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Bücher von Enrico Massetti

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  • von Enrico Massetti
    27,00 €

    This is a guide to a multi-days trip in the Italian Riviera. It starts with a visit to Milan, then to the Charterhouse of Pavia, to continue through Portofino, Camogli and the San Fruttuoso Abbey. It then goes to Genoa and Savona before heading North through the vineyards of the Langhe and reach Turin.There are extensive descriptions and photos of the attractions. It contains many reviews for the best recommended restaurants that are at the location described, you have the basic information ready: the name, address and telephone number are included in the guide together with the review.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    23,00 €

  • von Enrico Massetti
    16,00 €

    Siena es una de las ciudades medievales mejor conservadas de Italia, en el corazón de la Toscana. Construida sobre tres colinas y rodeada de murallas bien conservadas, está repleta de bellos ejemplos de arquitectura gótica y cuenta con una de las plazas únicas en el mundo, il Campo, (con forma de concha y bordes festoneados). Por supuesto, el mundialmente famoso Palio de Siena forma parte de la identidad, la historia y la cultura sienesas. Siena es también el lugar de nacimiento de Santa Catalina de Siena Metairie.Siena - Piazza del Campo y Torre dei MangiaEl corazón de Siena es la Piazza del Campo, la plaza donde se corre el Palio de Siena, famosa por su forma de concha, y que sigue siendo el centro de la vida de la ciudad. Pero, además, está la Fonte Gaia, una fuente única por su forma cuadrangular y sus bellas figuras en los bordes de la plaza.Siena - el Duomo di SienaEl Duomo di Siena es un edificio precioso; mezcla la arquitectura gótica y románica con mármol verde oscuro y blanco. Contiene obras de muchos artistas, como Donatello, Pisano y Arnolfo di Cambio. Una de sus principales atracciones es el suelo con incrustaciones de mármol, resultado de las aportaciones de muchos artistas. El museo del Duomo de Siena, en la misma plaza, contiene algunas estatuas originales de Pisano trasladadas para su conservación y muchas obras de arte, entre ellas la famosa "Maesta" de Duccio di Buoninsegna.VolterraVolterra sigue conservando su carácter, encanto y ambiente medievales. Sin embargo, su posición aislada ha impedido cualquier desarrollo progresivo. Por ejemplo, la muralla defensiva construida en el siglo XIII es el resultado de un desarrollo urbanístico que comenzó en el año mil y se completó a principios del siglo XIV.San GimignanoSan Gimignano es una bonita ciudad medieval amurallada de la Toscana, Italia, muy conocida por su gran número de campaniles. La ciudad también es conocida como la "Manhattan de la Edad Media". Las familias que competían entre sí intentaban construir el campanile más alto para impresionarse mutuamente.Aquí la peste hizo estragos en 1464 y 1631, iniciando un periodo de decadencia para la ciudad: las murallas se cayeron a pedazos, las mansiones medievales se deterioraron, y nadie tenía suficiente dinero para detener todo esto, ya que las familias más ricas e influyentes habían abandonado la ciudad a causa de la peste. En consecuencia, el patrimonio arquitectónico y artístico permaneció intacto durante cuatro siglos, y la ciudad conservó intacta su característica arquitectura medieval.Esta es una guía de Siena, Volterra y San Gimignano.Hay amplias descripciones y fotos de las atracciones y del "Palio di Siena".Contiene muchas reseñas de los restaurantes más recomendados en el lugar descrito.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    16,00 €

