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Bücher von Erika Johansen

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  • - (The Tearling Trilogy 3)
    von Erika Johansen
    12,00 €

    In her quest to end corruption and restore justice, she has made many enemies - including the evil Red Queen, her fiercest rival, who has set her armies against the Tear.Now the endgame begins and the fate of Queen Kelsea - and the Tearling itself - will finally be revealed .

  • - (The Tearling Trilogy 2)
    von Erika Johansen
    12,00 €

    With each passing day, Kelsea Glynn is growing into her new responsibilities as Queen of the Tearling. By stopping the shipments of slaves to the neighbouring kingdom of Mortmesne, she crossed the Red Queen, a brutal ruler whose power derives from dark magic, who is sending her fearsome army into the Tearling to take what is hers.

  • - (The Tearling Trilogy 1)
    von Erika Johansen
    12,00 €

    Kelsea Glynn is the sole heir to the throne of Tearling but has been raised in secret after her mother - a monarch as vain as she was foolish - was murdered for ruining her kingdom.

  • von Erika Johansen
    16,00 €

  • von Erika Johansen
    24,00 €

    Light and dark - this is the destiny placed upon Natasha and Clara, the birthright bestowed on them by their godfather, the mysterious sorcerer Drosselmeyer. Clara, the favourite, grows into beauty and ease, while Natasha is cursed to live in her sister's shadow. But one fateful Christmas Eve, Natasha gets her chance at revenge. For Drosselmeyer has returned and brought with him the Nutcracker, an enchanted present which offers entry to a deceptively beautiful world: the Kingdom of Sweets.In this land of snow and sugar, Natasha is presented with a power far greater than Drosselmeyer: the Sugar Plum Fairy, who is also a giver of gifts . . . and a maker of dread-filled bargains. As Natasha uncovers the dark destiny laid before her birth, she must reckon with powers both earthly and magical . . . and decide to which world she truly belongs.

  • von Erika Johansen
    31,00 €

    "Katniss Everdeen, you have competition."--Entertainment WeeklyIn the final volume of the the New York Times bestselling Tearling trilogy, which has captivated readers around the world, Erika Johansen brings the series to a climactic and satisfying close.In less than a year, Kelsea Glynn has transformed from a gawky teenager into a powerful monarch. As she has come into her own as the Queen of the Tearling, the headstrong, visionary leader has also transformed her realm. In her quest to end corruption and restore justice, she has made many enemies--including the evil Red Queen, her fiercest rival, who has set her armies against the Tear.To protect her people from a devastating invasion, Kelsea did the unthinkable--she gave herself and her magical sapphires to her enemy, and named the Mace, the trusted head of the Queen's Guard, as Regent in her place. The Mace will not rest until he and his men rescue their sovereign, imprisoned and imperiled in Mortmesne. While they embark on this dangerous mission, Kelsea must unravel the secrets of her own heritage and of the Tearling's past, secrets with stakes far higher than she could ever have imagined. But a powerful new enemy stands in her way. Bolstered by anger from the past and growing stronger by the day, he'll stop at nothing to destroy anyone who challenges his claim.Now, as the suspenseful endgame begins, the fate of Queen Kelsea--and of the Tearling itself--will finally be revealed.

  • von Erika Johansen
    25,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Erika Johansen
    9,99 €

    Seit Kelsea Glynn ihr rechtmäßiges Erbe angetreten hat, ist in Tearling ein Zeitalter der Menschlichkeit und der Gerechtigkeit angebrochen. Doch mit der Roten Königin des Nachbarreiches Mortmesne hat sich Kelsea eine ebenso mächtige wie gefährliche Feindin gemacht: Unaufhaltsam marschiert die gewaltige Mort-Armee auf die Grenzen Tearlings zu. Noch während Kelsea versucht, einen Krieg zu verhindern, den sie nicht gewinnen kann, kommt sie einem Geheimnis aus der Vergangenheit auf die Spur - einem Geheimnis, das das Schicksal Tearlings für immer verändern wird . . .

  • von Erika Johansen
    9,99 €

    Ein Königreich, das seit vielen Jahren von mächtigen Feinden bedroht wird. Eine junge Herrscherin, die von einem Tag auf den anderen die Verantwortung für Tausende von Menschen übernehmen muss. Und eine uralte Magie, die das Potenzial in sich birgt, ganze Welten zu retten oder zu zerstören ... Für Kelasea Raleigh ist nichts so, wie es sein sollte: Sie hat nie darum gebeten, mit neunzehn Jahren die Königin eines bettelarmen Landes zu werden. Niemand hat sie auf den Hass, der ihr am eigenen Hof entgegenschlägt, vorbereitet. Und nie hätte sie gedacht, dass zwei grundverschiedene Männer die Zukunft ihrer Regentschaft mitbestimmen werden. Hin zum Licht oder hin zum Dunkel ...

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