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Bücher von David Hewson

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  • von David Hewson
    22,00 €

    Wurde dem erfolgreichen TV-Historiker Marmaduke Godolphin seine intrigante Rücksichtslosigkeit zum Verhängnis? Godolphin ist alles andere als ein umgänglicher Zeitgenosse und berüchtigt für seinen Narzissmus. Um seine ins Stocken geratene Fernsehkarriere zu befeuern, plant der »Duke« die Inszenierung einer sensationellen historischen Entdeckung rund um zwei Morde an Mitgliedern der Medici-Familie im 16. Jahrhundert. Auch ehemalige Schüler:innen und Weggefährt:innen aus seiner Zeit in Cambridge hat er dazu nach Venedig eingeladen. Doch bevor es zur Enthüllung kommt, wird Godolphin tot in einem canale aufgefunden. Ermittlerin Valentina Fabbri hat Verdächtige genug. Sie bittet den pensionierten Archivar Arnold Clover um Mithilfe.Winterliches Venedig + ungleiches Ermittlerpaar + fesselnde Historie = große Unterhaltung!Nach dem Erfolg von "Garten der Engel" David Hewsons neuer Venedig-Krimi

  • von David Hewson
    12,00 €

    A noble family, a legendary painting, a cursed palazzo.When Arnold Clover is recruited by Lizzie Hawker to help her look into her family inheritance, he cannot begin to guess the journey he is about to embark on.Lizzie's mother, an Italian countess, disappeared thirty years ago, presumed dead. Her father has just died and now the family home, a leaning palazzo in Dorsoduro that is full of secrets, has fallen to Lizzie. When her mother vanished so too did a priceless painting of Lucrezia Borgia - but it quickly becomes apparent that Lizzie and Arnold are not the only ones interested in finding it. The search for the lost Lucrezia quickly becomes a race through the secret history of Venice, one with potentially deadly consequences.

  • von David Hewson
    27,00 €

    Vor der einzigartigen Kulisse Venedigs erzählt David Hewson eine mitreißende Geschichte von Widerstand, Liebe und Zivilcourage.Als der fünfzehnjährige Nico Uccello seinen Großvater Paolo im Krankenhaus besucht, vertraut ihm der todkranke Mann ein Manuskript an, das Nicos Leben und seinen Blick auf den geliebten "Nonno" radikal verändern wird. Im Herbst 1943 ist Venedig von deutschen Truppen besetzt. Der junge Paolo Uccello kämpft nach dem Tod seiner Eltern um den Erhalt des Familienunternehmens, einer traditionsreichen Seidenweberei. Nur widerwillig bietet er im heruntergekommenen Palazzo der Familie dem jüdischen Geschwisterpaar Mika und Giovanni Unterschlupf. Beide gehören dem italienischen Widerstand an und sind auf der Flucht vor den Nazischergen. Bald aber droht die Deportation der gesamten jüdischen Gemeinde Venedigs und Paolo muss eine Entscheidung treffen. Wird er den Mut aufbringen, das Richtige zu tun? Könnten wir es?Vom Autor der Bücher zur TV-Serie "Kommissarin Lund - Das Verbrechen"."Eine der Fragen, die ich beantworten wollte, war: Was bringt einen ganz normalen, nicht besonders heldenhaften Bürger dazu, sein Leben und das seiner Familie zu riskieren, um sich dem Terror entgegenzustellen? Woher kommt dieser Mut?"(David Hewson)

  • von David Hewson
    13,00 €

  • von David Hewson
    13,00 €

  • von David Hewson
    48,00 €

    David Hewson's The Killing 2 is the novelization of the second series of the hit Danish crime drama, The Killing.It is two years since the notorious Nanna Birk Larsen case. Two years since Detective Sarah Lund left Copenhagen in disgrace for a remote outpost in northern Denmark. When the body of a female lawyer is found in macabre circumstances in a military graveyard, there are elements of the crime scene that take Head of Homicide, Lennart Brix, back to an occupied wartime Denmark - a time its countrymen would wish to forget. Brix knows that Lund is the one person he can rely on to discover the truth. Reluctantly she returns to Copenhagen and becomes intrigued with the facts surrounding the case. As more bodies are found, Lund comes to see a pattern and she realizes that the identity of the killer will be known once the truth behind a more recent wartime mission is finally revealed . . .

  • von David Hewson
    38,00 €

    David Hewson's The Killing 3 is the novelization of the third series of the hit Danish crime drama, The Killing.Detective Inspector for homicide, Sarah Lund, is contacted by old flame Mathias Borch from National Intelligence. Borch fears that what first appeared to be a random killing at the docks is the beginning of an assassination attempt on Prime Minister Troels Hartmann. The murder draws attention towards the shipping and oil giant, Zeeland, run by billionaire Robert Zeuthen.When Zeuthen's 9-year-old daughter, Emilie, is kidnapped the investigation takes on a different dimension as it soon becomes clear that her disappearance is linked to the murder of a young girl in Jutland some years earlier.Hartmann is in the middle of an election campaign, made all the more turbulent because of the mounting financial crisis. He needs Zeeland's backing.Lund needs to make sense of the clues left by Emilie's perpetrator before it's too late.And can she finally face the demons that have long haunted her?

  • von David Hewson
    48,00 €

    David Hewson's The Killing 1 is the novelization of the first series of the hit Danish crime drama, The Killing.'Through the dark wood where the dead trees give no shelter Nanna Birk Larsen runs . . . There is a bright monocular eye that follows, like a hunter after a wounded deer. It moves in a slow approaching zigzag, marching through the Pineseskoven wasteland, through the Pentecost Forest. The chill water, the fear, his presence not so far away . . . There is one torchlight on her now, the single blazing eye. And it is here . . .' Sarah Lund is looking forward to her last day as a detective with the Copenhagen police department before moving to Sweden. But everything changes when nineteen-year-old student, Nanna Birk Larsen, is found raped and brutally murdered in the woods outside the city. Lund's plans to relocate are put on hold as she leads the investigation along with fellow detective Jan Meyer. While Nanna's family struggles to cope with their loss, local politician, Troels Hartmann, is in the middle of an election campaign to become the new mayor of Copenhagen. When links between City Hall and the murder suddenly come to light , the case takes an entirely different turn. Over the course of twenty days, suspect upon suspect emerges as violence and political intrigue cast their shadows over the hunt for the killer.

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