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Bücher von Eliphas Levi

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  • von Eliphas Levi
    19,90 €

    "Le Sorcier de Meudon" est une biographie écrite par l'ésotériste et écrivain français Éliphas Lévi, de son vrai nom Alphonse Louis Constant. L'ouvrage a été publié en 1860 et s'intéresse à la vie de l'alchimiste et scientifique français du XVIe siècle, Nostradamus, de son vrai nom Michel de Nostredame.Éliphas Lévi, un homme aux intérêts ésotériques et occultes, explore la vie de Nostradamus en tant que figure complexe mêlant science, alchimie, astrologie, et prophétie. Il aborde également la réputation et le mystère entourant Nostradamus en tant que devin et auteur des "Centuries," une série de quatrains prophétiques.L'ouvrage de Lévi est une tentative d'analyser la vie et l'¿uvre de Nostradamus à travers un prisme ésotérique. Il explore les croyances et les influences qui ont façonné Nostradamus en tant que personnage historique et énigmatique.Si vous êtes intéressé par la biographie de figures historiques liées à l'ésotérisme et à l'occultisme, "Le Sorcier de Meudon" d'Éliphas Lévi pourrait offrir un regard fascinant sur la vie et la réputation de Nostradamus.

  • von Eliphas Levi
    14,90 €

    Magie ist die Göttlichkeit des Menschen, erobert von der Wissenschaft in Verbindung mit dem Glauben. Die wahren Magier sind Menschen-Götter, aufgrund ihrer innigen Vereinigung mit dem göttlichen Prinzip. Sie sind ohne Furcht und ohne Begierden; sie werden nicht von Unwahrheit beherrscht und sie verbreiten keine Fehler; sie lieben ohne Illusion und leiden ohne Ungeduld, denn sie lassen alles geschehen, wie es geschieht, und ruhen in der Stille des ewigen Gedankens. Sie stützen sich auf die Religion, aber die Religion lastet nicht auf ihnen. Die Religion ist für sie die Sphinx, die gehorcht, aber sie nie verschlingt. Sie wissen, was Religion ist, und sie halten sie für notwendig und ewig. Die Religion ist für degenerierte Seelen ein Joch, auferlegt durch Eigennutz, Feigheit, Angst und der Torheit der Hoffnung. Für die erhabenen Seelen ist die Religion eine Kraft, die dem starken Glauben, geboren aus der Liebe zur Menschheit, entspringt.InhaltsverzeichnisDie Religion ist die durch die Autorität genehmigte MagieFreiheit ist Gehorsam gegenüber dem GesetzLiebe ist die Verwirklichung des UnmöglichenWissen ist die Unkenntnis oder Verneinung des BösenDie Vernunft ist GottDie Vorstellungskraft verwirklicht, was sie erfindetDer Wille vollbringt alles, was er nicht willZusammenfassende RekapitulationMagie und MagismusDie unveränderlichen PrinzipienDas große Geheimnis

  • von Eliphas Levi
    22,90 €

    "L'Histoire de la magie" est un ouvrage écrit par Éliphas Lévi, pseudonyme d'Alphonse Louis Constant, un écrivain et occultiste français du 19e siècle. Cet ouvrage explore l'évolution et les différentes formes de la magie à travers l'histoire, en mettant en lumière les croyances, les pratiques et les figures emblématiques qui ont façonné cette discipline ésotérique.Livre majeur dans l'¿uvre d'Éliphas Lévi, "Histoire de la magie" est à la fois une étude historique et philosophique. L'auteur y présente un panorama des différentes conceptions de la magie depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à son époque, en passant par les civilisations égyptienne, grecque, romaine, médiévale et renaissance. Il explore les croyances et les rituels magiques, les systèmes de pensée ésotérique, les figures mythiques comme Merlin et Paracelse, et les relations entre la magie et la religion.Éliphas Lévi aborde également la symbolique, les correspondances occultes et les enseignements ésotériques qui ont nourri la pratique magique à travers les âges. Il souligne l'importance de la connaissance, de l'intériorité et de la recherche de la vérité dans la pratique magique authentique. L'ouvrage se veut une défense de la magie authentique et spirituelle par opposition aux dérives charlatanesques.L'approche d'Éliphas Lévi dans "Histoire de la magie" est marquée par une réflexion profonde sur la nature humaine, la quête de sens et la recherche de l'harmonie avec le cosmos. Il explore les liens entre la magie, la religion et la science, et propose une vision éclairée de la magie en tant que voie de connaissance et d'évolution spirituelle.En résumé, "Histoire de la magie" d'Éliphas Lévi est une ¿uvre complexe et érudite qui explore l'évolution de la magie à travers l'histoire, en mettant en lumière les différentes facettes de cette discipline ésotérique et en proposant une réflexion sur sa signification spirituelle et philosophique.

