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Bücher von Deb Gabor

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  • von Deb Gabor
    18,00 €

    We look to brands for what to do, what to think, and how to feel. We want to know what to support and what to stand against. Brands are the new voice of authority. Now is the perfect time to reveal their humanity.Consumers want to connect with the brands they support. Business leaders want to create purposeful, passionate companies. At this intersection of shared values is where a brand's authority is established and humanity shines through. i But how do you ensure a meaningful connection? How do you make it last? How do you establish an authoritative footprint that encourages growth wherever you are and follows you throughout your career? In Person-ality, brand impresario Deb Gabor delivers the third installment in her series about cultivating dynamic brands. Deb's first two books showed how to shape a sexy brand and create a loyal customer base. Now, Deb shares the secrets to differentiating yourself and your company by exposing the humans behind the business. With one-of-a-kind strategies, inspiring stories, and key exercises to point you in the right direction, Person-ality is a fascinating exploration of the present and future of marketing.

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