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Bücher von Deepak Singh

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  • 18% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    50,00 €

    Nel regno odierno degli utenti dei social media, dell'inclusione della cittadinanza digitale nella popolazione mondiale e dell'instaurazione di un'efficace collaborazione sociale tra coetanei, genitori, educatori, aziende, attraverso le tecnologie innovative impiegate dalle piattaforme dei social media, è opportuno riconoscere che le ramificazioni psicologiche derivanti dal cyberbullismo possono essere altrettanto dannose rispetto alle conseguenze fisiche. La sfera globale è stata alle prese con le preoccupazioni relative alla sicurezza e alla privacy associate alle piattaforme dei social media. Quantificare l'entità dei media modificati diffusi con potenziali effetti dannosi rappresenta un compito formidabile. Il fenomeno denominato "paradosso della privacy" riguarda la disparità osservata tra le preoccupazioni espresse dagli utenti in materia di privacy e il loro effettivo comportamento online. Le ramificazioni di questo enigma hanno un significato particolare nell'ambito dell'interazione online e dell'integrazione dei social network.

  • 18% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    50,00 €

    V sowremennom mire, kogda pol'zowateli social'nyh setej priobschaüt naselenie planety k cifrowomu grazhdanstwu, nalazhiwaq äffektiwnoe social'noe sotrudnichestwo mezhdu swerstnikami, roditelqmi, pedagogami, korporaciqmi s pomosch'ü innowacionnyh tehnologij, ispol'zuemyh social'nymi mediaplatformami, sleduet priznat', chto psihologicheskie posledstwiq kiberbullinga mogut byt' ne menee pagubnymi, chem fizicheskie. Global'naq sfera postoqnno stalkiwaetsq s problemami bezopasnosti i konfidencial'nosti, swqzannymi s platformami social'nyh setej. Kolichestwennaq ocenka masshtabow rasprostraneniq izmenennyh media s potencial'nymi pagubnymi posledstwiqmi predstawlqet soboj slozhnuü zadachu. Yawlenie, nazywaemoe "paradoxom priwatnosti", otnositsq k nablüdaemomu rashozhdeniü mezhdu wyrazhaemym pol'zowatelqmi bespokojstwom po powodu priwatnosti i ih real'nym powedeniem w seti. Posledstwiq ätogo paradoxa imeüt osoboe znachenie w sfere onlajn-wzaimodejstwiq i integracii social'nyh setej.

  • 18% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    50,00 €

    Dans le monde actuel des utilisateurs de médias sociaux, de l'inclusion de la citoyenneté numérique dans la population mondiale, de l'établissement d'une collaboration sociale efficace entre les pairs, les parents, les éducateurs, les entreprises, grâce aux technologies innovantes employées par les plateformes de médias sociaux, il convient de reconnaître que les ramifications psychologiques résultant de la cyberintimidation peuvent être aussi préjudiciables que les conséquences physiques. La sphère mondiale est aux prises avec des préoccupations relatives à la sécurité et à la protection de la vie privée associées aux plateformes de médias sociaux. Quantifier l'étendue des médias modifiés diffusés avec des effets préjudiciables potentiels constitue une tâche redoutable. Le phénomène appelé "paradoxe de la vie privée" concerne la disparité observée entre les inquiétudes exprimées par les utilisateurs en matière de protection de la vie privée et leur comportement réel en ligne. Les ramifications de cette énigme revêtent une importance particulière dans les domaines de l'interaction en ligne et de l'intégration des réseaux sociaux.

  • von Deepak Singh
    60,90 €

    In der heutigen Welt der Nutzer sozialer Medien, der Einbeziehung der digitalen Bürgerschaft in die Weltbevölkerung und der Schaffung einer effektiven sozialen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Gleichaltrigen, Eltern, Pädagogen und Unternehmen durch die innovativen Technologien, die von sozialen Medienplattformen eingesetzt werden, ist es bemerkenswert anzuerkennen, dass die psychologischen Folgen von Cybermobbing genauso schädlich sein können wie die physischen Folgen. Die Weltöffentlichkeit hat sich mit Fragen der Sicherheit und des Schutzes der Privatsphäre im Zusammenhang mit Social-Media-Plattformen auseinandergesetzt. Die Quantifizierung des Ausmaßes der Verbreitung veränderter Medien mit potenziell nachteiligen Auswirkungen stellt eine gewaltige Aufgabe dar. Das Phänomen, das als "Datenschutzparadoxon" bezeichnet wird, bezieht sich auf die beobachtete Diskrepanz zwischen den von den Nutzern geäußerten Sorgen um die Privatsphäre und ihrem tatsächlichen Online-Verhalten. Die Auswirkungen dieses Paradoxons sind im Bereich der Online-Interaktion und der Integration sozialer Netzwerke von besonderer Bedeutung.

