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Bücher von Dawn Brower

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  • von Dawn Brower
    21,00 €

    Enjoy the first three Enchanted Legacy books bundled together for the first time. The Legacy's Origin: What makes a person a witch? For those living in sixteenth century Scotland the very word witch is terrifying. Everyone is afraid of witches, both to be accused of one, and to be cursed by one. In a series of events beyond their control one family faces their ultimate fear and the consequences they can't escape.The very idea of witchcraft becomes all too real for the Dalais family. Caitrìona Dalais Guaire, Sorcha Dalais Creag, and Niall Dalais are torn from their homes and put on trial. Their very lives are at stake, and everything points to their eventual demise.In an act of desperation one of them arranges for the children to be secreted away to safety. Only time will tell if they are successful and if their legacy will live on... One Enchanting Kiss: To most, she is Moire Noble, the average daughter of a unimpressive Scottish family that settled in London. But the truth is far more intriguing. Born with the ability to see premonitions, Moire must work hard to guard her secret or risk suffering the fate of her mother...accused of witch craft and burned. For years her secret has gone undiscovered, but now that her twin Lili is engaged to be wed everything will change. Moire is forced from the comfort of her home and family, cast into the world around her, and exposed to new people. She has little choice but to act when she has a vision showing the death of a male guest at Lili's engagement party. Handsome-as-sin Thomas Astley is more than a little intrigued by the vibrant, saucy woman who saved his life. He knows she is more than she seems, and vows to discover all of Moire's secrets. A move that unbeknownst to him threatens her future and all she holds dear...including her heart. Enchanted Ever After: Samuel Noble was born after his father had been tried and executed for being a witch. His mother fled Scotland with Samuel's uncle Daniel. He was raised with the last name of Noble, but in truth he was the son of Baron Niall Dalais. Now over thirty years later, with a new king, he decides to attempt to reclaim his title and lands. He wants to restore the Dalais name and attempt to erase the taint of witchcraft from his family history. The king agrees on one condition: he must marry a bride of the king's choosing.Temperance Warren is the bastard daughter of an earl. She has no prospects, and no real future. Her father petitions the king to choose a husband for her. She has no choice and is forced to agree to the match. There is no reason to expect anything good from the man the king orders her to marry. He is the son of a convicted with. How could anything ever be all right for her again?Samuel and Temperance are both uncertain about their lives, but if they're willing, they might find that they are allies and not enemies. They just have to learn how to trust each other, and the feelings growing between them.

  • von Dawn Brower
    17,00 €

    Eden Barrett, the Countess of Moreland, is a young widow. Her foolish husband died in a duel, after having an affair with her closest friend. With one affair her entire life changed. Having freedom for the first time in her life she embraces it. Roslyn, her sister by marriage, is about to debut and Eden is her chaperone, and she's determined to aid her to find a husband that won't disappoint her.Maxwell Holden, the Duke of Carrington has decided it is time to find himself a wife. He has a list of requirements and Lady Roslyn Barrett is the perfect candidate. There is only one problem: her chaperone. Something about her is oddly familiar, and he's more drawn to the young widow than he likes. The more time he spends with her, the more he can't stay away. Eden is determined never to marry again. Especially to the Duke of Carrington. She has a secret though and if he discovers it everything will change. They've met before, and she's determined he never realizes exactly how they're acquainted. Secrets don't stay buried though, and this one is about to come to the light¿

  • von Dawn Brower
    14,00 €

    What makes a person a witch?For those living in sixteenth century Scotland the very word witch is terrifying. Everyone is afraid of witches, both to be accused of one, and to be cursed by one. In a series of events beyond their control one family faces their ultimate fear and the consequences they can't escape.The very idea of witchcraft becomes all too real for the Dalais family. Caitrìona Dalais Guaire, Sorcha Dalais Creag, and Niall Dalais are torn from their homes and put on trial. Their very lives are at stake, and everything points to their eventual demise.In an act of desperation one of them arranges for the children to be secreted away to safety. Only time will tell if they are successful and if their legacy will live on...

  • von Dawn Brower
    16,00 €

    Lady Noelle Abbot is returning home for the Christmastide season after months at a school for unmarriageable ladies. Everything that can go wrong, does. She finds herself stranded at an inn while a storm rages outside, and then the one man she hoped never to see again walks inside.Asher Prescott, the Marquess of Daventry should be in London with his family. Instead he finds himself at a secluded inn. To make things worse...the vixen he's always found vexing and desirable is a guest as well.What happens will change both their lives. One kiss, one magical season, and two hearts that cannot fight fate.

