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Bücher von Elizabeth Cole

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  • von Elizabeth Cole
    18,00 €

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    18,00 €

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    19,00 €

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    22,00 €

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    20,00 €

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    23,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    33,00 €

    Si quieres enseñar a tu hijo a aceptarse a sí mismo y a los demás tal y como son, este libro ilustrado sobre la diversidad será tu mejor ayudante. Ayudará a tus pequeños a respetar todas aquellas diferencias que nos hacen únicos.En este libro infantil, que funciona como emocionario, nuestro pequeño héroe, Nick, enseñará a tus hijos que todos somos diferentes en muchos aspectos, y que todos somos únicos, ¡algo que es genial! Nicky tiene miedo de que sus amigos no le acepten debido a sus nuevas gafas para leer. Al hablar con sus compañeros de camino al colegio, descubre la belleza de la diversidad y se da cuenta de que nuestra diversidad es en realidad nuestra fuerza.Este libro ilustrado infantil contiene hermosas ilustraciones dibujadas a mano y preciosas rimas. Este libro ayudará a tus hijos a:aceptar y celebrar la diversidadser amables con los que son diferentesquererse a sí mismos tal y como sonaumentar la confianza en sí mismosEste libro de las emociones para niños es una continuación de las aventuras de Nick de la serie "El Mundo de las Emociones de los Niños". ***Aunque lo hayas intentado todo, este encantador libro ilustrado seguramente alentará a tu hijo a ser más amable y a tener más confianza en sí mismo. Es perfectamente adecuado para niños pequeños, niños de preescolar de 3 a 5 años, así como para los mayores de entre 6 y 10 años.Así que, no esperes, añade este increíble libro en español para niños a tu cesta ahora y ¡DISFRUTA!

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    33,00 €

    Se vuoi insegnare a tuo figlio ad accettare se stesso e gli altri per quello che sono, allora questo libro illustrato per bambini sulla diversità sarà la soluzione perfetta. Questo libro delle emozioni aiuterà i vostri piccoli a rispettare tutte le differenze che ci rendono unici.In questo libro sulle emozioni per bambini, il nostro piccolo eroe di nome Nick mostrerà ai piccoli lettori che siamo tutti differenti in un modo o nell'altro e che ognuno è unico, il che è fantastico! Nicky ha paura che i suoi amici non lo accettino a causa dei suoi nuovi occhiali da lettura. Parlando con i suoi coetanei mentre va a scuola, scopre la bellezza della diversità e si rende conto che questa è in realtà la nostra forza.Questo libro per bambini contiene deliziose illustrazioni disegnate a mano e rime perfette per bambini. Questo libro aiuterà i tuoi bambini:ad accettare e celebrare la diversitàad essere gentile con chi è diversoad amarsi ed accettarsi per quello che sonoad aumentare la sicurezza in séQuesto libro sui colori delle emozioni e sulla socialità dei bambini è una continuazione delle avventure di Nick della serie "Il mondo delle emozioni dei bambini". ***Anche se hai provato di tutto, questo adorabile libro illustrato per bambini riuscirà sicuramente a rendere tuo figlio più gentile e più sicuro di sé. È perfetto come libro per bambini in età prescolare dai 3 ai 5 anni, così come quelli più grandicelli dai 6 ai 10 anni.Non attendere oltre, aggiungi al carrello questo fantastico libro per bambini!