  • 18% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    50,00 €

    No domínio atual dos utilizadores das redes sociais, da inclusão da cidadania digital na população mundial, do estabelecimento de uma colaboração social eficaz entre pares, pais, educadores, empresas, através das tecnologias inovadoras utilizadas pelas plataformas das redes sociais, é importante reconhecer que as ramificações psicológicas resultantes do ciberbullying podem ser tão prejudiciais como as consequências físicas. A esfera global tem-se debatido com preocupações relacionadas com questões de segurança e privacidade associadas às plataformas das redes sociais. Quantificar a extensão dos meios de comunicação alterados disseminados com potenciais efeitos prejudiciais constitui uma tarefa formidável. O fenómeno designado por "paradoxo da privacidade" diz respeito à disparidade observada entre as preocupações de privacidade expressas pelos utilizadores e o seu comportamento real em linha. As ramificações deste enigma têm um significado especial nos domínios da interação em linha e da integração das redes sociais.

  • 18% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    50,00 €

    En el reino actual de los usuarios de las redes sociales, la inclusión de la ciudadanía digital en la población mundial, el establecimiento de una colaboración social efectiva entre iguales, padres, educadores y empresas, a través de las innovadoras tecnologías empleadas por las plataformas de las redes sociales, cabe reconocer que las ramificaciones psicológicas derivadas del ciberacoso pueden ser tan perjudiciales como las consecuencias físicas. La esfera mundial ha estado lidiando con preocupaciones relativas a cuestiones de seguridad y privacidad asociadas a las plataformas de medios sociales. Cuantificar el alcance de los medios modificados difundidos con posibles efectos perjudiciales plantea una tarea formidable. El fenómeno conocido como "paradoja de la privacidad" se refiere a la disparidad observada entre la preocupación por la privacidad expresada por los usuarios y su comportamiento real en línea. Las ramificaciones de este enigma revisten especial importancia en el ámbito de la interacción en línea y la integración en redes sociales.

  • 18% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    50,00 €

    In today¿s realm of social media users, inclusion of digital citizenship to the world¿s population establishing effective social collaboration among peers, parents, educators, corporations, through the innovative of technologies employed by social media platforms, it is noteworthy to acknowledge that the psychological ramifications resulting from cyberbullying can be as detrimental when compared to the physical consequences. The global sphere has been grappling with concerns pertaining to safety and privacy matters associated with the social media platforms. Quantifying the extent of disseminated changed media with potential detrimental effects poses a formidable task. The phenomenon referred to as the "privacy paradox" pertains to the observed disparity between users' expressed privacy worries and their actual online behavior. The ramifications of this conundrum hold particular significance in the realms of online interaction and social networking integration.

  • von Deepak Singh
    20,00 €

    In the Universe, the real value of Archimedes' constant Pi(¿) is calculated. It can be found in nature at all times, in the past, present, and future. Pi(¿) is born when the Universe and Galaxies are born, and its value ends. When a massive bang occurs. This means that I've figured out what Pi(¿). In other words, according to my research, is time. Science has agreed that the Big Bang created everything in this and other universes, as we all know. The birth and death of galaxies and other celestial bodies is a never-ending cycle. Our forebears wanted to communicate to us a hidden pattern. After a tremendous bang, everything goes back to zero and things start to form anew. God's mathematical fingerprint of God. My proofs are mentioned in this study book.

  • von Deepak Singh
    21,00 €

    "The Art of Accepting Imperfections" is a self-help book that teaches readers how to accept and appreciate their flaws. Each chapter delves into a different element of embracing faults, offering practical ways for overcoming negative self-talk, practicing self-compassion, and building a growth attitude. Readers will acquire a better understanding of why acceptance is so essential and how it may lead to greater pleasure, fulfillment, and personal progress through real-life examples and accessible anecdotes. Finally, this book sends a strong message of hope and self-acceptance to everyone who is tired of trying for an unreachable ideal and is ready to embrace their flaws as a source of strength and authenticity.