    This is a little guide to Siena, Volterra, and San Gimignano.Siena is one of Italy's best-preserved medieval towns in the heart of Tuscany. It is built on three hills and surrounded by well-preserved walls. It is filled with excellent Gothic architecture examples and has one of the world's most unique piazzas - il Campo - (shaped like a shell with scalloped edges). Of course, the world-famous Palio di Siena is integral to Sienese identity, history, and culture. Siena is also the birthplace of St. Catherine of Siena Metairie.Siena - Piazza del Campo & Torre dei MangiaThe heart of Siena is Piazza del Campo, the Piazza where the Palio di Siena is run, famous for its shell shape and still the focus of city life. The Fonte Gaia is a fountain unique in its quadrangular form and beautiful figures around the square's edges.Siena - the Duomo di SienaThe Duomo di Siena is a beautiful building, a mix of Gothic and Romanesque architecture with dark green and white marble on the facade. It contains works by many artists, including Donatello, Pisano, and Arnolfo di Cambio. One of its main attractions is the marble-inlaid floor, the result of the contributions of many artists. The Duomo di Siena Museum, in the same Piazza, contains some original statues by Pisano moved for conservation and many artworks, including the famous "Maesta" by Duccio di Buoninsegna.VolterraVolterra still retains its medieval character, charm, and atmosphere. However, its isolated position has impeded any progressive development. For example, the defensive wall built in the 13th century resulted from urban development in the year thousand. It was completed at the beginning of the 14th century.San GimignanoSan Gimignano is a medieval walled city in Tuscany, well known for its many campaniles. The town is also known as the "Manhattan of the Middle Ages." Competing families tried to build the highest campanile to impress each other. Here the plague raged in 1464 and 1631, starting a period of decadence for the town: the town walls fell to pieces, the Medieval mansions fell into disrepair, and no one had enough money to stop all this, as the wealthiest and most prominent families had left the town because of the plague. Consequently, the architectural and artistic heritage remained untouched for four centuries, and the city preserved its characteristic medieval architecture intact. This guide is about Siena, Volterra, and San Gimignano. There are extensive descriptions and photos of the attractions and the "Palio di Siena." It contains many reviews for the best-recommended restaurants at the location described.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    20,00 €

    This guide covers a visit to the major Italian destinations of Rome, Florence and Venice.There are extensive descriptions and color photos of the attractions.The three cities are covered individually with information on how to get to each one of them as well as how to go from one to the other.The guide is ideal for use on your smart phone or your tablet, it contain active links to the web sites of train and air travel companies, so you can with a click from the guide check the latest schedule and even buy the tickets.It has also listing of many reviews for the best recommended restaurants that are at walking distance from the location where lunch or dinner are planned. There are active links to the review pages, you can use them if you have an active Internet connection, but, if you don't, you have the basic information ready: the name, address and telephone number are included in the guide together with the review.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    18,00 €

    Enrico Massetti wrote this book with 30 images.Are you in Rome for a brief visit, and you want to see as much as possible of its millenarian beauty? If you have only two days available, you need this guide to tell you where to go, what to see, and where to eat during your visit.If you have only 48 hours, you must be willing to work hard to experience as much of Rome as possible.There is so much to see and experience in Rome that one lifetime would not be enough, two days are a brief visit, but I understand that real-life limits the use of your time.Enrico, therefore, prepared for you this itinerary; with it, you can have in the limited time of two days the whole experience of the eternal city.Extensive descriptions and color photos of the attractions are included for your visit to use during your stay. The guide is ideal for use on your smartphone or your tablet. It contains active links to the websites of train and air travel companies, so you can, with a click from the guide, check the latest schedule. It also lists many reviews for the best-recommended restaurants within walking distance from the location where lunch or dinner is planned.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    21,00 €

    Wil je Griekenland leren kennen? Kom dan naar Sicilië. Het is ongetwijfeld een paradox, maar slechts tot op zekere hoogte. De Griekse steden op Sicilië (Agrigento, Selinunte, Segesta, Syracuse, om de belangrijkste te noemen) behoorden tot de mooiste in de Helleense wereld. Vandaag de dag is een bezoek aan de Vallei der Tempels in Agrigento of het bijwonen van een zomervoorstelling in het grote Griekse theater in Syracuse een onderdompeling in het verre Helleense verleden. En zo is het op Sicilië met vele andere historische tijdperken en beschavingen, van de Spanjaarden tot de Fransen. De enige uitzondering is de Arabische overheersing, die weinig fysiek bewijs heeft achtergelaten.Sicilië is een boek over geschiedenis en kunstgeschiedenis, een compendium van de grootste beschavingen en culturen aller tijden. Een zonnig eiland met een contrastrijk landschap, een schitterende kustlijn en een verfijnde, heerlijke en gevarieerde keuken met traditionele smaken en exquise aroma's. De kwintessens van de mediterrane cultuur, maar ook vol complexiteit en intellectuele verfijning, zo goed vertegenwoordigd door de literaire meesterwerken van Luigi Pirandello, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Leonardo Sciascia, Gesualdo Bufalino en, vandaag de dag, Andrea Camilleri.Deze gids neemt u mee op een reis van een week over het eiland Sicilië: te beginnen in Messina, met een bezoek aan de Eolische eilanden, vervolgens Taormina, Acireale, Catania, Syracuse, Caltagirone, Piazza Armerina met zijn Romeinse villa, Agrigento met de Griekse tempels, Porto Empedocle, Selinunte, om aan te komen in Palermo, met een bezoek aan Solunto en Monreale.Inclusief een sectie over Siciliaans eten.Inclusief kleurenfoto's en beschrijvingen van de bezienswaardigheden van alle plaatsen die aan bod komen.Het is ideaal voor gebruik op uw smartphone, want het bevat links naar de websites van vele recensies van de best aanbevolen restaurants in de beschreven locatie.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    21,00 €