  • von Dawn Brower
    37,00 €

    The Wayward Dukes' Alliance.A wayward duke is "difficult to control or predict". The "hero" is either be a duke or expected to inherit a dukedom. None of these dukes want to be trapped by marriage and form a pact to help each avoid matrimony by any means necessary. This Christmas the Wayward Dukes' resolve is tested. Can their alliance hold true, or will the magic of the holiday be too much for even them to resist. One by one they will fall. It's only a matter of how hard and fast they will succumb to the one woman they're destined to love. All their ladies want for Christmas is their own wayward duke, and they are each determined to have their wish fulfilled. Seven Christmas stories in the Wayward Dukes' Alliance in one book. Her Duke to Savor by Dawn BrowerUnwrapping the Duke by Jane CharlesNever Beg a Duke by Alyssa DrakeWish Upon a Christmas Duke by Amanda MarielA Duke for December by Nadine MillardWhat the Duke Desires by Ari ThatcherBoxing with My Duke by Anna St. Claire

  • von Dawn Brower
    15,00 €

  • von Dawn Brower
    36,00 €

  • von Dawn Brower
    20,00 €

    Lady Elizabeth Kendall encontra seu verdadeiro amor após ver o Duque de Whitewood no espelho.Nada é como parece ser...Lady Elizabeth Kendall cresceu com contos fantásticos, contados pela mãe. E se não fossem apenas histórias? Visões de um lindo pirata, em um espelho, criam dúvidas sobre tudo em que acreditava. A maior pergunta era: a viagem no tempo é possível?O pirata que seria um duque...Jackerson Morgan Carwyn, Duque de Whitewood, não tinha levado a vida charmosa que muitos acreditavam. De fato, ele cresceu nas piores áreas de Londres. Exceto que era uma época diferente e aquele era um segredo que só ele sabia. Até que conheceu Elizabeth... Ela era mais do que parecia ser, e tem informações que ele achou que tinha enterrado há muito tempo.A batalha de vontades...Em um jogo de xadrez, eles fazem uma aposta - o vencedor poderia escolher o que quisesse. Quando o jogo termina, eles têm uma escolha a fazer. Decidem ficar juntos, ou destruir qualquer chance de serem felizes. Aceitarão a decisão do destino, ou ignorarão todos os sinais que os uniu?

  • von Dawn Brower
    16,00 €

  • von Dawn Brower
    15,00 €

  • von Dawn Brower
    26,00 €

  • von Dawn Brower
    16,00 €

  • von Dawn Brower
    26,00 €

  • von Dawn Brower
    16,00 €

    Carly Gallagher non commette errori. Fino al giorno in cui ne fa uno che causa la morte di una persona a cui tiene. Vorrebbe rivolgersi all'uomo che ama più di qualsiasi altra cosa al mondo…se solo lui fosse libero di ricambiare il suo amore.La vita di Phillip Morrison viene sconvolta nel momento in cui incontra Carly. Tutto quello che pensava essere giusto, finisce col rivelarsi l'esatto opposto. Deve prendere molte decisioni, ma una cosa è chiara: ama Carly e deve trovare un modo per poterla rivendicare come sua.Il caos dilaga nelle loro vite e, proprio quando sembra che abbiano una possibilità per stare insieme, il destino sembra avere altri piani…

  • von Dawn Brower
    18,00 €

    Lady Emilia St. John has loved Alexander Marsden, the Earl of Devon, for as long as she can remember. Unfortunately, he also doesn't seem to notice her. She's more than aware of his roguish behavior, and hopes to use that to her advantage. It's time for him to realize they are meant to be together, and she's willing to seduce him to achieve her goal. Alex does notice Emilia, and he wishes he didn't. She grows lovelier each day and his desire for her grows, but he doesn't believe he's worthy of her. He's done a lot of dark and wicked things. Em deserves better than the likes of him, and he intends to keep her at arms length. Until the mischievous minx gives him no choice. They're forced to share a car on a train to the countryside. The night they spend together changes everything...and nothing. Alex has a decision to make, and Emilia might not like what he chooses to do.