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    18,98 - 33,00 €

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    33,00 €

    Questa è la traduzione italiana : "Kindness Makes Me Stronger".Se vuoi che i tuoi bambini scoprano il potere della Gentilezza, questo libro illustrato sulle emozioni dei bambini è la scelta giusta per te. Insegnerà ai tuoi piccoli come è semplice e soddisfacente essere gentili.Trascorrendo il tempo nella fattoria dei nonni il piccolo Nick incontra nuovi amici: animali buffi che non si comportano bene. Dopo aver affrontato una grande sfida il nostro piccolo eroe riuscirà a convincerli del potere della gentilezza, dell'affetto e dell'empatia.All'interno di questo piccolo libro della gentilezza ci sono illustrazioni colorate e rime motivanti, oltre a una storia coinvolgente che, con tanti dialoghi tra personaggi fantastici, insegnerà ai vostri bambini:· Il potere della gentilezza, dell'empatia e della gratitudine· Il rispetto delle persone più anziane e più piccole, nonché i loro compagni· Ad aiutare chi ha bisogno e apprezzare la vera amicizia· Le buone maniere e sconfiggere la rabbia· Ad accettare chi è diverso e capire l'importanza dell'inclusione· Ad amare la natura e rispettare l'ambiente· Le virtù di condivisione e generosità In aggiunta al piccolo libro della gentilezza è incluso un gioco a tema che catturerà l'attenzione dei bambini e li aiuterà a relazionarsi con le loro grandi emozioni e sentimenti in modo ludico. ***Questo libro sulla gentilezza è perfetto per bambini in età prescolare ma anche per bambini più grandi che già hanno iniziato ad andare a scuola. "La gentilezza mi dà forza" aiuterà i più piccoli a riflettere su questo concetto e a metterlo in pratica ogni giorno. Il libro è adatto a bambini, bambine, bebè, e alunni della scuola primaria, ed è uno strumento eccezionale per genitori, insegnanti e counsellor.Non attendere oltre, aggiungi al carrello questo fantastico libro per bambini!

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    33,00 €

    ¿¿¿ Este libro de cuentos es una edición en español de Amazon: "I Am Stronger Than Anxiety".Aprender a lidiar con la ansiedad de los niños es difícil. Si aún no sabes como calmar la ansiedad de los pequeños con grandes emociones y sentimientos, te recomendamos este cuento infantil con valores para niños, que te servirá como base para ayudarlos a superar el estrés y las preocupaciones.Todos los niños tienen preocupaciones de vez en cuando. Es lo normal conforme van creciendo, pero en el momento que la ansiedad se vuelve abrumadora, puede afectar notablemente el comportamiento de los niños. Esto puede provocar que se sientan estresados, exhaustos o aislados, por lo que es muy importante estar pendiente de las emociones que presenten para poder ayudarlos a sobrellevarlas de forma saludable.Este cuento infantil es tan interesante, que capta la atención de los niños en el momento perfecto para que entiendan la esencia de los sentimientos de ansiedad de una manera sumamente amigable. Nuestro libro para bebes acerca del manejo de emociones será la herramienta perfecta para usar como apoyo para la educación infantil y ayudará a los niños a superar las preocupaciones, miedos y fobias.Este libro ilustrado sobre el pequeño Nick:Contiene coloridas ilustraciones y una linda historia con rimas que les encantarán a los niños.Considerado uno de los mejores mini cuentos que ayudarán a los niños a reconocer y manejar la ansiedad de forma divertida, mientras interactúan con animales.Es un ameno libro preescolar que proporciona tips y técnicas para lidiar con las emociones de los niños cuando sienten preocupación, nervios, ansiedad o miedo.Es un libro para niños sobre la ansiedad que ayudará a los infantes a mejorar sus habilidades de autorregulación.Es un cuento en español que será un excelente apoyo para que niños y niñas logren entender sus emociones y sentimientos. De esta forma tendrán mayor inteligencia emocional.Incluye un juego.Aún si lo has intentado todo, este es uno de los mejores cuentos infantiles que será perfecto para obtener un conocimiento más profundo acerca de la ansiedad en los niños y cómo ayudarlos a controlar sus preocupaciones. Altamente recomendado para niños pequeños, niños de preescolar y de primaria. Es una excelente adición para maestros, padres y consejeros, ya que se puede usar como apoyo para la educación infantil.¡No lo dudes! Agrega este increíble libro a tu carrito y ¡DISFRUTALO!

