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Bücher von Donovan Roebert

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  • 16% sparen
    von Donovan Roebert
    42,00 €

    Neste ensaio prolongado, o autor examina o declínio dos elementos humanos na cultura modernista e a sua substituição por ênfase pós-moderna no anti-humanismo e no indivíduo agregado. No centro da sua tese está um apelo à redescoberta concertada do impulso renascentista que envolve tanto uma reavaliação positiva da tradição clássica como a procura de uma renovação genuinamente humana dos padrões culturais. Além de fornecer uma nova avaliação do esforço literário e cultural modernista de Conrad a Beckett, o ensaio foca especialmente a divisão entre cultura e ideologia, e as implicações desta bifurcação pouco saudável para as formas como a cultura se pode manifestar nas sociedades do futuro. É dada especial atenção ao debate Leavis-Snow que culminou na controvérsia "duas culturas" do início da década de 1960 e continua a influenciar as dinâmicas culturais, filosóficas e científicas dos nossos dias.

  • 16% sparen
    von Donovan Roebert
    42,00 €

    Dans ce long essai, l'auteur examine le déclin des éléments humains dans la culture moderniste et leur remplacement par des accents postmodernes sur l'anti-humanisme et l'individu agrégé. Au c¿ur de sa thèse se trouve un appel à la redécouverte concertée de l'impulsion de la Renaissance, qui implique à la fois une réévaluation positive de la tradition classique et la recherche d'un renouvellement véritablement humain des normes culturelles. En plus de fournir une nouvelle évaluation de l'effort littéraire et culturel moderniste de Conrad à Beckett, l'essai se concentre particulièrement sur la scission entre la culture et l'idéologie, et les implications de cette bifurcation malsaine pour les manières dont la culture pourrait se manifester dans les sociétés du futur. Une attention particulière est accordée au débat Leavis-Snow qui a culminé avec la controverse des "deux cultures" au début des années 1960 et qui continue d'influencer la dynamique culturelle, philosophique et scientifique aujourd'hui.

  • 16% sparen
    von Donovan Roebert
    42,00 €

    En este extenso ensayo, el autor examina el declive de los elementos humanos en la cultura modernista y su sustitución por el énfasis posmoderno en el antihumanismo y el individuo agregado. En el centro de su tesis se encuentra una llamada al redescubrimiento concertado del impulso renacentista que implica tanto una reevaluación positiva de la tradición clásica como la búsqueda de una renovación genuinamente humana de las normas culturales. Además de ofrecer una nueva evaluación del esfuerzo literario y cultural modernista desde Conrad hasta Beckett, el ensayo se centra especialmente en la escisión entre cultura e ideología, y en las implicaciones de esta malsana bifurcación para las formas en que la cultura podría manifestarse en las sociedades del futuro. Se presta especial atención al debate Leavis-Snow que culminó en la controversia sobre las "dos culturas" de principios de los años sesenta y sigue influyendo en la dinámica cultural, filosófica y científica actual.

  • 16% sparen
    von Donovan Roebert
    42,00 €

    In questo ampio saggio, l'autore esamina il declino degli elementi umani nella cultura modernista e la loro sostituzione con enfasi postmoderna sull'antiumanesimo e sull'individuo aggregato. Al centro della sua tesi c'è un appello alla riscoperta concertata dell'impulso rinascimentale, che implica sia una rivalutazione positiva della tradizione classica sia la ricerca di un rinnovamento genuinamente umano degli standard culturali. Oltre a fornire una nuova valutazione dello sforzo letterario e culturale modernista da Conrad a Beckett, il saggio si concentra in particolare sulla scissione tra cultura e ideologia e sulle implicazioni di questa malsana biforcazione per i modi in cui la cultura potrebbe manifestarsi nelle società del futuro. Particolare attenzione è rivolta al dibattito Leavis-Snow, culminato nella controversia sulle "due culture" dei primi anni Sessanta, che continua a influenzare le dinamiche culturali, filosofiche e scientifiche di oggi.

  • von Donovan Roebert
    49,90 €

    In diesem ausführlichen Essay untersucht der Autor den Niedergang der humanen Elemente in der Kultur der Moderne und ihre Ersetzung durch postmoderne Betonungen des Antihumanismus und des aggregierten Individuums. Im Zentrum seiner These steht die Forderung nach einer konzertierten Wiederentdeckung des Renaissance-Impulses, die sowohl eine positive Neubewertung der klassischen Tradition als auch die Suche nach einer wahrhaft humanen Erneuerung der kulturellen Standards beinhaltet. Neben einer Neubewertung der literarischen und kulturellen Bestrebungen der Moderne von Conrad bis Beckett konzentriert sich der Essay vor allem auf die Spaltung zwischen Kultur und Ideologie und die Auswirkungen dieser ungesunden Zweiteilung auf die Art und Weise, wie sich Kultur in den Gesellschaften der Zukunft manifestieren könnte. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird der Leavis-Snow-Debatte gewidmet, die in der "Zwei-Kulturen"-Kontroverse der frühen 1960er Jahre gipfelte und die kulturelle, philosophische und wissenschaftliche Dynamik bis heute beeinflusst.

  • 16% sparen
    von Donovan Roebert
    42,00 €

  • von Donovan Roebert
    68,00 €

  • von Donovan Roebert
    45,00 €

    In this book Donovan Roebert provides a path for Christians and Buddhists who wish to better understand the essential, living tenets of their own faith while exploring how these two great religious paths can provide insights of real benefit to adherents of either. Without lapsing into syncretism or demanding a departure from orthodoxy, this book provides a sound and thorough basis on which Christians and Buddhists - and all those seeking greater insight into faiths other than their own - can explore the rich possibilities for learning from one another. Beyond describing in detail the doctrines and practices of Christianity and Buddhism, this book describes the authentic human path of religious development with a strong focus on the problem of 'self' or 'ego' in spiritual growth, discussing obstacles to growth and exploring their remedies. Brief histories of both religions are provided, enabling the reader to understand how diversity is an inevitable consequence of historical development and, rather than standing as a problem in religious dialogue, is always a means to spiritual enrichment.The Gospel for Buddhists and the Dharma for Christians is the fruit of a personal spiritual journey of thirty years. It demonstrates that the search for religious freedom becomes richer and more rewarding when a spacious mind engages with, rather then flees from, religious paths outside of its own tradition. Finally, it is a plea for sincere friendship across factitious religious divides.

  • von Donovan Roebert
    66,00 €

    In this book Donovan Roebert provides a path for Christians and Buddhists who wish to better understand the essential, living tenets of their own faith while exploring how these two great religious paths can provide insights of real benefit to adherents of either. Without lapsing into syncretism or demanding a departure from orthodoxy, this book provides a sound and thorough basis on which Christians and Buddhists - and all those seeking greater insight into faiths other than their own - can explore the rich possibilities for learning from one another. Beyond describing in detail the doctrines and practices of Christianity and Buddhism, this book describes the authentic human path of religious development with a strong focus on the problem of 'self' or 'ego' in spiritual growth, discussing obstacles to growth and exploring their remedies. Brief histories of both religions are provided, enabling the reader to understand how diversity is an inevitable consequence of historical development and, rather than standing as a problem in religious dialogue, is always a means to spiritual enrichment.The Gospel for Buddhists and the Dharma for Christians is the fruit of a personal spiritual journey of thirty years. It demonstrates that the search for religious freedom becomes richer and more rewarding when a spacious mind engages with, rather then flees from, religious paths outside of its own tradition. Finally, it is a plea for sincere friendship across factitious religious divides.

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