  • von Eliphas Levi
    28,00 - 37,00 €

  • von Eliphas Le¿vi
    79,90 - 99,90 €

  • von Eliphas Levi
    13,80 €

    Wir freuen uns, Ihnen die erste deutsche Übersetzung dieses 1861 von Eliphas Levi geschriebenen Buches präsentieren zu können. Eliphas Levi schickte das Manuskript seinem Schüler, dem Baron Nicolas-Joseph Spedalieri, einem italienischen Edelmann, der in Marseille wohnte. Aber erst 1920 wurde es mit Hilfe von Emile Nourra, der die Wichtigkeit dieses Manuskriptes erkannt hatte zum ersten Mal gedruckt. Es vereint das alte mit dem neuen Testament, d. h., das Judentum mit dem Christentum. Mit Hilfe von antiken, orientalischen und freimaurerischen Abbildungen versucht der Autor die Parallelen der Symbolismen hervorzuheben und zeigt das gemeinsame Ziel der beiden prophetischen Bücher: die Erneuerung des Menschen.

  • von Eliphas Levi
    43,00 €

  • von Eliphas Levi
    52,00 €

    This vintage classic gives invaluable insight into the mysterious depths of the mind of French author and ceremonial magician, Éliphas Lévi.Explore the rich history of magic and delve into its procedures and rites as E. Lévi presents his knowledge of the occult. First published in 1913, this volume is an essential read for those with an interest in witchcraft and sorcery.The chapters featured in this volume include:- Magic of the Magi- Magic in Ancient Greece- The Kabalah- Primitive Symbolism- Mysticism- Oracles- Magical Monuments- Magic and Christianity- Pagan Magic- Kabalistic Paintings and Sacred Emblems- Sorcerers- Magic and Freemasonry- The Illuminati

  • von Eliphas Levi
    24,00 €

  • von Eliphas Levi
    30,00 €

  • von Eliphas Levi
    50,00 €

    This book is a compilation of extracts, articles and lectures on the mysterious and often misunderstood subjects of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work. It is presented in Bilingual format with English side by side with Spanish and is meant as a companion or supplement to the Gnostic Classic "The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah" (1978) by Samael Aun Weor. The reader should recognize the Kabalistic symbolism that is suggested by all three authors: Éliphas Lévi, Samael Aun Weor and Arnoldo Krumm-Heller. Some of the material is published here for the first time in English."In our present time there are a great number of men who believe themselves to be Free-masons, yet they ignore the meaning of their Rites, and have lost the Key of their Mysteries. They do not even comprehend their symbolic pictures, nor their hieroglyphic signs, which are the pages of a book of the absolute and universal science, and can be read with the help of the Kabalistic Keys..."

  • von Eliphas Levi
    40,00 €

  • von Eliphas Levi
    33,00 €

  • von Eliphas Levi
    26,00 €

    Learn from a 19th-century wise man who would secretly mentor princes "Never did I leave his presence without feeling that my own nature had been uplifted to nobler and better things." - Madam Gebhard, former pupil of Eliphas Levi In 1862 the wise Eliphas Levi set down a number of principles, twenty-two in total, that if taken together would naturally give rise to inner peace, the most valuable possession of all. The twenty-two laws were written in French and have never been translated into English, until now. Prepare to dive in and learn from one of the greatest minds of the 19th century. Inside you will discover not only the laws of inner peace but also keys to success, love and life. Contents The 22 Laws of Inner Peace Fables How to Attract your Desires How to Create Good Opportunities [bonus secret chapter] Quotes from the book: "To believe is to feel and to feel is to create." "If you want to attract, make an empty space." "Man's greatest wisdom is to choose his obsession well." "Weak people talk and do not act; strong people act and keep silent." "Laziness comes from the discouragement of solitude, from a low opinion of oneself and others."

