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Bücher von Ernst Toller

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  • von Ernst Toller
    26,00 €

    Das Porträt einer Generation und ein packendes Stück deutscher Geschichte   Eine Jugend in Deutschland, voller Hoffnung und voller Enttäuschung: Als Freiwilliger zieht Ernst Toller begeistert in den Ersten Weltkrieg und kehrt, für kriegsuntauglich erklärt, als bekennender Pazifist zurück. In München schlägt er sich im November 1918 auf die Seite der Revolution, wird zum Anführer der Räterepublik und erlebt deren tragisches Scheitern. Er wird steckbrieflich gesucht und zu fünf Jahren Festungshaft verurteilt. Als er im Juli 1924 das Gefängnis verlässt, ist Ernst Toller eine nationale Berühmtheit.  In seinem aufrichtigen, meisterhaft lakonisch erzählten Buch beschreibt der Schriftsteller die ersten dreißig Jahre seines Lebens - ein Klassiker der autobiographischen Literatur und ein Schlüsseltext zur deutschen Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts.  Herausgegeben und mit einem Essay von Ernst Piper, mit zahlreichen historischen Abbildungen, Faksimiles und Dokumenten.

  • von Ernst Toller
    20,00 €

    A landmark of the Weimar Republic, Ernst Toller's Hoppla, We're Alive! is one of the founding works of what would later be come to known as the epic theater and a powerful portrait of a fragile democracy at war with itself, inevitably corrupted from within by the rising forces of capitalism and fascism. Karl Thomas, a participant in the failed Soviet-style revolutions of 1918, has spent the past eight years in a mental hospital. Released into the Germany of 1927, Karl Thomas encounters each of his former comrades in a world where all of the lessons of the first world war and the revolution seem to have been forgotten. Building to a powerful and tragic climax, Toller's play has lost none of its power to shock, provoke, and awaken readers. This translation, adapted from its performance at La Mama in the fall of 2019, is an attempt to reconcile the play's multiple extant drafts and divided meanings. In the winter of 1939, 12 years after he had staged this play in Weimar Berlin, Piscator was invited to open the Dramatic Workshop at the New School, long a home for artists and intellectuals in exile. Under Piscator's leadership, the Dramatic Workshop would come to be perhaps themes influential theater school in the United States, instrumental in the careers of Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler, Harold Clurman, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Marlon Brando, and Judith Malina. Earlier that spring, Piscator met for coffee with Toller to discuss a future project. Two days later, on May 22, 1939, Toller hanged himself, in what was then the Mayflower Hotel off Central Park West.Berlinica Publishing offers English-language books from Berlin, German; fiction, non-fiction, travel guides, history about the Wall and the Third Reich, Jewish life, art, architecture and photography, as well as travel guides and cookbook. It also offers documentaries and feature films on DVD, as well as music CDs. Berlinica caters to history buffs, Americans of German heritage, travelers, and artists and young people who love the cutting-edge city in the heart of Europe. Berlinica cooperates with Berlin-based publishing houses. Berlinica's current and upcoming titles include "Our West Berlin," by various authors, also five translated books by famed Weimar author Kurt Tucholsky as well as Harold Poor's landmark biography of Tucholsky, two translated plays by Ernst Toller, and two American travel stories by Alfred Kerr and Roda Roda, soon to be followed by Egon Erwin Kisch's "Paradise America".In the non-fiction department, we have "Rocking the Wall," the Bruce-Springsteen-book and "Burning Beethoven," about German Americans in World War I, both by Erik Kirschbaum, also "Mark Twain in Berlin," by Andreas Austilat, "Berlin 1945: World War II: Photos of the Aftermath," by Michael Brettin, "The Berlin Wall Today," a full-color guide to the remnants of the Wall, by Michael Cramer, "Berlin in the Cold War," about post-World War II history, the comprehensive guide "Jews in Berlin," by Andreas Nachama, Julius Schoeps, Hermann Simon, and "A Place they Called Home," edited by Donna Swarthout about Jews returning to Germany.We also offer "The Berlin Cookbook," a full-color collection of traditional German recipes by Rose Marie Donhauser, the picture book "Wings of Desire," by Lothar Heinke, "Martin Luther's Travel Guide," by Cornelia Dömer, "Leipzig! The City of Books und Music," by Sebastian Ringel, and "Berlin For Free," a guide for the frugal traveler by Monica Maertens.