  • von Dawn Brower
    18,00 €

    When Lady Francesca finds herself in a delicate condition, she has a decision to make, and nothing seems quite right. Instead of discerning what she should do on her own, she pays Matthew, the Duke of Lindsey a call and unburdens her troubles on him, hoping he will do the gentlemanly thing and take responsibility for the dilemma he helped create.

  • von Dawn Brower
    17,00 €

    In the past, Lady Iris Keene had designs to marry Daniel Andrews, the Earl of Hampstead. After a devastating rejection from the earl she decided he wouldn't do, but once a heart is given it's difficult to retrieve. Something Iris discovers when she crosses paths with the scoundrel a year later...The last thing Daniel wants is to become involved with Lady Iris Keene, but he's drawn to her, and always has been. That was why he had to push her away. Marriage is not something he wants or needs. At a house party, the two of them cross paths more than either would like. Along the way they have to decide if they're going to continue fighting what is in their hearts or give in to it.

  • von Dawn Brower
    17,00 €

    Lady Violet Keene has secretly loved Zachariah Barton, the Marquess of Merrifield for a while. The marquess doesn't seem to notice her so she decides to give up on that dream, especially since they bicker more often than not. When a scandal threatens to destroy her reputation she has a decision to make. Live with the ramifications of it or marry the one man she's always adored without a promise of love in return. Zachariah doesn't believe he's good enough for Violet, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about her or that he'd fail to protect her if necessary. Love doesn't have to be a part of their bargain. They're both better off without that fickle emotion. They both have choices to make, and only time will tell if love will become a part of their lives.

  • von Dawn Brower
    19,00 €

    Avete mai sognato di sposarvi a Natale?Essere nubile non è mai stato tanto bello, ma sfortunatamente non basterà a Lady Juliette Brooks per salvarsi dai piani che la sua matrigna ha in serbo per lei: Eloise, infatti, ha convinto il marito a combinarle un matrimonio con l'ultimo uomo che Juliette (o qualsiasi altra donna) potrebbe accettare di sposare. Le resta una sola via di scampo: costringere il Duca di Kissinger a onorare una promessa fatta tanti anni prima.Grayson Abbot, Duca di Kissinger, non vuole sposare Lady Juliette. Non vuole sposare nessuna, in effetti. Ma ha fatto una promessa e lui mantiene sempre la parola data… Perciò, anche se con riluttanza, accetta di fuggire con lei.La loro fuga si trasforma in una vera e propria avventura, sullo sfondo delle feste natalizie. Mentre si recano in Scozia devono affrontare ritardi, maltempo, imprevisti di ogni sorta. Ma soprattutto dovranno fare i conti con un'amicizia che avevano quasi dimenticato. O non è mai stata solo un'amicizia?Riuscirà Juliette, alla fine, a scoprire come ci si sente a essere baciata e a conquistare il cuore del duca?

  • von Dawn Brower
    18,00 €

    O que um homem deve fazer quando se sente atraído por uma mulher que não pode ter?O que um homem deve fazer quando se sente atraído por uma mulher que não pode ter? Bradford Kendall, o Duque de Weston, tem esse problema quando a ex-mulher de seu irmão aparece em sua propriedade. Regina sempre o atraiu, e essa atração era algo com o qual teria que lidar.Regina Dewitt quer saber o que aconteceu com sua irmã. O melhor lugar para começar sua busca é onde ela desapareceu - a Mansão Weston. Fazia um ano, e as pistas eram escassas, mas estava determinada. Não contava, no entanto, que o duque residente fosse tão tentador...Enquanto procuram juntos, uma pergunta fica no ar: Conseguirão lutar contra o desejo que sentem um pelo outro?

  • von Dawn Brower
    17,00 €

    Férias em uma ilha topical deveriam ser um maravilhoso paraíso. Mas se tornam algo totalmente diferente para Paul Dewitt. Uma tempestade chega e transforma toda sua vida em um caos. Ele acorda junto a uma linda estranha, em uma época diferente. Lady Evelyn Beckett está navegando para a Inglaterra para encontrar seu noivo. Quando uma tempestade os atinge, ela é jogada em alto mar. Por extrema força de vontade, e um pouco de sorte, ela consegue chega à praia. Ela encontra um rapaz bonito andando pela praia, e ele é tanto confuso quanto estranho? Juntos, Paul e Evelyn dependem um do outro para sobreviver à tempestade feroz, piratas vilões, e um pouco de choque cultural. Poderão eles superar suas diferenças e aprender a confiar um no outro e encontrar o amor?