    Vous souhaitez voir toute la Sardaigne en une seule semaine de voyage en voiture ? Ce guide vous aidera à faire le tour de l'île, avec des cartes en couleurs claires qui indiquent la distance et le temps entre les lieux, en plus de photos des localités. Il vous donne l'itinéraire à suivre entre les différentes étapes.Vous avez plus de jours disponibles pour vos vacances en Sardaigne ? Bien sûr, vous pouvez les passer à votre plage préférée, le guide décrit les plus belles et les plus importantes de toute la côte, et vous donne des indications sur la façon de les atteindre depuis les escales.Vous souhaitez étendre votre connaissance de la Sardaigne au-delà des plages ? Des journées alternatives sont proposées pour des visites avec d'anciennes lignes de train à voie étroite restaurées qui vous permettent de vous détendre pendant une journée sans conduire tout en étant immergé dans l'environnement naturel non contaminé de l'intérieur de la Sardaigne.De plus, les expériences avec des guides de montagne qui peuvent vous montrer les montagnes de Sardaigne et leur beauté sont répertoriées comme des activités possibles pour les journées alternatives.Vous ne devez pas manquer les visites en bateau de l'archipel de La Maddalena, ni les journées guidées en bateau sur les plages de l'est de la Sardaigne, ni les visites de grottes naturelles, elles sont répertoriées au bon endroit lorsque votre chemin croise ces possibilités.La Barbagia est couverte : vous devriez passer quelques jours à visiter ces localités éloignées qui, il n'y a pas si longtemps encore, étaient simplement considérées comme un lieu où vivaient les "bandits".Chaque lieu traversé par l'itinéraire comporte également une liste de destinations et d'attractions touristiques locales significatives que vous pouvez explorer et visiter par vous-même.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    20,00 €

    This is a guide to a ten days trip in the land of the Etruscan, from Rome to Florence through Cerveteri, Civitavecchia, Tarquinia, Orbetello, Grosseto, Massa Marittima, Siena, Volterra, and San Gimignano. There are extensive descriptions and color photos of the attractions.It is ideal for use on your smartphone; it contains active links to the websites of many reviews for the best-recommended restaurants at the location described. There are active links to the review pages; you can use them if you have an active Internet connection, but if you don't, you have the basic information ready: the name, address, and telephone number are included in the guide.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    21,00 €

    Você gostaria de ver toda a Sardenha em apenas uma semana de viagem de carro? Este guia o ajudará a percorrer a ilha inteira, com mapas coloridos claros que indicam a distância e o tempo entre os lugares, além de fotos das localidades. Ele lhe dá o caminho a seguir entre as diferentes etapas.Você tem mais dias disponíveis para suas férias na Sardenha? Claro, você pode passá-los em sua praia favorita, o guia descreve os mais bonitos e significativos de toda a costa, e lhe dá indicações de como alcançá-los a partir das escalas.Você quer expandir seus conhecimentos sobre a Sardenha além apenas das praias? Dias alternativos são sugeridos para passeios com antigas linhas de trem de bitola estreita restauradas que permitem que você relaxe por um dia sem dirigir enquanto está imerso no ambiente natural não contaminado do interior da Sardenha.Além disso, experiências com guias de montanha que podem lhe mostrar as montanhas da Sardenha, e sua beleza são listadas como possíveis atividades para dias alternativos.Você não deve perder passeios de barco no Arquipélago La Maddalena, ou dias de barco guiado nas praias da Sardenha Oriental, ou visitas a cavernas naturais, elas são listadas no lugar certo quando seu caminho cruza estas possibilidades.Barbagia está coberta: você deve passar alguns dias visitando estas localidades remotas que até não muito tempo atrás eram consideradas apenas um lugar onde os "bandidos" viviam.Cada local por onde o caminho passa, tem também uma lista de destinos turísticos locais significativos e atrações que você pode explorar e visitar por conta própria.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    21,00 €

