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Bücher von Ebenezer Gyasi

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  • von Ebenezer Gyasi
    27,00 €

  • von Ebenezer Gyasi
    25,00 €

  • von Ebenezer Gyasi
    24,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Ebenezer Gyasi
    24,00 - 26,00 €

  • - The Curse of Illicit Sexual Union
    von Ebenezer Gyasi
    31,00 €

    There are certain spiritual truths you should know before you start dating, having sex, or start thinking about marriage. Ignorance of spiritual matters may become a source of problems for you and your descendants. Currently, our sexuality is under tremendous attack. Spiritual marriages to demonic entities have become a source of hidden problems in our relationships. Nothing in this world happens by chance. Not with God, nor the devil. In the realm of the spirit there are no accidents. People who allow events in their lives to pass without connecting them to spiritual issues, not only don't understand what is happening to them, they also can't do anything to change their world. This manual along with the companion books, "Killing Me Softly," ?Dad And Mom Pray For Me: Prepare The Way?, will help and equip you to trample and overcome evil enforcers assigned to steal, kill, destroy, or truncate your destiny and that of loved ones, your marriage, your family and your home, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

  • - Le Pouvoir Secret Pour Commander, Controler et Transformer Votre Vie
    von Ebenezer Gyasi
    27,00 €

    Certains phénomènes spirituels se produisent au moment du jour de votre mort. Tout le monde a été appelé pour regarder et prier le soir et le matin. Voici un secret que vous devez savoir: quiconque contrôle la soirée et la nuit, fait des affaires et interagit avec les gens pour le bien ou pour le mal. Dans le domaine de l'esprit, de l'atmosphère et du destin des familles, des personnes, des villes, des États et des nations. Dans Matthieu 16:18, Jésus dit à Pierre: " Et je te dis aussi, que tu es Pierre, et sur cette pierre j'édifierai mon Eglise; et les portes de l'enfer ne prévaudront point contre elle." Les Huit Horaires de Prières ont exposé les moments des tactiques d'attaque secrètes de l'ennemi et offrent des contre-stratégies pour les neutraliser pour une victoire totale!

  • - La Malediction De L'Union Sexuelle Illicite
    von Ebenezer Gyasi
    31,00 €

    Pendant que je travaillais sur le livre ""Me Tuer Doucement"" basé sur Jean 10:10, je me suis rendu compte que la plupart de mes amis traversaient des problèmes conjugaux, certains d'entre eux finissant en divorce. La première chose qui m'est venue à l'esprit était comment ces couples se sont-ils rencontrés et sont-ils tombés amoureux, mais ont fini par devenir des ennemis acharnés? Nous vivons dans une culture où le caractère sacré de la vie familiale en général et de l'institution matrimoniale en particulier a subi d'énormes attaques.Le Seigneur m'a donné à c¿ur d'explorer davantage ce qui se cache derrière ces ravages que nous voyons dans les maisons brisées d'aujourd'hui.Ce livre se penche sur les institutions familiales et matrimoniales du point de vue spirituel en ce qui concerne notre sexualité et notre relation avec Dieu, les autres entités spirituelles et les uns avec les autres à l'approche de la fin des temps.

  • - Battle To Dethrone Demonic Kings and Kingdoms
    von Ebenezer Gyasi
    24,00 €

    Battle Of The Kingdoms... It has been said that Lucifer knows very well that one authentic Kingdom builder and warrior rightly equipped for warfare can strike terror and wreak havoc in the kingdom of darkness. Why? By the covenant of His own blood, Jesus has made us unto our God kings and priest to reign on the earth. As a king, you have a kingdom and your kingdom is under attack! It is being overrun and violated by demonic kings and kingdoms! Let me ask you a question, if according to Jesus, since from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, what do you think has happened to your kingdom? The secret to possess the kingdoms of your enemies is through the Word, and prayer! As a king, you have the power to decree and declare the Word of God for it to be established. In this book, you will learn how: To avoid feeble, spiritless, faithless, halfhearted, and spineless prayers. Why? Here is a mystery: In the realms of the spiritual, the weaker spirit bows to the stronger power! Therefore, to dethrone demonic kings and other ruling personalities, and entities over your life: You need to arm all areas of spiritual vulnerabilities in your life.You need to pray with a plan, passion, purpose, power, precision, persistence, and perseverance. You need to pray with faith, firepower, intensity, and expectancy based on the Word at all times.To enter into the Kingdom of heaven, you must be triumphant in many fierce secular trials, and spiritual battles. For these fights, you need anointed weaponry as revealed in Prayer Toolbox Volumes 1 and 2. Do you want to be in control of your destiny, and become a regional taker, a nation changer, and an overcomer of the world? Here is a secret: To legally battle and rout demonic kings and kingdoms, you need the backing of a more powerful king. Fear Not! You have Jesus, the only King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, your Commander-in-Chief to back you up. God has given us, the power of His Word in our mouths to defeat, and destroy nations and overthrow the kingdoms! (Jeremiah 1:10 NKJV) You are the mouthpiece of God, His instrument of dominion to release into His Kingdom, deliverance, restoration, peace, healing, prosperity, protection, and much more on earth!

  • - The Prayer Book
    von Ebenezer Gyasi
    18,00 €

  • - The Curse of Illicit Sexual Union
    von Ebenezer Gyasi
    30,00 €

  • von Ebenezer Gyasi
    26,00 €

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