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Bücher von Deepak Chopra

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  • - Unleashing your infinite potential
    von Deepak Chopra
    13,98 €

    Is it possible to venture beyond daily living and experience heightened states of awareness? In this highly anticipated new book, integrative medicine pioneer and New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra states that a higher state of consciousness is available here and now, for us all. Chopra unlocks the secrets to moving beyond our present limitations of the mind to access a field of infinite possibilities and reach our full potential. How do you achieve this? By becoming metahuman. Drawing from the latest research on neuroscience, artificial intelligence and biometrics, Chopra offers a practical 31 day guide to help us wake up at the deepest level in order to liberate ourselves from the conditioning and constructs that underlie anxiety, tension and ego driven demands. Only then does your infinite potential become your personal reality. Grasping this revolutionary idea will effectively remove the limiting belief systems and negativity that may be holding us back from achieving our maximum human potential. Highly recommended! Dr Rudolph E. Tanzi Metahuman helps us harvest peak experiences so we can see our Truth and mold the universe s chaos into a form that brings light to the world Dr Mehmet Oz

  • - Illuminating the Hidden Power of Your True Self
    von Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford & Marianne Williamson
    18,98 - 34,00 €

    In this groundbreaking exploration, three New York Times bestselling authorsDebbie Ford (The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, Why Good People Do Bad Things), Marianne Williamson (The Age of Miracles, A Return to Love), and Deepak Chopra (Jesus: A Story of Enlightenment)deliver a comprehensive and practical guide to harnessing the power of our dark side.

  • von Deepak Chopra
    15,00 €

    What is the best way to age well and live longer?For decades, millions of people have tried to crack the secret of time and how to withstand it. The question affects the way we eat, treatments we invest in, and expensive packages sold by online gurus offering magical solutions. But without understanding the physical and spiritual links between quantum physics, biology and issues plaguing the body like inflammation, stress, and aging, the answer will continue to elude us.In Quantum Body, international bestselling author Deepak Chopra teams up with world renowned physicist Jack Tuszynski and leading endocrinologist Brian Fertig, MD to reveal the new frontiers in health and aging. Timely and accessible, this book expands the barriers of science and invites you on the path to individual healing and longevity.

  • von Deepak Chopra
    18,00 €

    Discover the keys to a life of success, fulfilment, wholeness and plenty Many of us live in a mindset of lack and limitation, focusing on the things we don't have. Too often we allow our egos to drive our thoughts and actions, preventing us from reaching something greater: a true sense of inner peace, acceptance and fulfilment.In Abundance, international bestselling author Deepak Chopra offers a simple seven-step plan to help you reset your focus, become the agent of your own life and strive for life's unbounded possibilities. Demonstrating how to work past self-generated feelings of limitation and providing meditations to help you focus your attention and intuition, this is your guide to a life of true power, prosperity and plenty.

  • - Stress Free Living Starts Here
    von Deepak Chopra
    14,00 €

    How to live the awakened life by the master of modern meditation Meditation leads to transformation. It affects every aspect of your wellbeing and can bring about positive change in your body, affect your mental outlook, increase your decision-making ability and eliminate worry and anxiety.World renowned for revolutionizing meditation for modern life, Deepak Chopra draws on his 30 years of practice and reveals how to achieve blissful awareness by waking up to who you really are. Perfect for beginners, sceptics or those looking for a new approach to stillness, his simple 7-day programme offers a life-changing path to a quiet mind.

