing that ethics is based on sentiment and passion rather than reason, and famously declaring that "reason is, and ought only to be the slave to the passions". Hume also offers a skeptical theory of personal identity and a compatibilist account of free will.

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    18,00 - 32,00 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume & Ludwig Heinrich Von Jakob
    39,90 €

  • - From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688
    von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    34,90 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    27,00 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    31,90 - 39,90 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    34,90 - 39,90 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    22,80 €

    David Hume: Dialoge über die natürliche ReligionDemea, ein orthodox Gläubiger, der Skeptiker Philo und der Deist Cleanthes diskutieren den physiko-teleologischen Gottesbeweis, also die Frage, ob aus der Existenz von Ordnung und Zweck in der Welt auf einen intelligenten Schöpfer oder Baumeister zu schließen ist.Entstanden um 1751, revidierte Fassung 1761. Erstdruck (postum) unter dem Titel »Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion«: London 1779. Erste deutsche Übersetzung durch Karl Gottfried Schreiter unter dem Titel »Gespräche über natürliche Religion«: Leipzig (Weygand) 1781. Der Text folgt der Übersetzung durch Friedrich Paulsen von 1877.Vollständige Neuausgabe mit einer Biographie des Autors.Herausgegeben von Karl-Maria Guth.Berlin 2013.Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe:David Hume: Dialoge über natürliche Religion. Über Selbstmord und Unsterblichkeit der Seele. Ins Deutsche übersetzt und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Friedrich Paulsen, 3. Auflage, Leipzig: Felix Meiner, 1905 (Philosophische Bibliothek, Bd. 36).Die Paginierung obiger Ausgabe wird in dieser Neuausgabe als Marginalie zeilengenau mitgeführt.Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage unter Verwendung des Bildes: David Hume (1766) Porträt von Allan Ramsay.Gesetzt aus Minion Pro, 11 pt.

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    15,00 - 30,00 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    21,00 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    15,99 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    12,90 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    12,90 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    20,00 - 25,00 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    15,00 - 22,00 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    16,00 - 25,00 €

  • von David (Burapha University Thailand) Hume
    26,00 €

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