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Bücher von Dominion Oluyadi

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  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    34,00 €

    A young fresher was fortunate to be among the first set of youngsters admitted into the university, while the admission merriness was on among his peers, the young man did something before the eyes of his school peers. He pasted the inscription ¿FIRST CLASS¿ on his dormitory door, bedside, laptop stand, etc.; what he does with this everyday is gaze at the inscription before going for classes. This culture he maintained as personal tradition for years True to his imagination and inscription, he graduated with first class honors ¿ among his faculty peers! The above testimonial is the yardstick and basic foundation for the book ¿ life is classical! Life is about class and not crowd, it is better to remain in the class of very few meaningful people than being lost in the crowd of meaningless people.

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    34,00 €

    It has become a norm to certain folks or families to live and lead their lives based on the current value made available, projected, presented and protected while they are growing up within such families ¿ this is normal (you might say).However, what about a situation where one happens to be at a forefront of a group, say a family and you find yourself in a position where you happen to be the eldest ¿ not because you were actually the eldest by biological chronology, rather it so happened that you suddenly find yourself in unprepared leadership position on the account of losing those before you to unavoidable death ¿ through sicknesses, diseases, crisis, etc., this is where the realities of Character Landmarks is unveiled.

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    39,90 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    34,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    34,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    34,00 €

    My personal ideology of who a World¿s Greatest Personality is ¿ an individual who embarks on a certain mission.However, to be on a mission without a missionary agenda, understanding or target is simply a suicidal mission!Therefore, only those who truly understand the gravity of their world¿s mission and what being a missionary entails can be elevated to the position of one of the world¿s greatest class, in every generation.¿Ignorance of the truth, sometimes present falsehood to be a perceived truth ¿ because humanity is predominantly made up of Ignoratio Elenchis [ie. ignoramus]¿

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    34,00 €

    The product of character has become one of the scarcest commodities in the human realms.It is not available in societies;It is not available in corporations;It is not available in institutions;Neither is it truly available in ALL religions of the world except a pocket of its demonstration in occasional occurrences among folks who are genuinely righteous in their way of life.Furthermore, in my probing, I discovered why the relegation of character development and adaptation has become an option in all parts of the world ¿ because its dividend takes time, decades sometimes centuries to manifest!In other words, to experience the dividends of character ¿ you also require another addiction to characterIn this book, yoüre going to learn, unlearn and become learned by mastering your act of personal character strongholds ¿ not minding or not.

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    22,00 €

    The world is yet to understand the purpose and potentials of widows.This devotional is first to help every widow discover her identity and develop the responsibility that march the office. The value of a product is in the understanding of its potentials.Every widow is ordain by God to be a trail blazer,path finder,earth shaker etc.But we all understand that the manual of every product must be well studied before the contents and usage can be well understood.Wonder Widow's Devotional was enacted by God so that widows in the 21st century and the church as well could live their life to the fullest,by maximizing the teachings,strategies,cautions,wisdom and mysteries!ATTENTION;All Widows-You need this devotional to Rule your World and make it to heaven!The author was ordained by God to bring you out of darkness into the light,by creating Wonder Widow's Devotional!I welcome you to the WONDER WIDOW'S WORLD in Jesus highest name! My apostolic mandate is covered by ACTS.6;1-7. Contact me;

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    46,00 €

    O Juvenile Character Devotional é um produto da Educação para o Desenvolvimento do Carácter Juvenil. O estado da nação nigeriana é bastante alarmante e ameaçado pela sua gravidade com uma incerteza insondável de ameaças sociais, calamidades e atrocidades inimagináveis, etc. O caso dos adolescentes/jovens e adultos adultos nigerianos está a tornar-se mortalmente preocupante. A julgar pelas várias situações perigosas que se verificam no círculo juvenil no continente africano, surge a necessidade de nascimento desta devoção, orientada para o exercício rotineiro diário da mentalidade Juvenil. O sacrifício de um velho mau hábito vem com a oportunidade de abrir um canal para a criação de um melhor que salva da iminente experiência de humilhação ligada a tal negligência. No entanto, a viagem de matar um mau hábito começa com uma determinação de morte dura. Este livro é sugerido para ser citado em assembleia por organizações religiosas, por pais em casa, na escola e em outras instituições de desenvolvimento juvenil.