    Volete vedere tutta la Sardegna in una sola settimana di viaggio in auto? Questa guida vi aiuterà a fare il giro dell'intera isola, con mappe a colori chiare che indicano la distanza tra i luoghi e il tempo di percorrenza, oltre alle foto delle località. Vi dà il percorso da seguire tra le varie tappe.Avete più giorni a disposizione per la vostra vacanza in Sardegna? Bene, potete trascorrerli nella vostra spiaggia preferita, la guida descrive le più belle e significative di tutta la costa e vi dà indicazioni su come raggiungerle dalle tappe previste.Volete ampliare la vostra conoscenza della Sardegna al di là delle sole spiagge? Vi proponiamo giornate alternative con un tour su un trenino delle vecchie linee ferroviarie restaurate a scartamento ridotto, che vi permetteranno di rilassarvi per un giorno senza dover guidare mentre siete immersi nell'ambiente naturale incontaminato dell'entroterra sardo.Inoltre, possibili attività alternative che suggeriamo sono le escursioni con le guide che possono mostrarvi le montagne della Sardegna e il loro incanto, sono elencate come possibili attività per giornate alternative.Da non perdere le gite in barca nell'Arcipelago de La Maddalena, o le giornate in barca guidate nelle spiagge della Sardegna orientale, o le visite alle grotte naturali. Le potrete raggiungere facilmente durante il vostro percorso seguendo le indicazioni riportate in modo chiaro.Troverete descritta la Barbagia: è consigliabile trascorrere qualche giorno visitando queste remote località che fino a non-molto tempo fa erano considerate solo un luogo dove vivevano i "banditi".Per ogni località che il percorso attraversa sono elencate significative mete turistiche e attrazioni locali che potrete esplorare e visitare in autonomia.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    21,00 €

    Eternal crossroads of the Mediterranean, Sicily's gorgeous island continues to seduce travelers with its dazzling diversity of landscapes and cultural treasures.Sicily: Do you want to learn about Greece? So come to Sicily.It is a paradox, but only to a certain extent.Sicily's Greek cities (Agrigento, Selinunte, Segesta, and Syracuse, to mention the most important) were among the most beautiful Hellenic world.Nowadays, to visit the Valley of Temples at Agrigento or to watch a summer performance in Syracuse's great Greek Theatre is to plunge yourself into the remote Hellenic past.Sicily is also authentic for many other historical eras and civilizations, from the Spanish to the French.With the sole exception of Arab rule, that has left a short physical testimony. So instead, Sicily is a book of history and art history, a compendium of all time's greatest civilizations and cultures.Sicily is a sunny island whose landscape is rich in contrasts, with a splendid coastline and refined, delicious, and varied cuisine of traditional flavors and exquisite aromas.The quintessence of Mediterranean culture, yet also dense with intellectual complexity and refinement, is so well represented by the literary masterpieces of Luigi Pirandello, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Leonardo Sciascia, Gesualdo Bufalino, and today, Andrea Camilleri.This guide leads you on a week-long car drive on the Island of Sicily.Starting with Messina, touching the Aeolian Islands, and then Taormina, Acireale, Catania, Syracuse, Caltagirone, Piazza Armerina with its Roman Villa, Agrigento with the Greek Temples, Porto Empedocle, Selinunte, to arrive in Palermo, with a visit to Solunto and Monreale.The guide includes a section on Sicilian food. It includes photos and descriptions of all the localities' attractions and is ideal for use on your smartphone. In addition, it contains links to the websites of many reviews for the best-recommended restaurants at the location described.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    24,00 €

