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Bücher von Edgar Hernández

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  • 16% sparen
    von Edgar Hernández
    37,00 €

    O National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), a agência federal americana encarregada de fazer investigação e recomendações para a prevenção de lesões e doenças relacionadas com o trabalho, tem vindo a acompanhar a formação e educação dos bombeiros americanos. Durante o período de 2001 a 2014, a U.S. Fire Administration informou que cerca de 11% (150 de 1396) das mortes em serviço de bombeiros estavam relacionadas com a formação. As principais causas de morte relacionadas com a formação foram ataques cardíacos (55%) e lesões traumáticas (28%). Os restantes 17% deveram-se a outros tipos de doenças cardiovasculares e a circunstâncias diversas. (NIOSH, 2017). Os três principais tipos de actividade de treino que foram associados a fatalidades são actividades de aptidão física, exercícios com aparelhos e equipamento, e exercícios com fogo ao vivo. (USFA 2015). Os simuladores de realidade virtual poderiam ser uma solução.

  • 16% sparen
    von Edgar Hernández
    37,00 €

    Il National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), l'agenzia federale statunitense incaricata di fare ricerche e raccomandazioni per la prevenzione degli infortuni e delle malattie legate al lavoro, ha monitorato la formazione e l'addestramento dei vigili del fuoco statunitensi. Nel periodo dal 2001 al 2014, la U.S. Fire Administration ha riferito che circa l'11% (150 su 1396) delle morti dei vigili del fuoco in servizio erano legate alla formazione. Le cause principali dei decessi legati all'allenamento sono stati gli attacchi cardiaci (55%) e le lesioni traumatiche (28%). Il restante 17% era dovuto ad altri tipi di malattie cardiovascolari e a circostanze varie. (NIOSH, 2017). I tre principali tipi di attività di addestramento che sono stati associati a incidenti mortali sono le attività di fitness fisico, le esercitazioni con apparecchi e attrezzature e le esercitazioni con fuoco vivo. (USFA 2015). I simulatori di realtà virtuale potrebbero essere una soluzione.

  • 16% sparen
    von Edgar Hernández
    37,00 €

    L'Institut national pour la sécurité et la santé au travail (NIOSH), l'agence fédérale américaine chargée de faire des recherches et des recommandations pour la prévention des blessures et des maladies liées au travail, a suivi la formation et l'éducation des pompiers américains. Au cours de la période de 2001 à 2014, l'Administration des incendies des États-Unis a signalé qu'environ 11 % (150 sur 1396) des décès de pompiers en service étaient liés à la formation. Les principales causes de décès liés à la formation sont les crises cardiaques (55 %) et les lésions traumatiques (28 %). Les 17 % restants étaient dus à d'autres types de maladies cardiovasculaires et à des circonstances diverses. (NIOSH, 2017). Les trois principaux types d'activités de formation associés à des décès sont les activités de conditionnement physique, les exercices avec appareils et équipements, et les exercices de tir réel. (USFA 2015). Les simulateurs de réalité virtuelle pourraient être une solution.

  • von Edgar Hernández
    43,90 €

    Das National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), die US-Bundesbehörde, die für die Forschung und Empfehlungen zur Prävention arbeitsbedingter Verletzungen und Krankheiten zuständig ist, hat die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Feuerwehrleuten in den USA verfolgt. Im Zeitraum von 2001 bis 2014 berichtete die US-Feuerwehrbehörde, dass etwa 11 % (150 von 1396) der Todesfälle bei der Arbeit von Feuerwehrleuten auf die Ausbildung zurückzuführen waren. Die häufigsten Ursachen für trainingsbedingte Todesfälle waren Herzinfarkte (55 %) und traumatische Verletzungen (28 %). Die restlichen 17 % waren auf andere Arten von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und sonstige Umstände zurückzuführen. (NIOSH, 2017). Die drei wichtigsten Arten von Trainingsaktivitäten, die mit Todesfällen in Verbindung gebracht wurden, sind körperliche Fitnessaktivitäten, Übungen mit Geräten und Ausrüstungen sowie Schießübungen. (USFA 2015). Simulatoren der virtuellen Realität könnten eine Lösung sein.

