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Bücher von David Wiesner

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  • von David Wiesner, Omid Fröhlich & Youijn Kim
    19,00 €

    How could visiting Seoul be described in a way that allows someone else to feel like they are right there? What to say? What perspectives to choose? »What Should I Say-About Seoul« takes the reader on a path less traveled: The work and daily-life of Korean designers; but not just as a spectator. Traveling invites the traveler to question one's own perspective. The reader is invited to also learn about Korean designers' views on Germany. The insights found through this process are inspiring as well as challenging.»What Should I Say-About Seoul« gives a glimpse into South Korean society that is not so common after all. The editors focused on the works and experiences of designers. Some of the insights into the Seoul work experience appear grim at places, colored by the ongoing pandemic that forced people to cut down on social interactions.Also included are the experiences of Korean-German designers in the book and through that is could be noticed that there is really no reason to think of Germany as a country that "has it figured out." The modern workplace can be a very mixed bag at times and bad working conditions plague the creative ­industry worldwide. Speaking about these experiences allows us to feel less isolated and work towards change-so it is not all doom and gloom.

  • von David Wiesner
    16,95 €

    Gewinner des Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreises 2015 in der Kategorie Bilderbuch!Herr Schnuffels ist ein ziemlich gelangweilter Kater. Bis sich eines Tages ein winziges Raumschiff samt außerirdischer Besatzung in die Wohnung verirrt. Kaum auf der Erde gelandet, müssen die kleinen grünen Männchen schon um ihr Leben fürchten, denn eine schreckliche schwarz-weiße Bestie macht Jagd auf sie. Zum Glück finden sie hinter der Heizung kleine krabbelige Verbündete, mit denen sie einen Fluchtplan schmieden. Ob sie es schaffen, Herrn Schnuffels auszutricksen und auf ihren Heimatplaneten zurückzukehren?

  • von David Wiesner
    9,00 €

    In this ingenious and imaginative - nearly wordless - picture book, frogs in a pond lift off on their lily pads and fly to a nearby town where they zoom through a woman's living room, encounter a dog playing in his yard, and distract a bathrobe-clad citizen from his midnight snack. Who knows what will happen next Tuesday?

  • von David Wiesner
    8,89 €

    A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam-anything floating that has been washed ashore. Bottles, lost toys, small objects of every description are among his usual finds. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery: a barnacle-encrusted underwater camera, with its own secrets to share . . . and to keep.

  • von David Wiesner
    8,98 €

    In David Wiesner's whimsical and elegant New York Times bestseller and Caldecott Medal-winner, the events of a delightfully unpredictable Tuesday invite readers to find the potential for the wondrousness in every day. It begins on Tuesday evening, when the frogs suddenly start to float. . . . Thrill to the humorous cascading adventures that follow in a celebration of possibility unbounded-and of unexpected cause and effect. From the genius of international superstar and three-time Caldecott Medalist David Wiesner, this entertaining, thought-provoking, and nearly-wordless tale unrolls with the precision and clarity of a silent movie. Engaging for all ages, this beloved and innovative classic is a perfect gift to enthrall the young and the young at heart.

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