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    33,00 €

    ¿¿¿ Este libro de cuentos es una edición en español de Amazon: "Kindness Makes Me Stronger".Si quieres enseñar a los niños la magia de la amabilidad, este pequeño cuento con grandes valores será tu mejor opción para lograrlo. Es uno de los mejores libros infantiles educativos que mostrará a vuestros hijos lo fácil y divertido que es ser amable.Este libro infantil nos cuenta la historia en la que el pequeño Nick visita a sus abuelos en la granja y conoce nuevos amigos - graciosos animales con mal comportamiento. Enfrentando un gran reto, nuestro pequeño héroe logra enseñar a sus nuevos amigos el poder de la amabilidad, de la compasión y de prestar atención a los demás. Es uno de los cuentos más interesantes para niños que da un excelente ejemplo de como un niño puede afirmar: "aprendo en positivo las emociones y sentimientos y soy feliz siendo amable".Este libro para niños está lleno de ilustraciones coloridas y encantadoras rimas. Es un libro preescolar para niñas y niños que guía a los pequeños a lo largo de interesantes historias y diálogos con animales. El mini cuento infantil que ayudará a los pequeños de diferentes formas:A ser educados, apreciar el valor de la amistad y ayudar a los demás.Puede usarse como un cuento de noche que ayudará a los niños a ser más agradecidos, empáticos y compasivos.A través de este libro para bebes, los pequeños aprenderán a respetar a sus mayores y a los demás niños por igual.Libro infantil que ayudará a aceptar la diversidad y la importancia de la inclusión.Apoyo para educación infantil que enfatizará valores como la generosidad y el compartir con los demás, así como el amor por la naturaleza y cuidado del medio ambiente.Adicionalmente, podrás encontrar un juego para niños inspirado en la amabilidad. Ayudará a captar la atención de los infantes y a entender la magia de la amabilidad de una manera simple.Incluso si lo ha intentado todo, este pequeño cuento con grandes valores ayudará a los niños a entender el valor de la amabilidad y a darle gran importancia en su vida diaria. Al ser apto para niños de todas las edades, es una herramienta muy útil para padres, maestros y consejeros.¡No busques más! Agrega este libro infantil a tu carrito y ¡DISFRÚTALO!

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    33,00 €

    Si vous souhaitez enseigner à vos enfants la magie de la bonté, ce joli livre français d'images est le bon choix pour vous. Ce livre pour enfant sur les émotions montrera clairement à vos enfants combien il est facile et agréable d'être gentil.En passant du temps dans la ferme de ses grands-parents, le petit Nick rencontre de nouveaux amis - de drôles d'animaux qui ne se comportent pas gentiment et se mettent en grosse colere. Après avoir relevé un grand défi, notre petit héros parvient à enseigner à ses nouveaux amis le pouvoir de la gentillesse, de l'attention et de la compassion.Ce livre pour enfant sur la gentillesse est rempli d'illustrations colorées et de rimes charmantes. Guidée par une histoire passionnante et des dialogues avec des animaux, cette histoire pour les tout petits de 4 ans à 6 ans les aidera de bien des façons à :Exprimer leur empathie, leur compassion et leur gratitudeRespecter les aînés et les plus jeunes, ainsi que leurs semblablesAider ceux qui sont dans le besoin et apprécier la véritable amitié.Acquérir de bonnes manièresAccepter la diversité et l'importance de l'inclusionAimer la nature et prendre soin de l'environnementPratiquer le partage et la générosité en tant que grandes vertus humaines.En outre, vous trouverez en prime un jeu inspirant sur la gentillesse pour les enfants. Il permettra d'attirer l'attention des enfants, d'aborder les grandes émotions des enfants de manière ludique et surtout apprendre la gentillesse à vos enfants.¿¿¿ Prix et distinctions¿¿¿Ce livre de récits est une adaptation française du best-seller Amazon : "Kindness makes me stronger". Ce livre préscolaire sur la gentillesse aidera vos enfants à comprendre ce que signifie la gentillesse et pourquoi il est important de faire preuve de gentillesse dans la vie quotidienne. Convenant aux garçons, aux filles, aux tout-petits, aux enfants d'âge préscolaire et aux élèves de l'école primaire, ce manuel est un excellent livre sur la gestion des emotions des enfants pour les parents, les enseignants et les conseillers.Alors, ne dites plus j'ai tout essayé et ajoutez dès maintenant ce livre pour enfant sur les émotions à votre panier et profitez-en !