  • von Deepak Singh
    30,00 €

    Radiant Self: Illuminating the Path to Unshakeable Confidence is a motivational manual that shows the way to unwavering self-assurance and self-discovery. This book acts as a beacon of light, encouraging readers to embrace their true selves and realize their full potential in a world that frequently dampens their spirits and challenges their faith in themselves. The authors offer helpful tools, transforming activities, and perceptive advice to help readers grow confidence from within through a thorough investigation of attitude, self-awareness, self-care, resilience, and authentic expression. They dispel popular misconceptions about confidence and make it clear that it is a firm belief in one's value and competence.

  • von Deepak Singh
    28,00 €

    The Art of Correct Judgements is a transforming journey into the complex world of judgement, giving readers the tools they need to negotiate the complexity of decision-making with clarity and discernment. This book delves into the hidden forces that obscure our thinking, such as cognitive biases and logical fallacies, using a rich tapestry of research, real-life examples, and practical activities. Readers can make more informed decisions based on credible information if they recognize the risks of incorrect reasoning and embrace critical thinking. Furthermore, the book discusses ethical issues and the value of self-reflection in building empathy, inclusivity, and personal growth. The principles presented in this book empower readers to uncover the transforming power of accurate judgement.

  • von Deepak Singh
    21,00 €

    "Unleash Your Motivation" is a helpful and encouraging book that teaches readers how to recognize and overcome the obstacles that keep them from attaining their greatest potential. The book empowers readers to establish the habits, environment, and mindset that will propel them to success by combining real-life examples, actionable methods, and a focus on mindset and accountability. This is a must-read for everyone who wants to overcome procrastination, self-doubt, or a lack of direction in order to achieve their goals.

  • von Deepak Singh
    17,00 €

    "The Dismantling of the Chains: Getting Over Depression and Embracing Life" is a comprehensive resource for anyone suffering from depression. This book provides readers with practical solutions, personal experiences, and a message of hope in order to help them overcome despair and find meaning in their lives. It delves into the origins and symptoms of depression, the effects of depression on mental and physical health, and how to get professional help. In addition, the book offers readers practical techniques for conquering depression, such as lifestyle modifications, therapy, and medication. Individuals' personal tales of overcoming depression are shared, providing hope and inspiration. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to break free from sadness and meaningful life.

  • von Deepak Singh
    23,00 €

    "Depression Recovery Roadmap" is a thorough and practical manual aimed to assist those suffering from depression as well as those who support them. The book discusses important aspects of depression, such as its causes, symptoms, and evidence-based therapies. It delves into medicine, therapy, lifestyle modifications, coping skills, and the formation of a support network. The book is written in an approachable and easy-to-read language, with practical examples and direction for the healing path. It is a valuable resource for anyone attempting to overcome depression.

  • von Deepak Singh
    25,00 €

    ""Sharp Judgment: Mastering the Art of Accurate Decision-Making"" is a comprehensive guide to making correct and informed decisions. This book offers practical guidance and techniques for acquiring the skills and mentality required for effective decision-making. Whether you are a business professional, a student, or someone who simply wants to enhance their decision-making skills, this book provides real-world examples and case studies that demonstrate how to make smart decisions while avoiding pitfalls that might confuse your judgment.

  • von Deepak Singh
    22,00 €

    "Time's Revolution: Take Control of Your Time to Transform Your Life" is a comprehensive time management manual. Based on years of research, experiment, and personal experience, the book provides readers with a variety of practical tools and methods for better time management. From defining objectives and prioritizing work to developing daily routines and mastering the art of delegation, this book provides useful ideas and practical direction for anybody desiring to take charge of their time, achieve their goals, and live a more satisfied life.

  • von Deepak Singh
    23,00 €

    "Unpacking the Overthinking Mind" is a helpful and enlightening guide to breaking free from the overthinking cycle and creating a more positive and adaptable mindset. This book examines the various types of overthinking, such as rumination, worry, and perfectionism, and provides a variety of approaches for dealing with overthinking, such as mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and self-compassion. Readers are urged to acquire better self-awareness and self-compassion through self-reflection and practical tasks, which can be potent antidotes to overthinking. This book is a call to readers to take charge of their ideas and lives so that they can live more fulfilled, pleasant, and meaningful lives.

  • von Deepak Singh
    21,00 €

    "The Radical Art of Self-Love" is a how-to book for anyone who wants to improve their connection with themselves. This book examines self-love as a radical act of courage, vulnerability, and sincerity, as well as practical ways for making self-love a daily practice. Readers will discover how to repair previous emotional traumas, set boundaries in relationships, and overcome self-doubt and self-criticism. Readers will be empowered by this book to prioritize their own well-being and make self-love a habit rather than a one-time event.

