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Bücher von Dinesh D'Souza

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  • von Dinesh D'Souza
    22,99 €

    Wahlbetrug in den USA! Wahlbetrug in den USA? Hat es nicht gegeben. Zumindest hat man uns das einreden wollen, aber nun präsentiert Dinesh D'Souza endlich die eindrucksvollen Beweise, dass es 2020 bei den Wahlen in den USA nicht mit rechten Dingen zugegangen ist. Nach dem extrem erfolgreichen Dokumentarfilm 2000 Mules legt D'Souza nun auch ein Buch mit noch mehr Fakten vor. Die Demokratische Partei hat die US-Präsidentschaftswahlen von 2020 gestohlen Vergessen Sie alles, was Sie bislang gehört haben. Vergessen Sie alles, was Sie über Wahlbetrug zu wissen glauben. Bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA 2020 haben die Demokraten in großem Stil Wahlbetrug begangen. Das ist kein Vorwurf, sondern dank Bestsellerautor und Investigativjournalist Dinesh D'Souza inzwischen unumstößlich bewiesen. Mithilfe von Augenzeugen sowie den präzisen und hochmodernen technischen Möglichkeiten des Geotracking weist D'Souza nach, wie ein bereits bestehendes korruptes System der Demokratischen Partei bei den letzten Wahlen Betrug in gewaltigem Umfang beging. Im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens steht das »Maultier«. Ein bezahlter Mittelsmann. Ein krimineller Kurier. Ein Handlanger an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wahlfälschung und Betrug. Maultiere sind Gauner und Aktivisten, die bei zwielichtigen NGOs oder Parteiapparaten einen Sack Wahlzettel entgegennehmen und diese Wahlzettel über einen Bezirk verteilt in die Kästen werfen, die speziell für die Möglichkeit der Briefwahl aufgestellt wurden. Der Dokumentarfilmer und Bestsellerautor Dinesh D'Souza legt beeindruckende Fakten vor, die beweisen, dass der massive Stimmbetrug, der doch angeblich nur ein Hirngespinst der Rechten war, tatsächlich stattgefunden hat. Eindrucksvoll belegt D'Souza, dass die US-Wahl 2020 gestohlen wurde. Und was noch wichtiger ist: Er kann seine Behauptung beweisen! 2000 Mules ist mehr als ein Buch - es ist ein Appell, aktiv zu werden. Soll Amerikas Demokratie überleben, muss sich jeder mit den hier vorgelegten Beweisen vertraut machen, anderen davon erzählen und einfordern, dass die Schuldigen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. »Das vorliegende Werk ist das Buch zum gleichnamigen Film. Inhalt ist eine Beweisführung per Indizien, dass die Wahl 2020 von Joe Biden manipuliert worden sein soll. Ich beginne mit dem Fazit: Wer noch Argumente gegen das Prinzip der demokratischen Wahlen benötigt, der wird sie in diesem Buch finden. (...) Schon Stalin wusste, dass es weniger auf die Stimmabgabe ankommt als vielmehr auf die Stimmenauszählung. Welche Möglichkeiten dabei die Briefwahl bietet, war mir bisher so nicht bewusst. Leseempfehlung!« eigentümlich frei

  • von Dinesh D'Souza
    30,00 €

  • - Plantation Politics and the Making of the Democratic Party
    von Dinesh D'Souza
    24,00 €

    In Death of a Nation, Dinesh D'Souza tackles the biggest lie of the left - that America is a society based on white supremacy.

  • - What My Experience with Criminal Gangs Taught Me About Obama, Hillary and the Democratic Party
    von Dinesh D'Souza
    36,00 €