  • - Children's Book about Love to Others, Empathy and Inclusion (Preschool Feelings Book)
    von Elizabeth Cole
    33,00 €

  • - Libro illustrato su come gestire la rabbia e gestire le emozioni dei piu piccoli (Emozioni d'infanzia)
    von Elizabeth Cole
    33,00 €

    ¿¿¿ Questa è la traduzione italiana : "I Am Stronger Than Anger".Sei stanca di dire a tuo figlio di non urlare e di non rompere ciò che trova attorno a sé quando si arrabbia? Allora questo è il libro per bambini che fa al caso tuo!Quando i bambini sono arrabbiati, possono manifestare la propria ira tramite comportamenti negativi. Possono gridare, piangere, tirare oggetti, rotolarsi sul pavimento o tutte queste cose insieme. Ecco perché la maggior parte dei genitori ha bisogno di un'aiuto nel gestire la rabbia ed i loro sentimenti.Questo libro per bambini sul piccolo Nick:Contiene delle graziose illustrazioni ed una storia in rimeAiuta i bambini a riconoscere e a lavorare sulla rabbia in maniera divertente grazie all'interazione con gli animali dello zooOffre diverse tecniche di gestione della rabbia con l'obiettivo di fornire ai bambini dei metodi per non perdere la calmaInsegna ai bambini a riconoscere i propri errori e a chiedere scusaQuesta storia aiuta i bambini a capire, riconoscere e gestire la rabbia e le proprie emozioni. Un utilissimo manuale per bambini che offre attività divertenti grazie ad illustrazioni uniche nel loro genere.***Anche se le hai già provate tutte, questo libro per bambini è perfetto per capire più a fondo la gestione della rabbia in età infantile ed i metodi che i bambini hanno per controllare le proprie emozioni. Lo raccomandiamo a tutti i genitori.Cosa aspetti? Aggiungi questo libro al carrello e GODITI LA SERENITÀ DEL TUO BAMBINO!

  • - Social Emotional Book for Kids about Diversity and Kindness (Children's Book for Boys and Girls)
    von Elizabeth Cole
    19,98 - 33,00 €

  • - un Livre Illustre sur la Gestion de la Colere et qui Traite des Emotions des Enfants (Sentiments Prescolaires)
    von Elizabeth Cole
    30,00 €

    ¿¿¿ Ce livre de récits est une adaptation française : "I Am Stronger Than Anger". Vous en avez assez de dire à votre enfant de ne pas crier ou donner des coups de pied lorsqu'il est dans une grosse colère ? Alors ce livre est la solution idéale pour calmer la colère de vos enfants !Lorsque les enfants sont en colère, ils peuvent le manifester par un mauvais comportement. Ils peuvent crier, pleurer, jeter des objets et se rouler par terre ou tout cela à la fois. C'est pourquoi la plupart des parents ont besoin d'aide pour la gestion des émotions et des sentiments de leurs enfants. Ce livre sur le petit Nick:· contient de jolies illustrations et une histoire légèrement rimée· aide les enfants à reconnaître et à gérer leur colère d'une manière amusante en communiquant avec les animaux du zoo· propose diverses techniques d'apaisement et vise à améliorer les capacités de maîtrise des émotions enfant· apprend aux enfants à reconnaître leurs erreurs et à dire "je suis désolé".***Bien que vous ayez tout essayé, ce livre est parfait pour acquérir une compréhension plus approfondie de la gestion de la colère des enfants de 3 à 9 et de la façon d'aider les enfants à contrôler leurs émotions. Nous le recommandons vivement aux parents. Alors, ne dites plus j'ai tout essayé et ajoutez dès maintenant ce livre sur les émotions pour enfant à votre panier et profitez-en !

  • - Libro ilustrado acerca del manejo de la ira y como lidiar con las emociones de los ninos (El mundo de las emociones y sentimientos de los ninos) (Spanish Edition)
    von Elizabeth Cole
    33,00 €

    ¿Estás cansado de decirle a tu hijo que no grite ni patee cosas cuando está enojado? ¡Entonces estos libros en español para niños son la solución que estabas buscando!El enfado es una emoción básica que sentimos todos. Sin embargo, cuando se pierde el control, el enojo se vuelve destructivo. ¿Cómo ayudar a los más pequeños a gestionar esta emoción?Cuando los niños están enojados, suelen manifestar su enojo a través de un mal comportamiento. Pueden gritar, llorar, tirar cosas, hacer berrinches, rabietas y rodar por el suelo; o todas las anteriores combinadas. Es por eso que la mayoría de los padres necesitan una guía que les ayude a controlar las emociones y sentimientos de sus hijos.Este libro de cuentos para niños trata sobre la historia del pequeño Nick:Contiene hermosas ilustraciones y una historia con rima.Ayuda a los niños a reconocer y lidiar con su enojo de una manera divertida a través de la comunicación con los animales del zoológico.Ofrece una variedad de técnicas calmantes especiales para el manejo de emociones. Tiene como objetivo mejorar las habilidades de autorregulación y promover los valores para niños.Enseña a los niños a admitir sus errores y a decir "lo siento".Incluso si lo ha intentado todo, este libro de niños es perfecto para obtener una comprensión más profunda del manejo de la ira de los niños y cómo ayudarlos a controlar sus emociones. Se lo recomendamos a padres y / o tutores.Este libro preescolar también trata el tema de la ansiedad infantil y puede resultar interesante y útil para los más pequeños, así como para los niños mayores de edad escolar.Ayude a su hijo a desarrollar la inteligencia emocional desde una edad temprana. Al agregar ahora este libro en español para niños a su carrito, no solo ayudará a su hijo al manejo de emociones en esta etapa, sino a lo largo de su vida.¿¿¿ Este libro de cuentos es una edición en español de Amazon: "I Am Stronger Than Anger".