  • von Ernst Toller
    36,00 €

    Ernst Toller ist ein Vertreter der expressionistischen Jugend, die das Grauen des Ersten Weltkriegs und die Enttäuschungen revolutionärer Hoffnungen erlebte. In unserer Zeit wird eine Fülle von Begriffen gebraucht, deren Inhalte nicht mehr übereinstimmen mit unserer Erkenntnis und unserem Wissen. Sie aufzulösen und von der neuen Nähe, die wir zu Dingen und Menschen gewonnen haben, zu gestalten und ehrlicher zu benennen, ist notwendig. Auch in der Begriffswelt der Revolution, der Arbeiterschaft dürfen wir pharisäische Phrasen, unechte Scheidemünzen, verlogene Zerrbilder nicht zulassen. [Textauszug]Der Neusatz des Textes folgt der Ausgabe Berlin 1930, erschienen im Gustav Kieperheuer Verlag.

  • von Ernst Toller
    21,00 €

    A landmark of the Weimar Republic, Ernst Toller's Hoppla, We're Alive! is one of the founding works of what would later be come to known as the epic theater and a powerful portrait of a fragile democracy at war with itself, inevitably corrupted from within by the rising forces of capitalism and fascism. Karl Thomas, a participant in the failed Soviet-style revolutions of 1918, has spent the past eight years in a mental hospital. Released into the Germany of 1927, Karl Thomas encounters each of his former comrades in a world where all of the lessons of the first world war and the revolution seem to have been forgotten. Building to a powerful and tragic climax, Toller's play has lost none of its power to shock, provoke, and awaken readers. This translation, adapted from its performance at La Mama in the fall of 2019, is an attempt to reconcile the play's multiple extant drafts and divided meanings. I would like to thank the rest of the LUDZ collective (Lloyd Huber, set and projections designer, Ulrich Lehman, dramaturg, and Zishan Ugurlu, director) for their vision and faith in bringing Hoppla its first North American production. In the winter of 1939, 12 years after he had staged this play in Weimar Berlin, Piscator was invited to open the Dramatic Workshop at the New School, long a home for artists and intellectuals in exile. Under Piscator's leadership, the Dramatic Workshop would come to be perhaps themes influential theater school in the United States, instrumental in the careers of Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler, Harold Clurman, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Marlon Brando, and Judith Malina. Earlier that spring, Piscator met for coffee with Toller to discuss a future project. Two days later, on May 22, 1939, Toller hanged himself, in what was then the Mayflower Hotel off Central Park West.Berlinica Publishing LLC is a multi-media publishing house based in New York City; with its sister company Berlinica Publishing UG based in Berlin. Berlinica offers English-language books from Germany, fiction and non-fiction, mostly about history, also as e-books. Upcoming is "Our West-Berlin" and "Springtime in America," by Roda Roda, the first book of a series by Weimar writers in the new world. Berlinica titles include Kurt Tucholsky's books "Berlin! Berlin!," "Germany? Germany!," "Rheinsberg," "Hereafter," and "Prayer After the Slaughter," a series of dramas from the Weimar Republic, a book about Mark Twain in Berlin, "Berlin 1945" with historic black-and-white pictures from the Soviet Army archives and "Berlin in the Cold War" . Berlinica also offers the comprehensive history book "Jews in Berlin" as well as "A Place They Called Home," about the children of German Jews returning. We sell "The Berlin Wall Today," a full-color guide to the remnants of the Wall by Michael Cramer and "The Berlin Cookbook," a full-color collection of traditional German recipes. Our program also includes the music CD "Berlin-mon amour," by chanteuse Adrienne Haan, and two documentaries on DVD, "The Red Orchestra," by Berlin-born artist Stefan Roloff and "The Path to Nuclear Fission," by New York filmmaker Rosemarie Reed. Berlinica also sells books beyond Berlin, namely a travel guide to Martin Luther and a book on the 1000-year anniversary of Leipzig.

  • von Ernst Toller
    17,00 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    14,00 €

    Drew Lichtenberg is an adaptor, translator, and dramaturg who lives in Washington, D.C. He has worked with the Royal National Theatre, the Roundabout Theatre Company on Broadway, La Mama and the Public Theater off-Broadway, and regionally with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Baltimore Center Stage, Yale Repertory Theatre, Williamstown Theatre Festival, and others. He is currently the Literary Manager and Resident Dramaturg at the Shakespeare Theatre Company. He has taught as an adjunct at Eugene Lang College at the New School and the Catholic University of America. He holds a Doctorate in Fine Arts from Yale School of Drama.

