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Bücher von Dawit Dibekulu

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  • 16% sparen
    von Dawit Dibekulu
    37,00 €

    This article discusses theoretical and practical considerations in developing tests of listening comprehension in English language learning with a particular emphasis on the choice of listening passages, assessment tasks and other things. The history of listening assessment can be traced back to as early as the mid twentieth century. Listening is a vital skill but it can be challenging to assess. The listening construct is defined as the process of receiving, attending to, and assigning meaning to aural stimuli. Questions should be developed while listening to, not reading, the intended passage. Selection of passage may depend upon orality versus literacy, audio versus video, passage length, content familiarity, vocabulary and sentence structure, elaborations and redundancies, speech rate and pauses, and fuzzy word boundaries or other speech phenomena. Consideration must be given to type of response expected, including multiple choice, true-false, open-ended, recall, and nonverbal. Presentation, effects should also be part of the decision, such as advance organizers, language of instructions and questions, and uniformity of presentation. New tests should be refined by pilot testing before actual use. If you need to assess your students¿ listening skills there are a number of factors you need to consider. These include considering the test taker and their needs, the kind of information you want to know about their listening skills and the most appropriate ways to assess these skills so that your test is appropriate and accurately scored.

  • 16% sparen
    von Dawit Dibekulu
    37,00 €

    Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels hanno sviluppato un corpus di idee noto come marxismo o socialismo. I postulati della scuola di pensiero marxista offrono il quadro teorico per le lotte della classe operaia per realizzare il socialismo come forma superiore di società umana. Il movimento abolizionista della fine degli anni Trenta del XIX secolo può essere collegato alla storia dell'ideologia femminista. Elizabeth Cady e Lucretia Mott hanno guidato la convenzione sui diritti umani di Seneca Falls, che è servita come punto di riferimento per il movimento abolizionista. Le scoperte più recenti nel pensiero e nella pratica femminista continuano a essere ignorate sia dalla teoria che dalla pratica marxista. Viene esaminata la produzione di persone nell'ambito delle relazioni patriarcali e la teoria femminista si concentra sui conflitti che sorgono tra donne e uomini a causa delle loro diverse relazioni con questi due tipi di produzione. Questa definizione di produzione, spesso utilizzata in gran parte della letteratura marxista, viene messa in discussione dalla teoria femminista.

  • 16% sparen
    von Dawit Dibekulu
    37,00 €

    Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels desenvolveram um corpo de ideias conhecido como marxismo ou socialismo. Os postulados da escola de pensamento marxista oferecem o quadro teórico para as lutas da classe trabalhadora para realizar o socialismo como uma forma superior de sociedade humana. O movimento abolicionista do final da década de 1830 pode ser relacionado com a história da ideologia feminista. Elizabeth Cady e Lucretia Mott lideraram a convenção dos direitos humanos de Seneca Falls, que serviu de ponto de partida. Os avanços mais recentes do pensamento e da prática feministas continuam a ser ignorados tanto pela teoria como pela prática marxistas. A produção de pessoas sob relações patriarcais é examinada, e a teoria feminista centra-se nos conflitos que surgem entre mulheres e homens em resultado das suas diferentes relações com estes dois tipos de produção. Esta definição de produção, frequentemente utilizada em grande parte da literatura marxista, é posta em causa pela teoria feminista.

  • 16% sparen
    von Dawit Dibekulu
    37,00 €

    Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels desarrollaron un corpus de ideas conocido como marxismo o socialismo. Los postulados de la escuela de pensamiento marxista ofrecen el marco teórico de las luchas de la clase obrera por hacer realidad el socialismo como forma superior de sociedad humana. El movimiento abolicionista de finales de la década de 1830 puede relacionarse con la historia de la ideología feminista. Elizabeth Cady y Lucretia Mott encabezaron la convención de derechos humanos de Seneca Falls, que sirvió de base. Los avances más recientes en el pensamiento y la práctica feministas siguen siendo ignorados tanto por la teoría como por la práctica marxistas. Se examina la producción de personas bajo relaciones patriarcales, y la teoría feminista se centra en los conflictos que surgen entre mujeres y hombres como resultado de sus diferentes relaciones con estos dos tipos de producción. Esta definición de la producción, que se utiliza con frecuencia en gran parte de la literatura marxista, es cuestionada por la teoría feminista.

  • 16% sparen
    von Dawit Dibekulu
    37,00 €

    Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels ont développé un corpus d'idées connu sous le nom de marxisme ou socialisme. Les postulats de l'école de pensée marxiste offrent un cadre théorique aux luttes de la classe ouvrière pour réaliser le socialisme en tant que forme supérieure de la société humaine. Le mouvement abolitionniste de la fin des années 1830 peut être relié à l'histoire de l'idéologie féministe. Elizabeth Cady et Lucretia Mott ont été les fers de lance de la convention de Seneca Falls sur les droits de l'homme, qui a servi de point de départ au mouvement abolitionniste. Les avancées les plus récentes de la pensée et de la pratique féministes continuent d'être ignorées par la théorie et la pratique marxistes. La production des personnes dans le cadre des relations patriarcales est examinée et la théorie féministe se concentre sur les conflits qui surgissent entre les femmes et les hommes en raison de leurs relations différentes avec ces deux types de production. Cette définition de la production, fréquemment utilisée dans une grande partie de la littérature marxiste, est remise en question par la théorie féministe.

