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Bücher von David Mayorga

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  • von David Mayorga
    21,00 €

    This book is a compilation of 40 days of prayer and fasting and was written to bring the reader to a higher place in God. The author, David Mayorga, brings present-day truths to the forefront as the Holy Spirit unfolds them. For the hungry servant of Christ who longs to know Him more profoundly, the Under His Shadow Volume 4 is an excellent tool to bring the reader closer to Christ.

  • von David Mayorga
    21,00 €

    Este libro es una recopilación de 40 días de oración y ayuno y fue escrito para llevar al lector a un lugar más elevado en Dios. El autor, David Mayorga, pone en primer plano las verdades actuales a medida que el Espíritu Santo las revela. ¡Para el siervo hambriento de Cristo que anhela conocerlo más profundamente, Bajo Su Sombra! Volumen 4 (en español) es una excelente herramienta para acercar al lector a Cristo. Tenga en cuenta que este libro está escrito en el idioma español.

  • von David Mayorga
    23,00 €

    Ven Conmigo, ¡Mi Amado! Por David MayorgaA medida que el creyente camina con Dios, con demasiada frecuencia, debido a la negligencia en los ejercicios espirituales, el fuego de Dios en el creyente se vuelve estancado, tibio, indiferente y/o espiritualmente frío por completo. ¡Obviamente, esta no es la voluntad de Dios para ningún creyente! Una vida de mediocridad en asuntos espirituales solo significa problemas para cualquier siervo de Dios. Esto es algo por lo que ningún creyente debería ser conocido.Si sientes que el fuego de Dios se está agotando o se ha apagado por completo; si sientes que tu vida espiritual y tu compromiso con Cristo han disminuido; este libro lo llevará a un lugar donde podrá evaluar su vida espiritual.En este libro, Vente Conmigo, ¡Mi Amado!, David Mayorga, desafía al lector a evaluar y hacer los cambios necesarios, cambios de actitud, de hábitos, de disciplina, etc. El fuego de Dios sólo cesa por el descuido, ¡nada más!Si tienes tanta hambre de Dios; y sepan que necesitan ponerse en contacto con Dios desesperadamente; ¡este libro es lo que necesitas estar leyendo actualmente!¡Disfruta el viaje mientras eres transformado por Su Espíritu!

  • von David Mayorga
    21,00 €

    As the believer walks with God, too often, due to neglect in spiritual exercises, the fire of God in the believer becomes stagnant, lukewarm, indifferent, and/or spiritually cold altogether. Obviously, this is not God's will for any believer! A life of mediocrity in spiritual matters only spells trouble for any servant of God. This is something any believer should not be known for. If you sense that the fire of God is running low or has gone out completely; if you feel that your spiritual life and commitment to Christ has waned down; this book will bring you to a place where you can evaluate your spiritual life. In this book, Come Away My Beloved! Keys to Cultivating a Life of Intimacy with God, David Mayorga, challenges the reader to evaluate and make necessary changes, changes in attitude, in habits, in disciplines, etc. The fire of God only ceases because of neglect - nothing else! If you are that hungry for God; and know that you need to get in touch with heaven desperately; this book is what you need to be reading currently! Enjoy the journey as you are being transformed by His Spirit!

  • von David Mayorga
    26,00 €

  • von David Mayorga
    20,00 €

    This book, which is comprised of daily devotions, was written with the intent, that the reader, would experience God in a deeper and more personal and intimate way. Also, in this book, you will also find principles that were birthed in prayer and processed through a willing attitude to be transformed by the hand of God. Birthed out of forty days of prayer and fasting, these devotions are freshly presented for such a time as this. As a consequence to prayer and fasting, the reader will be able to capture the daily revelations of the Holy Spirit as shown to the author. Our prayer is that the reader, will find both - sweet times of refreshing for their weary souls and also an awakening to pursue the heart of God with deeper longing.

  • 18% sparen
    von David Mayorga
    25,00 €

    With a passionate continual pursuit after the heart of God, David Mayorga once again, releases some very powerful revelatory knowledge and present-day truths that will enlighten and empower the servant of Jesus who has been seeking for more of God's awesome presence. In this new volume 6, the writer has found himself pressing in for a deeper understanding of the person of Jesus and His calling upon all who have decided to follow Him without regrets, without retreats, and without reserves. It is your time to allow God to take you to places you have never seen, and places you have never walked on! As you read, may the Spirit of God lead your heart and mind into the realm of God. Get ready to be immersed into higher levels of His glory!