  • von Deepak Chopra
    22,00 €

  • von Deepak Chopra
    15,00 €

    "In an unprecedented collaboration between three of today's most powerful minds, Deepak Chopra, M.D., teams up with physicist Jack Tuszynski, Ph.D., and endocrinologist Brian Fertig, M.D., to bring readers a visionary work that delves into the innovative world of quantum science and shows how unlocking its secrets can revolutionize how we live and age--and, ultimately, how we can eradicate disease. The key is the quantum body. Unlike our physical body, which is subject to aging, injury, and decay, the quantum body exists on a sub-atomic level and is the infinite, invisible source of everyday reality that affects your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and biological responses. Without your quantum body, there is no physical body. And this lack of awareness of the most crucial part of ourselves negatively impacts our lives every day. Through a powerful combination of prescriptive exercises and innovative research into the quantum world, the authors unveil seven breakthroughs that will revolutionize the future of everyone's well-being. Central to this revolution is a groundbreaking understanding of metabolism-the way our cells process energy-that promises to challenge our understanding of modern medicine as we know it. Though all too familiar in the physical world, Alzheimer's, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease do not exist at the fundamental level of quantum reality. By harnessing the power of the quantum body, we can significantly improve our physical and mental well-being, including supporting healthy cell, tissue, and organ function, boosting immunity, promoting mental resilience, and expanding our understanding of what it means to live a happy and purposeful life. In this groundbreaking book, Chopra, Tuszynski, and Fertig show you the way by unveiling the "real" reality of your body and mind as never before and providing a vision for a tomorrow that is already here"--

  • von Deepak Chopra
    23,00 €

    Observing an Ocean, one will notice that its waves rise and retreat regularly. Also, there are numerous people on its sandy beach, watching, playing, relaxing and enjoying.A child is playing on the beach and a wave comes and takes back with it his toys or destroys his sand castle - he gets upset and writes on the sand "Ocean is bad".A fisherman gets a good catch of fish from the sea, for his daily livelihood, he becomes happy and writes "Ocean is kind & my provider".Seeing a young person drown in the sea, the sad mother writes "Ocean is a murderer".A person walking on the beach on finding a precious pearl in the sea-shell, writes "Ocean is so benevolent".All this time, the mighty ocean has been the same and is not bothered on how others are referring to its tides/waves. It continues unfazed by other's expressions on its nature and behaviour.Likewise, we humans need to be concentrating on our innate strengths/courage to carry on with our tasks/passion, undisturbed by external turbulence and deterrents. "Life is ... an Ocean...Explore & Float!"This book is an effort to provide worthwhile information on various common subjects, which regularly surface with varying complexities in our Life. Our Life ahead will be a culmination of various Choices and Decisions we make today!

  • von Deepak Chopra
    22,00 €

    Innerer und äußerer Reichtum sind ein Naturgesetz Mangelbewusstsein ist eine weit verbreitete Realität in Leistungsgesellschaften, wir konzentrieren uns auf all das, was wir nicht haben: Erfolg, Geld, Glück, Selbstbewusstsein oder Talente, unsere ehrgeizigen Ziele liegen weit weg in der Zukunft. Erst, wenn wir sie erreicht haben, können wir glücklich sein. Deepak Chopra sagt: Schluss mit dem Mangel! Alles ist schon da, in uns und um uns herum herrscht eine unglaubliche Fülle, nur wir erkennen sie nicht. Mit seinem neuen Buch möchte uns der spirituelle Lehrer, Arzt und Wissenschaftler auf die Sprünge helfen, uns auffordern, aus dem Vollen zu schöpfen, Begrenzungen und Glaubenssätze zu überwinden. Meditationen, Reflexionen mithilfe von Fragebögen, Mantras und Atemübungen öffnen unsere Chakras und lassen die Energie der unendlichen kreativen Intelligenz in uns fließen. Liebe, Glück und Erfolg werden unweigerlich folgen, wenn das Bewusstsein der Fülle aus unserem Inneren nach außen strahlt. Mit Reflexion, Meditation, Chakra-Arbeit und Mantras ein Bewusstsein der Fülle schaffen Die energetische Verbindung von Bewusstsein und Geld für materiellen Wohlstand nutzen Deepak Chopra ist mit mehr als 20 Millionen verkauften Büchern sowie knapp zehn Millionen Followern in den sozialen Medien einer der einflussreichsten spirituellen Lehrer weltweit