  • von Deepak Singh
    21,00 €

    "Your Subconscious Awakening: Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Your Mind" is a fascinating book that delves into the power of the subconscious mind and how it influences our daily life. The author offers practical guidance and realistic strategies to help readers tap into and release the full potential of their subconscious mind. The book presents readers with a roadmap to improving their relationships, growing their money, and becoming a better version of themselves by using accessible examples and real-life tales. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to take charge of their life and harness the power of their subconscious mind.

  • von Deepak Singh
    20,00 €

    "Defeating the Stigma" is a thorough guide to conquering mental health stigma and living a happy life. The book provides individuals with practical information and strategies for prioritizing their mental health, seeking help when needed, and adopting good coping skills. The book also emphasizes the value of social support and offers advice on how to establish safe, inclusive cultures that prioritize mental health. "Defeating the Stigma" is a useful resource for anyone wishing to overcome stigma and live a full life, thanks to its educational and approachable approach.

  • von Deepak Singh
    19,00 €

    Who will win the race? Humans or Artificial Intelligence?Memory, problem-solving, learning, planning, language, reasoning, and perception are all cognitive functions that artificial intelligence (AI) and human intelligence investigate. Both of these have played significant roles in advancing cultures.In terms of their distinctions, AI is a human-created innovation that is designed to perform specific activities considerably faster and with less effort.Human intelligence, on the other hand, is better at multitasking and may include emotional aspects, human contact, and self-awareness in the cognitive process.Machine intelligence is another name for AI, which was established as an academic discipline in 1956, the same year that John McCarthy invented the term ""artificial intelligence.""

  • von Deepak Singh
    25,00 €

    Above and Below the Extremes: Finding Stability with Bipolar Disorder is a book that explains Bipolar Disorder in detail, including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. Medication management, psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, and coping methods are all covered in this book for dealing with spells of hypomania, mania, and depression. It also offers advice on how to build resilience, manage anxiety and panic attacks, form healthy relationships, advocate for yourself, and combat the stigma associated with Bipolar Disorder. This booklet is a must-have for anyone suffering from Bipolar Disorder, their loved ones, and mental health experts.

  • 16% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    37,00 €

    L'apprendimento del servizio è una parte importante del programma scolastico in molti Paesi sviluppati. Si tratta di un approccio all'insegnamento e all'apprendimento che mette in relazione il programma di studi con i problemi e i bisogni della comunità. Il Service-Learning coinvolge gli studenti in progetti al servizio della comunità e ne rafforza le capacità sociali e accademiche. Partecipando a progetti di servizio alla comunità, gli studenti sono esposti a nuovi concetti di apprendimento e sviluppano un più forte senso di responsabilità sociale e consapevolezza civica, oltre a migliorare il rendimento scolastico. La politica educativa nazionale della Malesia incoraggia l'attuazione di programmi di apprendimento eclettici per educare e preparare gli studenti a partire dalla scuola fino al livello terziario per entrare nella forza lavoro del prossimo futuro.

  • 16% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    37,00 €

    El aprendizaje-servicio es una parte importante del plan de estudios en muchos países desarrollados. Se trata de un enfoque de enseñanza y aprendizaje que conecta el plan de estudios con los problemas y las necesidades de la comunidad. El aprendizaje-servicio involucra a los estudiantes en proyectos que sirven a la comunidad y desarrollan sus capacidades sociales y académicas. Al participar en proyectos de servicio a la comunidad impulsados por el plan de estudios, los estudiantes se exponen a nuevos conceptos de aprendizaje y desarrollan un mayor sentido de la responsabilidad social y conciencia cívica, además de un mejor rendimiento académico. La Política Nacional de Educación de Malasia fomenta la aplicación de un currículo de aprendizaje ecléctico para educar y preparar a los estudiantes desde la escuela hasta el nivel terciario, con el fin de que puedan acceder a la fuerza laboral de su futuro próximo.

  • von Deepak Singh
    43,90 €

    Service-Learning ist in vielen entwickelten Ländern ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Lehrplans. Es handelt sich um einen Lehr- und Lernansatz, der den Lehrplan mit bestimmten Problemen und Bedürfnissen der Gemeinschaft verbindet. Service-Learning bindet Schüler in Projekte ein, die der Gemeinschaft dienen und ihre sozialen und akademischen Fähigkeiten fördern. Durch die Teilnahme an lehrplangesteuerten gemeinnützigen Projekten lernen die Schüler neue Lernkonzepte kennen und entwickeln neben besseren schulischen Leistungen auch ein stärkeres soziales Verantwortungsgefühl und staatsbürgerliches Bewusstsein. Die malaysische Bildungspolitik fördert die Einführung eines eklektischen Lehrplans, der die Schüler von der Schule bis zum Hochschulabschluss auf den Eintritt in die Arbeitswelt vorbereitet.