    Enrico MassettiEnrico Massetti wrote this book with 80 recipes.The Vucciria Market opens early in the heart of Palermo's historic old city. By 4 a.m., anglers are hauling in the day's catch; by 5 a.m., vendors are setting out fruit and vegetables; and by 6 a.m., the place is bustling with shoppers. It's a tradition that's gone on the same way for the last 700 years.Every day but Sunday, the Vucciria fills with fishers, shopkeepers, and merchants who have come to peddle their goods. And it's quite a selection: pasta, grains, sacks of beans, bags of dried herbs, shoes, socks, cigarette lighters shaped like handguns, grappa, wine, CDs, paintings and paperweights of the Madonna, salted capers (a local specialty), zucchini the size of a child's leg, crates of artichokes still attached to their long stalks, tomatoes (large, small, sun-dried, packed in oil, in a can, on the vine) and practically anything else you can think of.Recipes:The Vucciria Market, Swordfish Agghiotta, Arancini di Riso - Rice Balls, Linguine alla bottarga, Swordfish Rolls, Pantelleria capers bruschetta, Ricotta-stuffed Rolls, Caponata siciliana - Eggplant and Tomato Stew, Stuffed Artichokes, Sicilian Cassata Cake, Cotognata - Quince Preserve, Fish Stew Couscous, Crispeddi - Anchovy and Dill Fritters, Fravioli di Carnevale - Carnival Sweet Ravioli, Falsomagro - Stuffed Beef Roll, Gnocculli with ragout and vegetables, Involtini di pesce spada - Swordfish Rolls, Melanzane alla Siciliana - Eggplant Sicilian, Panizza - Chickpea Polenta, Bucatini with Sardines, Peppers Sauteed with Olive Oil and Capers, Pesce spada a'sammurigghu - A'sammurigghu swordfish, Pesto ericino - Pesto from Erice, Pignolata, Salmoriglio - Olive Oil, Lemon, and Garlic Sauce, Stuffed Sardines, Scorzette di Arance Candite,Sfinciuni, Spaghetti alla puttanesca, Testina di capretto al Forno - Baked Spring Kid's Head, Ziti al pomodoro e tonno - Short pasta with tomato and tuna, Stigghiola - lamb guts, How to make Stigghiola, Sicilian Pizza, Sicilian pizza, Scacciata, impanata, scaccia, mbigliulata, Historical notes, Etymology, Quality, Description and variants, Consumption, Possible variants, Pizzolo, Pane e panelle - Bread and pancakes, Capuliato, Preparation and use, Sarde allinguate - Sweet and sour fried sardines, Preparation, Dolci dei morti, Musciame, Pantesca Salad, Recipe Agrodolce, Recipe Bruschetta Ai Capperi Di Pantelleria, Crespelle Con Ripieno Di Pollo, Braccioli di pesce spada - Swordfish Braccioli, Zuppa Di Vongole - Clam Soup, Ziti Al Pomodoro E Tonno - Ziti with Tomato and Tuna, Torta Di Olive Di Nocellera Del Belice, Testina Di Capretto Al Forno - Oven-baked Kid Head, Recipe Arancini Di Riso - Arancino with meat sauce and peas, Agghiotta Di Pesce Spada - Swordfish Agghiotta, How to make Agghiotta di Pesce Spada:, Sfogliatine Con Ragusano E Miele - Puffs with Ragusano and Honey, How to make the Puff Envelopes with Ragusano and Honey:, Ragù di Pesce - Fish Ragout, Pomodori Essiccati - Sun dried tomatoes, Pasta Ncasciata, Granita Caffè e Panna - Coffee and Cream Granita, Gelato Di Bergamotto - Bergamot Ice-Cream, Recipe Bocconcini Di Pollo Con Pecorino Siciliano - Recipe Chicken Chunks with Pecorino Sicilian Cheese, Recipe Asparagi Brasati Con Parmigiano Reggiano - Recipe Braised Asparagus with Parmesan Cheese, Crispelle di riso - Rice crispies, Crocchè - Crocchette - Neapolitan Croquettes, Cuddura cull'ova - Cuddura with eggs, Giurgiulena - Christmas cake, Recipe Parmigiana Di Melanzane, Pennette aio oio picchio pacchio, Carpaccio di pesce spada - Swordfish Carpaccio, Palermitan style swordfish, Chicken with orange, Spaghetti carter style, Bacio from Pantelleria, Zuccata - Involtini Di Vitello Alla Siciliana