  • von Deepak Chopra
    33,00 €

  • von Deepak Chopra
    18,00 €

  • von Deepak Chopra
    21,00 €

  • von Deepak Chopra
    22,00 €

    Das Referenzwerk zum Thema MeditationDeepak Chopra war in den letzten 30 Jahren maßgeblich daran beteiligt die Praxis der Meditation im westlichen Kulturkreis bekannt zu machen und zu verbreiten. In seinem neuen Referenzwerk widmet er sich erstmals ausschließlich diesem zentralen Thema seines Schaffens. »Vollkommene Meditation« bietet einen umfassenden und frischen Blick auf die vielfältigen positiven Effekte dieser Methode auf Körper, Geist und Seele. Dabei bezieht sich der Autor sowohl auf den aktuellen Stand der Forschung als auch auf seinen großen Erfahrungsschatz. Doch er geht noch weiter und zeigt, wie ein Transformationsprozess eingeleitet werden kann, der zu einem dauerhaften meditativen Zustand des Erwachens voll Freude, Kreativität und innerem Frieden führen kann. Zahlreiche praktische Wahrnehmungsübungen helfen dabei das Bewusstsein zu schulen und das abschließende 52-Wochen-Meditationsprogramm zeigt, wie man jeden Bereich des Lebens grundlegend verbessern kann.

  • von Deepak Chopra
    12,00 - 13,00 €

  • von Deepak Chopra
    12,00 €

    Deepak Chopra ist einer der weltweit angesehensten spirituellen AutorenMit der modernen Wissenschaft der Weisheit und Erfahrung von Jahrtausenden haben wir heute ungleich bessere Voraussetzungen, um glücklich in dieser Welt zu leben als die Menschen in früheren Zeiten. Deepak Chopra, der wie kein zweiter westliche Wissenschaft und östliche Weisheitslehren miteinander verknüpft, skizziert mit sieben Schlüsseln einen inneren Entwicklungsweg zu Heilung und einem glücklichen leben. Darüber hinaus verweist Chopra auf eine hoffnungsvolle globale Perspektive. Glück wird unsere Welt heilen.

  • von Deepak Chopra
    13,00 €

    Das grosse Buch vom Heilen. Die Essenz des bekannten Arztes und spirituellen LehrersUnser Körper besitzt die fantastische Fähigkeit, sich permanent zu erneuern und grundlegend zu verändern. Deepak Chopra beschreibt einen Weg zur Selbsttransformation und Heilung, der die Seele miteinbezieht, denn diese erschafft den Körper immer wieder aufs Neue und ist Grundlage aller Erfahrung. Mithilfe eines Zehn-Schritte-Programms lernen wir Energiemuster, die zu körperlicher Alterung und Krankheit führen, dauerhaft zu verändern. Nur so können wir den Einklang von Körper und Seele erleben und wahre Ganzheit erfahren: Heilung in ihrer höchsten Form.

  • von Deepak Chopra
    9,95 €

    Deepak Chopra bedient sich wichtiger Erkenntnisse der Philosophie, Biologie, Quantenwissenschaft sowie alter Weisheitsüberlieferungen, um zu verdeutlichen, dass die uns bekannten Merkmale des Alterns weitgehend vermeidbar sind. Durch rechte Lebensführung und Ernährung können wir lernen, den Alterungsprozess sogar umzukehren und unser ganzes Leben lang vital, kreativ und energiegeladen zu bleiben.Schritt für Schritt lernen wir, für uns ein individuell zugeschnittenes Programm zusammenzustellen, zu dem Stressreduktion, Ernährungsumstellung und sportliche Betätigung gehören, um uns ein Maximum an Lebensqualität und Gesundheit zu sichern.

  • - A Story of Revelation
    von Deepak Chopra
    29,00 €

    Deepak Chopra, whose extraordinary Enlightenment series includes the phenomenal New York Times bestsellers Buddha and Jesus, delivers the most powerful installment yet: God. In this beautiful and thought-provoking teaching novela Story of Revelationone of the Western Worlds acknowledged master teachers of Eastern philosophy and preeminent influencers in the realm of spirituality and religion reveals the evolving nature of God. Here is truth and enlightenment for the next generation of spiritual seekers; a book Deepak Chopras millions of fans worldwide have been waiting for.

  • von Deepak Chopra
    19,00 €

    In this volume, essential ideas from the work of Deepak Chopra, M.D., are arranged to create a transcendent experience for the reader - a journey into healing. Along the path, we discover that what we think and feel can actually change our biology. We learn to go beyond self-imposed limitations that create disease, and to seek that place inside ourselves that is at one with the infinite intelligence of the universe, the source of life. By the final pages of this book, the reader's consciousness will have been altered by the experience of the journey itself. Such change has the power to transform our lives, to grace us with the gifts of lasting peace and perfect health.The final pages of this book contain techniques for the Mindfulness Meditation, which can access the silent space between your thoughts and tap into the inner wisdom that will make all your dreams come true.