  • - Children's Book about Overcoming Worries, Stress and Fear (World of Kids Emotions)
    von Elizabeth Cole
    30,00 €

    Often face with kids' anxiety and still have no idea how to deal with children's big emotions and feelings? Try this entertaining picture book and learn how to help children cope with their worry and stress.All children worry from time to time and it is a normal part of growing up. But, when anxiety becomes overwhelming, it can greatly affect kids' behavior. It may lead to a feeling of stress, exhaustion, isolation and many others. It is very important to be aware of these emotions and to know how to deal with them in a healthy way.This activity book captures children's attention, provides kid-friendly entry points into understanding the essence of the feeling of anxiety, and is a perfect tool for educating them about how to overcome worries, fear and phobias.This cute book about Little Nick:contains lovely illustrations and a lightly rhyming storyline.helps children recognize and manage their anxiety by interacting with animals in a funny way.provides tips and techniques on what to do when your children feel worried, nervous, anxious or scared.delivers important messages aimed at improving kids' self-regulation skills.teaches children to understand their emotions and feelings and to improve their emotional intelligence.includes an activity game.This storybook is a continuation of Nick's adventures from the World of Kids Emotions books' series.***Even if you have tried everything, this book is perfect for gaining a deeper understanding of children's anxiety and how to help kids control their worry. We highly recommend it for preschoolers, primary school students and toddlers. It is an excellent addition to a toolkit for parents, teachers and counselors.So, don't wait, add this amazing book to your cart now and ENJOY!

  • - Picture Book About Anger Management And Dealing With Kids Emotions (Preschool Feelings) (World of Kids Emotions)
    von Elizabeth Cole
    33,00 €

    Tired of telling your child not to shout or kick things when they are angry? Then this book is the perfect solution for you!When children are angry, they can manifest their anger through bad behavior. They might shout, cry, throw things and roll on the floor or all of these things combined. That's why most parents need help managing their kids emotions and feelings.This book about little Nick:contains lovely illustrations and lightly rhyming storylinehelps children recognize and cope with their anger in a funny way through communication with zoo animalsoffers a variety of calming techniques and is aimed to improve kids self-regulation skillsteaches children to admit their mistakes and say "I'm sorry"***Even if you have tried everything, this book is perfect for gaining a deeper understanding of children anger management and how to help kids control their emotions. We highly recommend it to parents.So, don't wait, add this amazing book to your cart now and ENJOY!

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    20,00 €

    For true love, nothing is impossible.Robin was born poor in rough, remote part of England. She survived only by disguising herself as a boy and learning to hunt on her own. Then the kindly de Vere family helped her become a proper, polite young woman…almost. Despite the family's efforts, Robin's heart is still wild, and when she learns that a valiant knight-one she's always admired-needs her help, she finds her cause. There is no other knight in England quite like Octavian de Levant. Born in Africa, raised in the Holy Land, and trained by a military order, he's a skilled fighter and a constant wanderer. Now, he's sworn to aid the king in the war for the throne. The last thing he wants on his expedition is the company of the fiery and unpredictable Robin. But she is also the only person who knows how to get him to his destination.The unlikely pair venture deeper into the deadly landscape of the border between England and Wales, and soon find their uneasy alliance growing into something more passionate. Robin and Octavian can't give in to those feelings, or they'll be lost in a maze of broken promises and conflicting loyalties. A path to happiness seems impossible. But for true love, nothing is impossible.The fourth and final book in the Swordcross Knights: a series of full-length historical romance novels set in the vivid and beguiling world of medieval England.