  • von Enrico Massetti
    20,00 €

    Rom til FirenzeEn uge gennem Siena, Volterra og San GimignanoDit is een gids voor een 10-daagse reis naar het land van de Etrusken, van Rome naar Florence, via Cerveteri, Civitavecchia, Tarquinia, Orbetello, Grosseto, Massa Marittima, Siena, Volterra en San Gimignano.Het bevat gedetailleerde beschrijvingen en kleurenfoto's van de bezienswaardigheden.Ideaal voor gebruik op uw smartphone, het bevat actieve links naar de sites van talrijke recensies voor de beste aanbevolen restaurants beschreven op de site. Er zijn actieve links naar beoordelingssites die u kunt gebruiken als u een actieve internetverbinding hebt, maar als dat niet het geval is, hebt u de basisinformatie bij de hand: naam, adres en telefoonnummer staan in de gids.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    23,00 €

    Você quer aprender sobre a Grécia? Então venha para a Sicília. É um paradoxo, com certeza, mas apenas até certo ponto. As cidades gregas da Sicília (Agrigento, Selinunte, Segesta, Siracusa, para mencionar as mais importantes) estavam entre as mais belas do mundo helênico. Atualmente, visitar o Vale dos Templos em Agrigento ou assistir a uma apresentação de verão no grande Teatro Grego de Siracusa é mergulhar no remoto passado helênico. E isto também é verdade na Sicília para muitas outras épocas e civilizações históricas, desde os espanhóis até os franceses. Com a única exceção do domínio árabe, isso deixou um escasso testemunho físico.A Sicília é um livro de história e história da arte, um compêndio das maiores civilizações e culturas de todos os tempos. Uma ilha ensolarada cuja paisagem é rica em contrastes, com um litoral esplêndido e uma cozinha refinada, deliciosa e variada de sabores tradicionais e aromas requintados. A quintessência da cultura mediterrânea, mas também densa de complexidade intelectual e refinamento, tão bem representada pelas obras-primas literárias de Luigi Pirandello, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Leonardo Sciascia, Gesualdo Bufalino e hoje, Andrea Camilleri.Este guia o conduz em uma semana de viagem na Ilha da Sicília: começando por Messina, tocando as Ilhas Eolianas, e depois Taormina, Acireale, Catania, Syracuse, Caltagirone, Piazza Armerina com sua Villa Romana, Agrigento com os Templos Gregos, Porto Empedocle, Selinunte, para chegar em Palermo, com uma visita a Solunto e Monreale.Inclui uma seção sobre a comida siciliana.Inclui fotos coloridas e descrições das atrações de todas as localidades tocadas.É ideal para uso em seu smartphone, contém links para os sites de muitas revistas dos restaurantes mais recomendados que se encontram no local descrito.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    27,00 €

    Enrico Massetti wrote this book with 109 images.Sardinia: David Herbert Lawrence, the famous English writer, loved Italy. He traveled through it far and wide, often on foot. Sardinia inspired him, and he dedicated his excellent book to it, Sea and Sardinia, where he wrote: Sardinia is left outside of time and history. But, of course, nowhere is left outside of time and history.Would you like to see all of Sardinia in just one week's car journey? This guide will help you go around the entire island with clear color maps that indicate the distance and time between places and photos of the localities. Furthermore, it gives you the route to follow between the different stages.Do you have more days available for your Sardinian vacation? Then, of course, you can spend them at your favorite beach; the guide describes the most beautiful and significant ones all over the coast and gives you indications on how to reach them from the stopovers.Do you want to expand your knowledge of Sardinia beyond just the beaches? I suggest alternative days for tours with old restored narrow-gauge train lines that allow you to relax for one day without driving. At the same time, you are in the uncontaminated natural environment of Sardinia's interior.Also, I list experiences with mountain guides that can show you the mountains of Sardinia and their beauty as possible activities for alternative days.Do not miss boat tours of the La Maddalena Archipelago, guided boat days on Eastern Sardinia beaches, or visiting natural caves; they are listed right when your path crosses these possibilities.Barbagia is covered: you should spend a few days visiting these remote localities that, until not too long ago, were just considered a place where the "bandits" were living until not too long ago.Each location the route passes through also has a list of meaningful local tourist destinations and attractions you can explore and visit on your own.It contains reviews on many restaurants in the towns covered by the guide.With the guide organized circularly, you can start from Olbia or any other city to arrive via air or ferry.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    20,00 €

