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Bücher von Dinesh Kumar

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  • von Dinesh Kumar
    32,00 €

    OS JOGADORES DE BASQUETEBOL SÃO DIFERENTES UNS DOS OUTROS. Diferentes posições de jogo no jogo de basquetebol levam os jogadores a desempenhar diferentes funções. Ainda assim, a maioria dos treinos são os mesmos para todas as posições de jogo, especialmente - sessões de treino de força. Neste livro o autor tenta mostrar a diferença entre a maior produção de força muscular e as diferentes posições de jogo no jogo de basquetebol. Os músculos principais incluem músculos de quadríceps, tendões, ombros e tríceps.

  • von Dinesh Kumar
    32,00 €

    LES JOUEURS DE BASKET-BALL SONT DIFFÉRENTS LES UNS DES AUTRES. Les différentes positions de jeu dans le jeu de basket-ball amènent les joueurs à effectuer des tâches différentes. Pourtant, la plupart des entraînements sont les mêmes pour toutes les positions de jeu, en particulier les séances de musculation. Dans ce livre, l'auteur tente de montrer la différence entre la production de puissance des principaux muscles et les différentes positions de jeu dans le basket-ball. Les principaux muscles comprennent les quadriceps, les ischio-jambiers, les épaules et les triceps.

  • von Dinesh Kumar
    32,00 €

    LOS JUGADORES DE BALONCESTO SON DIFERENTES ENTRE SÍ. Las diferentes posiciones de juego en el baloncesto llevan a los jugadores a realizar diferentes tareas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los entrenamientos son los mismos para todas las posiciones de juego, especialmente las sesiones de entrenamiento de fuerza. En este libro el autor trata de mostrar la diferencia entre la producción de fuerza de los músculos principales y las diferentes posiciones de juego en el baloncesto. Los músculos principales son los de los cuádriceps, los isquiotibiales, los hombros y los tríceps.

  • von Dinesh Kumar
    32,00 €

    I GIOCATORI DI BASKET SONO DIVERSI L'UNO DALL'ALTRO. Le diverse posizioni di gioco nella pallacanestro portano i giocatori a svolgere compiti diversi. Tuttavia, la maggior parte degli allenamenti è uguale per tutte le posizioni di gioco, in particolare le sessioni di allenamento della forza. In questo libro l'autore cerca di mostrare la differenza tra la produzione di forza dei muscoli principali e le diverse posizioni di gioco nella pallacanestro. I muscoli principali includono i muscoli del quadricipite, del bicipite femorale, della spalla e del tricipite.

  • von Dinesh Kumar
    18,00 €

    BASKETBOLISTY OTLIChAJuTSYa DRUG OT DRUGA. Raznye igrowye pozicii w basketbole zastawlqüt igrokow wypolnqt' raznye obqzannosti. Tem ne menee, bol'shinstwo trenirowok odinakowy dlq wseh igrowyh pozicij, osobenno - silowye trenirowki. V ätoj knige awtor pytaetsq pokazat' raznicu mezhdu silowoj rabotoj osnownyh myshc i razlichnymi igrowymi poziciqmi w basketbole. K osnownym myshcam otnosqtsq myshcy kwadricepsa, podkolennogo suhozhiliq, plecha i tricepsa.

  • von Dinesh Kumar
    39,90 €

    BASKETBALLSPIELER UNTERSCHEIDEN SICH VON EINANDER. Verschiedene Spielpositionen im Basketballspiel führen dazu, dass die Spieler unterschiedliche Aufgaben erfüllen müssen. Dennoch sind die meisten Trainingseinheiten für alle Spielpositionen gleich, insbesondere die Krafttrainingseinheiten. In diesem Buch versucht der Autor, den Unterschied zwischen der Kraftproduktion der Hauptmuskeln und den verschiedenen Spielpositionen im Basketballspiel aufzuzeigen. Zu den Hauptmuskeln gehören die Muskeln des Quadrizeps, der Kniesehne, der Schulter und des Trizeps.

  • von Dinesh Kumar, Karu Maran & Vijila Dinesh
    32,00 €

  • von Dinesh Kumar, Karu Maran & Vijila Dinesh
    32,00 €

  • von Dinesh Kumar, Karu Maran & Vijila Dinesh
    32,00 €

  • von Dinesh Kumar, Karu Maran & Vijila Dinesh
    32,00 €

  • von Dinesh Kumar, Karu Maran & Vijila Dinesh
    39,90 €

  • von Dinesh Kumar, Karu Maran & Vijila Dinesh
    32,00 €

  • von Dinesh Kumar
    23,00 €

    Traditional marketing faces challenges as never before. The way that people interact with each other and with companies is changing completely in todayOs era of 24/7 connectivity. This book explores tectonic changes in buyer behavior and how businesses are responding to those changes. It describes how data is used to track and analyze customers in almost everything they do, and how marketing communications are delivered with precision to individual mobile devices. The connected customer is blurring the line between online and offline sales resulting in an entirely new purchase cycle.

  • von Dinesh Kumar & Chitij Chauhan
    66,00 €

    Get to know effective ways to improve PostgreSQL's performance and master query optimization, and database monitoring. About This Book* Perform essential database tasks such as benchmarking the database and optimizing the server's memory usage* Learn ways to improve query performance and optimize the PostgreSQL server* Explore a wide range of high availability and replication mechanisms to build robust, highly available, scalable, and fault-tolerant PostgreSQL databasesWho This Book Is ForIf you are a developer or administrator with limited PostgreSQL knowledge and want to develop your skills with this great open source database, then this book is ideal for you. Learning how to enhance the database performance is always an exciting topic to everyone, and this book will show you enough ways to enhance the database performance. What You Will Learn* Build replication strategies for homogeneous and heterogeneous databases* Test and build a powerful machine with multiple bench marking techniques* Get to know a few SQL injection techniques* Find out how to manage the replication using multiple tools* Benchmark the database server using multiple strategies* Work with the query processing algorithms and their internal behaviors* Build a proper plan to upgrade or migrate to PostgreSQL from other databases* See the essential database load balancing techniques and the various partitioning approaches PostgreSQL provides* Learn memory optimization techniques and database server configurationsIn DetailPostgreSQL is one of the most powerful and easy to use database management systems. It has strong support from the community and is being actively developed with a new release every year. PostgreSQL supports the most advanced features included in SQL standards. It also provides NoSQL capabilities and very rich data types and extensions. All of this makes PostgreSQL a very attractive solution in software systems. If you run a database, you want it to perform well and you want to be able to secure it. As the world's most advanced open source database, PostgreSQL has unique built-in ways to achieve these goals. This book will show you a multitude of ways to enhance your database's performance and give you insights into measuring and optimizing a PostgreSQL database to achieve better performance. This book is your one-stop guide to elevate your PostgreSQL knowledge to the next level. First, you'll get familiarized with essential developer/administrator concepts such as load balancing, connection pooling, and distributing connections to multiple nodes. Next, you will explore memory optimization techniques before exploring the security controls offered by PostgreSQL. Then, you will move on to the essential database/server monitoring and replication strategies with PostgreSQL. Finally, you will learn about query processing algorithms. Style and approachThis comprehensive guide is packed with practical administration tasks. Each topic is explained using examples and a step-by-step approach.

  • - An Executive's Guide to Planning and Management
    von Dinesh Kumar & Neelesh Ajmani
    29,00 €

  • von Dinesh Kumar
    18,00 €

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