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Bücher von Derek Sivers

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  • von Derek Sivers
    16,00 €

    Useful wisdom. Simple profound mental models to guide your decisions.Overwhelmed? If you feel anything less than "hell yeah!" about something, say no. We say yes too often. By saying no to almost everything, you leave space and time in your life to throw yourself completely into the few things that matter most.After Derek Sivers' "hell yeah or no" rule was adopted by podcasters, bloggers, and investors, he compiled related ideas into this useful, profound, and surprising book around the themes of what's worth doing, fixing faulty thinking, and making things happen.Examples:Be proud to be a slow thinker.Goals shape the present, not future.Assume you're below average.Life has no speed limit.What's obvious to you is amazing to others.Relax for the same result.The first 15,000 early buyers of 'Hell Yeah or No' have posted hundreds of 5-star reviews at - but it is now being released to a wider audience.

  • von Derek Sivers
    18,00 €

    Wer sich bei einer Sache nicht ganz sicher fühlt, sagt Nein. In vielen Angelegenheiten sagen wir allerdings zu oft Ja. Indem wir zu fast allem Nein sagen, schaffen wir Raum und Zeit im Leben, um uns ganz auf die wenigen Dinge zu konzentrieren, die am wichtigsten sind. Aber wie erkennen wir, was es wert ist, getan zu werden?Nachdem Derek Sivers »Ja oder Nein«-Regel von Podcastern, Bloggern und Investoren übernommen wurde, hat er erstmals seine wichtigsten Ideen in diesem tiefgründigen wie nützlichen Buch zusammengefasst: was es wert ist, getan zu werden (und was nicht), wie sich fehlerhaftes Denken korrigieren lässt und wie wir Dinge geschehen lassen. Kurz, prägnant, einfach und gleichsam tiefgreifend.Hell Yeah Or No ist ein Einblick in die geradezu geniale Gedankenwelt des Entrepreneurs, Musikers und Speakers Derek Sivers - was ihn bei seinen Entscheidungen antreibt, wie er über den "Erfolg" oder "Misserfolg" eines Projekts entscheidet und welche Lehren er aus jedem Projekt zieht, um seine bereits beeindruckenden Methoden weiter auszubauen.

  • von Derek Sivers
    15,00 €

  • von Derek Sivers
    16,00 €

    Every creator has the same problems with marketing.How do you call attention to your work?How do you get your creations into people's minds and hearts?How do you get fans to tell their friends?How do you charge money for your labor of love?How do you get the media to help?Derek Sivers was a professional musician before he started a music distribution company that helped 150,000 musicians sell their music to over four million people. So after years of living the problems, he was able to learn the solutions."Your Music and People" shares a successful philosophy of getting your work to the world by being creative, considerate, resourceful, and connected.It's not just for musicians.Though it uses music as the example, it is meant for any creator trying to reach people. Early readers called it one of the best books ever written on business marketing.Example points include:Business is just as creative as music.Marketing is an extension of your art.Marketing means being considerate. Focus on others.Being weird is considerate.People skills are counterintuitive. To be helped, be helpful.Persistence is polite.Call the destination and ask for directions.Get specific about what you want.Be extreme and sharply defined. Proudly exclude most people.Money is just a neutral representation of value. Be valuable to others - not just yourself. People like to pay.Nobody knows the future, so focus on what doesn't change.The first 10,000 early buyers of "Your Music and People" have posted hundreds of 5-star reviews at - but it is now being released to a wider audience.

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