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Bücher von Dick Morris

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  • - How Illegal Immigration, the United Nations, Congressional Ripoffs, Student Loan Overcharges, Tobacco Companies, Trade Protection, and Drug Companies Are Ripping Us Off . . . and What to Do About It
    von Dick Morris & Eileen Mcgann
    22,00 €

  • - Machiavelli Updated for the Twenty-First Century
    von Dick Morris
    25,00 €

    An update of Machiavelli's The Prince, written by New York Times bestselling author and political thinker Dick Morris.Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince has been one of the most widely read and quoted book about politics during the past five centuries. But in the democracies of the information age, new ideas are needed to make government prosper through the next century. Now, Dick Morris, who contributed significantly to President Clinton's reelection in 1996 and, during the previous two decades, helped many public officials (Democrats and Republicans alike) gain office, takes a hard look at our times and writes a how-to book for office-seekers, special-interest groups, and students of politics. In The New Prince, Morris advises candidates to adopt idealism as a strategy-not because of misguided altruism, but because it works. He tells politicians, advocacy groups, business leaders, and citizens how to promote their causes and get their jobs done effectively. And he offers insights into the character of the most remarkable political figures of our time and outlines what he believes will be the political agenda for the next century.

  • von Dick Morris
    21,98 €

    A smart and scathing bestseller: former Clinton adviser and confidant Dick Morris offers a response to Hillary Clinton′s biography - to expose the history of lies and obfuscations this very controversial politician has left in her wake... In Rewriting History, Dick Morris had his biggest bestseller in years--and with its subject, Hillary Clinton, perennially in the spotlight, this smart and scathing rebuttal to Living History is sure to have a robust life in paperback as well. A long-time adviser to both Clintons, in Rewriting History Dick Morris turns his sharp-eyed gaze on Hilary, the former first lady, current New York Senator, and bestselling author. For, as he argues, no politician in America today is better aligned to become president in 2008-and none would bring more baggage to the White house-than Mrs. Clinton. Drawing on his own long working relationship with the Clintons, as well as his trademark deep research and candid, non-partisan analysis, Morris pierces Hillary′s mask to get at the truth behind the distortions and omissions of her memoir. Here we meet the real Hillary, both good and bad: the manager who makes the trains run on time, but also the paranoid who sees all those who disagree with her as personal enemies; the idealist, but also the "advice addict" easily misled by the guru of the moment. Morris describes Hillary′s sense of entitlement, and warns that it may lead deep into financial scandal. And he demonstrates how Hillary dodges criticism by pretending that every attack is directed not just at her, but at every working woman in America. Ultimately, Morris argues, Hillary Clinton faces a choice. Will she, like Bobby Kennedy, see the error of her ruthless ways, and embrace the sincere idealism she professes? Or, like Richard Nixon, will she allow the darker angels of her nature to overcome her, jeopardizing herself and the country in the process? As Rewriting History suggests, we can only hope that her past performance is no guarantee of future results. o For political buffs. o Dick Morris′s credibility as an insider-from his years of experience as an advisor to politicians of every stripe, to his own extensive interactions with the Clintons in the years leading up to and during Clinton′s presidency-makes Morris′s book the most qualified analysis of, and answer to, Senator Clinton′s bestselling memoir.

  • von Dick Morris
    22,00 €

    What happened to the unity that so blessed America after 9/11? Where did our sense of determination go?Our political, journalistic, and cultural leaders have mounted a campaign to oppose and impede the war on terror that seemed so vital in that rare moment of clarity. This book is my personal cri du coeur about deception in politics, journalism, and business?especially when it stops us from following through on the work 9/11 has left for us all to do.This book takes on some pretty sacred cows, but it's about time they became fair game.?from the IntroductionAre you appalled by the antiwar tone the news media has taken since the war on terror began?especially "objective" news outlets like the New York Times and the network news?Are you wondering when liberal celebrities like Barbara Streisand, Sean Penn, and Susan Sarandon suddenly became geopolitical oracles whose advice we're supposed to value above the wisdom of tenured experts?Are you at a loss to decide who has betrayed us more outrageously: the French who abandoned us in our time of need, or our own elected officials, who tapped our 401(k) savings and the tobacco-settlement windfall with equal abandon?In Off with Their Heads, syndicated columnist and Fox News Cannel political analyst Dick Morris points an accusing finger at the many ways the public has been lied to and misled, pickpocketed and endangered. Whether it's Bill Clinton, who ignored mounting evidence of impending terrorist catastrophe throughout the 1990s, or the members of Congress, who quietly sold our democracy down the river in exchange for lifetime incumbency, Morris rips the cover off the cowardly and duplicitous figures who have sacrificed America's interests for their own.From private corruption to public treachery, even longtime political buffs will marvel at the astonishing behavior Morris reveals at every level of society?and at how it threatens to compromise the American way of life.

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