  • - A Story of Enlightenment
    von Deepak Chopra
    29,00 €

    Deepak Chopras story is an inspiring gift for those who truly care and have the courage to seek.Michael Baigent, author of The Jesus PapersThe founder of The Chopra Center and the preeminent teacher of Eastern philosophy to the Western World, Deepak Chopra gives us the story of the man who became Messiah in his phenomenal New York Times bestseller Jesus. The author who illuminated the life of Buddha now offers readers an unparalleled portrait of Jesus Christ, from carpenters son to revolutionary leader, that is fresh and inspiringa remarkable retelling of the greatest story ever told.

  • - Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life
    von Rudolph E. Tanzi, M.D. Chopra & Deepak
    12,00 €

  • - A Story of the Last Prophet Large Print
    von Deepak Chopra
    33,00 €

    In this riveting novel, beloved international bestselling author Deepak Chopra captures the spellbinding life story of the great and often misunderstood Prophet. Islam was born in a cradle of tribal turmoil, and the arrival of one God who vanquished hundreds of ancient Arabian gods changed the world forever. God reached down into the life of Muhammad, a settled husband and father, and spoke through him. Muhammad's divine and dangerous task was to convince his people to renounce their ancestral idols and superstitious veneration of multiple gods. From the first encounter, God did not leave Muhammad alone, his life was no longer his own, and with each revelation the creation of a new way of life formed and a religion was born. Muhammad didn't see himself as the son of God or as one who achieved cosmic enlightenment. His relatives and neighbors didn't part the way when he walked down the parched dirt streets of Mecca. There was no mark of divinity. Orphaned by age six, Muhammad grew up surrounded by dozens of cousins and extended family to become a trusted merchant. Muhammad saw himself as an ordinary man and that is why what happened to him is so extraordinary. Rooted in historical detail, Muhammad brings the Prophet to life through the eyes of those around him. A Christian hermit mystic foretells a special destiny, a pugnacious Bedouin wet nurse raises him in the desert, and a religious rebel in Mecca secretly takes the young orphan under his spiritual wing. Each voice, each chapter brings Muhammad and the creation of Islam into a new light. The angel Gabriel demands Muhammad to recite, the first convert risks his life to protect his newfound faith, and Muhammad's life is not a myth but an incredible true and surprisingly unknown story of a man and a moment that sparked a worldwide transformation.

  • - A Story of God's Messenger and the Revelation That Changed the World
    von Deepak Chopra
    21,00 €

    Born into the factious world of war-torn Arabia, Muhammad's life is a gripping and inspiring story of one man's tireless fight for unity and peace. In a world where greed and injustice ruled, Muhammad created change by affecting hearts and minds. This title focuses on the life of Muhammad.

  • - A Story of Enlightenment
    von Deepak Chopra
    24,00 €

    Very little is known or recorded about Jesus in his formative years. From his unceremonious birth in Bethlehem to his ultimate betrayal in Jerusalem, this book presents an account of the most remarkable story of all time.

  • - A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit
    von Deepak Chopra & David Simon M.D.
    23,00 €

    Winner of the Nautilus Award"This book takes yoga out of the mysterious and into the wonderful world of the practical. You will want to start your yoga practice immediately after reading the first pages of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga."-Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, author of The Power of Intention, Manifest Your Destiny, and Real Magic"The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga is a spiritual gem, the kind of book that seems to take you by the hand and guide you into clarity and peace."-Marianne Williamson, author of A Return to Love, Everyday Grace, and IlluminataThe remarkable benefits of yoga, which include improved flexibility, balance, muscle tone, endurance, and vitality, only hint at the extraordinary power of this deeply spiritual practice. When adhered to and practiced mindfully, yoga can unlock your full creative potential, your capacity for love and compassion, and your ability to find success in all areas of life.The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga brings spirituality back to yoga. Chopra and Simon show how the Seven Spiritual Laws play a crucial role in yoga's path to enlightenment while providing you with a wealth of meditation techniques, mantras, breathing exercises, and marvelous yoga poses. Whether you are a newcomer to yoga or an experienced practitioner, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga is a portal to yoga's deeper spiritual dimension and a beautiful step to a happier, more harmonious, and more abundant life.

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