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Bücher von David Stewart

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  • 15% sparen
    von David Stewart
    38,00 €

    L'objectif de cette étude était de comprendre comment un district scolaire unifié californien de la maternelle à la terminale, très performant, s'engageait à mettre en ¿uvre les compétences du 21e siècle. En comprenant comment un district scolaire ayant obtenu des résultats élevés au SBAC met en ¿uvre les compétences du 21e siècle, les dirigeants actuels et futurs des districts et des sites peuvent développer un cadre pour la réussite future des élèves. En s'appuyant sur le cadre théorique des compétences du 21e siècle de Wagner (2008) et sur le cadre théorique des systèmes de soutien du 21e siècle du Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) (2007), cette étude a examiné la manière dont le district scolaire définit les compétences du 21e siècle et les résultats d'apprentissage escomptés. Plus précisément, l'étude s'est attachée à examiner les points suivants 1) Comment un district scolaire très performant a-t-il défini les compétences, les objectifs d'apprentissage et les résultats du 21e siècle ? 2) Comment un district scolaire performant a-t-il mis en ¿uvre le développement des compétences du 21e siècle ? 3) Quels systèmes et structures organisationnels ont été utilisés pour soutenir l'apprentissage professionnel des compétences du 21e siècle ? 4) Comment les dirigeants du district ont-ils démontré leur engagement envers la fidélité d'un plan de mise en ¿uvre du 21e siècle ?

  • 15% sparen
    von David Stewart
    38,00 €

    O objetivo do estudo era compreender como um distrito escolar unificado TK-12 da Califórnia de elevado desempenho demonstrou um compromisso com a implementação das competências do século XXI. Ao compreender como um distrito escolar com altos níveis de desempenho dos alunos no SBAC está a implementar as competências do século XXI, os actuais e aspirantes a líderes distritais e locais podem desenvolver uma estrutura para o futuro sucesso dos alunos. Utilizando o quadro teórico das competências do século XXI de Wagner (2008) e o quadro teórico dos sistemas de apoio do século XXI da Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) (2007), este estudo examinou a forma como a delegação escolar define as competências do século XXI e os resultados esperados da aprendizagem. Mais especificamente, o estudo teve como objetivo examinar 1) Como é que uma delegação escolar de elevado desempenho definiu as competências, os objectivos de aprendizagem e os resultados do século XXI? 2) Como é que uma delegação escolar de elevado desempenho implementou o desenvolvimento das competências do século XXI? 3) Que sistemas e estruturas organizacionais do distrito foram utilizados para apoiar a aprendizagem profissional das competências do século XXI? 4) Como é que a liderança distrital demonstrou empenho na fidelidade de um plano de implementação do século XXI?

  • 15% sparen
    von David Stewart
    38,00 €

    El propósito del estudio era comprender cómo un distrito escolar unificado TK-12 de alto rendimiento de California demostraba su compromiso con la implementación de las habilidades del siglo XXI. Al comprender cómo un distrito escolar con altos niveles de rendimiento estudiantil en el SBAC está implementando las habilidades del siglo XXI, los líderes actuales y aspirantes del distrito y del centro pueden desarrollar un marco para el éxito futuro de los estudiantes. Utilizando el marco teórico de Wagner (2008) sobre las competencias del siglo XXI y el marco teórico de la Asociación para las Competencias del Siglo XXI (P21) (2007) sobre los sistemas de apoyo del siglo XXI, este estudio examinó cómo el distrito escolar define las competencias del siglo XXI y los resultados de aprendizaje esperados. Más concretamente, el estudio se propuso examinar: 1) ¿Cómo ha definido un distrito escolar de alto rendimiento las competencias, los objetivos de aprendizaje y los resultados del siglo XXI? 2) ¿Cómo ha implementado un distrito escolar de alto rendimiento el desarrollo de las competencias del siglo XXI? 3) ¿Qué sistemas y estructuras organizativas del distrito se utilizaron para apoyar el aprendizaje profesional de las competencias del siglo XXI? 4) ¿Cómo ha demostrado el liderazgo del distrito su compromiso con la fidelidad de un plan de implementación del siglo XXI?

  • von David Stewart
    44,90 €

    Ziel der Studie war es, zu verstehen, wie ein leistungsstarker kalifornischer TK-12-Einheitsschulbezirk sein Engagement für die Umsetzung der Fähigkeiten des 21. Jahrhunderts demonstriert. Durch das Verständnis der Art und Weise, wie ein Schulbezirk mit hohen Schülerleistungen beim SBAC die Fähigkeiten des 21. Jahrhunderts umsetzt, können aktuelle und angehende Bezirks- und Standortleiter einen Rahmen für den zukünftigen Erfolg der Schüler entwickeln. Unter Verwendung des theoretischen Rahmens der Fähigkeiten des 21. Jahrhunderts von Wagner (2008) und des theoretischen Rahmens der Unterstützungssysteme des 21. Jahrhunderts der Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) (2007) untersuchte diese Studie, wie der Schulbezirk die Fähigkeiten des 21. Jahrhunderts und die erwarteten Lernergebnisse definiert. Im Einzelnen sollte die Studie untersuchen: 1) Wie hat ein leistungsstarker Schulbezirk die Fähigkeiten des 21. Jahrhunderts, die Lernziele und die Ergebnisse definiert? 2) Wie hat ein leistungsstarker Schulbezirk die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten des 21. Jahrhunderts umgesetzt? 3) Welche organisatorischen Systeme und Strukturen des Distrikts wurden genutzt, um das professionelle Lernen von Fähigkeiten des 21. Jahrhunderts zu unterstützen? 4) Wie hat die Distriktleitung ihr Engagement für die zuverlässige Umsetzung eines Plans für das 21.

