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Bücher von Emmanuel Fru Doh

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  • von Emmanuel Fru Doh
    39,00 €

    This study is the first critical examination of the novels of Linus T. Asong, a sharp, compelling, and brutally insightful storyteller, sometimes comical yet with a knack for the distraught, disturbing, and macabre in his throbbing capture and portrayal of society as it functions or as it fails to function. Asong's novels bring to the fore an unexpected enormous array of characters whose physical appearances and habits are depictions made concrete by potent imagistic words deployed not only to evoke vividness and plausibility, but more specifically to peek into the soul and mental uprightness of persons and society. Hence, they demonstrate the response of the oppressed, exploited, and abused in the face of dysfunctionality, social, and cultural violations and deviations. In this light, the novels are revealed to serve both as testimonies and critiques of the times in which Asong lived. This study, therefore, offers insights into one of the most prolific novelists of Southern Cameroons origins, as well as modern trends in African literature.¿¿EMMANUEL FRU DOH holds a Ph.D from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Poet, novelist, social, and literary critic, Emmanuel Fru Doh is the author of Anglophone Cameroon Literature: An Introduction. He teaches in the Department of English at Century College, Minnesota, USA.

  • von Emmanuel Fru Doh
    36,00 €

    Dans Les seuils de l'intolérable, Musang, originaires des Grassfields, tombe amoureux d'Etonde du littoral. Bien qu'ils soient conscients des tensions existantes et de la méfiance injustifiée entre les deux camps, le couple est prêt à se marier lorsqu'à la dernière minute, le père d'Etonde rejette fermement la demande en mariage. Bien que traumatisé, Musang, enfin, considère le rejet comme un signe providentiel et reconsidère ainsi une idée persistante de vocation - le sacerdoce. Pendant ce temps, une Etonde dévastée, maintenant défi e des hommes et lutte pour retrouver son équilibre. Cependant, des années plus tard, à quelques mois à peine de son ordination sacerdotale, Musang, postulant exemplaire, se voit soudain offrir le choix déprimant d'aller en probation ou de quitter le séminaire ; il quitta.¿¿EMMANUEL FRU DOH est titulaire d'un doctorat ès lettres de l'Université d'Ibadan, au Nigeria. Entre 1990 et 1997, il a enseigné la littérature africaine à l'Université de Yaoundé I (ENS Bambili), au Cameroun, période au cours de laquelle il s'est imposé comme une voix majeure sur la scène littéraire du Cameroun. Enseignant, poète, et critique accompli, Emmanuel Fru Doh enseigne actuellement au département d'anglais de Century College, Minnesota, U.S.A.

  • von Emmanuel Fru Doh
    39,00 €

    Shadows, as the title insinuates, splits open and lays bare the frightening vision of humanity, the heart of man depressed, a veritable inferno in which there is little to be enjoyed and everything to be endured, as all is vanity, a gnawing emptiness. Nothing is but what it seems. Simple but without being simplistic, there is in the damp climate of Doh's poetry broken promises, displaced emotional centres, a pervading sense of doom, of impending disaster, and a total helplessness reminiscent of Plato's proverbial mythical cave in which all reality is but shadow, devoid of substance, with the observer chained to the walls of his feelings, beliefs, and unfulfilled ambitions. The second section, 'Celebration', is, however, a source of warmth, of light, the sun's rays in an otherwise damp and and dark collection.

  • - Surprising Answers to Surprising Questions
    von Emmanuel Fru Doh
    53,00 €

  • von Emmanuel Fru Doh
    37,00 €

  • - An Introduction
    von Emmanuel Fru Doh
    167,00 €

    Against a disturbing political backdrop and through an in-depth appraisal of selected illustrative texts from major genrespoetry, prose, and dramaEmmanuel Fru Doh presents the origins and growth of a young but potent literature. To him, Anglophone-Cameroon literature is a weapon in the hands of an oppressed English speaking minority in his native Cameroon, Africa, who were unfairly manipulated by the United Nations and Britain into a skewed federation in the name of an independence deal.

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