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    22,00 €

    A courageous codebreaker, a gentleman with a score to settle, and a past that refuses to stay hidden... Sarah Brecknell has always had an unusual obsession with numbers. After the unfortunate death of her fiancé, she's lost her place in society, and her gift has left her alone with a dangerous secret. Sarah must turn to a complete stranger for help-a secret agent in service to the Crown. She has already made one mistake in love. She can't afford another. Theodore Markham has plenty of secrets of his own, not least of which his occupation as a spy. Now he is hunting for a traitor. This time is different, though-the rogue was his best friend. The trail goes cold until he meets Sarah, a woman with extraordinary mathematical talents...and an irresistible charm that may be even more dangerous than his adversary. A Shameless Angel is the third book in the Secrets of the Zodiac, a series that blends romantic suspense with the rich background of the Regency period.

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    23,00 €

    A seductive agent, a disillusioned lord, and a web of deceit only they can untangle...Sophie Bertrand is skilled in acting, espionage, and the subtle art of seduction. An independent spirit, she fought her way from rough streets to the top secret circle of spies known as the Zodiac. Her newest assignment is one of her most delicate yet: hunt down a traitor within Britain's own government. But there's a catch...this time she can't work alone.Bruce Allander has a title, honor, wealth...but he'd trade it all to restore his family. The Zodiac gives him a chance for justice in a world that's already taken too much from him. Now he finds himself close to this captivating Frenchwoman--possibly too close. Sophie defies all his expectations, yet in her he senses a kindred soul.Passion draws the two together, but a web of betrayals threatens to tear them apart. To survive, they have to trust each other. They have to be a little reckless...The second novel in the Secrets of the Zodiac series: Full-length historical romances, featuring sexy storylines, complex characters, and international intrigue, set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars.

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    22,00 €

    An enigmatic woman, a determined spy, and a love that could shake the foundations of Europe... "Heartless" Cordelia Bering refuses every marriage offer she receives. Yet men still try to win her, drawn by her sharp wit and intoxicating green eyes. But Cordelia knows a marriage could reveal her deepest secret and truly endanger her life. Besides, she hasn't met a man worth considering, until... Sebastien Thorne, a spy in the service of Crown. One of the elite agents in the group known as the Zodiac, he comes to London determined to solve a mystery with roots on the Continent. He won't let anything distract him. But is Cordelia a distraction, or the key to the mystery? As he learns more about the "heartless" woman, he becomes embroiled in secrets, plots, and a design that could change the future...and Cordelia is at the center of it all.

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    22,00 €

    Betray not the heartLady Domina is playing a daring game. After her father falls gravely ill, she hides the truth of his condition and continues to rule in his name. Then one of the king’s knights arrives on royal business, and she must find a way to deceive the arrogant, handsome intruder.Sir Luc of Braecon is fiercely loyal to the king. His battle scars prove it. When he is ordered to investigate reports of an insurrection, he swears to find the traitor. The first clues lead him directly to the Lady Domina. As the relentless knight exposes one secret after another, he finds that nothing about the tantalizing lady is what it seems. Soon Domina and Luc are locked in a dance of deception, lust, and betrayal, each turn bringing them closer to a finale where winner takes all. Considering the stakes, the real danger is falling in love…The second book in the Swordcross Knights: A series of full-length historical romance novels set in the vivid and beguiling world of medieval Britannia.

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    22,00 €

    A rogue in search of a new life, a brilliant woman betrayed, and one path through a prison of lies…Ashley Allander has been a rake, rogue, scandalmaker, and heartbreaker. Now, with one last chance to redeem his name, he becomes a spy. The Zodiac’s newest recruit leaves London behind to find an elusive inventor, but his target proves far stranger. Ash discovers an aloof host, bright lights in the sky, and a woman who is either an innocent prisoner…or completely mad. Elanora Morrison is desperate. Her life’s work has been stolen from her. She’s been declared insane and kept far from anyone who might help. She gambles everything on a mysterious newcomer, risking her reputation, her life, and her heart to regain her freedom. Together, Ash and Nora hold the key to a conspiracy between two warring nations. In the midst of danger, they find an improbable love, and the chance for a new future…if they live long enough to reach it. The sixth novel in the Secrets of the Zodiac, a series of full-length historical romances: Featuring sexy storylines, complex characters, and international intrigue, set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars.

