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Bücher von Duane F. Bruley

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  • von William J. Welch
    163,00 €

    From the 39th annual conference of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT), held in Washington, DC, USA in July 2011, this volume covers aspects of oxygen transport from air to the cells, organs and organisms; instrumentation and methods to sense oxygen and clinical evidence. Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXIV includes contributions from scientists (physicists, biologists and chemists), engineers, clinicians and mathematicians.

  • von Haim I. Bicher & Duane F. Bruley
    47,00 €

    These papers stem from the ISOTT Meeting held at Churchill College, Cambridge, from July 27th to 30th, 1986. Although the sun did not shine so brightly as during the Cambridge meeting in 1977, the communications and discussions were as lively and informative and some heat, as well as light, was generated in the presentation of differing views.

  • - Instrumentation, Methods, and Physiology
    von Haim I. Bicher & Duane F. Bruley
    47,00 €

    It can honestly be said that the scope and magnitude of this meeting surpassed initial expectations with respect to the number and quality of the papers presented. With such a start, it was only appropriate that an international society was formed at the meeting to further coordinate our mutual undertaking.

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