  • 16% sparen
    von Edgar Hernández
    37,00 €

    The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the U.S. federal agency charged with making research and recommendations for the prevention of work-related injuries and illnesses, has tracked training and education for firefighters in the U.S. During the period 2001 to 2014, the U.S. Fire Administration reported that approximately 11% (150 out of 1396) of firefighter line-of-duty deaths were training-related. The leading causes of training-related deaths were heart attacks (55%) and traumatic injuries (28%). The remaining 17 % were due to other types of cardiovascular disease and miscellaneous circumstances. (NIOSH, 2017). The top three types of training activity that were associated with fatalities are physical fitness activities, apparatus and equipment drills, and live-fire exercises. (USFA 2015). Simulators with virtual reality could be a solution.

  • von Edgar Hernández
    19,00 €

    Nacional'nyj institut ohrany truda i zdorow'q (NIOSH), federal'noe agentstwo SShA, kotoromu porucheno prowodit' issledowaniq i dawat' rekomendacii po predotwrascheniü trawm i zabolewanij, swqzannyh s rabotoj, otslezhiwaet process obucheniq i trenirowok amerikanskih pozharnyh. V period s 2001 po 2014 god Pozharnaq administraciq SShA soobschila, chto primerno 11% (150 iz 1396) smertej pozharnyh w hode wypolneniq sluzhebnyh obqzannostej byli swqzany s obucheniem. Osnownymi prichinami smertej, swqzannyh s obucheniem, byli serdechnye pristupy (55%) i trawmaticheskie powrezhdeniq (28%). Ostal'nye 17% byli wyzwany drugimi widami serdechno-sosudistyh zabolewanij i drugimi obstoqtel'stwami. (NIOSH, 2017). Tri osnownyh wida uchebnyh meropriqtij, kotorye byli swqzany so smertel'nym ishodom, - äto fizkul'turnye meropriqtiq, ucheniq s ispol'zowaniem oborudowaniq i snarqzheniq i ucheniq s boewoj strel'boj. (USFA 2015). Resheniem problemy mogut stat' trenazhery wirtual'noj real'nosti.

  • 16% sparen
    von Edgar Hernández
    37,00 €

    El Instituto Nacional para la Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional (NIOSH) es la agencia federal estadunidense encargada de hacer investigaciones y recomendaciones para la prevención de enfermedades y lesiones relacionadas con el trabajo, ha realizado seguimientos a los entrenamientos y capacitaciones para los bomberos de U.S.A. Durante el periodo del 2001 al 2014, la Administración de Incendios de los Estados Unidos reportó que aproximadamente el 11 % (150 de cada 1396) de las muertes de bomberos ocurridas durante el cumplimiento del deber estuvieron relacionadas con la capacitación. Las causas principales de las muertes relacionadas con la capacitación fueron ataques al corazón (55 %) y lesiones traumáticas (28 %). El 17 % restante se debió a otros tipos de enfermedad cardiovascular y circunstancias diversas. (NIOSH, 2017). Los tres tipos principales de actividad de capacitación que se asociaron con las muertes son las actividades de acondicionamiento físico, los simulacros con aparatos y equipo, y los ejercicios con fuego vivo. (USFA 2015). Los simuladores con realidad virtual podrian ser una solución.

  • von Edgar Hernández
    20,00 €

  • - In Search of a Green Card Sponsor
    von Edgar Hernández
    43,00 €

    Miguel Hernandez: Mystic is the true story of the author's older half-brother who acted as a father-figure to him, and whose remarkable life brought inspiration, happiness, and even transformation to the many friends he made. Although his formal education ended at the third grade, he possessed a wisdom and connection with his fellow human beings that is too rare. As one who regularly provided safety and a path to green card status for illegal immigrants, he also improbably became close friends with members of the Immigration Office. Miguel improved the lives of so many people he came to know during his life, and with this recounting of Miguel's life, his legacy continues even after his passing.

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