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    18,00 €

    Play with fire and you will get burnedMalachy Salem is a fighter. He lets his brothers handle the spells and the sorcery-he just wants to rumble. He's trained in mixed marital arts. He kills vampires, demons, and other nasties. Then he picks up a blonde for a one night stand, and gets gone before morning. Mal's life is great…until the new, curvy, redheaded neighbor Cara shows up. She's so not his type, but he can't look away. Cara Michaels is not looking for romance. She just wants to finish the job she's on, which is to restore a historic Victorian home to its former glory. Her dedication and talent means she knows how to handle a hammer, a wrench, or a chainsaw. Handling a ghost is something else.When the house Cara is working on erupts with paranormal activity, she finds out that Mal is not just a random, hot as hell neighbor. He and his brothers have been watching the house because there's something very evil inside it. And it seems to want something from Cara. Mal's finally got someone to fight for…if he can take the heat.The second novel in The Brothers Salem, a new contemporary paranormal romance series where a trio of demon hunters--armed with spells and snark--are on a mission to slay some demons, break some curses, and get their girls. Unless the girls get them first.

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    23,00 €

    A lord with two lives, a woman with a broken heart, a scandalous bargain, and a second chance for love… Cameron, Lord Deverall, appears to be a completely dissolute dandy, a favorite at London's fanciest parties, relied upon to speak of nothing serious. In reality, he is a member of the Zodiac, England's elite spy ring. He can't let anyone close enough to him learn the truth-especially not his lovely, estranged wife. Unfortunately, he needs her for his next mission.Lady Genevieve hasn't seen her maddening husband in three years. Heartbroken after catching him in a scandalous encounter, Gen tossed him out and turned her attention to her heart's solace: helping London's poorest children. If she can't have a family of her own, she'll be a mother to the world, without Cameron at her side.But fate brings Cameron and Genevieve together once again, when he offers her a deal she can't refuse. All she needs to do is let Cameron back into her life for a little while…just long enough to uncover his darkest secrets. Just long enough to learn they're being pursued by a shadowy nemesis. Just long enough to realize she's never stopped loving him. The seventh novel in the Secrets of the Zodiac, a series of historical romances: Featuring sexy storylines, complex characters, and international intrigue, set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars.

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    22,00 €

    Forbidden flames burn brightest…The knight Alric of Hawksmere has endured years of war and survived dozens of battles in the service of the king. A new challenge awaits him when he returns home to renew his bond with a childhood friend. Alric instead discovers she is now a spirited woman of rare beauty whose kiss makes his blood burn. But the lady Cecily de Vere has been offered in marriage to another man, and Alric‘s duty is to escort her to the wedding.Cecily wants to behave as a proper lady. But she yearns for her childhood flame and knows he shares the same desire. When a sudden twist of fortune puts Cecily in mortal danger, Alric takes an unimaginable risk to rescue her. Left alone in the wild, Alric and Cecily must make a choice that will change their lives forever.The first book in the Swordcross Knights: A series of full-length historical romance novels set in the vivid and beguiling world of medieval Britannia during the age known as “The Anarchy”.

  • von Elizabeth Cole
    22,00 €

    The fifth novel in the Secrets of the Zodiac, a series of full-length historical romances: Featuring sexy storylines, complex characters, and international intrigue, set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars.A lady haunted by nightmares, a duke chased by death, and an answer hidden in the night sky...Insomnia and a passion for astronomy keep Lady Violet Holloway awake all night. She's content to remain alone with her telescopes and treatises, until an unexpected marriage proposal changes everything. Though she's never met him, Violet is handed off to a lord whose name is only mentioned in whispers.Alexander Kenyon is the Duke of Dunmere...better known as the Duke of Death, after losing three wives under unusual circumstances. He's learned his lesson about the dangers of falling in love, so this marriage is purely for convenience. He has no time for a bride anyway, no matter how intriguing she is. As an agent of the Zodiac, he is tasked with solving a string of perplexing murders hinting at a political conspiracy.As the stars spin overhead, the date of the next murder draws near. Violet and Alex must work together to stop it, or risk losing the life they've found together.

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