  • von Deepak Singh
    19,00 €

    Serwisnoe obuchenie qwlqetsq wazhnoj chast'ü uchebnoj programmy wo mnogih razwityh stranah. Jeto podhod k prepodawaniü i obucheniü, kotoryj swqzywaet uchebnuü programmu s opredelennymi problemami i potrebnostqmi obschestwa. Service-Learning wowlekaet studentow w proekty, kotorye sluzhat obschestwu i razwiwaüt ih social'nyj i akademicheskij potencial. Uchastwuq w obschestwennyh proektah, studenty znakomqtsq s nowymi koncepciqmi obucheniq, razwiwaüt chuwstwo social'noj otwetstwennosti i grazhdanskogo samosoznaniq, a takzhe powyshaüt uspewaemost'. Nacional'naq obrazowatel'naq politika Malajzii pooschrqet wnedrenie äklektichnyh uchebnyh programm dlq obucheniq i podgotowki uchaschihsq, nachinaq so shkoly i zakanchiwaq wysshim uchebnym zawedeniem, k trudowoj deqtel'nosti w blizhajshem buduschem.

  • 16% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    37,00 €

    L'apprentissage par le service est un élément important du programme scolaire dans de nombreux pays développés. Il s'agit d'une approche d'enseignement et d'apprentissage qui relie le programme d'études aux problèmes et besoins identifiés de la communauté. L'apprentissage par le service implique les élèves dans des projets qui servent la communauté et renforcent leurs capacités sociales et académiques. En participant à des projets de service communautaire axés sur le programme d'études, les élèves sont exposés à de nouveaux concepts d'apprentissage et développent un sens plus aigu de la responsabilité sociale et de la conscience civique, en plus d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats scolaires. La politique nationale malaisienne en matière d'éducation encourage la mise en ¿uvre de programmes d'apprentissage éclectiques afin d'éduquer et de préparer les élèves, de l'école jusqu'à l'enseignement supérieur, à entrer sur le marché du travail dans un avenir proche.

  • 16% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    37,00 €

    A aprendizagem-serviço é uma parte importante do currículo escolar em muitos países desenvolvidos. Trata-se de uma abordagem de ensino e aprendizagem que liga o currículo a questões e necessidades identificadas da comunidade. A aprendizagem-serviço envolve os alunos em projectos que servem a comunidade e desenvolvem as suas capacidades sociais e académicas. Ao participarem em projectos de serviço comunitário orientados para o currículo, os alunos são expostos a novos conceitos de aprendizagem e desenvolvem um sentido mais forte de responsabilidade social e consciência cívica, para além de um melhor desempenho académico. A Política Nacional de Educação da Malásia incentiva a implementação de um currículo de aprendizagem eclético para educar e preparar os alunos, desde a escola até ao nível terciário, para entrarem no mercado de trabalho num futuro próximo.

  • 16% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    37,00 €

    Service -Learning is an important part of classroom curriculum in many developed countries. It is a teaching and learning approach that connects the curriculum with identified community issues and needs. Service-Learning engages students in projects that serve the community and build their social and academic capacities. By participating in curriculum-driven community service projects, students are exposed to new concepts of learning and develop a stronger sense of social responsibility and civic awareness, in addition to better academic performance. The Malaysian National Education Policy encourages eclectic learning curriculum to be implemented to educate and prepare students beginning from school till the tertiary level to gain entry into the work force of one¿s near future.

  • 14% sparen
    von Deepak Singh
    31,00 €

    Concurrently there have been numerous reports in the media nationwide concerning the capabilities of today¿s graduates. The fact that they have graduated, yet they are so incompetent to sustain in the job demand. In reality, they seem to be lacking in confidence and performance whilst became apprehensive when asked to speak English in public. Such an attitude could be due to the lack of various shortcomings. In order to empower ESL students' learning motivation and speaking performance they are encouraged to be involved in community service projects and participate in English-based activities that provide them a chance to practice speaking in the language, especially in authentic situations. The aim is to upgrade the students¿ social and academic development.

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