    WHY HILLARY, OBAMA, AND THE ENTIRE DEMOCRATIC PARTY ARE NO BETTER THAN A GANG OF THIEVESIn the fall of 2014, outspoken author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza found himself hauled into federal court for improperly donating money to an old friend's Senate campaign. D'Souza pleaded guilty and was sentenced to eight months in a state-run confinement center. There he lived among hardened criminals?drug dealers, thieves, gangbangers, rapists, and murderers. Now the bestselling author explains how this experience not only changed his life, but fundamentally transformed his view of his adopted country.Previously, D'Souza had seen America through the eyes of a grateful immigrant who became successful by applying and defending conservative principles. Again and again, D'Souza made the case that America is an exceptional nation, fundamentally fair and just. In book after book, he argued against liberalism as though it were a genuine movement of ideas capable of being engaged and refuted.But his prolonged exposure to the criminal underclass provided an eye-opening education in American realities. In the view of hardened criminals, D'Souza learned, America is anything but fair and just. Instead, it is a jungle in which various armed gangs face off against one another, with the biggest and most powerful gangs inhabiting the federal government. As for American liberalism, it is not a movement of ideas at all but a series of scams and cons aimed at nothing less than stealing the entire wealth of the nation, built up over more than two centuries: the total value of the homes, the lifelong savings of the people, the assets of every industry, and all the funds allocated to health and education and every other service, both public and private. ?The thieves I am speaking about want all of it.?And who are the leading figures in this historically ambitious scam that has turned the federal government into a vast and unprecedented shakedown scheme? Why, none other than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton ? the current leaders of the Democratic Party. This pair of smooth-talking con artists, trained in the methods of radical activist Saul Alinsky, have taken his crude but effective political shakedown techniques to a level even he never dreamed of.As the nation approaches a crucial election in 2016, Stealing America is an urgent wakeup call for all Americans who want to prevent this theft from being completed by eight more years of Democratic rule.

  • - The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11
    von Dinesh D'Souza
    25,00 €

    From THE ENEMY AT HOME:"In this book I make a claim that will seem startling at the outset. The cultural left in this country is responsible for causing 9/11. ... In faulting the cultural left, I am not making the absurd accusation that this group blew up the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. I am saying that the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the nonprofit sector, and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world. The Muslims who carried out the 9/11 attacks were the product of this visceral rage—some of it based on legitimate concerns, some of it based on wrongful prejudice, but all of it fueled and encouraged by the cultural left. Thus without the cultural left, 9/11 would not have happened."I realize that this is a strong charge, one that no one has made before. But it is a neglected aspect of the 9/11 debate, and it is critical to understanding the current controversy over the 'war against terrorism.' ... I intend to show that the left has actively fostered the intense hatred of America that has led to numerous attacks such as 9/11. If I am right, then no war against terrorism can be effectively fought using the left-wing premises that are now accepted doctrine among mainstream liberals and Democrats.”Whenever Muslims charge that the war on terror is really a war against Islam, Americans hasten to assure them they are wrong. Yet as Dinesh D'Souza argues in this powerful and timely polemic, there really is a war against Islam. Only this war is not being waged by Christian conservatives bent on a moral crusade to impose democracy abroad but by the American cultural left, which for years has been vigorously exporting its domestic war against religion and traditional morality to the rest of the world.D'Souza contends that the cultural left is responsible for 9/11 in two ways: by fostering a decadent and depraved American culture that angers and repulses other societies—especially traditional and religious ones— and by promoting, at home and abroad, an anti-American attitude that blames America for all the problems of the world. Islamic anti-Americanism is not merely a reaction to U.S. foreign policy but is also rooted in a revulsion against what Muslims perceive to be the atheism and moral depravity of American popular culture. Muslims and other traditional people around the world allege that secular American values are being imposed on their societies and that these values undermine religious belief, weaken the traditional family, and corrupt the innocence of children. But it is not "America” that is doing this to them, it is the American cultural left. What traditional societies consider repulsive and immoral, the cultural left considers progressive and liberating.Taking issue with those on the right who speak of a "clash of civilizations,” D'Souza argues that the war on terror is really a war for the hearts and minds of traditional Muslims—and traditional peoples everywhere. The only way to win the struggle with radical Islam is to convince traditional Muslims that America is on their side. We are accustomed to thinking of the war on terror and the culture war as two distinct and separate struggles. D'Souza shows that they are really one and the same. Conservatives must recognize that the left is now allied with the Islamic radicals in a combined effort to defeat Bush's war on terror. A whole new strategy is therefore needed to fight both wars. "In order to defeat the Islamic radicals abroad,” D'Souza writes, "we must defeat the enemy at home.”

  • - Finding Values In An Age Of Technoaffluence
    von Dinesh D'Souza
    49,00 €

    A comprehensive inquiry into the history, nature and meaning of racism. There is little agreement about what racism is, where it comes from and whether it can ever be eliminated. This book explore these questions while raising some controversial issues of its own.

  • von Dinesh D'Souza
    31,00 €

    The best-selling enfant terrible of the Reagan revolution offers advice to today's budding conservatives--the very people he sees as the true "radicals" of tomorrow

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