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    46,00 €

    Juvenile Character Devotional est un produit de Juvenile Character Development Education. L'état de la nation nigériane est tout à fait alarmant et menacé à sa gravité avec l'incertitude insondable des menaces sociétales, des calamités et des atrocités inimaginables, etc. Le cas des adolescents/jeunes et adultes nigérians devient mortellement inquiétant. La situation des adolescents, des jeunes et des adultes nigérians est de plus en plus inquiétante. Au vu des diverses situations dangereuses qui ont cours dans le cercle des jeunes du continent africain, il est nécessaire d'élaborer ce livre de dévotion qui est destiné à l'exercice quotidien de la mentalité des jeunes. Le sacrifice d'une vieille habitude négative offre la possibilité d'ouvrir un canal pour la création d'une meilleure habitude qui permet d'éviter l'expérience de l'humiliation liée à une telle négligence. Néanmoins, le voyage pour tuer une mauvaise habitude commence par une détermination sans faille. Il est suggéré que ce livre soit cité en assemblée par les organisations religieuses, les parents à la maison, à l'école et dans d'autres institutions de développement juvénile.

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    54,90 €

    Juvenile Character Devotional ist ein Produkt der Juvenile Character Development Education. Der Zustand der nigerianischen Nation ist ziemlich alarmierend und in seiner Schwere bedroht durch eine unergründliche Ungewissheit gesellschaftlicher Bedrohungen, Kalamitäten und unvorstellbarer Grausamkeiten usw. Die Situation der nigerianischen Teenager/Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen wird immer besorgniserregender. In Anbetracht der verschiedenen gefährlichen Situationen, die sich in den Kreisen der Jugendlichen auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent abspielen, ist diese Andacht notwendig, die auf eine tägliche Routineübung für die jugendliche Mentalität abzielt. Erst wenn man eine negative Gewohnheit abtötet, wird die Entwicklung einer positiven Gewohnheit in der gleichen Richtung ein bloßer Wunsch sein und als Illusion verweilen.Das Opfer einer alten schlechten Gewohnheit kommt mit der Möglichkeit, einen Kanal für die Schaffung einer besseren Gewohnheit zu öffnen, die einen vor der drohenden Erfahrung der Demütigung bewahrt, die mit solcher Nachlässigkeit verbunden ist. Die Reise zur Beseitigung einer schlechten Angewohnheit beginnt jedoch mit einer festen Entschlossenheit. Dieses Buch wird empfohlen, bei Versammlungen von religiösen Organisationen, von Eltern zu Hause, in der Schule und in anderen Einrichtungen der Jugendhilfe zitiert zu werden.

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    46,00 €

    El Devocional del Carácter Juvenil es un producto de la Educación para el Desarrollo del Carácter Juvenil. El estado de la nación nigeriana es bastante alarmante y amenazado hasta su gravedad con una insondable incertidumbre de amenazas sociales, calamidades y atrocidades inimaginables, etc. El caso de los adolescentes/jóvenes y adultos nigerianos se está volviendo mortalmente preocupante. A juzgar por las diversas situaciones peligrosas que se dan en el círculo juvenil dentro del continente africano, surge la necesidad de este devocional orientado a la rutina diaria de la mentalidad juvenil. El sacrificio de un viejo mal hábito viene acompañado de la oportunidad de abrir un canal para la creación de uno mejor que nos salve de la experiencia de humillación que conlleva dicha negligencia. No obstante, el viaje para matar un mal hábito comienza con una determinación férrea. Se sugiere que este libro sea citado en asamblea por organizaciones religiosas, por los padres en casa, en la escuela y en otras instituciones de desarrollo juvenil.