    Tämä on opaskirja 10 päivän matkalle etruskien maahan Roomasta Firenzeen Cerveterin, Civitavecchian, Tarquinian, Orbetellon, Grosseton, Massa Marittiman, Sienan, Volterran ja San Gimignanon kautta. Nähtävyyksistä on yksityiskohtaiset kuvaukset ja värikuvat.Se on ihanteellinen käytettäväksi älypuhelimellasi, ja se sisältää aktiivisia linkkejä monien sivustolla kuvattujen parhaiden suositeltujen ravintoloiden arvostelujen verkkosivustoille. Oppaassa on aktiiviset linkit arvostelusivustoille, joita voit käyttää, jos sinulla on aktiivinen internetyhteys, mutta jos sinulla ei ole, sinulla on perustiedot valmiina: nimi, osoite ja puhelinnumero sisältyvät oppaaseen.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    21,00 €

    Voulez-vous apprendre à connaître la Grèce ? Alors venez en Sicile. C'est un paradoxe, sans doute, mais seulement dans une certaine mesure. Les cités grecques de Sicile (Agrigente, Sélinonte, Ségeste, Syracuse, pour ne citer que les plus importantes) étaient parmi les plus belles du monde hellénique. Aujourd'hui, visiter la vallée des temples d'Agrigente ou assister à une représentation estivale au grand théâtre grec de Syracuse, c'est se plonger dans le lointain passé hellénique. Il en va de même en Sicile pour de nombreuses autres époques et civilisations, des Espagnols aux Français. La seule exception est la domination arabe, qui a laissé peu de preuves physiques.La Sicile est un livre d'histoire et d'art, un condensé des plus grandes civilisations et cultures de tous les temps. Une île ensoleillée dont le paysage est riche en contrastes, avec un littoral splendide et une cuisine raffinée, délicieuse et variée, aux saveurs traditionnelles et aux arômes exquis. La quintessence de la culture méditerranéenne, mais également dense en complexité et en raffinement intellectuel, si bien représentée par les chefs-d'œuvre littéraires de Luigi Pirandello, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, Leonardo Sciascia, Gesualdo Bufalino et, aujourd'hui, Andrea Camilleri.Ce guide vous emmène pour un voyage d'une semaine autour de l'île de Sicile : en commençant par Messine, en touchant les îles Éoliennes, puis Taormine, Acireale, Catane, Syracuse, Caltagirone, Piazza Armerina et sa villa romaine, Agrigente et ses temples grecs, Porto Empedocle, Sélinonte, pour arriver à Palerme, avec une visite de Solunto et Monreale.Comprend une section sur la nourriture sicilienne.Comprend des photos en couleur et des descriptions des attractions de toutes les localités couvertes.Il est idéal pour une utilisation sur votre smartphone, car il contient des liens vers les sites web de nombreuses critiques des restaurants les mieux recommandés dans le lieu décrit.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    20,00 €

    Det här är en guidebok för en 10-dagars resa till etruskernas land, från Rom till Florens via Cerveteri, Civitavecchia, Tarquinia, Orbetello, Grosseto, Massa Marittima, Siena, Volterra och San Gimignano.Det finns detaljerade beskrivningar och färgfoton av sevärdheterna.Den är idealisk för användning på din smartphone och innehåller aktiva länkar till många recensioner av de bästa rekommenderade restaurangerna som beskrivs på webbplatsen. Det finns aktiva länkar till recensionssidorna som du kan använda om du har en aktiv internetuppkoppling, men om du inte har det har du den grundläggande informationen klar: namn, adress och telefonnummer finns med i guiden.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    19,00 €

    This is a guide to a multi-days trip in the Italian Riviera. It starts with a visit to Milan, then to the Charterhouse of Pavia, to continue through Portofino, Camogli and the San Fruttuoso Abbey. It then goes to Genoa and Savona before heading North through the vineyards of the Langhe and reach Turin.There are extensive descriptions and photos of the attractions.It is ideal for use on your smart phone, it contains active links to the web sites of many reviews for the best recommended restaurants that are at the location described. There are active links to the review pages, you can use them if you have an active Internet connection, but, if you don't, you have the basic information ready: the name, address and telephone number are included in the guide together with the review.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    18,00 €