  • von Eliphas Levi
    32,00 €

    2011 Reprint of 1958 London Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. This is Levi's first treatise on magic and was translated into English by Arthur Edward Waite as "Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual". Its famous opening lines present the single essential theme of Occultism and gives some of the flavor of its atmosphere: "Behind the veil of all the hieratic and mystical allegories of ancient doctrines, behind the darkness and strange ordeals of all initiations, under the seal of all sacred writings, in the ruins of Nineveh or Thebes, on the crumbling stones of old temples and on the blackened visage of the Assyrian or Egyptian sphinx, in the monstrous or marvelous paintings which interpret to the faithful of India the inspired pages of the Vedas, in the cryptic emblems of our old books on alchemy, in the ceremonies practised at reception by all secret societies, there are found indications of a doctrine which is everywhere the same and everywhere carefully concealed. ( From the Introduction)". Lévi's version of magic became a great success, especially after his death. That Spiritualism was popular on both sides of the Atlantic from the 1850s contributed to this success. His magical teachings were free from obvious fanaticisms; he had nothing to sell, and did not pretend to be the initiate of some ancient or fictitious secret society. He incorporated the Tarot cards into his magical system, and as a result the Tarot has been an important part of the paraphernalia of Western magicians. He had a deep impact on the magic of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and later on the ex-Golden Dawn member Aleister Crowley. He was also the first to declare that a pentagram or five-pointed star with one point down and two points up represents evil, while a pentagram with one point up and two points down represents good. It was largely through the occultists inspired by him that Lévi is remembered as one of the key founders of the twentieth century revival of magic.

  • von Eliphas Levi
    14,00 €

    Learn from a 19th-century wise man who would secretly mentor princes "Never did I leave his presence without feeling that my own nature had been uplifted to nobler and better things." - Madam Gebhard, former pupil of Eliphas Levi In 1862 the wise Eliphas Levi set down a number of principles, twenty-two in total, that if taken together would naturally give rise to inner peace, the most valuable possession of all. The twenty-two laws were written in French and have never been translated into English, until now. Prepare to dive in and learn from one of the greatest minds of the 19th century. Inside you will discover not only the laws of inner peace but also keys to success, love and life. Contents The 22 Laws of Inner Peace Fables How to Attract your Desires How to Create Good Opportunities [bonus secret chapter] Quotes from the book: "To believe is to feel and to feel is to create." "If you want to attract, make an empty space." "Man's greatest wisdom is to choose his obsession well." "Weak people talk and do not act; strong people act and keep silent." "Laziness comes from the discouragement of solitude, from a low opinion of oneself and others."

  • von Eliphas Levi
    38,20 €

    História da Magia, best-seller de Éliphas Lévi, o maior ocultista e mago do século XIX e uma das figuras mais importantes da magia cerimonial, é uma leitura essencial para todos que desejam se aprofundar no aprendizado das Ciências Ocultas. Aqui, Lévi relata e explica as realizações dessa ciência através das eras, revelando segredos, procedimentos, ritos e mistérios iniciáticos desde os patriarcas bíblicos até as práticas mágicas e fenômenos espirituais estudados até meados do século XIX, diferenciando os tipos de magia como ¿brancä, ¿cinzentä ou ¿negrä.

