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Bücher von Dimitris Michalopoulos

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  • von Dimitris Michalopoulos
    27,95 €

    Essay from the year 2023 in the subject Philosophy - Philosophy of the Ancient World, , language: English, abstract: The "Revolt of the Masses" commenced long before the twentieth century. And the only remedy to the ochlocratic/plutocratic democracy of our days is the implementation of the Platonic Polity. For unless "wisdom joins the political power", as the great Athenian philosopher has explained, the suffering of the humankind will never end. Today, Platös political philosophy is more relevant than ever. Our world is ruled by a more or less ¿occult government¿ marked by ¿nepotistic plutocracy¿ and the consequent flagrant corruption. And this government exercises power thanks to support provided to them by all sorts of real or imaginary oppressed. And their method is simple, very simple. There is a huge difference between the common man and the man who is able to think. Yet, in the framework of today¿s plutocratic democracy everyone, regardless of his origin, education and skills, is regarded as a human ¿truly having his mind at work¿ and accordingly entitled to have opinion on political matters. Usually, moreover, this very regime is labelled as ¿platonic¿, but it is not. As a matter of fact, it is a perversion of Platonism. For it recognizes the problems that plague humankind today (overpopulation, environmental pollution, etc), but tries to solve them in a wrong way. According to Plato, nepotism and plutocracy bring about the destruction of the State.

  • von Dimitris Michalopoulos
    35,00 €

    Durante o domínio otomano das Terras Gregas, o Patriarcado Ortodoxo de Constantinopla, bem como os janissários, provaram ser os pilares do trono de Padishah. O "devshirme", porém, foi abolido em meados do século XVIII e, consequentemente, o corpo janissário tornou-se um terreno fértil de problemas e anarquia. Os filhos recrutados à força pelos cristãos acabaram por substituir os Padishah pelo seu pai e os seus companheiros de soldado pelos seus familiares. No entanto, não foi esse o caso dos muçulmanos pelos quais foram substituídos. Estes últimos mantiveram laços familiares e gostavam mais de promover os seus próprios interesses do que de defender o "Devlet" (Estado)... A crise subsequente atingiu o clímax durante o reinado de Mahmud II (1808-1839), que teve a ideia -brilliana - de substituir os ... Gregos pelos Janissários! A história relevante de Osman Pasha, o Estrangulador , que não era outro senão o arquimandrito sénior do Patriarcado Constantinopolita, disfarçado de Pasha por ordem de Padishah, é ainda bem conhecida na ilha de Creta!

  • von Dimitris Michalopoulos
    43,90 €

    Während der osmanischen Herrschaft über die griechischen Länder erwiesen sich das orthodoxe Patriarchat von Konstantinopel und die Janitscharen als die Stützen des Padischahs. Jahrhunderts abgeschafft, und so wurde das Janitscharenkorps zu einer Brutstätte von Unruhen und Anarchie. Die zwangsrekrutierten Kinder der Christen setzten schließlich den Padischah an die Stelle ihres Vaters und ihre Soldatenkameraden an die Stelle ihrer Verwandten. Bei den Moslems, durch die sie ersetzt wurden, war dies jedoch nicht der Fall. Letztere hielten die Familienbande aufrecht und setzten sich lieber für ihre eigenen Interessen ein, anstatt den "Devlet" (Staat) zu verteidigen... Die anschließende Krise erreichte ihren Höhepunkt unter Mahmud II. (1808-1839), der die -brillante- Idee hatte, die Janitscharen durch ... Griechen zu ersetzen! Die einschlägige Geschichte von Osman Pascha, dem Würger, der kein anderer war als der oberste Archimandrit des Konstantinopolitanischen Patriarchats, der sich auf Befehl des Padischahs als Pascha verkleidete, ist auf der Insel Kreta noch immer bekannt!

  • von Dimitris Michalopoulos
    35,00 €

    Durante il dominio ottomano delle terre greche, il patriarcato ortodosso di Costantinopoli, così come i giannizzeri, si dimostrarono le colonne portanti del trono del Padishah. Il "devshirme", tuttavia, fu abolito a metà del XVIII secolo e, di conseguenza, il corpo dei giannizzeri divenne un terreno fertile di problemi e anarchia. I figli dei cristiani reclutati con la forza finirono per sostituire il Padishah con il padre e i loro compagni soldati con i loro parenti. Tuttavia, questo non era il caso dei musulmani da cui erano stati sostituiti. Questi ultimi mantenevano i legami familiari e preferivano promuovere i propri interessi invece di difendere il "Devlet" (Stato)... La crisi successiva raggiunse il culmine durante il regno di Mahmud II (1808-1839), che ebbe la brillante idea di sostituire i ... greci con i giannizzeri! La storia rilevante di Osman Pasha lo Strangolatore, che non era altro che l'archimandrita anziano del Patriarcato Costantinopolitano, travestito da Pasha per ordine di Padishah, è ancora ben nota sull'isola di Creta!

