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Bücher von Elena Fellas

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  • von Elena Fellas
    27,00 €

    What can be defined as the unpredictable, the random event? How do we face fortune, what is our stand and belief towards serendipity, or fate? These are just a few of the questions I will be examining through the introduction of this paper, in order to receive a finer perception of how fortune, serendipity, or the element of the unpredictable has been interpreted throughout humanity. How were the views in Greek mythology, ancient and modern philosophy, religion, science, society, and nature? After opening all these doors of the perception of fortune, I begin to focus on the ¿now¿ and the ¿afterwards¿ of the element of randomness, specifically within the field of design and design management. Where does everything start and at which point is it worth discussing about? Where can it be integrated; is it at all possible?

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