  • von Dawn Brower
    25,00 €

    A morte e a destruição da guerra podem acabar até mesmo com os mais fortes de nós. A perda e a dor serão intensas demais para Rebecca suportar?No ano de 1941, o paraíso é um estilo de vida no Havaí. Para Rebecca O'Shea, as coisas não poderiam estar mais perfeitas. Ela segue a carreira que deseja, a de enfermeira naval, e está apaixonada pelo homem de seus sonhos - parece que conquistou tudo o que queria.Um dom empático que ela possuiu a vida inteira começa a crescer, cobrindo-a de emoções e premonições que indicam a aproximação de uma grande escuridão. Quando ela acha que já não conseguirá mais aguentar, seu guardião Joel chega para ajudá-la.A vida de Rebecca vira um caos quando a guerra atinge a costa do Havaí. Enquanto os japoneses bombardeiam seu lar, seu dom explode dentro de si. A perda e a morte se tornam seu novo estilo de vida. Ela abandona toda as esperanças e se desliga de suas habilidades empáticas. Com corpos enchendo os hospitais e poluindo os mares, sua vocação de enfermeira se mostra útil, mas seu coração permanece inacessível. Será que ela conseguirá sair da escuridão e aceitar seu verdadeiro destino? Ou a morte e a destruição da guerra a consumirão?

  • von Dawn Brower
    16,00 €

    Carly Gallagher não comete erros. Até que um dia ela causa a morte de alguém que ela se importava muito. Ela ficaria com o homem que ama mais que tudo - se ele a amasse de volta.A vida de Phillip Morrison virou de cabeça para baixo no momento que conheceu Carly. Ele teve que fazer muitas escolhas, mas, uma coisa é certa: ele ama Carly e tem que achar um jeito de dizer a ela.Caos reina em suas vidas, e quando parece que vai dar tudo certo - o destino tem outros planos.

  • von Dawn Brower
    19,00 €

    A irmã de Alys Dewitt ia se casar. Para sua sorte, ela seria a madrinha do casamento onde o tema era a época da Regência, que teria como cenário um ducado de verdade no interior da Inglaterra. Enquanto está na festa de casamento, ela cai e viaja no tempo, acordando em 1815. Tudo era estranho, assombroso, e nada do que ela esperava que fosse. James Kendall, O Duque de Weston, retorna da guerra e encontra uma mulher machucada em sua propriedade. Ela murmura frases estranhas e o chama por outro nome. Achando que ela estava louca por causa de seus ferimentos, ele a leva para a mansão e chama um médico. Eles sucumbirão aos desejos mútuos, ou Alys achará um jeito de voltar para seu próprio tempo?

  • von Dawn Brower
    18,00 €

    Andrew Marsden has no desire to marry, at least not anytime soon. He's having too much fun to tie himself down to home and hearth, and he doesn't give any woman a second glance. He has wicked charm, and a devilish sense of humor that appeals to the ladies of the ton, and many are more than willing to join him in his bed. So he sees no reason to make a change. Until Sofia Leone comes to London for a visit. She is much more alluring than he recalls, and apparently not susceptible to his charismatic demeanor. She's a siren, and he is willing to answer her call, if only she'd let him... Sofia would like nothing more than to fall into Drew's arms and allow him to seduce her, but she refuses to give in to what she feels for him. After one night of passion it might not be so easy to stay away from him. Drew's not above using that one night against her, and finds a way to ensure she's tied to him forever--the one thing he never thought he'd willingly agree to--marriage.

  • von Dawn Brower
    16,00 €

    Dr. Ashlyn Penn has lived a rigid life. It's how she deals with her special gifts. Any deviation and her life turns to chaos. So when Harrison Thoreau enters her life it is no surprise she doesn't handle it well and pushes him away. Harrison falls hard for Ashlyn, but respects her wishes and moves on. He is offered a spot on the Sparkle City Fireflies as their new goalie and throws himself into the game, but he never forgets about her. When Harrison's best friend marries Ashlyn's sister everything, once again, changes and they are thrown together again. This time Ashlyn wonders if she made a mistake, and starts to plan a way to once again hook her firefly.

  • von Dawn Brower & Amanda Mariel
    15,00 €

  • von Dawn Brower
    19,00 €

  • von Dawn Brower
    21,00 €

  • von Dawn Brower
    19,00 €

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