  • von David Mayorga
    28,00 €

    The Heart of David Journal Volume 5 is another book compiled with present-day biblical truths. Every chapter has been birthed in prayer with the disciple of Jesus in mind. As the reader makes his way through these notes, the potential for spiritual growth is sure to come. As in the previous volumes, anyone reading and aspiring good leadership notes, philosophy of life or motivation to pursue a God-given vision, these notes will not disappoint. Furthermore, the man or woman of God who is leading or desires to lead in their home, business, or ministry, let me just say, these notes will also provide timely guidance. David Mayorga has written these truths based on his own encounter with the Spirit of God and in countless hours of personal prayer and devotion to Christ. I pray the Lord blesses your heart.

  • von David Mayorga
    20,00 €

    Agentes del Reino Volumen 4 por David Mayorga This book was written by David Mayorga with the sole purpose of further equipping the hungry servant of the Lord who longs to be taught in discipleship, leadership, and actual ministry service. With this purpose in mind, David Mayorga, brings the reader into a clear definite view on what it takes to be an effective worker for God. By using leadership principles from the book of 1 Timothy, the author brings forth wonderful truths that will help the reader be more effective in all areas of his or her life. This includes, your place of employment, your ministry, your family, and your own personal life. May your heart be filled with expectation as you read with an open heart!

  • von David Mayorga
    19,00 €

  • von David Mayorga
    20,00 €

  • von David Mayorga
    20,00 €

  • von David Mayorga
    19,00 €

  • von David Mayorga
    18,00 €

  • von David Mayorga
    20,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von David Mayorga
    26,00 €

    In the Heart of David Journal Volume 2, Rev. David Mayorga takes the reader through deep meditations in the word of God regarding the subject of vision, passion and wisdom. If you are an aspiring leader and desire the position of leadership - then this book will be a manual to you in developing a greater philosophy of life and/or ministry.

  • von David Mayorga
    20,00 €

  • von David Mayorga
    22,00 €

  • von David Mayorga
    31,00 €

    The Heart of David Journal Volume 4 is a compilation of present-day biblical truths. Each chapter in Volume 4 is a lesson for personal growth. If you are a leader or an aspiring leader in the areas of family, ministry, business or in developing your life in general, these notes will be a real blessing to you. David Mayorga has written these truth based on his own encounter with the Spirit of God in countless hours of personal prayer and devotion to Christ.

  • 17% sparen
    von David Mayorga
    25,00 €

    In the Heart of David Journal Volume 3, Rev. David Mayorga has compiled a series of leadership notes that takes the reader through deep meditations in the word of God regarding the subject of vision, passion and wisdom.  If you are an aspiring leader and desire the position of leadership - then this book will be a manual to you in developing a greater philosophy of life and/or ministry.

  • von David Mayorga
    18,00 €

    In this book, the author brings to the forefront the reason for some of the tests and trials we face in life. Seeing adversity from Gods perspective changes everything! Everything that happens in our life is not a waste, a joke or a trap set up by God to destroy us. Once a believer starts to walk with God, He will face many forms of opposition. The secret is to know when God is working in him or her and to understand that every test is made specifically for the benefit of bringing us into maturity. Most of the things we condemn, are usually the things that bring us into greater fruitfulness in God. Enjoy.

  • von David Mayorga & Tania Joy (Founder and Executive Director of Masterbuilder Ministries Inc) Caballero
    31,00 €

    The Heart of David Journal is a composition of devotions in regards to intimacy with God, learning the wisdom of God and moving in the leadership of the Holy Spirit in both ministry and secular settings. Fifty-Two devotions have been laid out for meditating on God's principles for a greater and more effective lifestyle.

  • - Un Llamado Al Camino Menos Transitado - El Llamado a la Intimidad Con Dios
    von David Mayorga
    25,00 €

  • - A Call to the Road Less Traveled - The Call to Intimacy With God
    von David Mayorga
    25,00 €

    The Few was written with a passionate desire to challenge the believer to a higher walk with God. In these pages, the disciple of Jesus will find valuable principles that will challenge him or her to a deeper life of greater brokenness, devotion and service unto Christ Jesus, our Lord.Along with a passionate challenge to enter a higher walk with Christ, the disciple will also come to grips with the fact that there is yet so much more to discover in God. As the reader makes his way through the pages of this book, he will realize that one can live a fuller, more satisfied life in Christ; a life that can potentially take you places you have never been before, literally. The ultimate result of this book is for God's disciple to gain a greater longing for God, a greater passion for Jesus and a never-ending flame of Gods presence within! To be lovesick for God is the ultimate calling for all who are disciples of Christ. If you are so hungry for more of Jesus, then these few pages, will transform you and serve you; they will bring you a greater spiritual benefit, one that you never thought possible! Enjoy.

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