  • von Dimitris Michalopoulos
    35,00 €

    Durante el dominio otomano de las Tierras Griegas, el Patriarcado Ortodoxo de Constantinopla, así como los jenízaros, resultaron ser los pilares del trono del Padishah. Sin embargo, el "devshirme" fue abolido a mediados del siglo XVIII y, en consecuencia, el cuerpo de jenízaros se convirtió en un caldo de cultivo de problemas y anarquía. Los hijos de los cristianos reclutados a la fuerza acabaron sustituyendo al Padishah por su padre y a sus compañeros soldados por sus familiares. Sin embargo, no fue el caso de los musulmanes por los que fueron sustituidos. Estos últimos sí mantenían los lazos familiares y les gustaba más promover sus propios intereses en lugar de defender el "Devlet" (Estado)... La crisis posterior alcanzó su punto álgido durante el reinado de Mahmud II (1808-1839), que tuvo la brillante idea de sustituir a los jenízaros por griegos. La historia del estrangulador Osman Pasha, que no era otro que el archimandrita mayor del Patriarcado Constantinopolitano, disfrazado de pachá por orden del Padishah, sigue siendo conocida en la isla de Creta.

  • von Dimitris Michalopoulos
    18,00 €

    Vo wremq osmanskogo wladychestwa w grecheskih zemlqh prawoslawnyj Konstantinopol'skij patriarhat, a takzhe qnychary okazalis' oporoj trona padishaha. Odnako w seredine wosemnadcatogo weka "dewshirme" bylo uprazdneno, i, sootwetstwenno, qnycharskij korpus stal rassadnikom smuty i anarhii. Nasil'no zawerbowannye deti hristian w konce koncow zamenili padishaha swoim otcom, a ih towarischi po sluzhbe - rodstwennikami. Odnako s musul'manami, na smenu kotorym oni prishli, delo obstoqlo inache. Poslednie sohranqli semejnye uzy i predpochitali otstaiwat' sobstwennye interesy wmesto togo, chtoby zaschischat' "Dewlet" (gosudarstwo)... Posleduüschij krizis dostig kul'minacii wo wremq prawleniq Mahmuda II (1808-1839), kotoromu prishla w golowu blestqschaq ideq zamenit' qnychar ... grekami! Na ostrowe Krit do sih por horosho izwestna istoriq Osman-pashi-dushitelq, kotoryj byl ne kem inym, kak starshim arhimandritom Konstantinopol'skogo patriarhata, pereodetym w pashu po prikazu padishaha!

  • von Dimitris Michalopoulos
    35,00 €

    Pendant la domination ottomane des terres grecques, le patriarcat orthodoxe de Constantinople, ainsi que les janissaires, se sont avérés être les piliers du trône du Padishah. Le "devshirme" a toutefois été aboli au milieu du XVIIIe siècle et, par conséquent, le corps des janissaires est devenu un foyer de troubles et d'anarchie. Les enfants des chrétiens, recrutés de force, ont fini par substituer le Padishah à leur père et leurs compagnons d'armes à leurs parents. Mais ce n'est pas le cas des musulmans qui les remplacent. Ces derniers conservaient des liens familiaux et préféraient promouvoir leurs propres intérêts plutôt que de défendre le "Devlet" (État)... La crise qui s'ensuivit atteignit son paroxysme sous le règne de Mahmud II (1808-1839), qui eut l'idée -brillante- de substituer les ... Grecs aux Janissaires ! L'histoire pertinente d'Osman Pacha l'étrangleur , qui n'était autre que l'archimandrite supérieur du Patriarcat Constantinopolite, déguisé en Pacha sur ordre du Padishah, est encore bien connue sur l'île de Crète !

  • von Dimitris Michalopoulos
    35,00 €

    During the Ottoman rule of the Greek Lands, the Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople, as well as the janissaries, proved to be the mainstays of the Padishah's throne. The "devshirme", however, was abolished in the mid-eighteenth century and accordingly, the Janissary corps became a breeding ground of trouble and anarchy. The Christians' forcibly recruited children eventually substituted the Padishah for their father and their soldier mates for their relatives. Yet, that was not the case with the Moslems by whom they were replaced. The latter did maintain family bonds and liked better to promote their own interests instead of defending the "Devlet" (State)... The subsequent crisis reached the climax during the reign of Mahmud II (1808-1839), who had the -brilliant- idea to substitute the ¿ Greeks for the Janissaries!The relevant story of Osman Pasha the Strangler , who was a no other than the senior archimandrite of the Constantinopolitan Patriarchate, disguised as a Pasha by order of Padishah, is still well-known on the island of Crete!

  • von Dimitris Michalopoulos
    168,00 €

    In 1806 an anonymous Greek book called for a republican government, patterned on that of the young United States, to be established in Greece. The book's author, Count John Capo d'Istria, was also in touch with another inspirational power, Russia. In this revelatory new book, Dimitris Michalopoulos follows Capo d'Istria's career.

  • - Venizelos and Politics, 1888-1920
    von Dimitris Michalopoulos
    34,99 €

    Scientific Study from the year 2014 in the subject History - Miscellaneous, , language: English, abstract: Eleutherios Venizelos (1864-1936) is an emblematic figure in the History of Modern Greece, for he is regarded as the champion of parliamentary democracy and of Greek irredentism - in short, a great statesman. Even the 1922 Greek Catastrophe in Asia Minor is ascribed to his political foes, who, were accordingly executed in November 1922. That is why it is a difficult and dangerous task to sort out the truth from the relevant myth. No amazement is to be expressed by that. In fact, whenever politics and History are intermixed, History suffers at the hands of politics and not politics at the hands of History. Consequently, discovering the truth implies reconsideration of History and perhaps coping with the Future on a basis quite different from the one hitherto. Still, voluntarily or not, this is the very mission of this book.

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