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Bücher von Emily Watson

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  • von Emily Watson
    14,00 €

    This book is the perfect guide for anyone who is looking to make a positive change in their life and become a better version of themselves. It will help you reset your mindset and open up the possibilities of achieving your dreams, no matter who you are or where you are in life. The book includes practical tips and a set of lofty questions to help you get into the right mindset for the day, reframe how you think about an issue and make meaningful changes in various areas of your life. To get the most out of the book, readers are given a 7-day challenge to improve their mindset about self-esteem, confidence, positivity, money, health, abundance and gratitude. Along with the book, readers will also receive a bonus book to help them become a better version of themselves by guiding them to change their habits. So, take the leap and become a stronger person today with this book!

  • von Emily Watson
    16,00 €

    Are bad habits holding you back? Do you want to live a life full of happiness, success, and growing as a person? Don't look any further! In this eBook, you'll find a great trove of techniques for changing your mind that will help you break out of old habits and reach your full potential. Inside these pages, you'll go on a journey that will change you, exploring how your conscious and subconscious thoughts work. Learn more about the science of habits and how to identify and break the bad ones that have been holding you back for far too long. This complete guide, made up of 7 helpful chapters, will help you find your way through the tricky process of changing habits. Take part in exercises that are meant to help you move forward on your path to change. Explore powerful ways to change your mind that will light a fire in you and make you even more determined to make lasting good habits. But this eBook goes further than the simple tips that are usually found in self-help books. It gives you the tools you need to maintain a positive outlook even when bad things happen. As you create new habits, you'll learn how to fit them into your daily life in a way that works, which is the key to long-term success. Are you ready to break free from what has been holding you back? Your change is on the way. Step into a world of strength, growth, and personal fulfilment like you've never seen before. Get this eBook today and start the journey of a lifetime.

  • von Emily Watson
    22,00 €

    Your success is often hampered because of your thinking. It is difficult to ascend beyond what you believe. Therefore, it is crucial to break out of your own limitations if you wish to achieve more success in life. You have more control over your success, identity, and mind than you think. Many of us allow our minds and our past conditionings to control us. However, you have the power to change your mind, thoughts, beliefs, identity, life, and ultimately your success. To create more success, you must change how you see yourself. Once you remove limitations and begin to believe in your true limitless potential, you allow yourself to shift into unlimited possibilities. This is where you can begin the process of achieving any level of success you choose. EFT is well-known for reducing stress, anxiety, emotional and physical pain. However, tapping can also help you overcome self-imposed limitations that affect your success. EFT entails tapping specific places on the body, particularly on the head and face. While doing so, you concentrate on the problem you want to solve while repeating negative and positive phrases related to the problem. When it comes to more success, tapping's primary purpose is to help you get rid of undesirable negative emotions and ideas that can come up at any time and prevent you from success. The scripts in this book direct you to focus on and clear the most important issues that stand in the way of your success. In addition, each script is also infused with lofty questions. Lofty questions are formulated to encourage helpful responses, insights, or solutions and thus help to change how you think about a problem. Therefore, giving you double the strength of traditional tapping! Using the EFT scripts does not mean that you have to do it alone without the support of EFT professionals. Instead, the scripts are self-guided and empower you to take those first steps to become a better version of yourself in the privacy of your own home. You are also guided towards how to address your core issues and beliefs about your success by devising your own scripts. The scripts in this book focus on the following issues that can hamper your success: building more confidence, deal better with disappointment, stop procrastination, stop self-sabotage, get more self-love and acceptance, stop self-criticism, overcome imposter syndrome, get better self-esteem and image, increase productivity, become more positive, become more organised, deal with stress, have more perseverance, become a better team player, become a better public speaker, overcome limiting beliefs, adopt healthy habits, tap on miracle words (Höoponopono). Knowing that each individual's situation is unique, this books also helps you formulate your own phrases. You need to understand and tap on the underlying core issues that stand in your way of success. When you purchase the book you will also receive the following bonuses (the download link is inside the book): eBook: Overcome obstacles, eBook: Self-confidence affirmations, eBook: Healthy habits, eBook: Total mental resilience, document: Peak Productivity Blueprint, A printable create your own script template, an audio file (wav format) for each script to tap wherever you are, set your intention affirmations. Don't miss out on the success that you deserve and start clearing all the negative emotions that affect your success in the workplace and business environment this year.

  • von Emily Watson
    18,00 €

    Ned is happy to go on spring break with his foster family and friends, and to leave the stresses of college life behind, where his biggest concern in life is passing business calculus. But events are soon triggered that will turn his world upside down. Now the clock is ticking in the hunt for a forgotten artefact. And if he can't find it in time, well, he may not live to fail business calculus anyways...

  • von Emily Watson
    15,00 €

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