  • von Eliphas Levi
    30,16 €

    A Chave dos Grandes Mistérios, best-seller de Éliphas Lévi, o maior ocultista e mago do século XIX e uma das figuras mais importantes da magia cerimonial, é uma leitura essencial para todos que desejam se aprofundar no aprendizado das Ciências Ocultas. A partir do estudo dos Arcanos Maiores do Tarô, Levi desvenda o ¿Quaternário dos Mistérios¿, apresentando os mistérios da religião, da filosofia hermética, da natureza (que inclui os grandes mistérios mágicos) e da Ciência, ligando-os a diversas outras formas de sabedoria, antigas e modernas, como a ¿Magia Práticä e seus desenvolvimentos e aplicações. O livro se completa com artigos e estudos sintéticos de manuscritos sobre a Cabala e ocultistas clássicos.

  • von Eliphas Levi
    37,11 €

    Este é o primeiro tratado sobre magia ritual publicado pelo ocultista e mago Éliphas Lévi, a mais importante figura no moderno ressurgimento da magia cerimonial. Com base em fontes herméticas e cabalísticas, ele propõe, nesta obra clássica e magistral, uma dimensão superior, espiritual, para a prática da magia, tendo como meta a transformação espiritual do mago. Dividida em duas partes - a primeira sobre o dogma cabalístico e mágico, e a segunda consagrada à magia cerimonial -, esta obra demonstra seus profundos conhecimentos dos segredos e mistérios mágicos.

  • von Eliphas Levi
    39,98 €

  • von Eliphas Levi
    28,00 €

    As a comprehensive work on magic through the ages, The History of Magic, is hard to beat. Éliphas Lévi was born in poverty in 1810, the son of a Parisian shoemaker. His early associations with the Christian Catholic Church were ambivalent because of his interest in "the Secret Doctrine" - Magic. His voice as a magus emerged in Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual, published in 1855-56, followed by The History of Magic (1860), where he combines his belief in both magic and religion. Recognised as the occult scientist of the 19th century, Lévi has left a valuable legacy in his writings. The present work is divided into a septad of books - based on the sacred number, seven - with seven chapters in each. Lévi begins with a clear definition of magic - "the exact and absolute science of Nature and her laws" and these laws, conforming always to an ideal state of equilibrium, are governed by a supreme intelligent principle, God. Throughout the book the author emphasizes the inseparability of science and religion and that magic is part of both, but he is at pains to denigrate Black magic and counterfeit magicians. He charts magic through the ages, from its early origins to the 19th century occult revival, in which he played a major part. We read about Zoroaster, Abraham, the magic of the Magi, Hermetic magic, Kabalism, Gnosticism, Freemasonry - and much else besides. According to Lévi, the Secret Doctrine was eventually passed down to the Roman Catholic Church of which he became a faithful member. However, he admitted this revered institution had lost the Kabalistic Keys and his life's work was to direct their rediscovery that these powerful tools may be applied to our lives, albeit only within the confines of the hierarchical Church. Occult historian and author in his own right, A. E. Waite provides a valuable adjunct to Levi's book with his preface and detailed notes. The original index has been revised and extended by Aziloth Books.

  • von Eliphas Levi
    24,00 €

  • von Eliphas Levi
    38,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von Eliphas Levi
    38,00 €

    2019 Reprint of 1897 Second and Enlarged Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software. This is Waite's pioneering collection of Levi's works in English translation. The book was first published in 1886 and for this second edition Waite altered the plan of his Digest, revised it extensively and added new material from the minor works of Levi, including extracts from Paradoxes of the Highest Science and a much-expanded index. Alphonse Louis Constant, better known by his pen name Eliphas Levi, was a master of the traditional Rosicrucian interpretation of the Kabbalah. He was born in France in 1810, and through the offices of the parish priest, was educated for the church at Saint-Sulpice. He was later expelled from seminary for teaching doctrines contrary to those of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1824 Levi began studying the occult sciences and wrote about magic and the Kabbalah for the next three decades. His other books include Transcendental Magic, Mysteries of the Qabalah, and The Book of Splendours.

  • von Eliphas Levi
    20,00 €

  • - Including a Clear, and Precise Exposition of its Procedure, Rites and Mysteries
    von Eliphas Levi
    58,00 €

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • von Eliphas Levi
    39,00 €

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