  • von Ernst Toller & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    11,90 - 19,90 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    14,90 - 44,90 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    34,90 - 69,90 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    29,80 €

    »Biographien erreichen selten die Kompliziertheit individuellen Daseins, viele Konturen des «vollständigen Menschen» bleiben unbelichtet, alle Momente müssen, nach einem Wort Karoline von Günderodes, immer den einen bestimmen und begreiflich machen, insbesondere in einem Buch, das wie dieses den öffentlich wirkenden Menschen zeichnet. Nicht nur meine Jugend ist hier aufgezeichnet, sondern die Jugend einer Generation und ein Stück Zeitgeschichte dazu. Viele Wege ging diese Jugend, falschen Göttern folgte sie und falschen Führern, aber stets bemühte sie sich um Klärung und um die Gebote des Geistes. Wer den Zusammenbruch von 1933 begreifen will, muß die Ereignisse der Jahre 1918 und 1919 in Deutschland kennen, von denen ich hier erzähle.« (Der Autor im Vorwort)InhaltBlick 1933 | 1. Kindheit | 2. Student in Frankreich | 3. Kriegsfreiwilliger | 4. Die Front | 5. Ich will den Krieg vergessen | 6. Auflehnung | 7. Streik | 8. Militärgefängnis | 9. Irrenhaus | 10. Revolution | 11. Bayerische Räterepublik | 12. Flucht und Verhaftung | 13. Eine Zelle, ein Hof, eine Mauer | 14. Standgericht | 15. Antlitz der Zeit | 16. Fünf Jahre

  • von Ernst Toller
    18,90 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    19,90 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    12,90 - 31,90 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    29,90 - 48,90 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    23,00 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    9,80 €

    Wolfgang Frühwalds Aufsehen erregende, von der Zeitschrift »Damals« preisgekrönte Neuedition der Autobiographie Ernst Tollers, 2011 bei Reclam im Hardcover erschienen, erschließt diesen wichtigen Text durch einen ausführlichen Kommentar, der dem Leser die historischen Hintergründe der Vorkriegszeit, des Ersten Weltkriegs und der Münchner Räterepublik sowie alle auftretenden Personen erklärt. Diese Ausgabe wurde jetzt vom Herausgeber nochmals durchgesehen und auf die Bedürfnisse der Universal-Bibliothek zugeschnitten: damit gibt es den wichtigen Text in einer verlässlichen, preiswerten Ausgabe für Schule und Universität.

  • - The Collected Poems
    von Ernst Toller
    29,00 €

    Vormorgen aims to collect all of Ernst Toller''s poetic works in a single volume; the first to appear in nearly a century.This edition, in German and English, includes Toller''s three principle poetic works: Vormorgen, The Poems of the Imprisoned, and The Book of Swallows, as well as his scattered, uncollected poems. Toller was a Jewish anarchist working in Munich, and was briefly the president of the Bavarian Soviet Republic (M├╝nchner R├ñterepublik / Munich Worker''s Republic), which was predominantly organized by poets and playwrights, so it''s often been referred to as the regime of coffeehouse anarchists.The occupation began peacefully, with the anarchists occupying Munich without firing a shot, but was ended brutally a month later, on May Day, when the Freikorps were sent in. Over 600 people were killed, half of which were citizens killed in street fighting. Some were sentenced to death by firing squad, others were sentenced to prison. Ernst Toller was sent to Niedersch├╢nenfeld prison for five years, where he began working on the majority of his poems. When he was released, he was exiled to the UK, and later to the States. While living in New York, he received word that his mother and sister were sent to concentration camps, and he took his life in 1939.

  • - Eine Autobiografie
    von Ernst Toller
    12,80 - 26,80 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    31,00 €


  • - Ein Sonettenkreis (Nr. 44)
    von Ernst Toller
    12,90 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    30,00 €

    This is the fascinating autobiography of Ernst Toller. Ernst Toller (1893 - 1939) was a German left-wing playwright, best known for his expressionist plays. He also famously served for six days in 1919 as the President of the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic, later being imprisoned for his actions. This volume is highly recommended for those with an interest in twentieth-century European history. Contents include: "Childhood", "A Student in France", "War", "At the Front", "An Attempt to Forget Revolt", "Strike", "The Military Prison", "The Lunatic Asylum", "Revolution", "The Bavarian Soviet Republic", etc. Many vintage books such as this are increasingly scarce and expensive. It is with this in mind that we are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially-commissioned new biography of the author.

  • von Ernst Toller
    11,00 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    19,80 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    14,90 - 29,90 €

  • von Ernst Toller
    33,00 - 34,00 €

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