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Bücher von Denis Berthier

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  • von Denis Berthier
    37,00 €

    "Hierarchical Classifications in Constraint Satisfaction" starts by recalling the main universal classifications of the instances of a finite binary Constraint Satisfaction Problem, defined in previous books by the same author, as well as their first applications to the Sudoku case. It then introduces a software (SHC) specially developed by François Cordoliani to implement them in the Sudoku case. Finally, it analyses in detail the classification results thus obtained and it shows that the short SHC computation times suggest to use it in the ongoing search for the "hardest" puzzles.

  • von Denis Berthier
    66,00 €

    CSP-Rules is a generic pattern-based (or rule-based) solver of finite binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). This software is available on GitHub and it includes fully developed applications to various logic puzzles such as Sudoku, Latin Squares (allowing their Pandiagonal variant), Futoshiki, Kakuro, Numbrix, Hidato, Slitherlink and Map Colouring.CSP-Rules produces not only the solution to a CSP (as all the existing CSP solvers) but also a full "resolution path", i.e. a detailed justification for each step; this is a full mathematical proof of the solution. CSP-Rules and the present book are closely related to the author's book "Pattern Based Constraint Satisfaction and Logic Puzzles", where the fundamental theory underlying the approach is presented.This book includes an extended version of the original "Basic User Manual". But it also introduces new powerful generic rules (OR-chains) for taking advantage of almost-contradictory patterns. In particular, it applies these chains to the analysis of a newly discovered pattern (tridagon) and to the classification of a large database of extreme Sudoku puzzles that have it. It also adds the analyses of 630 impossible patterns and explains how to deal with such a large number of patterns. It shows that a handful of them provide almost the same resolution power as the full set. The long final two chapters are written as research notebooks on these very advanced topics.

  • von Denis Berthier
    70,00 €

  • von Denis Berthier
    37,00 €

    This book is the User Manual for CSP-Rules-V2.1, a generic pattern-based (or rule-based) solver of finite binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). The associated software, CSP-Rules-V2.1, is available on GitHub. It includes fully developed applications to logic puzzles such as Latin Squares, Sudoku, Futoshiki, Kakuro, Map Colouring, Numbrix, Hidato and Slithering. This second edition includes additions related to reducing the number of steps in a resolution path.

  • von Denis Berthier
    25,00 €

    Matrix, eXistenZ, AI¿ : ces films cultes entraînent notre imagination dans des mondes virtuels ou peuplés de personnes virtuelles¿ Images virtuelles, particules virtuelles¿ : en aucun stade de son développement, la science n'échappe à la magie du virtuel¿ Réalité virtuelle, intelligence artificielle¿ : l'informatique nous immerge dans des mondes virtuels et nous fait communiquer avec des agents virtuels - au risque de bousculer notre relation au monde environnant, aux signes et aux savoirs. Tels sont quelques aperçus d'un étrange voyage aux frontières incertaines du réel et du virtuel.

  • von Denis Berthier
    21,00 €

    This book is the User Manual for CSP-Rules-V2.1, a generic pattern-based (or rule-based) solver of finite binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). The associated software, CSP-Rules-V2.1, is available on GitHub. It includes fully developed applications to logic puzzles such as Latin Squares, Sudoku, Futoshiki, Kakuro, Map Colouring, Numbrix, Hidato and Slithering.

  • von Denis Berthier
    59,00 - 99,00 €

  • von Denis Berthier
    46,00 €

  • von Denis Berthier
    54,00 €

    The "Hidden Logic of Sudoku" provides the first systematic perspective of the logical symmetries of the popular game. These are fully exploited to define new graphical representations, new kinds of resolution rules and a precedence ordering of the rules consistent with their logical complexity. The set of rules defined in the book is illustrated with a hundred of puzzles together with their full resolution paths. It suffices to solve almost any puzzle without making guesses or assuming the uniqueness of a solution. It has been fed into an Artificial Intelligence (AI) engine and a large database of puzzles has been processed, leading to a precise evaluation of the efficiency of each rule. The book is intended for both advanced Sudoku players (who will discover many new facets of the game and a new, systematic approach to the resolution rules) and for teachers or students of Logic or AI (who will appreciate the strict logical foundations).

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