  • von Dawit Dibekulu
    19,00 €

    Karl Marx i Fridrih Jengel's razrabotali swod idej, izwestnyj kak marxizm ili socializm. Postulaty marxistskoj shkoly mysli predlagaüt teoreticheskuü osnowu dlq bor'by rabochego klassa za realizaciü socializma kak wysshej formy chelowecheskogo obschestwa. Abolicionistskoe dwizhenie konca 1830-h godow mozhno swqzat' s istoriej feministskoj ideologii. Jelizabet Kädi i Lukreciq Mott wozglawili s#ezd po prawam cheloweka w Seneka-Folls, kotoryj posluzhil osnowoj. Poslednie dostizheniq feministskoj mysli i praktiki po-prezhnemu ignoriruütsq kak marxistskoj teoriej, tak i praktikoj. Rassmatriwaetsq proizwodstwo lüdej w uslowiqh patriarhal'nyh otnoshenij, a feministskaq teoriq fokusiruetsq na konfliktah, woznikaüschih mezhdu zhenschinami i muzhchinami w rezul'tate ih razlichnogo otnosheniq k ätim dwum tipam proizwodstwa. Jeto opredelenie proizwodstwa, kotoroe chasto ispol'zuetsq w marxistskoj literature, ospariwaetsq feministskoj teoriej.

  • von Dawit Dibekulu
    43,90 €

    Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels entwickelten einen Ideenkomplex, der als Marxismus oder Sozialismus bekannt ist. Die Postulate der marxistischen Denkschule bieten den theoretischen Rahmen für die Kämpfe der Arbeiterklasse zur Verwirklichung des Sozialismus als einer höheren Form der menschlichen Gesellschaft. Die abolitionistische Bewegung der späten 1830er Jahre kann mit der Geschichte der feministischen Ideologie in Verbindung gebracht werden. Elizabeth Cady und Lucretia Mott standen an der Spitze der Menschenrechtskonvention von Seneca Falls, die als Ausgangspunkt diente. Die jüngsten Durchbrüche im feministischen Denken und in der feministischen Praxis werden sowohl von der marxistischen Theorie als auch von der Praxis weiterhin ignoriert. Die Produktion von Menschen unter patriarchalischen Verhältnissen wird untersucht, und die feministische Theorie konzentriert sich auf die Konflikte, die zwischen Frauen und Männern aufgrund ihrer unterschiedlichen Beziehungen zu diesen beiden Produktionsformen entstehen. Diese Definition der Produktion, die in der marxistischen Literatur häufig verwendet wird, wird von der feministischen Theorie in Frage gestellt.

  • 16% sparen
    von Dawit Dibekulu
    37,00 €

    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels developed a corpus of ideas known as Marxism or socialism. The postulates of the Marxist school of thought offer the theoretical framework for the working class's struggles to realize socialism as a superior form of human society. The abolitionist movement of the late 1830s can be linked to the history of feminist ideology. Elizabeth Cady and Lucretia Mott spearheaded the Seneca Falls human rights convention, which served as the. Most recent breakthroughs in feminist thought and practice continue to be disregarded by both Marxist theory and practice. The production of people under patriarchal relations is examined, and feminist theory focuses on the conflicts that arise between women and men as a result of their different relationships to these two types of production. This definition of production, which is frequently used in much Marxist literature, is challenged by feminist theory.

  • von Dawit Dibekulu
    15,95 €

  • von Dawit Dibekulu
    17,95 €

    Seminar paper from the year 2022 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Literature, Works, grade: 12, Bahir Dar University, language: English, abstract: This study aims to assess the correlation between teachers¿ perception and practice in using literary texts to teach reading skills in the case of Ethio-national school, School of Indiana and Seattle academy in Addis Ababa. For this study, correlation design and both quantitative and qualitative data analyses approaches were employed. The samples were 43 teachers selected using comprehensive sampling. Questionnaire, classroom observation and focus group discussion were data collection tools. Both descriptive (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation) are used to analyze the quantitative data and thematic narration for qualitative. The findings of the study reveal that most of the respondents perceive using literary texts in teaching reading positively. In spite of their good perceptions, their practices of using literary texts in teaching reading were infrequent. The relationship between teachers¿ perception and their actual practices were positively correlated, but the degree of their correlation was weak. Thus, it is possible to recommend that teachers should use all literary materials included in the text to teach reading skill.

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