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Bücher von Edgar H. Schein

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  • von Edgar H. Schein
    33,00 €

    This worldwide bestseller offers simple guidance for building the kind of open and trusting relationships vital for tackling global systemic challenges and developing adaptive, innovative organizations-over 200,000 copies sold and translated into seventeen languages! We live, say Edgar and Peter Schein, in a culture of ''tell.'' All too often we tell others what we think they need to know or should do. But whether we are leading or following, what matters most is we get to the truth. We have to develop a commitment to sharing vital facts and identifying faulty assumptions-it can mean the difference between success and failure. This is why we need Humble Inquiry more than ever. The Scheins define Humble Inquiry as ''the gentle art of drawing someone out, of asking questions to which you do not know the answer, of building relationships based on curiosity and interest in the other person.'' It was inspired by Edgar's twenty years of work in high-hazard industries and the health-care system, where honest communication can literally mean the difference between life and death. In this new edition the authors look at how Humble Inquiry differs from other kinds of inquiry, offer examples of it in action, and show how to overcome the barriers that keep us telling when we should be asking. This edition offers a deepening and broadening of this concept, seeing it as not just a way of posing questions but an entire attitude that includes better listening, better responding to what others are trying to tell us, and better revealing of ourselves. Packed with case examples and a full chapter of exercises and simulations, this is a major contribution to how we see human conversational dynamics and relationships, presented in a compact, personal, and eminently practical way.

  • von Edgar H. Schein
    37,99 €

    Ed Schein beschreibt Humble Inquiry als die besondere Kunst fragend jemandem zu entlocken, was er und man selber nicht weiß, vorsichtig eine Beziehung aufzubauen, die von Neugier und Interesse an den besonderen Fähigkeiten des anderen geprägt ist. In direkter Fortführung zu seinem Buch zum Prozess des Helfens geht es um Anwendung in Alltag, Gruppe und Organisation.'An invaluable guide for a consultant trying to understand and untangle system and interpersonal knots. Written with a beguiling simplicity and clarity, it is laden with wisdom and practicality.' (Irvin Yalom)

  • von Edgar H. Schein
    43,00 €

    foreword by Lester Thurow Per capita income in Singapore has gone from $500 to more than $20,000 in a little over twenty-five years. Edgar Schein, a social psychologist with a long and celebrated research interest in organizational studies, examines the cultural history of the key intstitution that spawned this economic miracle. Through interviews and full access to Singapore's Economic Development Board (EDB), Schein shows how economic development was successfully promoted. He delves into the individual relationships and the overall structure that contributed to the EDB's effectiveness in propelling Singapore, one of Asia's "little dragons" into the modern era. In his foreword, Lester Thurrow locates Schein's organizational and case-specific account within a larger economic and comparative framework. Over a period of two years, Schein studied how the EDB was created, the kind of leadership it provided, the management structure it used, the human resource policies it pursued, and how it influenced other organizations within the Singapore government. Schein sat in on EDB meetings and extensively interviewed current and former members of the board, Singapore's leaders who created the board, and businesspeople who have dealt with the board. His book intertwines the perspective of the board's members and its investor clients in an analysis that uses both organization and cross-cultural theory. Although there are currently studies of comparable Japanese and Korean organizations, this is the first detailed analysis of the internal structure and functioning of the economic development body of Singapore, a key player in the Asian and world markets.

  • von Edgar H. Schein
    39,80 €

    Das Standardwerk zur UnternehmenskulturKultureller und organisationaler Wandel gehören zu den komplexesten Herausforderungen, mit denen sich Führungskräfte heute auseinandersetzen. Edgar H. Schein, weltweit anerkannte Autoriät auf dem Gebiet der Unterehmenskultur und Schüler von Douglas McGregor, analysiert und illustriert in diesem Grundlagenwerk anhand verschiedener Fallstudien das abstrakte Konzept der Unternehmenskultur und dessen bedeutenden Einfluss auf das Management von Veränderungen. Die Führungskraft wird nicht nur vertraut gemacht mit grundlegendem Wissen über Kultur, sondern erhält auch ein tiefes Verständnis über die Beziehungsdynamiken in einer Organisation und in deren Führung. Sie lernen, wie Kultur durch Leadership entstehen, wachsen und absterben, wie kultureller Wandel effektiv gesteuert werden kann und verstehen die Führungsrolle beim Management verschiedenartiger Teams.Aus dem Inhalt- Die Struktur und Entschlüsselung von Kultur- Was Führungspersonen über Makro-Kulturen wissen müssen- Wie externe Anpassung und interne Integration zu Kultur werden- Wie Führungspersonen eine Kultur einbetten und übertragen- Die Kulturdynamiken des Wachstums, der Reife und des Verfalls von Organisationen- Natürliche und geleitete kulturelle Entwicklung- Ein Modell für Veränderungsmanagement und für Change Leader- Der Change Leader als LernenderÜber den AutorEdgar H. Schein ist Professor Emeritus an der MIT Sloan School of Management. Er gilt als einer der weltweit renommiertesten Experten auf dem Gebiet der Organisationskultur und als einer der Mitbegründer der Organisationspsychologie und der Organisationsentwicklung. Neben diesem Buch zählen "Humble Consulting", "Humble Inquiry" und "Helping" zu seinen populärsten Werken.

  • von Edgar H. Schein
    49,00 €

  • von Edgar H. Schein
    54,00 €

    Unlike other types of qualitative research, the clinical perspective in field research does not aim to be impartial and uninvolved. The clinician is usually a consultant brought in specifically to effect change in an organization, and therefore works under a very different set of technical and ethical restraints. Edgar Schein succinctly outlines the clinical perspective in field research, how it differs from other types of qualitative research and its inherent rewards and difficulties.

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