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Bücher von Donald A. Norman

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  • von Donald A. Norman
    18,00 €

    Design of Everyday Things is a captivating book written by the renowned author, Donald A. Norman. Published in 2013, this masterpiece falls under the genre of cognitive science and human factors engineering, and it has since gained widespread recognition for its insightful content. The book provides a critical analysis of the design of everyday objects and the impact that these designs have on the thoughts and actions of users. Norman's unique perspective and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter make this book a must-read for anyone interested in design and how it influences our daily lives. The Perseus Books Group, the publisher of this book, has done a commendable job in making this enlightening piece of work accessible to the public. The book is written in English.

  • von Donald A. Norman
    21,00 €

    "How human behavior brought our world to the brink, and how human behavior can save us. The world is a mess. Our dire predicament, from collapsing social structures to the climate crisis, has been millennia in the making and can be traced back to the erroneous belief that the earth's resources are infinite. The key to change, says Don Norman, is human behavior, covered in the book's three major themes: meaning, sustainability, and humanity-centeredness. Emphasize quality of life, not monetary rewards; restructure how we live to better protect the environment; and focus on all of humanity. Design for a Better World presents an eye-opening diagnosis of where we've gone wrong and a clear prescription for making things better. Norman proposes a new way of thinking, one that recognizes our place in a complex global system where even simple behaviors affect the entire world. He identifies the economic metrics that contribute to the harmful effects of commerce and manufacturing and proposes a recalibration of what we consider important in life. His experience as both a scientist and business executive gives him the perspective to show how to make these changes while maintaining a thriving economy. Let the change begin with this book before it's too late"--

  • - Why We Get Lost in the World and How We Find Our Way
    von Donald A. Norman & Erik Jönsson
    27,00 €

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