  • 15% sparen
    von David Stewart
    38,00 €

    Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di capire come un distretto scolastico unificato TK-12 della California ad alte prestazioni abbia dimostrato un impegno nell'implementazione delle competenze del XXI secolo. Comprendendo come un distretto scolastico con alti livelli di risultati degli studenti sullo SBAC stia implementando le competenze del XXI secolo, i leader attuali e aspiranti del distretto e del sito possono sviluppare un quadro di riferimento per il futuro successo degli studenti. Utilizzando il quadro teorico di Wagner (2008) sulle competenze del XXI secolo e il quadro teorico della Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) (2007) sui sistemi di supporto del XXI secolo, questo studio ha esaminato come il distretto scolastico definisce le competenze del XXI secolo e i risultati di apprendimento attesi. Più specificamente, lo studio si proponeva di esaminare: 1) Come un distretto scolastico ad alte prestazioni ha definito le competenze, gli obiettivi e i risultati di apprendimento del XXI secolo? 2) Come un distretto scolastico ad alte prestazioni ha implementato lo sviluppo delle competenze del XXI secolo? 3) Quali sistemi e strutture organizzative distrettuali sono stati utilizzati per sostenere l'apprendimento professionale delle competenze del XXI secolo? 4) In che modo la leadership distrettuale ha dimostrato l'impegno per la fedeltà di un piano di implementazione del XXI secolo?

  • von David Stewart
    44,00 €

    When you wake up on a hot July morning in the central Sacramento Valley of California, your first thought is normally, how long it will be before the temperature reaches one hundred degrees, and what am I going to do to deal with it? One of my favorite ways was to go see Mom and Dad. They always had the air-conditioning on at ten o'clock in the morning, so that seemed the best place to cool off for now. I had to pick up the papers they always saved for me anyway. Dad was out in his small backyard garden, cursing the birds for helping themselves to his brand-new tomatoes, and Mom was trying to get Dad to come in and rest; the birds needed to eat too. I picked up a copy of the famous Willows, California, newspaper, the Willows Journal, glancing past the front-page farming stories to the editorial page. Little did I know that when my eyes came to a small article written by a lady from out at Glenn, named Marge Pattison, my life would be changed forever...

  • 15% sparen
    von David Stewart
    38,00 €

    The purpose of the study was to understand how a high performing California TK-12 unified school district demonstrated a commitment to implementation of 21st century skills. By understanding how a school district with high levels of student achievement on the SBAC are implementing 21st century skills, current and aspiring district and site leaders can develop a framework for future student success. Using Wagner¿s (2008) theoretical framework of 21st century skills and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills¿ (P21)(2007) theoretical framework of 21st century support systems, this study examined how the school district defines 21st century skills and expected learning outcomes. More specifically, the study set out to examine: 1) How has a high performing school district defined 21st century skills, learning goals, and outcomes? 2) How has a high performing school district implemented the development of 21st century skill? 3) What district organizational systems and structures were used to support professional learning of 21st century skills? 4) How has district leadership demonstrated commitment to the fidelity of a 21st century implementation plan?

  • von David Stewart
    25,00 €

  • von David Stewart
    149,00 €

    "Exploring the Philosophy of Religion "combines the best features of a text and a reader. Organized around seven topics, each of the 28readings is long enough to allow students to encounter first-hand the works of a major thinker.The introductions to the readings are clear and concise and help prepare students for meaningful class discussion.The topics begin with religious experience then transition to the relation of religion to life, to human destiny, and then on to arguments for God s existence and the problem of evil. The last two sections analyze the relationship between faith and reason and the nature of religious language."

  • - The Propaganda of Success
    von David Stewart
    23,00 €

  • - A Period of Doubt
    von David Stewart
    88,00 - 89,00 €

    This book explores and recovers a neglected culture of poetry in those years, and it demonstrates that culture was a crucial turning point in literary history. In turn, it uses that culture to open up wider theoretical issues relating to literary form, book history, print culture, gender and periodisation.

  • - Roussillon and France, 1659-1715
    von David Stewart
    116,00 €

    The province of Roussillon was acquired by France in 1659, just as Louis XIV reached his majority. First they wanted to compel the Roussillonnais to accept French political supremacy as legitimate, and second they desired to eradicate the Catalan cultural identity in the province.

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