    Si tiene previsto recorrer Europa, contemple la posibilidad de visitar la región de Friuli-Venezia Giulia, en el noreste de Italia, que limita con Austria y Eslovenia. Para mayor simplicidad, hemos abreviado el nombre completo de la región a Friuli. Esta hermosa región puede ser un lugar de vacaciones ideal. Puede degustar comida italiana clásica y otras especialidades y regarlo todo con un buen vino local. Si bien el Friuli no es para nada desconocida entre los turistas, en general no se verá agobiado por las multitudes para ver lo que desea. Como la mayoría de las regiones de Italia, ha pertenecido a muchas naciones a lo largo de los años. La región sigue siendo multicultural, una mezcla excepcional de influencias italianas, austríacas y eslavas.Trieste, con una población de unos doscientos mil habitantes, es la ciudad más grande de la región. Trieste fue definitivamente parte integrante de Mittleleuropa (Europa Central) como principal puerto del Imperio Austro-Húngaro. Trieste tan solo se unió a Italia en 1954. Se puede uno imaginar fácilmente que con una historia tan excepcional, Trieste es un lugar bastante excepcional para visitar. Y lo es.En cuanto llegue a Trieste notará sus omnipresentes cafeterías. Entre las más conocidas está el Antico Caffe San Marco. Como corresponde a su carácter internacional, Trieste es la cuna de una serie de edificios religiosos históricos que representan muchas religiones. La iglesia serbio-ortodoxa de la Santísima Trinidad y San Spiridion, que se construyó a mediados del siglo XIX, muestra una fuerte influencia bizantina. Entre y eche un vistazo a sus bellos frescos e iconos. El templo israelita de Trieste, de apenas un siglo de antigüedad, es la sinagoga más grande de Italia. La catedral de Trieste, dedicada al santo patrón de la ciudad, San Guisto (San Justus), que fue martirizado a comienzos del siglo IV, se construyó inicialmente en el siglo VI sobre las ruinas romanas. Se halla situada junto a un castillo del mismo nombre. Camine sobre sus murallas para tener un excelente panorama de la ciudad y de sus alrededores. No faltan más iglesias y museos por visitar.Esta es una guía para recorrer la región de Friuli de Italia: pasaremos por Grado, Lignano, Aquilea, Trieste, Pordenone, Udine y llegaremos a las montañas de Friuli, Carnia, Tarvisio y Sequals.Hay extensas descripciones y fotografías de las atracciones.Contiene muchas reseñas de los mejores restaurantes recomendados que se encuentran en la ubicación descrita; tiene la información básica a su alcance: el nombre, la dirección y el número de telephone stan incluidos en la guía.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    20,00 €

    Turin, the regional capital of Piedmont, is reputed to be a magical city. And it can only be by magic that a city, considered the capital of Italian heavy industry (FIAT, one of the biggest automobile producers in the world, is based here), is also one of Italy's main tourist attractions.Of course, there are good reasons for this. The Holy Shroud, the old linen winding-sheet in which, according to tradition, the body of Christ was after the crucifixion, is kept in Turin's cathedral. There is also the Egyptian Museum at Turin, which contains an extraordinary collection of art from Ancient Egypt, and the Sabauda Gallery, full of masterpieces by great European artists.Finally, at Turin, there are some tremendous, monumental testimonies of the vital role played by Piedmont in modern Italian history, as the seat of the House of Savoy (the reigning dynasty of Italy until 1946) and the first capital of the Kingdom of Italy: The Royal Palace, Palazzo Madama, the Mole Antonelliana, and the Royal Villa at Stupinigi.The natural landscape is splendid and varied: mountains, valleys, hills (the Langhe are famous as the setting for many stories by Cesare Pavese and Beppe Fenoglio, favorite writers from Piedmont), lakes (Maggiore, with Stresa, d'Orta, di Viverone), and the Valgrande National Park.This booklet guides Turin for a visit lasting two, three, or more days; extensive descriptions and photos of museums, churches, nightlife, and other attractions. In addition, it contains reviews of places where to eat. It has sections covering single or half days, so you can combine several areas depending on the length of your stay and your preference of what o see.

  • von Enrico Massetti
    26,00 €

  • von Enrico Massetti
    19,00 €

  • von Enrico Massetti
    20,00 €

  • von Enrico Massetti
    20,00 - 22,00 €

  • von Enrico Massetti
    17,00 €

  • von Enrico Massetti
    23,00 €

  • von Enrico Massetti
    20,00 €

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