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    46,00 €

    Juvenile Character Devotional è un prodotto dell'Educazione allo Sviluppo del Carattere Giovanile. Lo stato della nazione nigeriana è piuttosto allarmante e minacciato nella sua gravità da un'insondabile incertezza di minacce sociali, calamità e atrocità inimmaginabili, ecc. Il caso degli adolescenti/giovani e degli adulti nigeriani sta diventando mortalmente preoccupante. A giudicare dalle varie situazioni di pericolo che si stanno verificando all'interno della cerchia giovanile del continente africano, nasce la necessità di questa devozione che è orientata all'esercizio quotidiano di routinizzazione della mentalità giovanile. Il sacrificio di una vecchia abitudine negativa comporta l'opportunità di aprire un canale per la creazione di un'abitudine migliore, che ci salvi dall'esperienza incombente dell'umiliazione legata a tale negligenza. Tuttavia, il viaggio per eliminare una cattiva abitudine inizia con una determinazione irriducibile. Si suggerisce di citare questo libro nelle assemblee delle organizzazioni religiose, dei genitori a casa, a scuola e in altre istituzioni per lo sviluppo dei giovani.

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    36,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    48,60 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    36,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    41,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    41,00 €

    Prze¿amywanie granic mentalnych - nie jest wytworem zaleg¿o¿ci edukacyjnych, ludzkiej m¿dro¿ci, akademickiej inteligencji - ani projekcji motywacyjnej. Przepis ten jest w 100% wytworem bezpo¿redniej inspiracji i pasji Boga ukierunkowanej na pilne ocalenie - misji ludzko¿ci przed rä¿cym niedoborem charakteru, spustoszeniem ¿wiata!Autor jest tylko ludzkim narz¿dziem wybranym do tego zadania, ze wzgl¿du na jego osobist¿ dyspozycyjno¿¿ i odbiór informacji mentalnej.Dlatego te¿, z cäym poczuciem odpowiedzialno¿ci i absolutnym podporz¿dkowaniem si¿ bosko¿ci; za hojne zaopatrzenie i powag¿ wiedzy, która zrodzi¿a ¿amanie Granic Umys¿owych - za co jestem nieustannie wdzi¿czny!

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    41,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    41,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    48,60 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    34,00 €

    Leadership is a subject that is constantly, consistently and continuously evaluated.Dispositions in leadership or by leaders make it easier for folks around such leader(s) to understand and evaluate the parameters by which leaders can be measured. Such measurements [positive or negative], or weight occurs mostly during each leader¿s relationship, interaction or conversation - be it digital (on phone or internal) practical, physical, etc. are the sum total of each leader¿s leadership connection.How you build up your personal leadership is also what warrants the level of your acceptability or relegation, both by followers and [secret and open] admirers.The above mentality is what determines of each leader¿s overall influence in every given field in human endeavors.

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    24,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    24,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    24,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    24,00 €

    Charakter jest bardzo rzadkim towarem w naszych spo¿eczno¿ciach. Produkt "charakter" jest nie tylko rzadki, ale równie potrzebny jako konieczno¿¿ d¿ugotrwäych inicjatyw zmian, niezb¿dnych do transformacji Afryki (i ¿wiata).Jakkolwiek, jak bardzo jest to konieczne, produkt ten mo¿e wydawä si¿ najwäniejszym narz¿dziem, decyduj¿cym o przywróceniu (brakuj¿cym) warto¿ci wiekowych na ¿wiecie (zw¿aszcza) w Afryce, to jednak wskazane jest, aby kädy z liderów uznä konieczno¿¿ odkupienia swojej osobowo¿ci.To jest powód do tworzenia:Osobist¿ fortec¿ charakteru, kotwic¿ o wymaganych zdolno¿ciach pomocnych w d¿¿eniu do budowania.

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    24,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    34,00 €

  • von Dominion Oluyadi
    34,00 €

    Nie mo¿emy by¿ nie¿wiadomi faktu, ¿e wy¿cig w kierunku udanego ¿ycia prowadzonego przez charakter jest nieko¿cz¿c¿ si¿ bitw¿, dlatego te¿ wymaga on równie¿ stäej odporno¿ci. Jak ju¿ (odkry¿em) i cz¿sto mówi¿em - jest do¿¿ mäo twierdz charakteru, na których musimy si¿ zakotwiczy¿, aby ¿y¿ lub odnie¿¿ sukces w naszych poszukiwaniach charakteru - ¿ycia nap¿dzanego. W tym samym duchu zaobserwowäem ostatnio, ¿e istniej¿ ukryte, anty-charakterystyczne twierdze, które b¿d¿ nieustannie stawä w opozycji do budowania naszego ¿ycia w kierunku logicznego pozytywizmu!

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